THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT at BANE BEST NEWMARKET BRANCH fieflcrar Banking Business Deposits AT HIGHEST WTM DRAFTS ISSUED 1 AT American Draft bought and Collections JSpUr attended to 9 ROSS INSURANCE J A Agent for fir and Life ConpanlM to Loan interest at Current Kate At Office Newmarket fl A- Ramsay Insurance Agent low Ratca on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS flips Mala St and Fancy Goods of SightSinging Voids Violin i fc of all String Instruments NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Ordering Allan International Sunday -oo- for the Era by The Duty of Sept Verse the to Luke Golden Text and pray that ye enter not into temptation HEART THROBS and illumined soul is ready for service The Lords tarrying is the severe test of character The spirit the work is more than the work itself Whenever He may come it will be day dawn to many Wakeful service is what the Master desires The tmcectainity of His coming does not trouble the prepared ser vant Difficulties in the word should he referred to the author 43 Men graduate in school thru loyalty to His will Faithful service is the ideal watchfulness Whole so led obedience fit for eminence before rod heart condition and conviction uncertainly save which day it shall be Conduct 46 There is Verses 36The 38 It is Because For Boys PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS of the Master and the life of the servant should to work out lifes task it is Gods to arrange His the thief docs not warn live burglar proof Because the Master comes unexpectedly live in readiness He who should feed the household must not be unfaithful Because God makes Kings out of be watchful repays blows with painful sword strokes I TRUTHS Verses Fidelity to our trust God demands above all things Fidelity to duty God calls successful service Faithful performance God says is work well done Obedience to His will God declares is His pleasure Verses Faithfulness to duty wins Gods rewards The crown of life comes to the servant faithful to death The crown of righteousness awaits the man who has kept faith Ruler ship over cities is given to the doer of little things to personal work God recompenses sower and reaper have the same reward the Verses The The brave fighter and the defender of the camp have equal spoil The porter watching and the ruler feeding both are blessed Verses 45 The of Gods will is lifes supreme business Lord what wilt thou is a wholesome prayer Teach me thy way is a very wise petition Verses Fat Not Not He glorify thy name should be our deepest soul wish painstaking service is the truest watchfulness gazing toward heaven but preaching in Jerusalem Je sus desired indolently looking but faithfully toiling the master best- whose every task is well finished Money to Loan At per cent farm Security by David Itlqyd Co ml I oner for taking Affidavit Real Es tate Agent Conveyancer Marriage and Also Agent for of gland Mutual IBM also of Gore Wat Montr for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Office Corner of Main and Lot Streets Wholesale Retail PROVISION STORE Two doors Store Main fc At the 7yearold sod of Abram Phillips Was the side were play- by brother A The 4yearold son of Mr Thomas of Met- a fence a few log over on htm- killed at have at- of Baron Von while dim days ago pulled i self The Japanese rested the assassin teer the late Minister to China and handed over to the Germans He has confessed his Sept Some months ago Mr Cox the gas Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Bacon Hams Lard The best and Mildest Cored Meats on Market today A trial will con vince Alio Flour Boiled Oats Corn Meal Butter Potatoes Pickles Salt Canned Corn Pickled Feet Bologna Weenera Ham and Tongue Orders filled on the shortest We Want Your Trade oil and mineral expert who bored for oil near located a well on the farm of Mrs- near The Harvey of been drilling for the past three weeks on Mrs farm and a good flow last Friday at am at a depth of feet Mr Cox intends putting in many well and pip ing the gas to and Hamilton I An important deposit of litho graphic has been found on Burnt Island Tins said to he the only bed of pure stone in Canada and in fact will be the only place in Canada such atone will be taken The most of the no win use are imported from and a big saving will consequently lie effected Burnt Island consists of acres unci ia said to covcrd with the stone The material is in la yen and stone may be taken out in any claim is that the alone from Burnt Island is as good an any now in use An idea of the value of the lithographic atone may obtained from the fact that a slab four feet in width and six feet in length and per fect on both is valued at Cant Do It what your work But We Can Do Is more Import ant to you as life of your Shirts Collars by our laundrylni MOTTO our work please you tell your friends NEWMARKET prop to the in the cm of a number of newspapers mo their ftuWription rate A HOUSED AT LAST To the terrible ravages of consump tion La Ontario the Government Is pe titioned to establish hospitals for con sumptives As a preventative to con sumption there is no treatment to be compared to Dr Chases Syrup of Lin seed and Turpentine which promptly and effectually cures every cough and cold by far the largest rale of any remedy for Ibroatnmd troubles 25 cents a Fam ily size cents dealers Council Regular meeting last Monday night Present Mayor Cane and Councillors Robertson and Following bills- passed Thos Hunter carting 170 A supplies G T R freight and duty on coal Ellas Rogers car coal R freight and cartage Hunter watering street- 50 Bacon on account of con- llnvliiifit 4 Bacon repairs to boiler breaking stone Turliu work at p house 7 Registering Bylaw re Light Extension Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet 00 Four accounts from the Can General Co were referred to the I Committee The Committee appointed examine the drain on Ontario were un able to come to a conclusion