Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1900, p. 5

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i i CAPITAL BEST HUD President General Manner fa NEWMARKET BRANCH m m General Banting Bnsiiess TRANSACTED Allowed on Deposits ISSUED at ill fltHDr American Draft touch cod Collection attended to a boss THE J fl for and Wfi insurance to Loan est Current At the Poet Office Newmarket Insurance Agent Low Bates on Farm and Isolated Town Property- QryxoOverHodaesTtn Shop Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Whs Main fit and Fane Goods ft of SigtarSWag Violin Tuner of and all String NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS DESIGNS IN Head Stones pall Ordering Money to Loan At per cent on farm Security David for taking Affidavit Es tate Agent Conveyancer of Agent for the following W- insurance Companies and Liverpool England Montreal 07OiB4rfctMutuatetabiibed7riieW iiao tor the Confederation Association To ronto Old Office Main aad JLot KNOWLES Wholesale A PROVISION STORE Two Fornltnre Store Main Hi A Fresh a Week of Park Coa Bacon Lard o the beel and Mildest Cared Heats on Market today A trial will con vince yon Floor Rolled Corn Heal Batter Potatoes Pickles Canned Corn Peas Feet Ham and Tongue Honey Soap o Ordtre filled on shortest notice We Want Your Trade lifter national Sunday School Prepared for the Thipd Quarters SEPTEMBER 30 Golden Text- Be ye doers of toe word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves General Statement The lessons for the 3rd Quarter cover a period of about eight months and are from the later Galilean and earlier min istry of Jesus Christ First Lesson Jesus Walking on tie Sea Matt Golden Text- Of a truth thou art the Son of God Heart of Lesson Jesus is the storm King Jesus has the all power in heav en and earth Jesus guarantees His people against all harm- Jesus absolute trust- in Him self at all times vi am the Second Lesson Jesus the Bread of Life John Golden Text- And Jesus said the Bread of Life Heart of the Lesson Jesus is nourishment of believers The death of Jesus saves His life nourishes Spiritual life only develops by spiritual bread Jesus is to the soul what food is to the Third Lesson The Gentile Womans Faith Mark Golden Text Lord help me Heart of the Lesson The victory of a steadfast faith Her stood the test of un answered prayer Her faith lived thru a severe re proof Her faith triumphed over a great reproach it Fourth Lesson Peters Confession and Christs Re buke Matt Golden Text If any man come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me Heart of the Lesson Selfdenial The cross realized is fatal to a life of sin The cross borne is the weapon against sin The cross alone destroys selfcen tered life Fifth Lesson The transfiguration Luke ix 28- Golden Text This is my beloved Sou hear Him Heart of the Lesson Prayer is lifes transforming power Prayer can remove the earth marks from the face Prayer can allay earthly ambition in the soul Prayer can subjugate selfwill com pletely Sixth Lesson Jesus and the Children Matt Golden Text Sutler the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God Heart of the Lesson The pattern life The graces of the Holy Spirit are childlike The rewards God bestows are to the childlike soul Jesus condemned pride vanity and selfsufficiency Seventh Lesson The Forgiving Spirit Matt 2135 Golden TextForgive us our debts as we forgive our debts Heart of the Lesson Blessed are the merciful Forgiveness from God demands our pardon of the penitent A limited forgiveness is not real forgiveness The unforgiving soul is unpardon able Lesson The man bom blind John Golden Text One thing I know that whereas I was blind now I see Heart of the Lesson Jesus gives light We are blinded by sin until Jesus opens our eyes We thru His word be made to see and know God Seeing we should joyfully bear testimony Jesus Ninth Lesson Jesus the Good Shepherd John MS Golden Text The good Shepherd His life for the sheep Heart of the Lesson The shepherdly care of Jesus lie is intimately acquainted with His people He is unselfishly devoted tQ His people He is savingly present with His people Tenth Lesson The Seventy Sent Forth Luke Golden harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few Heart of the Lesson God must His helpers alone knows where the spiritu al qualification is He alone can fully equip the He alone sees the peculiar difficul ties in service Eleventh Lesson The Samaritan Golden Text Thou love neighbor as thyself Heart of the Lesson The needy soul is the neighbor The Christians neighborhood has no race limit The obligation