Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1900, p. 8

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rv A THE ERA FRIDAY AUG from Arc prepared lures mild laxatives and while are reliable and efficient They Cure Sick Headache Sour Stomach and Constipation everywhere per hex so op pair or acne HAT HOT LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONO MID THE THE DAVID CO Our it Any will receive opinion he pitta I ability of Mine How la upon Palail through us Advertised for hale at our Pate a taken receive and widely circulated consulted by Investors FREE J EVANS Attorneys Event Building vAQHlffGTOH 39 3 Leading Specialists of America YEARS III DETROIT CUR EMISSIONS Nothing can bo of lof They produce weak of a of rpiou- unfit for Ufa ftod No matter whether by In Keif will euro you m cure- m PAY Reader you help oxoeJiCii you dUeucd you You Out wilt zoo ua Man You are Bud nervous IrHUble turn ex You Lad blotches jiijapUft ficjjjcta jea ana your long you WlbrITMKB WD XO Mr William Linton sails for Eng land today Friday to purchase bred stock for Hon- Win Mwlocks farm north of regret to learn that Mr Jaroea left here for Doer AllerlA in March is very ill and Is feared will not recover Mrs Win of Newmarket was visiting friends here last week Jytist Thursday evening the oven at tached to Mr Winters fell in and caused him considerable incon venience For some time past the trustees of the Methodist church have had consid erable trouble in trying to slop the Jeakae of gas in the acetylene plant hi the church This week an expert plumber from Toronto has been going over the pipes and it is expected there will be no further trouble At a meeting of the High School Board last week it was decided to ask the Council to for for High School purposes The Public School Hoard at their recent decide to ask for for School purposes In the latter case the amount asked for is than last Children Cry for Howl fled by application of ft nor of paint l Harris son of bin left fall jig off iv Mr and Mr anil child of City Mich are upend- at her par ental home the residence of Mr and Mrs Mr fihoinpr of Mich home on Saturday to upend aummor vacation in looking well and shows indica tion of boin well Used by our ho line fa trill K It to and Wittl receive become vitalized unnatural or iou03 find No HO NO PAY PROM CURES GUARANTEED treat and car HAL AND KID- ROOKS CIIAR0E3 to tall QUICBTIOH BLANK lor STREET All Yield to llnioient for family tea no it 1th 111 III Dor hia ytr I a which to lb It trit IH1I5 hot JOuhtfJk4rpWlaMr that Aft I I c5b Joy the i on him- After wort fcjjnvplt- and hlnu After J ID it to if it QI a bo ftM to iaUst fc Wflw4BIlUmtiu he ticclltil lUu to it rMttntl for Care A J fiftUMHT Milk is not a beverage it a perfect food Where children drink milk at meals it should take the place of nitrogenous food meat of course being omitted ft is far better when the children eat meat to give them water drink Where two sorts of nitrogenous food are used like meat and milk constipation is universal August Ladies Nome Journal wife and daughter wen- guests at Mr camp on Friday They spent the previous day at Jacksons Point Mr and Mrs Mr Will and family also Alder man and wife here last week has proved ait excellent season for those who fishing Air Thompson of Aurora has caught over fringe and P Addison has had great success fishing has also excellent Mr and company caught J one even ing On Friday last Rev Mf came hack from Snake Is land where he had been over night with a fine basket of fish One has was or inches long and family are occupying their new collage at Hollow The water of Lake has sunk ten inches since spring This amount is shown the markings on the stones around the shore Mr Dicksons cottage is about com pleted and looks well Property is increasing rapidly in va lue here learn that Messrs Co have purchased the three lots occupied by their grocery at each and con template the erection of a boarding house There are only a few available lots not sold on the whole shore The excursion to last week was well patronized The boat ran aground in making wharf o MOUNT ALBERT The Methodists have placed a new in their chinch price Ixt- 350 Mr J of the eighth concession near Mount Albert had misfortune to break frer harm jumping out of a on Thursday driving from Holt The became frightened and in her moot Mrs jumped out of the buggy with the above result Mr Parish Steeper was engaged in shingling hi week and while carrying a bunch of shingles across roof trod on a slippery spot and Mr Steeper shingles and all fell in a confused heap to ground Fortunately the distance wan not great and no injury resulted Mr carpenter met with a very peculiar accident on Thursday last while working at Mr Ross verandah He was pulling two posts together and attempting to nail a strip connecting them when he unfortunately wrenched himself in such a way as to injure one of his kidneys It injury ia not permanent The Womens Missionary Auxiliary of the Church met at the home of Robert Hayes on Wed nesday afternoon last The meeting was well attended In tho absence of the president and vicepresident Mrs Wallace presided The usual pro gram was carried out and tho ladies were entertained to tea by Mrs Hayes A pleasant and profitable time was spent by all The next meeting will bo held at tlie homo of Klalr Two men were killed and two a and Rumors following prophesy is copied from tin London