Newmarket Era, 21 Sep 1900, p. 4

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All ffigl Si g I DAY Experience is the Best Teacher The experience demon ihAi Hoods SArstptftft is ike perfect remedy for sM of the nerves kidneys impsis strength end vitality is the voice of to Hoods SkrsepU is A grand E fas cored me of My blood- vms so poor in the wither I fttl This greet enriched my Mood end me feet Mrs fames Mefyee St BeUcvU On Witt JACKSON Best Advertising Medium York County sdvertisc- cents per for first Insertion cent for each subsequent Advertisements unaccompanied with writ ten- instructions Inserted until forbid and Charged accordingly Advertisements will be changed once each month If desired For once each month the composition roust be paid Tor regular rates Change must be In the offlCO Low Kates for Executors to Rent Articles Lost and Found etc A reading will be Inserted free for any Church or where pollers are fur nish ad or when fee or collection Is tasen otherwise fifty cents will be for such a notice No to this rule In to query of the North Ontario Times re the appointment of a Customs Officer for Newmarket and Aurora which teas unobserved by us last week we hare Just this to say the gentleman named is every way qualified to fill the position is a resi dent of the constituency of the Post master General which by reason of the abominable gerrymander per petrated by party which Times delights to honor Newmar ket is not and pas far more claims many settlers left the country as came Into it and that only thing that would stop the exodus would be a change of government Did they tell the people that they would give away millions of acres of the best lands of the West to railway corporations to be held by until made valuable by the labors of rounding settlers at the same time paying no taxes hut imposing double taxation on the settlers Did they tell the people that they would allow a grinding railway mono poly to suck the life blood out of the west and that it would be necessary power before Achieved by William Pink Pill Dp NOTES When we sometimes read boasting stories of fish catches in local journals the though inwardly arise they must indeed be real fish stories or principals there to totally ignorant of clauee Cap Not Only ixx Country the Alone This Groats Both political parties in South Sim- are now ready for the elections The Liberals have placed Mr Joseph SO Ontario Statutes which reads Whiteside of in the field person shall take catch or kill opposition to Mr Lennox As the fa any of the waters of this Province latter not be able to poll the full 0De angling or shall carry I to put the Liberals any control could be obtained of freight rates on the products of the upon the consideration of the Reform j party than any outside individuals Did they tell the people that they who never did more than cast a vote would operate the Intercolonial Rail way at a heavy annual deficit and strenuously oppose the Liberal policy of management which has already J Notary Public Ao Street to rood Farm security Solicitor Notary Loan owes I Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario Lienoox door of flee Newmarket Herbert Aurora will Newmarket on Saturdays Court Day J A Co and Ontario Bank Aurora to as HMKHPfcBfcpr S Barrister Block Main St towards maintaining the success of liberalism Besides there is no dancing attendance of Newmarket to Aurora or vice versa the appoint ment carries with it offices in both places with regular hours for each place and the cost- the general pub lic less than if separate appoint ments and two separate offices had been created which probably would have been done under a ad ministration Is the Times satisfied with the answer Possibly not but the gentleman to whom it made reference doesnt have to satisfy him it is quite enough to satisfy the electors of North York and the people served Moreover had the appointment been conferred upon a resident of Newmar ket the chances are our Uxbridge co- tern would have changed his tune and- the Postmaster General for be ing unmindful of his own Riding and personal supporters by making Aurora dance attendance on Newmarket and keeping an eye on the main chance by looking after the personal interests of those having a pull on the for North York residing in strength of the Conservative party in the Riding a good many people are predicting a Whiteside victory away a greater number than twelve bass twenty pickerel or four masfcm- market Hut there is use talking our cotem has lived loo long in tainted political atmosphere to under- suited in a vastly improved service and a balance on the right side of the Ledger Did they tell the people that the Department would be so mismanaged that it would show heavy deficits year after year and made it impossible to reduce the postal rate or give even a decent domestic service at the old rate to say nothing of the in numerable other developments which were not only practicable but have Since become an accomplished fact Did they toll