to help is not based on desert tut need The command to love God and man are equal Twelfth Lesson The Rich Fool Luke Golden Text What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul Heart of the Lesson The life is more than food Treasurers that are earth bound condemn Life invested in life alone is death Selfish carefulness is the supreme folly Thirteenth Lesson The Duty of Golden Text Watch and that ye enter not into ternptaLi Heart of the Lesson watch ful service to our calling Cod de mands to God rewaris Loyalty to personal work God ex pects Christian Endeavor We Cant Do It your work But We Can Do work which la more Import ant to you aa the life of your Shirts Ms our them It our work pleases you tell If not tell ua be Canadian Government steamer on the rocks in the Bay of and will go to pieces on every Laxative Tabid l ibtt cure old to oo The city of Guelph will extend hos pitality to Ontario Endeavorers Oct and the young people of all denominations are looking forward with pleasure to these dates Rev Chas Sheldon of Kansaa author of In His Steps will fee there an deliver addresses Mr Shaw of Boston treasurer Of the United Society of Christian En deavor will be on hand At the folk Street Methodist church you will hear the leading Baptist and Presby terian church divines In Chalmers Presbyterian church eloquent Metho dist and Congregational speakers will General Secretary Crews of the League of Christian En deavor will have charge of a practical conference Dr McKay foreign mis sionary secretary- of the Presbyterian church will be present President Harris of the Toronto Bible training school will touch vital questions Rev the Methodist orator will reply toGuelphs welcome and Will give another address besides Rev A Gaggle Presbyteri an church late of the Maritime Pro vinces J of the Baptist church Hamilton and other leading workers have place on the program single tickets from your railroad agent being sure to ask for a certificate and you will get home for onethird or free If attend Any can attend the convention and fares person secure the reduced It pays to In the Era Blood and Nerve Pills No remedy ever introduced In Canada has gained so many words of praise from sufferers all over the coun try as these thoroughly pills Because they positively cure all dis eases brought on by impoverished blood such as heart trouble nerv ousness rheumatism dyspepsia etc ALSO Because they induce sound healthy and restore VIM VIGOUR and VITALITY to the body ALSO Because their use enables the system to ully resist attacks of- colds and the inseparable re sults viz lung and kidney troubles a fact especial importance at this season of the year per box by J Newmarket Oar Toronto tetter Not less than people were pre sent at the Conservative rally at Mas- Hall in this- city last week More than half the number attended to see and hear Hon Hugh the only son of his father His en trance upon the platform was the sig nal for a grand salute It was no doubt given in happy remembrance of the but when Hugh John began to talk the audience at once realized the vast difference be tween the father and the son Sir Charles Tupper too was scarcely up to his usual standard but Hon Mr Foster altho he talked of ghost of the departed chief tarn made a toler ably fair impression The enthusi asm of the meeting however was not equal to one of Sir Johns oldtimers At Conservative convention for East York as was anticipated Mr Maclean was again selecied as the party candidate for the Commons in the approaching campaign to op pose Mr W the Liberal nominee for that Hiding Mr J Moyes and Duncan were also no minated but they resigned in favor of Mr Maclean Mr J Bertram son of the late P for Toronto has been appointed assistant appraiser in the Customs here The military authorities of this city have decided to have a sham battle and the usual militia manoeuvres on Thanksgiving Day Movements are on foot here to give the Canadian heroes from South Africa a rousing reception The chief purpose of the Citizens Municipal League recently formed in this city is to secure a charter which will give Toronto a larger measure of home rule than is now enjoyed and render it to go so fre quently to the Legislature for enabling powers There appears to be quite a ruction in the High School Board A minori ty wants to majority in mat ters of management the receipts of the Industrial this year were 54944 less than in The Withdrawal of the implement mak ers probably accounts for this defici ency largely The curled hair factory on St Helen St was burned on Saturday morning Loss A lot of new ma