Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1900, p. 6

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NEWMARKET ERA Ft around Hub AND SHARON Miss returned to her home in Toronto on Tuesday after spending her holidays here Miss Lena Mrs If son re turned home spending in last week Mr- Robert ferry is engaged teach in the Jersey school Miss Muriel Wilson of Toronto to is In spite of have finished harvest and threshing is all rage Miss Bella Hamilton has gone to the Northwest for a prolonged visit holidays with relatives who sorting in the M Geo Minorhas returned to itofenu Stat after a two weeks visit mother H retted to the city HOLLAND LANDING Mr George Gray and wife of the North West are spending a few days With friends here Mr and Mrs of New Pa who have been visiting at If Wests returned on last Mrs who has been jerk- ZEPHYR H J Lepard is agent tie l Bra at this place t Mrs Robert of the rams most people fcw are pleased to say BALDWIN BREEZED Miss Ann Stephens will address the Endeavor next Wednesday evening Visitors at Mr Jos The Qur Mm Winchester of Buffalo and Mr t0 the of Toronto fruit for canning purposes but they Miss Rose and Mr Henry Glover spent SuBday at Sutton The of Brace- bridge are staying at Mr Thomas Glovers Mr James spent Sunday with Miss Nellie Norns- some better Mr took a bus to Roachs on- Wednesday The ladies sap they enjoyed the days outing immensely Rev Mr Scott of Toronto officiated at the English church on Sunday and the sermon was very much by all Miss I is spending a few weeks visiting relatives in the Mrs Spengler of Chicago returned oh Saturday last after spending a few weeks at her fathers Mr Cradle To Mr and Mrs Car- berry on Sunday the 26th a daughter for 90Q- ana to Let FOB SALS- ORCHARD BEACH Mr editor of Au rora Banner spent over Sunday here Rev J Gardner and wife drove along the shore on Sunday They were visiting at Mr John for a few days Mr Embury and three gentlemen friends from Newmarket put up at the Point hotel on Sunday It is reported that Mr A B David son has bought a couple more lots at Orchard Beach and intends to put up another cottage next summer Miss Sara Richardson and Miss on have been spending a Week at Mr McKays camp Mr and Mrs Bert Cane and two lady friends occupied Portsmouth over found that grocers are in it to make wealth not for fun The ease which it rains these days disgusts many folks Grannie says weve had enough Mrs Elijah Morton and family to gether with Nelson Kate for ijanitoba on The little black eyed dress maker her sweetheart anil Aunt Ini tial Anns gal all to last week The girls pottered round the shops long after the warning whistle consequently- got If ft The young man stuck to the girls like- a so he stepped off and rejoined They arrived safely Some next day Mr- Draper brought home and embraced the In drive Miss May home Whether he embraced anything beside the opportunity is not for me to say Miss while through Friday evening her purse containing less thirty nine dollars and eightythree cents The finder will please return the pntse and keep the money for bis honesty The North York Liberals should be Sunday Big run on Davisons ice cream every doing Nominee hot day Last Friday night the wick Endeavor of the Methodist church Sutherland of Con drove down in big hay rack and en- visiting her cousin Miss Ida War- joyed theinsejves One evening dell Miss brilliant a similar load drove over from eyes like an electric light are raising Cook camp on the north shore Cain in our young mens- hearts t were the they Josh has returned from Britches Columbia He finds the streets there are not paved with gold In future Ontario is good enough for him- Good market on Monday Prices guests of Mr on Sun day Mr and Mrs J left for the city this week after spending about 3 months at Zephyr Villa is greatly improved health Dr is getting his place nicely The mail man had runaway last week The horse dragged him a little piece and then hit his head against the gate post He was stiffened up next day The Hope people were quite surprise last Sunday Mr Barker W Alma has come on a visit of two weeks It looks quite natural to see him in our midst again Rev Mr Webster and Rev Mr Mason passed thru here on their wheels on their way to King City The sound of the and the sight an occasional grimy face tell us that threshing is on hand A sort of lonesomcness steals over us by the absence for a night or two of a visitor to the evening resort Anyone else feel lonesome I saw a young lady loose a bag of flour on the road Worst it the bag burst spilling the contents Won der if the miller looked cross Mr Cooks sawmill on has consumed nearly nil the logs that stood in the mill yard His men have been teaming lumber to Newmarket for