the people that they would burden the country with a par tisan costly and unworkable Franchise Act or place an outrageous handicap upon their opponents by the most in defensible Gerrymander Act in his tory Did they tell the people that they would oppose every attempt to enact a fair and workable franchise law and order their obedient party majority in the Senate to kill the proposal to adjust the constituencies upon an equi table basis of population by high court judges Did they tell the people that they would shout loyalty and imperialism Ontario mid the west and then go tell the French too British for stand disinterestedness administration in matters of Did They Tell All Thi Barrister Reformer Block Monet to Loan PAINTING- R Painting- Dodo promptly and Hon Hugh John told the people in Montreal this week that he is proud of the Conservative party be- Public support cause the Conservatives have always told the people when asking for their support exactly what their policy was Have they Did they tell the people that their record would be one of scandalous Doodling and misappropriation of pub- lie money as in the contract where nearly a million dollars was misappropriated the Cur- ran Bridge contract which cost the country more than the high est figure estimated by their own en gineers the Dock job which panned out a quarter of a million dol lars in excess of the legitimate cost the Section scandal a score of similar occurrences all of which were proved under oath in the courts and in Parliament to have cost the country hundreds of thousands of dollars in excess of the legitimate price and a If Mr Hugh John will quote the occasions in which any of this information was given to the country he will do much to substan tiate his claim that the Conservative party always announced its policy and made known its intentions when seeje- large proportion such excess was Painter and Writer admittedly transferred to their can bo left at Hardware Store fund Old at reaUeoce of Mr J Green bead of Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter and House Corner Millards Church Street and they tell the people that they would exploit the resources of Canada as far as they Attempted to develop them at all party friends of square miles of its and other Demean Licensed Auctioneer for the Co of York floods on commission Term reason- able farm Sale attended to A trial Street Newmarket DENTAL the benefit of their away thousands valuable timber assets at a nominal figure an thus enabling faithful to become rich at the national MAKE OLD DRESSES NEW Diamond Dyes The Simplest and Easiest Way of Home Dyeing Their Great Superiority oyer all ways of Home Dyeing A Ten Cent will Color from One to Five Pounds of Goods Colors thai Will Not Wash Out in Strong Soapsuds expense Did they tell Ml people that they II I Pent lit Block opposite the Church Satisfaction Guaranteed keep up not as a protection to native industries but as a source of revenue to the party ex chequer by means I of donations from the favored monopolists Did they tell thp people that they would make no to secure pre ferential trade with Great Britain but on the contrary do all in their power to the policy of DP Pof fcet Dentist Will be at of Br Porter Brad ford every Monday Did they tell and misrepresent opponents which has successfully the prefer ential principle people that they would drag the work of com pleting the canal from the Great Lakes Montreal for weary yearn and leave it for the Lib erate lo complete a couple of sea sons MARRIAGE LICENSES is leaucr of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Office At etWeliCe If ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES SUTTON I To PATENT cad be our aid THE people that their result in so slight that their In four years to twice the increase of years had Did they tell trade policy an increase in tea would be a more th that their full produced Did they tell th people that they would have so concern In develop ing the agriculture I interests of the country that farm ng would make lit tle or no progress until change of Government the products of Canada in the front rank In the mar kets of the world land brought to agriculturalists a prosperity which had previously been of Did they tell the would do nothing embargo people that they remove the killed our live slock trade with the States hut which when the Lib hereby giving I worth hundreds of Did they tell the policy developing of a at once assumed office farmers a trade thousands of that- their tic would 1a that nearly in homo dyeing depends upon the Mod of dyes used Diamond Dyes if simple di rections the package are followed carefully and the special cot ton are used fort cotton and mixed goods and wool dyes used for all- wool goods there is absolutely no of failure Diamud are simple and easy to by using a stick to the goods while in Hie dye bath here is no need of sailing the bands I or beau and fastness no whether for home or for dyeshdo equal the mond The latest scientific discov