Illustrated Times of and appear with equal force to the year A Herald gives the following from MSfi No folio If Day on Monday be A eat winter that year youll fiCe And full of winds both loud and shrill in summer truth to tell High winds there shall be and strong Full of tempests lasting long While battles they shall multiply And great plenty shall die They that be bom that day I ween They shall bo strong each one and keen lie shall be found auht Tho thou be diefit not Hero it in Raid three prophecies wind which lusted from Janu ary to well on in May war which ended at and rinderpest all fulfilled this year after a Monday Christmas The cattle plague it is true was a bum year but still the ancient prophet has proved himself a better man than Old Moore and and a of modern Wat Town Aug commando attacked Gen near but was easily repulsed Seven hundred and fifty additional Boors have to Hunt or Bight nurses have died in South Africa Lord Roberts has recently asked for twenty surgeons and fifty nurses to meet the ex igencies of the campaign which may be prolonged Colomho Aug Two hundred and thirty five Boer prisoners reached here today in transport Mohawk Hollander IrianAmericans Germans and of various nationalities They in clude officers women and oh lid ran whose homes have been burnt by at West flexj to Pretoria for protection A Pretoria Dutchman who was despatched to Europe with for for the some has not since been heard of yp MADNESS r A TALK ON ABSINTH BY ONE WHO WEDDING no LINK OF A CHAIN OP BREAKS THIS CHAIN yy WOMEN STRONG WOMEN WELL Aug is owe of wure rdicviid the whs circulated around that most of had returned their work this and that strike was ctieilly militia was also withdrawn this morning on ac count of a signed by strikers and alike asking for the with drawal of tbo militia and that the grievances of the strikers be looked into by the company having been re ceived by the Council yesterday after noon We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr English Pills if after using of contents of bottle they do not relievo Constipation and We so warrant that four bottles will per manently cure moat case of Constipation or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist J Y Druggist Main St Newmarket Women Going Back to Thcirr There to bo a revival of in terest in needlework as an art Home Journal asked for pho tographs of sofapillows and the re sponse to request was almost over whelming pictures literally pour- in The judges who awarded prizes foe the best examples of tins variety of needlework were greatly at tho artistic excellence of most of the specimens offered Better work and apparently very much more work is being with tho needle than over before The Journal will several pages show ing fifty of tho best of sofa- pillows is being cured Carlton Comity at temperature of or degrees which is five degrees lower than ordinary This cheese is better flavored and sells at half a cent a pound more in British markets Dr of Queens Medical ia making an analysis for the Govern ment Children cry for A The average yield of wheat this year in Manitoba is estimated at from to bushels acre and total yield about eleven million bushels fiva million of which will be required for borne consumption There are prac tically two crops one and other not ripe enough so that folly one quarter wilt be wasted in aping Harvesting in several has already begun for ir A WCHASES to dt4ittd linyrovJ In ulctS clears lLf and re ana fctiiJii were fatally wounded at tho election of Justice of the Peace in Tennessee Thomas Smith and William Morrison of Hamilton were killed by a train on the Nov York Centra Railway near Rochester For and Children U Origin of Setting the on In old English times when each family was obliged to sift its own flouri it happened that an energetic would turn hit sieve so to cause it to catch fire The of sieve used in days was cailed a and it a saying that a lazy man the on fire Now happens that of the River Thames is pronounced like the of this old flour sieve and after many years when oldfashioned was forgotten it wa thought setting on firo meant the on lie and why we say that a will never cot river on Ladies Journal lino Whit- valuable colt kicked by another animal and the- a broken hind le Foreat fires in Newfoundland have wiped out the town of Arm White Bay destroying houses a largo sawmill and several million feet of lumber J Johnston who resigned his position of assistant in Richmond Hill high school has been again en gaged at a salary of of the concession driving in a wagon up a hill a few days ago had both legs by being thrown on a One of the broke and the waggon run down hilt is a cripple and fa of in a serious Company lias to of if given right of city they build a firac- lino railway to to bringing with city into touch with 100000 through an hourly French Acta the Sinn Who tJ tbo old major who of liiturcs of the good table dhote a fcort of especially- fc rio I think of re- flddrcsxiag who die quMtioo I inucbJflce other- no woVec ls0- flavoiing yon ore- Think of it you Keep that up Jong and It will mako you The thing If you selected or or But as fur any peculiar bollcul bra tn effects lire con that ornithine of lip been In eh Then of course you know bow the up bis goblet from until tberc is iiMhlns left the of hut tun to strike at tin I ilflrp nay the dm hut I doubt whether It does him any particular harm you think it The who an American