and Chief Anderson was Instructed to open the drain to ascertain former outlets The Mayor was authorized to ap point special constables for the Fair days also two for Wednesday evening and one at each of the crossings on Timothy and Water on the last two days of the Fair Council adjourned till next Monday evening THEIR CONDITION THE STATE OF YOUR HEALTH Celery Com poo nil Is a Medicine and Pood IT MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL Too many people are ignorant of the fact that the nerves regulate the blood through the body The condition of the nerves should there fore claim best attention If the nerves are out of repair the result is loss of steep de pression of spirits and all of which are the beginning of serious ail ments and diseases Compound is a nerve medicine and nerve food as well as a purifier of the blood When used it removes from the nerve centres all ir ritability and by supplying abundant nutrition to the nerve tissue securer healthy action throughout the nervous system When men and women are worried and overworked in the home work shop store or and find it hard to get sleep at night when the used- up gets no time for repair nothing so strong them and vigorous as Celery Compound It is the food for brain and nerves Celery Compound is the acknowledged chief of all medicines for the cure of diseases due to nervous weakness a foul condition of the blood It in the one real remedy know today chat never fails to bene fit Out Paine Celery Compound and only Paines if you would be well and strong The Best ever shown in Town but the Best School We keep nothing Aiiaiin we have the IN TOWN Mens Colored Shirts price 1 and for DESKS RECITATION SEATS Accommodating sues for Pupils THE OFFICE Factory Newmarket Accommodating prices for the Trustees SPECIALTY CO Notre Dame St Montreal P Write for estimates Limited Bay St Toronto The Texas Stotrm A Could not express the rapture of An nie Springer of Philadelphia Pa Dr Kings New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough tliat for many years had nujule life a burden She says After all other remedies and doctors failed soon removed the in my chest and 1 can now sleep soundly scarcely meraber doing before I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe Dr Kings New Discover is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat Chest or Lungs A Poor Lately starved la London because tic could not digest his food Early use of Dr Kings New Life Pills would have saved him They strengthen the stomach aid promote as similation improve appetite Price 25c Money back if not satisfied Sold by Lehman druggist While out fishing Airs Win Castor ofCollhigwood met with a very pain ful accident that will no doubt confine her to her bed for some time to come She was about to laud a fish when Price she stepped backward into a large hole and Trial bottles free at Lehmans drug store Ollie lot con Whit church went out Wednesday morning to drive his cattle away from the barn when the roof was blown upon him He was taken from under by several that clinched her foot and she fell forcibly to the ground producing a compound fracture of the right leg it PILL It to reason that Dr Little Pills will crowd out of the market many of the nauseous oldtimers A lieilcr of the neighbors and was found to be medicine at low than half the price is badly injured The blood was cominjc all the argument needed to keep the lias been- Ms They cure Sick lUMoiJsiiSs mid nil Iw Toronto Deputy Chief of Police Stewart cel ebrated year of service on the force one day last week He first entered a constable and steadily raised till ho was appointed to the yearn Three young housebreakers were found guilty before Col in the police court last week The Governor of Tasmania and suite arrived in this city on the taking rooms at the Queens It is announced that the express train will continue to run northbound till Sept and south bound October 1st Kennedy who recently re turned from campaigning in South Africa was a banquet on the evening of the in the County Orange Hall Fully turned out to do him honor According to a statement submitted by Architect Lennox to the City Board of Control balance over on the Elliott and con tract over the original tender was almost a quarter of a mil lion Ho also told Hoard hat hereafter those traduced his pro reputation by making elate- iiienta that he was negligent in duty or responsible for moneys spent on the now city hull ho intended to in struct his solicitor to take proceedings against Did you read in the Conservative respecting dismissal of tho petition against the return of Hon Mr in South Ontario Perhaps not posni- they not heard of it but its so all same All the county courts this term are being held in now court It said to have been a of the County and Assizes Judges that courts were ordered to be held there County now begins to pay rental to the citywhile maintaining the old offices No doubt tho step taken was intended to hasten will of lake William Hughes of Newmarket died on of August last has been filed for probate today Deceased leaves an estate valued at consisting of SI in- took and promissory notes mort gages household effects and cash This ho bequeaths to his wife for the period her natural life at her demise his sons Walter and Milton Hughes and his grandson will divide the patrimony Houston Texas Sept The Post prints a liet of names of the dead com piled from sources and to be There were hundreds bodies burned buried at sea and in the of which no iden tification was possible there were other hundreds on beach of mainland- of whom been identified There are many bodies still in ruins of Galveston and scattered along the beach of the main land and in the marshes where they were by water Some of these bodies have been sent miles inland along small water courses by rush of high waters Taking all things into consideration there seems no longer any doubt that Ihe number of dead will reach beyond the estimate of