Newmarket Era, 14 Sep 1900, p. 5

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ONTARIO BANK REST omen BRANCH I General Banking Business TRANSACTED nterest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT bought and C ROSS Manager INSURANCE for Money to Current Fire Insurance Agent Low Rates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St and of Piano and Strias I Money to Lota At percent on flrttlaiw farm security loans effected on Life Insurance policies or Davidson Affidavit J Conveyancer and Real Estate Agent following reliable London Union Standard Mutual Office Block Mount Albert a Sunday for the Era by September Luke The Golden Text What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul And one of the company said un to him Master speak to my brother that he divide the inheritance with me And he said unto him Mao who made me a judge or a divider over you id And lie said unto them Take heed and beware of for a mans life not in the abundance of the things which he pos sessed And he spake a parable unto them saying The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully And he thought within saying What shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits And he said This will do I will pull down my barns and build Sams Example want you to drive this load of po tatoes to the station Sam said his father This afternoon asked the boy Yes Its mild If it should freeze lip tonight as looks likely it would not be good weather to ship potatoes Sam frowned impatiently I want to go with the boys for a greater and there will I bestow all If my fruits and my goods te da Awl iytotay soul Start te he he tnou hast much goods kid up for manv years take thine ease eat drink and c ln for be merry that and not have to drive the horses Buti Clod said Mm Thou J fool this night thy soul shall be re- quired of thee then whose shall those Sa things be which thou hast provided that So is he that laveth up treasure turn in time for himself and is not rich toward the expense of the horses 22 And he said unto his disciples The however were heavier Therefore I say unto you Take no f Some thought for your life what ye shall mild days had a eat neither for the body what ye in most respect shSll put on The life is more than meat and the body is tlw The Best ever shown in Town the Best School We keep Dont forget we have the LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones lr Call Al Money to Loan At per cent- on farm by David for Agent Marriage Alio following of and Liverpool England j Mutual In alao for the deration To ronto Or Tie Old Corner of Main and Lot Street St Retail PROVISION Two doors North Main St HEART TUR0B3 Verse There are questions that are alien the Lords present ministry The Lord never desired or sought for state authority 15 The evil of avarice is that it shrivels the soul 16 The down drag of the world is a danger in the day of plenty He blundered in the use of pronouns it was thy not my would have been- wiser to have paid better more an nugenerous man has the smaller he becomes When God says I want thy soul we cannot excuse ourselves 21 The lifelike picture of a very poor rich man Prohibition is the only safe rule in this case The much sought after things of life are not always the greatest PR Verses 13 The sword of state does not now become the hand of Christ care that the life struggle does not descend into avarice Learn the Bible rule governing the use of possessive pronouns Hoarded manna bred an that was pestilential God declares selfish carefulness the supreme folly 25 Worldly anxiety is dishonorable to God and the soul TRUTHS Verses Jesus lavs down principles not rules to govern life Gods answer to what shall I eat is Glorify God His answer to the question of amusements is Your body is Gods temple And what about wealth Be rich toward God Verses Gods judgment and not our own is a safe one We say My goods God says Your body is not your own We say My ability God says our talents are loaned to us only We say My farm God says The earth is the Lords Verses Our securest possessions are ours only in trust He said My soul God said require that soul He said Many years God said Not a day more He said Eat drink God said Die tonight Verse True values in this world are relative matters Relationship to self or God is the test of worth Treasure laid up on earth condemns but in heaven enriches Life invested in itself is death in others is endless life Verses God condemns distracting thought in His children The christians support is sure he serves God Worry in a christian is a very painful sin Gods omnipotence should dismiss every anxiety of spring in most most delightful But the stead horses seemed to have their own opinion of just how much they ought reasonably to be to cover and all Sams urging beyond that was of tittle aval Making at length a turn toward a stream he was to cross his attention was at drawn to the ice Boating upon it I didnt know the ice was up My theres lots of it The grinding and crushing of the huge cakes became louder and loudu as he drew hearer The swift curreiit- them rapidly down and hut led them against the piers of the bridge he was to cross Coming near the bridge he saw a placard nailed to one side It read No crossing here Bridge unsafe Well I like that said Sam crossing Its three miles down to the other bridge I ilrivy down I shant gel home before With a fix of he critically scanned the bridge I dont- theres danger 1 behove I could cross Somebodys crossed the looks put up notice SI irid lieve Ill try it Urging his horses to the bridge stopped and took a closer survey of the situation With every assault the ice cakes the structure quivered as if in and fear The grinding groaning filled his ears He did not at all like the took of things You know I always depend on you to use wise judgment in matters which cannot foresee his father had said to him Very well Sam knew that faithful attention to duty forbade his taking any such risk And yet that six miles round and his evenings IN TOWN Mens Colored Shirts reg