eries are used in their they are the strongest and fastest of all known dyes and will not washout in strongest soapsuds nor will fade when exposed to ha sunlight Try Diamond Dyes once and arte how to make old and faded dresses waists ribbons capos jack etc look now Saunders of was struck by a train and killed at Wharf station An interesting find has boon made in Woodstock amongst the of- of Albert Gregory who died in of refuge there a few days aoo Last week the man who was years of age went to Mr J Colo county councillor and told he wished to go to refuge He owned a lot on at which he would deed to tbe county He had not a living and there was no one to care of him Mr Cole took the old man to home was very weak and not able to his bed He died on Saturday Af- forwards Mr Colo who had charge of Gregorys ifow effects on picking up the old man had read daily found on opening it a Bank of Com merce savings book and there wai Gregory 23717- Tin man never mentioned hut he had Mm in brink ho deeded house lot- The achieved by Dr Pink Pills cot only in Can ada but throughout the world rests upon a very solid basis which may be summed In two words sterling merit The Enterprise has had to investigate a number of core effected by his medicine and knows that in some instances at least these cures were Wrought after other medi cines had failed even to give relief Recently another cure came under our notice that cannot fail to increase the popularity of Dr Williams Pink Pills in the in which it occurred and as we can vouch for the facts it may well bring hope to sufferers else where Mr Walter Johnson is one of the best known residents of the north section of Queens County He resides in the Town of Caledonia her be keep a hotel and also runs a stage that carries passengers and mail between that a distance of some thirty miles Mr Johnson was in recently on which occasion be gave a reporter this paper the following facte About years ago he was taken very ill He the best of medical attendance but made very progress towards recovery and the doctor told him there was very lint hope bat lie would bo able to return his former work The trouble to have it- in bis kidneys and for eight or more he was confined to bed He suffered greatly from consUu- pains in the back his impaired and his cohstitation gener ally appeared to be sbaUered At thin juncture he decided to try Will Pink Pills and got a half dozen In course of a couple of week he noticed an improve his condition and be edtheiifie of the pills until he had some ten or twelve boxes when be not only felt that bis cure was complete but also felt that in all re spects his health was better than it bad been or years Since febai time be has been continually hie coach between Caledonia and Liver pool and has not had the return of the trouble notwithstand ing that he has to feco at times very inclement weather that might well bring on a return of the had not bis system been so strongly forti fied it through- the use of Dr Pink Pills If the blood is pure and wholesome disease cannot exist reason why Dr Williams Pink Pills cure so many forms of disease is act directly upon the blood anil nerves thus reaching the root of the trouble Other medicines aot only upon the symptoms of the trouble and that is the reason the trouble al ways returns when you these medicines Dr Williams PinkPHIs make permanent cures in kidney bios rheumatism erysipelas anaemia and kindred But be- sure you get the genuine which bear tbe full name Dr Pink Pills for Pale People on wrapper around every box A cablegram has been received at short time ago a Division Ottawa from Hon Joseph Chamber- Court case of damage done cattle lain announcing that all Canadians in 17 a barbed wire fence was heard first contingent who do not wish Honor Judge down to remain la service after Oct ho of His Honor would be sent home by special trans- held febat barbed wire fences were a port if there are many and if not nuisance and if placed in a fence then by transport to England with along the highway the party own- invalids o it is responsible Tor cattle In this case he assessed the All but one of the seventeen bogus damages at 30 and costs This is Bank bills shoved in v a ruing to others having Toronto during the Exhibition were barbed wire fences to remove the same secured by the police It is said some if they desire to litigation As difficulty was experienced in this decision becomes known it will few of the bills because those the sale of ins hind of wire f jr who had possession of them were freeing purposes ashamed to admit that thev had been Dr Chase Cures Piles the fain an Cure From nearly aviry town and SO Canada come from person have rescued the Dr Ointment Mr Iunlop wrltei irouDlid with blind IWhlDK yean and could get nothing to the constant Itching Iwaalwy In pain until a of mint told to of won derful cures Dr Ointment acquaintances I only used one box and am entire- cured In gratitude for this marvel lous cure and for too benefit of other as I did I you ihls