Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1900, p. 3

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FRIDAY SEPT peeks Iioeal GOING OH ABOUT TOWN Christian School Rally next Sunday at Interesting are invited The ladies have decided to hold their Hot Fowl Supper on Oct The flrmy A Klondike lecture will be given in Ite Barracks on Sept 29th at oclock All are welcome Army will hold their annual Harvest Festival on Sept- and Oct 1st will be the sale of goods in tie Barracks at oclock The Government Grant to the North York Agricultural Society this year is and the grant to the Newmarket Horticultural Society is Councils Township Councils meet nest Saturday King at Whit church at East limhury at Sharon Dandy- A new Delivery Wagon for Messrs Roche Go arrived in Town Wednesday It is built after the rebut approved city vehicles and is up- todate in every respect except the automobile attachment which will probably come later Where is the Town with enterprise like Newmar ket Assault On Wednesday last Colt man of East was brought before Jackson J P charged wit wil fully and maliciously assault jig his wife intent to do her bodily harm After investigating the mat the Magistrate considered the ease sufficiently aggravated to send down for trial him accordingly This same was sent down a short time ago for threatening to his and was out on bail This time he attempted to use a razor pine Wusia On the return The annual meeting for the election return from the politic of officers will take place next Tuesday meeting at Sharon on Tuesday even afternoon at the residence of Mrs the Newmarket and Hughes A full attendance of bod and marching the members is requested fipm On Wednesday morning when run ning down the hill at the Model little daughter of Mr Trivett fell and broke her arm at the elbow joint It is a bad the Town played nearly all the way from Huron Street to Water St The music was Pretoria Rough Riders and other soft felt hats at Hughes Customs at Mr Yule customs officer has al ready passed over a dozen lots- of goods thru the Customs at Newmar ket His office Is at the depot at Factory Pays For month of August Newmar ket Cheese Factory to the pat rons a net of per pound for but- fat This is equal to per pound for butter without any trouble to the farmers except milking Dur ing August the price of butter at Newmarket market was on an average only In the latter case farmers had to be bothered with taking their butter to market and standing around for its sale- The factory pays its patrons twice a month which is as often as required for ordinary people The butter factories only netted their Gospel Temperance Very good attendance last Sunday Meeting in charge of the T Mrs Hughes in the chair and Mrs Lush organist Readings were given by Mrs and Miss Solos by Mrs Jack son and Mr Richard Willis Talks by Mrs Cody and Mr of Ottawa the latter winding up with temperance song in vogue ago The Salvation Army is to provide preached the program next Sunday Adj from the Klondike will deliver an address Primary The Liberals of Newmarket and all supporters of the present Federal Gov ernment are requested to meet at the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening next when delegates to the West On tario Reform Convention will en short addresses delivered and iteps taken preparatory to the coming elec tion campaign St Pauls Festival There was a good attendance at the Harvest Home in connection with St Pauls Church on Wednesday evening ladies did their part nobly The years decorations were very appropriate J Rev Canon Sweeney of Toronto an admirable sermon by Miss and selections the choir were appreciated Proceeds present and a portion of the freight shed is to be partitioned off for bond- patrons from to per pound for goods As soon as they arrive the months of August so that the agent notifies Mr Yule and he Cheese Factory is a better investment comes here on the next train- so that for them than any other form of there is no unnecessary delay Mr manufacturing milk for the summer Yule has also passed three parcels All thru May the patrons of the Post Office The Factory had a net of per toms Office is going to prove a very pound for butter fat while people on great convenience to the public market were only getting to j Farmers who have stuck to the cheese factory the past season are the Church lhat Quite a large turnout of tlie Royal trouble Templars last Sunday evening and the sermon by the pastor was greatly ap preciated The League reception to and H pupils was largely attended on Monday evening and a very social time enjoyed- The address of welcome was given hy Rev At the last meeting of the Womens Missionary Society in connection with the Methodist Church the following of ficers were elected for the year com mencing Sept 1st PresidentMrs 1st Vice Mrs 2nd Vice Mrs Jackson Sec Mrs Coombs Cor Sec Mrs R Manning Treasurer Mrs Jackson The Society had members last year The President was appointed a dele gate to the annual meeting of the To ronto Branch to be held at on the 2nd 3rd of Oct It was decided to change the day of meeting from Thursday to the 2nd Wednesday of each month Ladies J a ekes The- make are the best value in Town Rough Rider and Pretoria Hats this week at C Hughes- The metropolitan The Telegram of Saturday has this to say respecting the possibility and the smging was inter- Metropolitan line between To- spersed with readings by Miss Adylene becoming the Skinner Miss Munrp and Mrs MeCul- ptop of the Toronto Street Rail- loch Refreshments were served and extension of it was after ten when the company the City dispersed Negotiations are again under way Nest Sunday being Quarterly Review control of the Day in the Sunday is pro- metropolitan Street Railway by the posed to hold a Flower Service The Toronto Street Railway Co It ifl children are expected to take flowers sported that arrangements are nearly to the church at oclock on corapetcd liat official afternoon with the teach- will