price 1 and 1 for TEACHERS RECITATION SEATS Accommodating for Pupils THE OFFICE Factory Newmarket Oat Accommodating prices for the Trustees SPECIALTY fi6 CO Notre Dame St Montreal P Write for estimates Limited Bay St But he slipped and got an ugly whack Poison in Potatoes on his head and would have gone down if neighbor Forbes hadnt been watch- It is not generally known that and managed to get out and help the alkaloid sol a nine him His wagon must be miles down which is poison New potatoes con- by this time tain comparatively little of this poison Forgetting his hurry to go home unless they grow above the surface of Sam went to the house where the the ground and have a green skin when ured boy lay still insensible from the they are generally known to be poison- blow on his head His heart was It is not however common with dismay at the misfortune which knowledge that old potatoes coutain had overtaken the one who had much more of this poisonous principle the same folly with himself and and many cases of serious poisoning amusement Ill go on he said to himself Amid heard a drive over that bridge it sank lower as he perceived that it was a cousin of his own a boy whose mother was a widow Sam found an opportunity of sending news of his whereabouts to- his father and have occurred in late summers when old potatoes are used In and there was almost wholesale poisoning among the troops of the German army The symptoms were frontal headaches then remained beside his cousin thru colic diarrhoea vomiting weakness long hours of due- and slight stupor and in some Cases the roar and wn the doctor admitted that I dilation of the punils of the eye voice shouting Mop don i as toer investigated the case and found Or that I Farm to Let JLot con I About 160 tort and land Apply to Vachcll or P Farm to a af A man on the South Side says the Philadelphia Times was alone in the house night his family being away Hearing a noise he might have left the dog in the dining- room he ventured downstairs thinly clad and defenceless The disturbance was not made by a dog but by a big uglylooking bur glar who resented the appearance of the whiterobed visitor and started to choke him into subjection The aston ished householder saw that a physical encounter would result badly for him self and darted back into the hall for some weapon Easy and Pleasant Dying drive over mat lhe Sanitary i A man who lived near was lo came w a dam him making to rf I guess Ill try it Sam called ftwnP li anything Any The most wonderful helpers in the home to economical dressing arc the M- TtL taJX some one asked as at length he opened to In spite of the increasing violent remonstrance he drove on told Sam His heart almost stood still he I advanced The creaked and swayed under the additional rtrain of the load and the ice rose as if followed Sam had 11 hi time for meditation on his boiled and whirled Wow Be- f fore taking two wagon length hmsc repented his daring- once on there was no turning The horses became frightened and a little Home in old damp place and as much sola- nine as in new potatoes L A BRIGHT IDEA Was of Dr Chase When be dis covered a combined treatment for dis orders of the kidneys and liver and so provided a cure for complicated North half lot Kins Township conuUaluylOO ftctta as Tbe lands fair and farm In apply at once to C FOR SALE A FIRST FARM of choice of near win soon do on the market For particulars apply to the proprietor P A small riot place at while the return of from South Africa was being celebrated The police arrested one of the on Advance A Fresh Supply a Week of Park Bacon Lard Ac The be- Gored Meats on th Market today A trial will vioce Alto Rolled Corn Meal Bolter Potatoes Canned Corn Tomatoea Feet and Tonga Honey Soap o filled on he notice We Want Your Trade The only thing in sight was a has- Diamond Dyes They are so easy to ketful incandescent bulblights use that even a child can dye a rich which had been brought home the night and perfect color before Instinctively he seized one of Diamond Dyes make faded and dingy these arid hurled it in the direction of blouses capes jacket- the enemy His aim was so bad that the bulb struck the doorframe and broke with a bang that in the stillness of the night sounded like the explosion of a young lyddite shell The was surprising The jugs scarfs laces and draperies look like new lie ware of dyes that claim to color cotton and woo with same dye It is impossible to get satisfactory re sults from dyes of that character In no- doubt thinking the thing Diamond Dyes there are special dyes was a hand grenade and that more Tor coloring all cotton and mixed were coming fled In all haste follow- goods and special dyes are made for 1 by a volley of popping all wool goods Each of the but he must urge them on The bridge took only about two min utes to cross but Sam It seemed hours as with set lips and reins TELL WHY You have constant headaches arc nervous and sleepless- at night and feel which smashed the Dye colors is guaranteed to give he walls or the furniture with that sounded deadly a noise full satisfaction when used according to directions A BUNDLE OF NERVES Nerve force is the very of man and every organ of the human body is Seventeen Yean Torture I had a bad cough for seventeen misnamed courage And Ill try it again he declared to himself- If Ive done it once with a load and no harm came I surely can do it with an empty wagon Two hours later he again drew near the bridge Hut this time the coun- writes Mrs Hamilton of Term No doctor or dependent upon it Just as soon as until one year try road was not quiet and solitary the blood gets thin and watery ana ftg0 faegan King the one warning neighbor to supply nourishment- for Consumption which Teams were drawn up near the creek me more good than all other medicines and men were lingering about with ly held he gazed at shaking planks lie mo Your blood beneath him isnt carrying the right materials to With a final cut at his horses he hurried them over the last few feet and was on blessed firm ground For a