some time We were glad to see some of the Zephyr boys at prayermeeting last Thursday The meetings are well at tended at Tent Comers A stranger will speak at Tent Cor ners on Sunday Service Starting at eleven oclock Two A ladies held a meeting on Friday evening at Hope Church An other meeting on Friday evening Aug 31st Mr from Toronto held an Mr aud ftjxs Homer are at sent visiting at- Richmond Hill Word came here cm Saturday that that Mrs Samuel father Mr Phoenix of was very so his daughter and her son and another young lady drove to that place to see him and on returning in te evening the horse got choked by too small a collar and staggered throwing the rig and occupants in the ditch whereby had her shoulder hone fractur ed and the cap of her shoulder split Fortunately the other occupants re ceived save a slight shaking up We understand that Mr Jesse Coot tearing down his sliver house as he thinks it will not be a very substantial structure- had a gentleman visitor from staying with him part of last week Several from here took in the Satur day trip from Jacksons Point to rie Mr Pickering our popular har ness maker took in the excursion to Niagara last week Mr and Mrs Jos spent Sat urday in Keswick visiting friends Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is receive subscriptions col lect accounts etc Orders for- all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to Lot con tod plow laod or P About ISO Apply to ycCJeUan Teacher Wanted For Section -So- To sun 1st of tot he or That lot Street as the Old Church building site la tie To For further particulars apply Isaao to J form ho thai ho has moved to House on St and that be BUll has that Celebrated Iowa Co with all to date that he is prepared to do Beat Work In Bag Carpet Call see Send foot rags Id OF R Bays that of bcb he the of he fleld Is particularly tooome la and buy theta and take them out of the of said Bailiff Card of MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL will on English French and Music Terms IN ADVANCE Valuable Farm Of ST There will be sold by Public Auction tbe Hewitt Hotel Newmarket on Saturday tie WOO at oclock In the forenoon tbe I freehold property freehold Of to return our sincere thanks to the members of tbeeer- Orders as well neighbors for thel very kindness and ASdiamnce and death or my father and also In connect too with the funeral KENNEDY property namely first of late Dawson about acres more or lea This farm la situate about mile from Sew market cons late of a good clay soli on It a good brick house with frame outbuildings also a good orchard and IS of good hardwood bash Terms percent cash and balance In days The farm win be sold subject to a re serve bid- For particulars of apply to Solicitor for Vendors Tenders Wanted Tenders will bo received by up to Sept for the erection of a Ave for Silver The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted For plans and apply to TENCH Factory ri2 Hurst of Jersey service in the Hall cleared up shows his new buyer He sewed three fine evening to advantage A neat -rh- una Mr to advantage A neat rustic fence runs along the roadside A baptismal service took place in the Lake at Morton last Satur day which was largely attended chickens The buyer who attends rain or shine hot or cold is the one sports a new top who gets the cream of trade Uncle John has the finest j harvest of apples I set tooth in Squire had the misfortune 1 1 also would remark that he has the to lose a calf valued last week best watch dog in all the country A ditch passes thru his farm and thats why he has the apples ties surface water into the lake but in Madams and wore measured crossing another mans properly it has visiting in last week En got filled up and the water backs up route homeward after they causing the ditch in Mr jwcre scared by a harmless farm to be quite soft in the bottom owJ After one of the recent rains the calf New school house opened for supposed lo have gone to the ditch ness on Tuesday of this week under to get a drink and sticking fast in charge of Cole who we are the mire was drowned when Mr Thompson of Aurora has broken pleased to announce succeeded in paw ing qualifications All will be plain sailing after this Has our milkdrawer thrown up the Sob The water in the mill pond low but as we pass by we can the of the water wheel Mr Nelson has corn ft inch high on 25th Young Hopeful very hear that re- Mr J of Thornton has turned home after spending a week with bis cousins the Misses Hill Top Farm Miss of New York returned ttns lunge and fresh water turtle he ever saw but Hill Top Farm unable to ketch I bass have been more plentiful ibis year unfortunately was than for the oast six or seven vears It must have been an I pouiider It was