Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1900, p. 7

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 10 1900 inVii dm local WRAVlSOOlKa OK ABOUT On account of making further im provements the Factory shut down three days last week All Tour furnaces now going with the new Dutch and arc working very satisfactory The main pulley which was partly of wood has been changed for one of iron which weighs 2830 lis It is feet indies Jn diameter and has inch face for the driving belt Every thing in in fine running order again The Friends Sunday School hold a at Lake this afternoon Special cars here at one oclock and the tickets arc good for any car after that hour The fare Is children half price Tile WOMAN AND THE of Ladies Childrens hoes China and Country Visit ft Him I think it would he a good plan to send Willie up Into the country to his uncles near Newmarket for a month suggested Willies father in their home in Toronto the other day lies never on a faun and it would foe rather a novel experience for him No you dont Interrupted Willie Ive heard all about the country and Im not going anywhere where they have threshing machines Its bad enough when- its done by Produce There was a splendid market here Inst Saturday and though butler was offered in abundance it remained from per lb Kegs dropped to lie per new potatoes per peck splendid size Harvest apples from to per peck Butter beans per peck Onions carrots and hunch fir each Green corn do Honey in comb tic lb Strained honey lb currants Red rasp- He lb Black currants Live chickens to pair old fowl to pair methodise Church The pastor delivered a good sermon last Sunday morning and Mr Stevens of Toronto gave an excellent address in the evening Mr and Miss Ste vens sang beautifully at the Love Feast and again at the evening ser vice Mr Jackson presided at the pipe organ I The mystery of womanhood full deep unanswerable enigmas women be compelled to because they arc women Why la that the source of their la the iine time the cause of their greatest wretchedness The very which make it possible for womtn to be happy Good Mr Jos Snider was engaged to put in incandescent lights at the Howls Lake Park and he did the job ji days When the current was turned on everything went all OK and Joe is getting considerable praic foi the extent and efficiency work The Metropolitan Co has ordered more electrical machinery to increase the power at Bonds Lake Power House and expect to have it installed in time for the Exhibition rush in traffic High School All the members one were pre sent at the meeting on Tuesday after noon Three applications were for Caretaker running from to per annum Mr was the lowest and bis applica tion was accepted Tile estimated and expendi tures were carefully over and it was decided ask the Council for the same Hoard expects to floating debt this wipe Fall as last year The of the Very interesting for purchasers Dinner Sets Toilet Bets Tea Sets Lemonade Bets Butter Crocks Fell Off the Trolley Mr James a resident of Toronto had his leg cut oil the knee by a Metropolitan ear at Mills The young man was a passen ger on the down car from Newmarket on Monday evening and when the put into a siding at Mills he ran across the street to to at the Tito car had just started and was veiling slowly when he ran hack and attempt ed to board the front motor but miss ing his grip he fell underneath the trailer The injured man was im mediately conveyed to Dr hospital at Richmond Hill for treat raent in the shade here on day each side of it was Whew Monday The nearly as hot Whitchurch Council meets at trae next Wednesday Mr Belfry Niagara St has raised a new Hag pole The youngster and the green apple are cronies Some fine fields of red clover and buckwheat between here and the Lake The roof of the Specialty Works is getting a new coat of paint The Band go to a Garden Party at next Wednesday night A heavy thundershower passed over here yesterday afternoon and cooled the atmosphere o Fruit Jars We have a Big Stock Now Ihe beginning of Preserving and reason CUR STOCK OF cannot be Excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices and give you the best in quality SilTH The Leading Grocer Telephone Business Men still spend time and money travelling when they might do their business quicker cheaper and just as satis factorily by Long Distance books Winners The grand victory at Richmond Hill on Monday and the Shamrocks defeat at St Catharines practically leaves Newmarket winners of the York District L A- with one more home game to play on Au gust The learn loft here by special car at p accompanied by about one hundred supporters At the teams lined up as fol lows Richmond Hill Granger J Glover