made by Mayor Jones and other reliable citizens of Galveston Grand Work of Dr 1 1 Chase In Canada One million Samples Distrib uted During the Past Yea Farm to Let Lot 10 con It ill Apply to VflchelJor n Farm to Rent The Sales of These Great Family Become Enormous This When after many years of phenom enal success as a practising physician Dr Chase decided to make his field worldwide and to oiler at a mere few P are really lew prominent fc men the list of dead from to perfect did not dream of such from his nose and ears when removed demand what it and he is ftald to In a critical con- iti names ton Stoat of them are people who wore not wellknown outside their own circle of acquaintances The of who are working people email tradesmen and small professional men and their families The reason for this is plain The greatest force of the humane was ex erted against the east end west end and the water front while in the centre of city where the people of prominence lived there was not bo much loss of life affairs in China London Sept In with the prediction by Sir Hart that there will be further hostil ities in China in November As sociated Press understands that the British already con sidering the transfer of troops from South Africa to India in order to make it practicable to send Brit troops to China The military authorities consider Ihe war in South Africa so far ended that troops may now be safely moved It is reported from Shanghai that Russians have seized valuable railway property at Tien in defiance of of rtie protests of tho British ma odor Nagasaki Sept 16 Dr Collins a correspondent of The Brussels has arrived from He confirms rumor of a Russian massacre of Chinese there In middle of July under the orders of chief of polico and the Gov ernor He that harmless Chinese residents wore ex pelled from town and thrown into the River Amur by soldiers who tied most of them in by their pigtails success as has crowned his ef forts As states in his famous recipe lie lot con 2 Old acres Ib known as The lauds fair In good Apply at to Newmarket The house owned by Mr Thomas 10th con of King was destroyed by fire on Sunday The family were absent when the five com menced but considerable of the house hold goods saved A spark from the kitchen stove is supposed to have started the tire Marie Sept and Bowling hailing from Bay City Mich were before Judge Johnston at a sitting of the Interim Sessions yesterday charged with breaking into a dwelling and stealing a quantity of goods at Cut- book the sole aim and purpose of the burglary of Leasers store at was also charged with firing three shots at a constable who tried to him Ho got away to the woods and when captured next morning he was lying with a cocked revolver in his hand with throe empty shells in the chambers Both were convicted Mc being sentenced to years and to years in Kingston Pen itentiary lifelong effort was to help to relieve suffering humanity of the distressing ills to which has fallen heir Like the greatest men of all ages he was forgetful of fame of wealth or any earthly reward and laboured for the benefit of bis fellow- men The past year has witnessed a re markable stride forward in the popu larity and sale of Dr Chases family remedies The doctor always believed that a trial would convince anyone of superiority of his special formulae to this end there were distributed In during past 12 months over one million free samples of these great home medicines The secret of this immense success is not far to seek Each prescription was tested and perfected in private practice for years before being ottered to the public and when the people find a medicine of downright merit they dont neglect to tell about it Like an electric current the good news of the astonishing cures brought about by Dr Chases famous remedies has passed from friend to friend across the con tinents and over seas until the whole rings with joy messages over the of one of the worlds greatest physicians Remember that you cannot possibly be happy or successful unless you sleep soundly eat heartily and digest what you eat Remember Detail d of the Canadian and other colonial corps now in South Africa will go to England as guest of nation before returning home Tim will each corps with new color that if your nervous needs toning you will be yourself and make those you come in contact with mis erable Dr Victoria Street Toronto member Medical Colleges Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann Arbor Phil will bo at the Royal Hotel every Saturday Dr The roof was blown on I Headache LaxUivC at Victoria Square Irritations lut nice in on I the same morning I Lehman have cone and Haifa bottle Jo hoi water repeated few Avoid substitutes were in tint Terr Hon Wallace had a runaway accident on Monday after noon in which ho suffered painful in- juries He was driving his team of Shepherd Is a specialist and will give ponies thro the Village of Wood- free Examinations id Consultations bridge when they became frightened to all parties who will meet him at at a passing binder ran into a deep Newmarket ditch and the carriage Mr Wallace and one of his little children thrown out when former cot pretty badly shaken up as well as a cut on and arm The in juries however are not of a Dr Shepherd has plenty of private funds and will advance money to fanners at J per cent yearly No valuations agents fees or commis sions charged Medical or Financial assistance call on Dr Shepherd at Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays Remember that in Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills you have remedy that has never yet failed to cure any disease caused by im poverished blood such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Nervous Prostration Weakness Loss of Appetite Dyspepsia and Stomach Disorders Head- ache Depression of Spirits Lack of Energy and Dark under the Eyes Pain in the Kidney and Liver Disorders and Catarrh flvo All ox bam Co Out by J It by J J if market