and gts title by of his complexion and the fact that he a living Spa Dish for hJjw anil hesitated re plying- I to disagree with you be fclowly but I that absinth produce an effect the different in- IhiitHy more tenihle than any other hi- tuI ajit commonly drank I believe ho with eyes fiswl on a pellet of which he kneading Ms that lends to a do- of faculties ending hi Of J am not referring to the man who takes nn occasion I absinth or an absinth but to the steady absinth who must have at least two or drinks of it every day Why bluff should be to peculiarly destructive 1 pretend to say hut am convinced that it effects change In the brain tis sue ityjif the end of I be fore is helpless idiocy appalling fatf thai can pusihly overtake a My based on considera ble observation hut mare especially upon the experience of a young man with whom was once termL of maty This friend of mind the translator went had Wilde absinth a necessity before he was really aware that be had contracted a habit lie what call ed a moderate drinker who prided himself ujiin never intoxicated and he liked the peculiar taste of the liqueur he drifted into the practice of drinking it to Quote bis own words instead of some thing stronger He believed like you that there was no special harm in it not much thatt flavored water be had been keeping that up for perhaps three ytara steadily increasing the daily tipple when one night a very curious thing happened to A he described it to we afterward by street with an go trivial subjects he found himself in au entirety different part of the city His companion was by ide talking pleasantly and was absolutely no of transition ft as if he had his eyes on one spot and opened them dozen blocks away and J need hardly to you that ho and startled all realised that there bud been ao In terra but how long it had lasted and of what had happened in the meantime he no idea A wave of oblivion as nearly as I can express it bad surged backward in his brain and wiped out the of at east half an hour just yon might a over a slate By mere chance the other man Mid not observe agitation and after a ate effort be calmed himself and caught the thread of the talk again horrible lapse the first of many others which gradually became more more frequent At my friend did not attribute them to but when be attempted to stop the liqueur they increased so alarmingly and were accompanied by such a shocking collapse as to leave no doubt as to the connection between and the habit For neatly a year be lived In perfect inferno Sometimes be would go for several weeks without an attack then two or three follow in quick succession and doubt as to what had hap pened id the last interval kept biro in a state of incessant and agonized One day he met an old friend who ab ruptly refused his band and told him nev er to Epofil to blin any of his family He never knew what bad occasioned the rebuff never dared to ask but that It was due to some thing that bad occurred during one of bis dreadful scissions of memory was Chilly obvious I will not you with further detail Suffice it to say that the tormented man finally gathered together fortitude to put himself into an asylum where the habit broken but with a shuck that left virtually a wreck are the facta of the case and they illustrate fairly well the peculiar la brain destroy iog qualities of the drink occasional may not be specially harmful but heaven help the man to whom It penuhle He has set his foot on a dark mini and that way madness lies New Orleans Children is ft for Castor OH Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It neither nor other It is giiaranteo in thirty by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and cures DlnrrliccaamlVind Colic- relieves Teething Constipation and Flatulency axsim Hates regulates the and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep the Children Panacea Mothers Friend an Excellent medicine for children Mothers have me of good effect upon ilielr children Osgood Aa Us 1 to well that I It as superior any pre scription to ie- A V THE FACSIM1LE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER CITY THIS SUMMER Do you think of If you do write llfl 611 fa LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And gel Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL IDE LITE SI Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork dread hot They know here it and this affects All such mothers seed Scotts Emulsion It gives them and makes the babys rood richer and more abundant FctOcy Canada tor of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES HNS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co newmarket fi Subscribe for the Era and get all the Home News of Success Raj to that he baa moved to on St and that he Co Loom with all the late to date and thai hew do Beat Work Rag Weaving- Call and Send mm Early During the above period I have sold engines besides several Sep- I have bad no or disputes of any kind and far as I knew my are well ftatisflod I yet have several Portable Engines for Cornell A belt Whit and I can supply a full refitted at 400 giving years time No cheap via sold it will with regular given and customers before SEE SAL FOR THE HOLIDAYS all the Latest Styles and at Lowest Finished at dozen most at dozea Crayon and Water Colors Pioture3 and framed of all made to order A mm f k t a i Jrv i- t

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