Glover Mckenzie J Glass Michael Glass Doyle Smith Flanagan Clifton Kennedy Simpson Webb Campbell Manning Doyle Referee Ed Doyle It was exceedingly hot hut a grand day for Lacrosse The ground was so hard and rough that the bounce of the ball was most uncertain consequently the visitors were at a great disadvan tage and missed many good chances AH through the first half Newmarket continued to pile up the score It was noe until the had two goals that the boys in black got a look In and scored the 3rd game in minutes This was the only goal they got during the first half while Newmarket scored live In beginning of the second half the play became more hard and close Smith of the had his head severely cut and the offending player had to leave the field for minutes It was not until after eleven minutes play that Newmarket could score again Campbell doing the needful The Hill boys were not discouraged but more determined after this and scored the next two games in and minutes During the remaining time the play was very even and was everybodys game The final score in favor of Newmarket Richmond HiJI has a very strong team but their shoot can stand great improvement The return match at Newmarket on should be a very pretty game Shots Campbell and Manning are playing well together was the star of the home Larry Doyle Webb was always front of the dags Simpson was a little late for game but made up for tho lost time on the Held The lacrosse boys got home on the car and were mot by a big crowd Of people The Band turned out and led- a torchlight procession to the hero next Tuesday will decided the Championship if Newmar ket wins- At St Catharines Canadians Trapped A By London Aug A party of Boers near notified the English officers commanding at of I their willingness to surrender of the Horse were sent to ac cept the submission of the officer in charge- When the ap proached the rendezvous in extended order the Boers opened fire A ser geant who had raised a in ada rallied his Doing be rode among the who demanded his surrendered Never cried the sergeant who while turning his horse was shot dead The Canadians lost two dead and three wounded out of a party of A letter today on The Daily News from its correspondent at Pre toria says that the Canadian Mounted Riflemen with distin guished themselves by courageous deeds that will rank high among the most brilliant episodes of Ibiscam- o and mothers also ren der them liable to the utmost physical misery and pain The Bufferings of body end mind caused by tome of the distinctly femi nine organs arc almost universal among women that the question might be asked Is this Natures punish for the crime of being a woman The true answer No These suffer ings are neither natural nor necessary They not exist if the organism healthy No ought to en dure such troubles There is no need of It Pierces Favorite Prescription a perfect and positive cure for weakness and disease Help is at band for those who to It Dr Pierces Prescrip tion will infallibly cure womanly ills It designed for that purpose alone It acta directly and quietly on the organs Involved and restorer them to health and vigor This proven by the triumphant record of tens of thousands of cures It Is successful when all else has failed Af ter the abhorrent local treatments of the doctors have proven useless the Favor ite Prescription docs its marvelous bringing comfort and happiness It the one that can always depended upon it gives health and strength to the spe cial organs and nervecentres heals in flammation stops weakening drains promotes functional regularity and re stores the norma vigorous and painless condition which Nature intended It is the only medicine of kind In vented by educated and experienced physician It is the only medicine which makes babys coming safe and compara tively painless It has had a larger sale than any other like medicine Get it at druggists and do not be persuaded take a substitute When I wrote to you about two go I was indeed an invalid writes Mrs of Mabus Choctaw Co Miss I could not describe all my Buffering At times I had a sensation of bearing down weight low down me I also suffered great deal with my back I could not walk any great dis tance without pain Had constant drain a frequent desire to urinate also had palpitation of the heart After receiv ing your advice began treatment Pierces Prescription end Medical Discovery I kept this up several months and am now in the best of health Many thanks to and your wonderful medicines I have been taking your medicines and they always help me writes Mrs of McLean Co Mine was a very had corn- case of female trouble but I do I would have been my grove If it had not been for your wonderful