basking on a log be side the river Free conference this year at a small place Kingston Minor and wife drove down Henry is delegate from here It makes we laugh a quiet little past six or years There was quite an ornithological curiosity in one of the trees on Squire lawn this summer A bumming bird built- a nest laid two eggs and hatched both out It was supposed by some people that hum ming birds did not propagate this climate On Wednesday of last week Alary the servant girl at Mr Howards summer residence near Bay View Villa created quite a sc-nsa- by taking Paris Green Two doc tors were sent for and it was Hoped that the fatality was prevented but on Friday on advice of the physi cians the girl was taken to Toronto Dr and Mr Howard went with her on Saturday but she died in the ambulance on the way to St Michaels Hospital The young woman was about years of age and was in com fortable circumstances having worked a domestic in the homes of several Toronto doctors during past five years An operation performed on her a year ago left her physically but was not supposed to have bad any mure serious effects The Ice Cream Social on Saturday night last under the auspices of the Mission Hand was well patronized Proceeds Mr Geo Fogg and family returned from the Lake shore on Saturday last Our Academy- has opened again for he fall term consequently our town arc no is very quiet as there snicker sometimes to sec the trickery around people will employ to get money but Sutherland of sometimes one laughs on side of iVlm were visiting at Ms when theyre the victims that are fleeced A has some very handsome app Why those visiting at Mr Fred took the prize at Newmarket Queens- i wtc Mr Frank Morton was visiting at showed them says I Oh lent House in Sharon on An them to says he Ha ha barn is completed Fogg lor He is now drawing his grain Mdhf not to retmn a Graham is very ill with Mrs John Is pcndlcitig There Is a considerable deal of visiting in To ronto Mrs John Link and daughter intend Quaker about me inasmuch as I am a few weeks lover of peace sobriety and honor They as a people lead such a peaceable life aa to command the of all who are thrown into that many of their old time observances are passing I times think their dress Is a little smarter used to was lee with and Miss spent Tuesday at Zephyr Villa Mr Job lights of Sharon Sunday with friends on the shore Mr and family of also Mrs of Brad ford are occupying Mr Alford McDougall and another boy of Newmarket are tenting on the shore for a week or mure Keswick Christian Church Aid party Wednesday flight on the beautiful ground of Mr- Elijah ner wax Jcoy The gate re ceipts to the grounds realized and it vas expected he refresh men of ice cream etc would pro bably turn JIG at Paris Miss Marion of Hamilton is visiting at Mr Aylwarda Miss Addle Wight was At Home to a number of friends on evening Miss Wright Toronto who lias been spending the summer at Or chard was here a couple of dnvs old custom of greeting other with Mnxt to Toronto a brotherly kiss of love has disappear ed A sort of electric thrill seemed to The residence and outbuildings of of Camden County were destroyed by Arc 5he buildings insured pass through one when a good mother would salute one with a kiss find a cheery Well friend John how dost thee do It docs to me that the sweetest mothers in all the world are found amongst them I do not it advisable to say any more concerning our pretty girls Mother Owl Is getting too handy with the rolling pin and potato masher She does not employ them in their legitimate use As a last and part ing word I may say the girls arc here yet Miss Maud Riddel is home from Poacha Point where she has spent summer The At a meeting of the Bast Society on Friday evening was decided to the annual Fall Fair on Oct Mi Wight in the Secretary The P Intend having a Peach Social In the Hall Tuesday evening Our hotel is beginning to like a hotel The masons are done and the carpenters arc rushing wok on inside It la rumored that boys are getting into trouble by riding their on sidewalks but I icss thai if that Snow Bylaw is no good the Hike Bylaw is useless also Cat 1c arc allowed to roam large in our tillage but the bikes lake Id Rats I Judge Mr Lester Kemp is home from Win- Mr Herbert Kemp of Cannington with his two little daughters spent Sunday with friends here- Professor Hudspeth of Bishops Col lege Que wife are guests with her brother Mr P Tremayne Mrs Mark went to To ronto last Monday to visit with her daughter Mrs Mrs Geo spent last- week with Miss Comer Mrs left this week for a few visit with friends at Mrs Howard with her little son are visiting friends here Regret to learn that she received serious in juries from a fall Mrs and Miss spent last Friday