re cord of my case When operation and every other have failed to you you can begin the of Dr Ointment with perfect confidence that It Will cure you ft baa never failed to piles and will not fall you cents a box at all dealers or fiatu nd Co Toronto taken in by so palpable a fraud Queer things happen about election limes and surprises are in store all During the early part of last week round for the Only a Mr Justice took the short time ago the Tory organs were oath of office and as Chief Justice putting Hon Joseph Martin on the of the Court of Queens Bench The back the announcement was- made name of his successor in the Justice- that beginning at Toronto he would ship has not been announced but tour Ontario with Sir Charles connects that of Mr and Hon Hugh John and therewith His friends are then make a strike for Manitoba but quite confident of his nomination the whole story was a fake and the rank and file of the party led by these gentlemen now find that they were The Crown Lands Department is in receipt of a letter from the Ontario Commissioner at the Paris Exposition conveying the gratifying intimation that Ontario as a Province has Cap tured no less than 263 awards at the Fairincluding Ave grand prizes for education Ontario is given the only first medal for education as a Pro vince Quebec comes second in the house of a recent gathering being humbugged their friends At of Liberals in British Columbia Hon Mr Martin in the course of a short address took to say he had no intention to lake the stump against Premier in Manitoba the coming campaign as rumored and in accepting a position as a delegate to the Liberal convent ton in Victoria he WHAT SOMEBODY SAID It is quite possible that a people not be aware that an Act WuuW te lKmui elisions of was passed last session of Ialiatiwrt making per cent per the Or per gal rate of interest as is understood instead of per where the rate is agreed upon Of course it is still for parties to make such rate as they may choose but unless a specified rate is named per cent is to held as the legal interest An important announcement comes from Ottawa respecting the examina tion of Canadian produce in the old country The Commissioner of Agri culture Is determined to remedy if possible certain causes which militate against the Quality and consequently against securing the highest price for A Canadian products in the Mother The Ottawa Free Press Liberal h the tove been sent to the Old Country that Senator William Kerr of Co- J of Peterborough to Glasgow c and J Welton of Auburn ftw to London They are charged with the old man whose pohti- is spotless and whose would be widely appreciat- record in party Senator Kerrs great his calm Judgment and name for strict fairness commend him for the high which he is likely to fill The Board of ilealth of oils lot smt time ago to tiie season the agents will each furn- a report to Commissioner Robert- or me suggestions for lb of l handling Canadian bread and A3 ftich in Ifljvered hole is punched hi marked places in card- Since Woodstock has adopted this plan several other OFF THE TRACK This means disaster and death when likewise done so applied to a fast express train It is Makers who have tried the card system serious when it refers to say it gives satisfaction and customers Popple whose blood is disordered and it better than tickets Carrie and Eugene ha vu secured the gas natural or man ufactured of for the next years They have en tered into an agreement with cor poration to complete a system of gas mains within two years and to sup ply the corporation with at cents per feet and ordinary conBuraers at cents Tho privileges of the cease unless all ibis is accomplished within two years and a start must be made half the time plant will be exempt from municipal taxation and at the end of years is to be taken oyer by the towi At a valuation Mrs Ann who died in the Jail on Wednesday of last week was interred in Mitchells burying ground Mono following day- An was hold by Dr Smith and the interment was at the expense of county Her sod who is the owner of acres without on refused to contribute at cent to the burial expenses and too busily engaged bis harvest to attend the funeral The poor wo- man interred beside husband the grave being dug by Bob Kennaad undertaker Rowan saw the body of the poor woman who had worked so hard for her in her day of strength and who was abandoned by but daughter in bur day of poverty and lonely crave which have been in other hands of whom they know nothing respecting their sanitary conditions Blowing hot blowing cold fe the Opposition policy now Minister Foster at the nomination last week according to the Mall report was in hap piest mood i while hi had forgotten Hamilton Anient other things he Is reported as The Liberals had said they woul I make this is a cheap country to live in Had Ley done so Had not the taxes gone up only one thing they had was Government Mr Foster on the stip to their organ the Montreal and read it t In a recent issue we find