medicines I have taken Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets I suffered mostly my head and lower bowels espe cially at my monthly periods I would have to go to bed and use hot applica tions drink all kinds of had Canadians lin 37 Battles Ottawa Aug The following ex tract from the orders of the bri gade in South Africa of which the first Canadian contingent formed a part will be of interest The brigade has achieved a record of which any infantry might be proud Since the date it was formed it has marched miles often on half rations seldom full It has taken part in the capture of towns fought in 10 general ac tions and on other days In one period- of days it fought on of them and marched Casualties between and Defeats nil three of the beat physicians I could get One doctored me for twelve months and I worse when he quit than waa when I began with him The other only helped me I will always apeak well of Dr medicines end will recommend them to all auffering women Any woman who would like to know more about this medicine and about lit own physical makeup should tend stamps to Dr Pierce Buf falo to pay the coat of customs and mailing only on a free paperbound copy of his book People Common Medical Adviser cover as usual was his place the On Monday Hie Stars defeated the Shamrocks of To ronto Junction by Aft Ottawa Aug The Militia De partment states today that and Hopkins of A of the Royal Canadian Dragoons Toronto who were under Col in the second contingent were tried and sen tenced to ten years penal servitude for coUeoling arms from the burghers and recolling them to the Boers Death the maximum penalty for this The roll gives J A Hop kins of Robinson St Toronto and of Bradford Ontario Smith of one of the extensive apple deal- era in the province has making a tour of districts and May that crop all over province will good except in Grey county more in iW northern part of it Plum will bo in general a light crop thru oil Ontario and Grimsby will bo a good yield A In the center of a popular house main room In Italy was a targe marble slab which covered ihe pipes that heated the place and tho table were arranged around this There always fine music there In evening made by a man and his wife She a stringed Instru ment and after several selections the carried around a little basket in which sho collected coins from guests One night the music began a man seated at one of the tables held up a gold coin The woman smiled and man dropped It on slab that covered the hot pipes she her collection she went last for the gold coin but picked ft up sbo gave a cry and for It had become heated on slab husband glared at tho man but did Dot a word The next when the musi cians appeared the womans hand bandaged and she bad wrap In managing her When she made her collection avoided man who had played practical joke on her and night after shy did the same thing In vain bo of fered her apologies and other coins but she merely bowed and smiled In passing him and allowed to give her the Slightest ALLEGE Mr Pollock from Randolph Mich in Visiting brother Mr and Mrs Frank Richie from the city Albert over Sunday at Jersey Wait JSterjus Aug The Boers have held up a train on which Mr J to we the American ConsulGen eral at Capo Town was near Orange River Colony taken wore released on the request of Mr It appears that after tho train carrying United States Consul and flying the and Stripes was derailed at south of Boers fired kill ing four of Pretoria have been sent into exile for having be haved cruelly or shamefully to British subjects before or during war terms of exile vary in one reaching Fount There aro 2500 at Hunters camp and fifteen hundred prisoners and nine at General Ian Hamil ton camp There were about in the Valley originally but somo to acquiesce in General urrender and slipped away in night These have now sent in asking for terms of surrender will take some days to ascertain the exact number The Boers who ex cuse themselves for not fighting say they are in a hopeless position The ravines were with wagons which were placed in the most dang erous spots of the roads which were blocked for twenty Aug An engineer who was repairing the telegraph lino near ugersdorp was shot and riddled with bullets by ambushed Boers Several small parties of Boers are property and harassing the British all round Owing to the gar risons having been withdrawn they have occupied an important coal centre east of the Rand seizing the rolling and threatened to destroy the cool mines which are rfecessary to the working of tho way A regiment has been pa teller to retak3 he place WOUNDED Monday Aug The Marjuea correspondent of the Daily Express wiring Saturday says Transvaal