be made shortly and others will decorate An should the Metropolitan be secured by program will be rendered and Toronto Co it is the public are invited to enjoy the t0 to Lake Sim- Clubbing Rates Owing to increase in the price of newspaper and also the government tax of newspaper postage the city pa pers are raising their prices for clubs We have made arrangements to supply papers for- as follows Era and Weekly Globe including the beautiful picture of The Canadians at the Battle of of 1900 free to new subs and Toronto Daily Star w w squash each Green corn vice which commences at pm ma t route for Toronto Produce There was the biggest market last Saturday that we have had for a long time were plentiful but prices went up to and Lots of but ter and the price was inclined to drop Some buyers were only paying and while was the highest paid Fowls Were plentiful chick ens sold from to according to size and live chickens from to pair Live ducks 50c per pair Small live pigs SI each and larger porkers from to each Lamb quarter and per Hides per Sheepskins each Lambskins 35 to each Calfskins per 11 Tallow per lb Vegetables In abundance Onions 20c per peck Cabbage from to each according to size Celery per- head or for Garden red carrots 5c per doz Kail dishes per Cooking turnips for Citrons from to each Tomatoes from excursionists Negotiations have been entered into by President by been entered into by lament j for the extension of the and oclock to and the extension of morning a ternffic thunder strain tn over Newmarket The lightning struck and set fire to the stable of Mr Pat on the premises ad joining the Roman Catholic Church An alarm was sent in to the Water Works at minutes to one oclock The north end was then lit up with the blaze and the firemen quickly re sponded the rain was pouring down Fire Warden T J Robertson was first to the Fire Hall and rang the fire bell Many people that it was the church that was on fire and rushed to the scene There were two horses in the stable and a load of hay just put in the day be fore Tlie horses a top Mid a few tools were all that were saved There was no insurance The firemen prevented the flames from spreading to adjoining buildings After the fire was over it was so dark that people could scarcely find their way home without falling off the sidewalks High School Commencement The second annual Commencement J will Be held In the Town Hall on of Oct A good program is being prepaccd and an energetic committee arc at work to that everything is properly ar ranged for a evening The music will be furnished by the local orchestra and by a mate chorus whim will include some of the best- voice in this section of the co An other feature of the program will be two drills by pupils of the High School Hut by no the leas- prominent feature will be the presenta tion of some scenes Henry The parts seated are those which refer to the Kings divorce from Queen Katharine and the downfall of Cardinal A caste of ha been and are hard at work on the pine During the evening the numbering seventy and leaving Diplomat numbering which have by the pupils during the The price of admission has plac ed at but a few beats will be at The Hoard and are anxious for a full father than to make money and hope the public will give them the name patronage as year- vill 1 made to pro- Wm and profitable and It is say that those who attend not go disappointed the road to is also contemplated A completion of the proposed scheme would give Toron to miles of radial railways President Mackenzie and several of the Toronto Street Ry directors with President Warren of the Metropolitan went over the latter line to its ter minus at Newmarket oh Saturday and inspected the properly The extension of the Trolley from Newmarket to Lake taking in the summer resorts of Mortons Park and Jacksons Point possibly return ing via Sutton to Keswick will be pleasant news to the people along this proposed route If the Toronto Street Railway Co takes over the line there Is no doubt but that we would have much better accommoda tion than at present The Toronto of last Friday evening says President Mackenzie of the Toron to Street Railway Company inspected the Metropolitan Railway line yester day He journeyed as far as New market the northern terminus of the line in company With of the road- There is more significance in this trip of Mr Mackenzie over the Metropolitan line than might be sup posed The president of the Toronto Railway Company and the officials of the Metropolitan line discussed the question of right of way for the north ern to St Lawrence market But it is stated that President Is hunting bigger game and alms at nothing less than purchasing the road outright inorder to es tablish a system of radial railways with Toronto as the centre The To Street Railway Company owns the right of way as far west as Oak- ville and east as far as Oshawa- If the Metropolitan road were bought a firstclass radial system could es tablished would make Aid Lamb turn green with envy At any rate Mr Mackenzies trip to Newmar ket has resulted in Important negotia tions between the two railways which to and per basket Crab apples Inc per basket Pears 20 and 2ac per peck Strained honey and per lb Fancy Flannel Shirting Plain Grey Grey and White Check and Black and Red Check at Hughes The Haines At a meeting of the Committee last Friday evening it was decided to hold the Haines Memorial Concert in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening the of October and the admiwion to be each to all parts of the Hall The following Committees were ap pointed Program Messrs Ross Knowles Capt Allan J and J McKay Decoration Messrs Hrunton Smith A R Watson and Stanley Scott Business Messrs T J Allan Jackson J D Mo- Kay and business Committee are to look after printing- and all financial ar rangements On motion it was decided that the Memorial should be placed either the Water Works Lawn or the Triangle on Water St Tlie Mayor was requested to