moment he felt half sick at the thought of the peril thru which he had passed then glanced back at the giver of the friendly warning who had fol lowed him to the edge of the in dismay at his daring Hello Im over all right you see he cried waving his hand Im no toward he added to himself What a simpleton I should have been Id gone clear round He drove on your nerves and other organs taking Hoods the blood and- you will soon rea lize a change You will feel teller and stronger will relish your food and enjoy refreshing sleep eases of organs which were smashed most of lhe glass Dr A Chases station incurable KidneyLiver Pills are the worlds greatest euro for kidney liver and stomach troubles and has an enormous sale in all parts of Canada and the United States One pill a dose 25 cents a box Nausea indigestion Hoods Pills arc cured George Robinson a was fatally squeezed between cars in the I rand Trunk yard at Over one hundred persons have been arrested at Constantinople for alleged complicity a plot to kill the Sul tan Tampering with electric light wires or apparatus is dangerous and costly At Acton a boys father paid into court between SI and for the fun the lad had at Knox church driving sheds in cutting the copper wire con nected with one of the shed lamps disorders nervous prostration para lysis epilepsy insanity and death Dr Chases Nerve Food rebuilds and I ever used It Is truly a grand cure for stubborn Coughs Colds and Throat and Lung troubles Positively cures of grave concern Capitals on wheels are getting to be very much in vogue nowadays The Empress Dowager of ap pears to getting ready to join Pauls and Aguinnldos moving caravans As the season advances give to matoes more light by Judicious thin- of the leaves and branches straw will assist the firmness and belter rip- bushel of the fruit which is apt to be come soft and watery as the weather goto cooler and damper Mr John Clarke local grain buyer does not need to go the passed to the Klondike to get lie m on q New note dated On Tuesday night the bank barns of David at were consumed by tire While threshing the pulley of the straw carriers got heated on lire it is said bushels of grain and all his implements were lost No insur ance The quail is one of the birds winch every farmer can well afford to pro tect It gets its living from weed seeds and insects and were it possi ble there should be a of them on every hundred acre farm in the country When the iwvn with his gun and dog invades the farmers premises these birds the granger should compel him to tra vel You Make Mistake If you have Pate Crwnlsh or Complexion Cold and Feet of Ap petite La ok of Energy or Troubttd We Cant Do It what Borne others do your work But We Can Do work which Is wore Import to you the life of your Shirts Collars Guffs Our process Of our work you tell your not tell us HAND LAUNDRY Recommended by your family- physician- All commend and sell bottles free at Lehmans drug store and planking People kiss their dead who stoop to kiss their living they hover you do not use Dr Ward Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act these conditions Why cause they contain all the natural Coming nearer Sam perceived struck something that puts gold Sept the poor old bridge had at last the shade and has made his The one seen was numj to the cruel attacks on it- One without even leaving 10 notes dated disease overworn ana worry Hay Fever and Croup pier had been carried away leaving a an inventive turn of mind are numbered from beyond doubt the worlds greatest price and Guaranteed Trial great gap fringed by splintered a few years ago brought out and lp it is signed TJefferson or T v r i ftnd patented a device for a refrigerator jeferson En pencil Genuine notes wtw w Ah iff gone at last has it said of which he made a good deal to are all signed necessary to build up the or of money Just now he is to the The paper is fairly good human to a cure I Yis and that Isnt the worst of it with a patent door for use on but the printing is very bad looks human system School Teacher What Utile boy over open caskets with hysterical sobs went down with cars The mechanism of the like a common advertisement light in lies along trie stomaco can tell me where is the home of the but fail to throw arms about contrivance is very simple and rail- color almost grey The vignettes of to the Wood and nerves All food swallow V Bobby I kin please- their loved ones who are the am i wjiii i School Teacher- Well Bobby Bob- far The home of the swallow Is In Sept 7A train loaded with cattle from Ottawa while going -Into- the siding here was struck about the middle by the express from Montreal smashing the engine tender and baggage car of the express and twocars loaded head of cattle were killed No per son was killed The fireman of the exprese slightly hurt about face piled high on casket covers The dead theyre trying to get that horse The Company will at once put and at a distance might have a smell the flowers but the w informant The other the new door on some grain apnearance of the originals The lug can broadcast in down stream poor beast cars which means in our signature of the president Mr their pathway therefore and pluck happened to make to- townsmans pocket Mr being a lithograph comes out the thorns ward perhaps the ice happen- Clarke has taken out patents for out pretty well On some the script to push him that way da the United States Great Britain is touched up with a fine pen The i And where is the boy Sam asked France Germany and other countries gcries are so very clumsy that it is breathlessly and expects to realize a handsome for- hard to Imagine any bank teller Theyve carried him into the house tune by the time he is thru one So far as known not more Laxative He made a brave fight for itJumping the right to manufacture and use his than five or six have been put into r from one of to other Banner- tr help to a tired arid fue a glow feim You fftd getting will when you Or Blood tthd box ftTboxMfornV Sold by J

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