advices declare that Gen BadenPowell was wounded during a recent engagement at when the Boers according to their account took some prisoners and captured waggons London Aug In the House of Commons today UnderSecretary of War said the Transvaal war would be over in three weeks- Aug fears that the Elands river garrison has been captured after ten days resist ance Genera Bailer started Tues day to cooperate against General Botha He left tbe railway at and marched miles to which he occupied after a running fight in which he lost wounded Pretoria Aug Trains running between Pretoria and were sniped at by Boers near spruit Two men were wounded A force of mounted In fantry drove the Boers off and burned the farms for ten miles around Wet has crossed the hut he is still hemmed in The Boers hold a position five miles east of This is an advance station on the bay line that is held by Gen French Every intermediate station strongly garrisoned by the British i A THE a and Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves t-A- tA t -p- a Ilea A acq locked to la H n bit it Vcu jaa tit bet led am burnt bi J not J do Hit win tsbodj you must la I i la CbJujo fi tit In Plymouth congregation was one a woman who was a thorn In the flesh She bad ft voice and a stiff manner of speaking Her long drawn out dull dlwcourm the congregation But fltocuVr patient At last he of and evening when Eat down after talk ing on hour lie and In his deep nld slowly I still believe in women speak ing In Ue Wan After lets Ml are What was partner of Ob nothing that fcafore he met me life seemed a to him why waits like a III Brooklyn Life Lover let tt 11 Id pid UK la load lit ether grilling yea lb oyi if ItgetLef org or to Simple to Fully Guaranteed Operate These Stoves operate similar to the well known dent Lamp You lights extinguish and adjust the flame AT flimply lowering the burner Screen Doors Screen Windows IceCream Freezers y Pure Paris Green Binder Twine J Agents for- Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO We Are Dress Goods Trade TH T TORONTO JOBBING Mr Robert of Elders Mills also met with a serious accident whilst drawing in barley on Saturday morning and at latest accounts had not recovered consciousness was driving into his bam with a load of barley the into which was quite steep Going up the incline the broke and the waggon ran back over embankment and upset Mr was extracted from underneath the upturned load and his condition is critical Aug- 9 Wheat per a Wheat per bushel Barter per bushel per baabel Rye per bushel Potatoes Wool per lb Porn per Beef tore Geese per lb per pair to w 15 OCO CO 0 to CO a tO CO a a a a a a a a a a Em jjoude I I to tell yon Clara I In ball In ball was nor flgbtsd- Ihiterruptiisl Vm be lold me all about it He ball was dark pitch or be wo ltd Lave I I fac ftSS05W She epok a fool of 0 CO ss IS 8 CO 003 a a a a a a a a CI OK Aug- ioo Usurper barrel a W W Q Barley per Iter roll per lb AppUdperbbl Sb per lb Hay per to per lb pair Ducts pair per a per too Canada Lteads Them All Mr A- of this city who charge at the Paris tion of the exhibit of the Canadian food products has sent word that Can ada has been awarded the grand prize for cheese butter and eggs in cold Recent shipments of apples have arrived In Paris in spjendid con dition Grimsby packages corftaining to per cent of perfect specimens o The weavers in the Maple Leaf Woollen Mills stoucfc for higher pay Tuesday afternoon at four oclock and not getting the demand walked out The mill has closed down Constantinople Aug A contract was signed here today with the Krupp firm for the purchase of quick- firing guns and armour plate for two torpedo boatdestroyers The amounted in all to Clarence Jackson a London boy was struck on the head with a base ball club that slipped from the hands of another boy Jacksons skull was caved in over a surface as large ad the end of the bat The bone badly smashed exposing fiie brain Portions of the skull were removed at the hospital Woodstock Aug John ft a lad of met with a terrible acci dent which may yet result fatally White works for Ed Lock whose farm is near The young lad was leading a cow a rope down in the lane and it started to run away White was thrown against a fence and a sliver as as a broom handle entered his fcanij between the thumb and first finger and extended inside the flesh away up to near his el bow Mr John an aged and respected fanner of Von Township mob with a fatal on Friday eve ning at farm of Mr Frank Whit- more whom he was to draw in barley Whilst in barn ho at tempted to cross a add in way fell thru alighting on a a 9 which earned concussion of the brain He died

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