write Hon and ask him to- ap ply to the Dominion Government for one of the captured Boer Guns to be placed as a trophy alongside of Memorial Committee then adjourned till Wed nesday evening t At the meeting on Wednesday even ing the Program Committee reported that a splendid array of talent had been secured for the Concert including the following Miss Archer soprano soloist of Toronto Miss George con tralto Toronto Mr Bennett comic vocalist Miss Part ridge elocutionist Newmarket Miss Miss Mr Richard Willis of Newmarket Miss pianist Military Fantasia with Funds For being disorderly street on Wednesday night of last week two young men paid a dollar each into the Town treasury together with costs On Thursday evening of last week a man from East was d and down Town When Chief An derson went to arrest him he showed fight and fell thru a pane of glass in Traviss barber shop it just cost him to square up We bear that two more young men are to be f pulled for shooting their mouths on the Fair grounds last week Done bight On account of the continued demand for incandescent lighting the Town Council is moving as rapidly as pos sible towards duplicating the plant An order has been for light dynamo feeling last Monday evening the lender of for another en gine and boiler costing 3IU0 was ac cepted Plans are being prepared to enlarge the Electric Light building and the work will be proceeded with as quickly as possible The report of the last meeting is crowded out of this issue A grant of was made to the Ag Society on account of the permanent improvements on lhe grounds The tax fate will be the same this year as last Just for Fall Trade Pieces Pieces Cheviot Tweed Dress Goods pure allwool and the is only per yard They are really worth 10 Pieces cannot help result in benefit to soldier lads in uniform Newmarket the general public Globe reports that To ronto Street Railway Co has Band and good local orches tra Also possibly jUis Hope Morgan of Toronto the most distinguished tkally secured control of the Metro Canadian vocalist at the present time poliUn railway As our County and a native of Council has got some thing Newmarket who Is to say le- over from Germany for a visit bargain is ratified It is lobe The Decoration Committee reported turned advantage will be taken of progress Something exceptionally to secure certain amendments good in this line may be anticipated in the agreement as will remove a j The general Committee will meet at rffubta respecting public lights the Council Chamber next Wednesday privileges evening to perfect arrangements The scarcity of houses for renting in Town has been known for months past and if a tenant moves out there are always several after the building- A large number of outsiders are also looking for properties in Newmarket but find it is Impossible it get what they want Somebody carried oft a walking stick from the Methodist church last Sun day morning that didnt belong to them Its return will oblige the owner Canes Factory has just got in a car of red cedar shingles British Columbia They are fine Builders should see them Mr Graham of lost five young pigs last week that were traced to Newmarket A train of cars loaded with steel rails and drawn by two engines pass ed thru Newmarket on Wednesday go ing North Starrs grocery bandied baskets of peaches and over baskets of grapes the last two days of be Fair here Dr of Toronto has chang ed to the House where he can be consulted every Sat urday See card Regular of Town Council next Monday evening Magistrate of fined a man S3 the other day for sweeping waste paper Into the street and will hereafter Impose a fine of for each A few such lessons are needed In Newmarket A large of metal work was ship ped on Monday from the Specialty Works for The Indian Band gave the Royal a good serenade before leaving for home last Friday morning in the sun on Wednesday after noon Canes Factory shut down Tuesday afternoon so that the men could attend Uie political meeting at Sharon The Specialty Works expect to shut flown next for repairs to boiler Dr Wesley 2nd prize on his driver at Oxbridge Fair on Wednesday Report of District Meeting held at Sutton too late for this issue The brickwork on Mr Ed sons new house Is almost completed Art Sateen for Drapery Cushion Furni ture Covering Fast Color and Beautiful De signs price 16c worth Pieces Only of Flannelettes aborted pattern in dark and light colorings While they yard worth Fancy Dress Goods and Shot Effect inches wide price now 20c worth 6 Dozen Mens Pure Natural Wool Light Weight Un derwear These are unshrinkable The price is a marvel shirt or drawer regular value Baking Powder Was well contested at the Exhi bition Try your luck in making w RUNT CORNER STORE You never fait with Baking v N The York County Departmental Store S Dpnrments THE CHEAP STORE Double Breasted Fancy Dark Mixed AllWool Tweed ers Satin Lined Stylish perfectmade garments well worth Special leader price 790 Full sizes a We have all the Newest Shapes in AND ROUGH RIDERS Lady Lawn BadenPowell Contingent Lawton PanAmerican Kitchener Ladysmith Roberts Barrington c c New Confirmation Wreaths and Veils just received Foods Pot per lb Pearl lb Pearl lb lb lb lb A lb Shredded lb Feather Strip lb lu lb Corn Surah In lb Lion Starch lb Milk Food 40o lb bottle Vermicelli In 10 Foods lb lb lb Food Flaked Pees per lb White per lb Rolled for 55 I Fine Oatmeal It for Oatmeal It lor Rolled Wheat lbs for 25 Gold Dual Corn Iba for lb for Graham Flour lbs for 25 CornaoopU brand Family Floor Defiance lb Kettle Bargains week 85o tble 12 regular thU week at dozen Indian Baskets special week at Be each and loo Bargain Tables A big of tin wire and granite Household and Kitchen marked for tables Pore China Tea Sets piece patterns to from regular prices were to choice this week Heavy Glass per dozen Tin Top Jelly Glasses per dozen only Toilet Bet with large covered In all regular special NEWMARKET

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