in Mr of Toronto was in Sutton and vicinity last week taking orders for photo enlargements A few of our citizens availed them selves of the opportunity to visit the Fails by last Fridays excursion Mr and Mrs Till of Wilfrid spent Sunday in Sutton Mr David McLaughlin has moved in to a dwelling house owned by Mr P regret to have to record the death of two young men who were burn brought in Sutton viz 1 Parle son of Mr James who died in at years of age and John son of the late Alex He died in To ronto age years The remains the latter were brought to and interred in St Anthonys churchyard Mr Samuel of Mich after absence of about years is at present visiting with his brother Reeve and other re latives It is reported that we have religions The computer has commit ted a sight error There should be at least one more added viz that of those possessed of such profound knowledge and prescience as to enable them to look into the past and declare Ipse dixit that there is no Creator and hence and jeer at nil religion Thou poor benighted child of earth Blind shortsighted from thy birth Now dares to recklessly invade The sacred portals of the dead And claim a knowledge none shall know Until that time when cycles cease flow Prophet with clouded mind and eye thou the realms that He descry Impious worm vision to thee clings To lightly jeer and scon at sacred things Such vain presumption surely the rule Where angels dare not tread walks the fool Sees not the yawning gulf nor stops to think But rushes on and falls on ruins With conscience seared void of spirit ual light Ills sun goes down in miserys endless night No waking room ihf darkness dispel Of that sad state where Dives hud Scoffers dwell Great cause to mourn but mourn your own estate sinful follies it too late v Mr Donald McDonald is dangerously III His condition was so serious that a specialist was brought from city for consultation Mrs to visiting I heartily reciprocate the sentiment of the Baldwin correspondent on the temperance question Rev A P expects take the service in the Methodist church his Bethel appointment on Sunday next and hero In evening- FOR SALE Built Right Wear Right A FIRSTCLASS FARM of fcboicc quality of near will soon be the market For particulars apply to the proprietor P Our work Quality it doesnt thenear It Is the very best we can do each piece because aim to make each separate piece right If you like style nicety aud tine wearable materials you leave your order with us my Everybody Talks About he excellent work of College Toronto and about the Its and More than young people have gone from this College into business positions within the past ten month With a dozen Teacher Sixty fiiat- Typewriting machines and the of trainijag available this College does most effective work Index hand Fall Terms Sept Calendar for asking Write SHAW Bts Toronto are PILLS so far as perfection can be attained They mark the highest point in pill progress To many people any pill is a fit pill and so long as it acta they dont consider whether theres any recoil in the action Dynamite has a very moving effect and so has an earthquake but the consequences that follow arc apt be disastrous There are pills as damaging dynamite and as dangerous as an earthquake Dr Pills are Perfect Perfect Preparation Operation and their use is not followed by violent reaction A grain of sand stops a watch You dont use blasting powder to eject the grain and start the mechanism going again The machinery of the body more fearfully and wonderfully made than a watch and needs even greater delicacy in dealing with it Ayers Pills give just the necessary stimulus to start the bowels into healthy action They correct the illconditioned liver and give a healthy tone to the stomach Thus they cure dyspepsia sick headache heartburn constipation piles and all diseases that grow out of the disordered condition of the liver stomach or bowels i Pills the beat cathartic I ever used in my practice J SPARKS M lad dont know of anything that will relieve and cure terrible suffering of Pills JOHN Warren Co do their work efficiently and do not gripe nor make one like to man other pills UN M SMITH- Atlanta Try Era for mild In action and less liable to gripe than olher purgatives Pills aid In operation and can always be relied on lo euro diseases of Ihe stomach or J DUFFY Tex After twenty years experience I know that Pills are an araolute cure for tertian fever sick flux constipation and hard colds- J WILSON Contractor and Builder Sulphur Springs Texas We used in my fathers family I am now fiftyfive years old always hare them In house because I have found no better pill than MARY JACOBUS yu Chestnut St Vernon Ohio and A i

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