the follow ing Without a word Indicating the Governments intentions Fielding announced a reduction in duties of per cent on the poods of British manufacturers which so far as pro tecting home is concerned is equivalent to a reduction all round Is true A reduction all and yet Mr Foster declares that was only one thing tho Gov ernment had made cheaper and that was their promises Kither Mr Fos ter or the Montreal organ are stretch ing the truth guess it must be the former as he is- now playing second fiddle to whom the peo ple gave their conge on the ground of want of confidence it HANDS CRACKED WITH SALT RHEUM Mr James Elgin St Ottawa writes I suffered with salt for upwards of ten years the skin on my hands cracking breaking so as to make them less After trying all sorts of re medies in vain I became discouraged and thought my sufferings would never spring I used Dr Chases ffiry AiviiilhfbS j l n if J cured Dr Chases Ointment is of unparalleled merit as a euro for all Itching skin disease alt druggists i ho Jordan than on who consequently have pimples and sores bad deranged kidneys weak nerves and that tired feeling Hoods the wheels back on the tracfc by making pure rich blood and curing these troubles Constipation Pills is cured by Hoods The Albion stables were totally destroyed by fire Monday last There were tons of hay stor ed In the loft and the heat of the flames broke the windows of the stores in the vicinity the loss is estimated at insurance Mr Ed Baker of got out his gun to shoot a squirrel last week It had old charge in the barrel but Baker reloaded the weapon and flred The explosion that follow ed left Ned minus his left hand with the exception of the thumb across Post Kidney and that Would Yield Only to Dr PUIS Mr carpenter flte Marie states Unsolicited I write to tell you of the qualities of Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills In curing urinary troubles I do not write for your but for good of those afflicted as I have been I have used eight boxes and do not now the old trouble the least Mi felt relief one hour after taking the firot pith It is a great source of comfort to me to know that there is a medicine to help my weak kidneys Those wishing further particulars may address as above Chases KidneyLiver Pills are Pi for all kidney bladder and and troubles and have an enormous sale nil over this One pill cents a box at all dealers or ami Co Toronto Dr Chases Olntfnent Is a absolute cure for It to frhe only preparation which to euro every form of piles Be as well dressed you can and its good advice But clothes cost money more or less according to quality of fabric more or less accord ing to of wear More or less according to the thoroughness of the unseen work This inside pact Is the life of the garment It keeps it in shape and is one of the features which deter mine its appearance and neat ness Have you ever tried us for mens garments It might be worth your while my Tailor i One Management from lbs CHICAGO ami MILWAUKEE to to facilitate the transmission of produce from cold storage compart ments on steamships to storage ware- houses on shore They will also close ly watch the handling of cheese and butter so that if any boxes are brok en they may be promptly repaired in order that the quality of the article give up the ground the end of that by so lii firm disease germs bakers now us gijtl or fifty col The Peoples Popular Route The Great Tourist Line To NIAGARA FALLS BUFFALO HEW PHILADELPHIA WASH- and in lbs South and by its connections it retches all Points in Western States and Coast Tickets to alt Foreign Points For Descriptive Time Tables apply to acedia System PROMPTLY for our Interesting books Help Send us a sketch or model of your io- tell yon fraoar opinion to It probably prosecuted by us We fully equipped- offices Montreal snd us prompt diipatch and quickly bread at references procured through ft Ma rion receive mo Ike without charge IB over loo ihtmighaut the of Manufac turers and Engineers MARION MARION Expert and SolfoltorS- New York PATENTS GUARANTEED fee returned If we fall and description of any invention i receive our opinion free concern of same How to a Mat upon request Patents advertised for sale at our expense Patent through receive In an Illustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by Manufacturers And Investors Address J A CO Attorneys Potatoes are being shipped already from Goodwood The price is only per bag The crop is immense and it is altogether probable- that a large quantity will have to be fed to stock as it will hardly to ship them to market Those who lave planted large areas a bu speculation It pays better to to mixed a proportion if all suitable crops but too of any one If the Globe The fame of Arnica as the best in world extends round the earth Its the one perfect healer of Cuts Corns Burns Sores Scalds Holts Ulcers Felons Aches Pains and all Skin Eruptions Only infallible Pile Cure- a box at Lehmans drug store

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