chinery for making haircloth was part of the plant destroyed in the building Guilty said Frank in the County Criminal Court on Saturday when asked to plead in the charge that lie on Sept 1st last unlawfully did steal one hat one fountain pen a quantity of buttons and other goods the property of Thomas Caster and another The theft took place at Au rora When arrested had a ladys gold watch on him valued at which the police believed to have been stolen but for which they have not as yet found an owner The pri soner refused to give any information concerning the watch Who is he and where does he conic from asked Judge He says he comes from Ottawa your Honor re plied Crown Attorney but we know nothing further about him Well I want to learn something about him said his Honor So the passing of sentence was deferred while the prisoners identity may be investi gated In the suit of Truman Forsyth of against the the jury sittings of the Civil Assizes a verdict for the defendants was re turned and judgment was entered dis missing the action with costs The plaint IM sued for for injuries re ceived when lie narrowly escaped be ing run down by a train The offices of both Sheriff and Sheriff have been remov ed from old Court House on Street to the New Court House on Queen Street this week Dr Victoria Street Toronto member Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann Arbor Phil will be at the Royal Hotel Newmarket Saturday Dr la a specialist and will give free Examinations and Consultations to all who Will meet him at Newmarket Dr Shepherd has plenty of private funds and will advance money to farmers at per cent yearly No valuations agents fees or commis sionscharged Medical or Financial assistance call on Dr Shepherd at Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays Calcutta Sept The extraordin ary rainfall in Northern India has not ceased for days Half the city of Calcutta- Is submerged and even In the northern part the streets are flooded to a depth of three feet Many houses have collapsed Ratclifle of the of Whitchurch and a daughter of Sam of are recovering after a severe attack of typhoid fever i and Girls the Best ever shown in Town but the Best oots We keep nothing Dont forget we have the STOCK IN TOWN Mens Colored Shirts reg price 1 and 25 for DESKS RECITATION BEAT for Pupils THE OFFICE Factory Newmarket Accommodating prices for the Trustees Write estimates SPECIALTY CO Limited Notre St Montreal P Bay St Toronto It is said of the Midway at the PanAmerican Exposition in next year that it wilt be the most ex- republic At the extreme right of the place It should be remembered that stores are the army headquarters for the dances in the dance halls will be the convenience of the company of of the Mexican character that the tensive as well as the most expensive mounted men they are known in restaurants will serve Mexican food aggregation of features Mexico rurales who will attend the and in the market and stores will be ever brought together at any Exposition by order of President Diaz sold Mexican products The theatre It will have more than a mile of Mexico At the left is the will be conducted after manner of frontage Among the large con- jean restaurant and east of the of Mexican play houses and every cessions its that of the Streets of rant the theatre Proceeding south- feature will produce Mexican life In Mexico which occupies square ward we come to a large open village will be shown Aitec Indian feet upon the south side of the Mid- the southern part of which is known relics and in the shops will be blanket way near the main eastern entrance as the Plaza of Flowers In the makers cane carvers onyx and filigree This concession will present a graphic center of this is the band stani where I jewelry workers leather workevs opal present a graphic picture of Mexican life both the old and the new The vista as one stands at the entrance to the Streets of Mexico is extremely picturesque and Invite a closer examination Two tall towers with a high arch between a company of expert musicians will I polishers pottery makers and others play Mexican airs The are skilled in Mexican handicraft iV There will also be a Mexican band playing peculiar native instrument Surrounding the Plaza will be all about the Plaza is of strictly Mex ican style and very elaborate On the right is a Mexican dance hall and south of the dance hall a Mexican mar- open arcades where the visitors them form the entrance ket and an old rural village with Us may sit at tables partake of street stores may be seen on huts and a representation of the and view the Interesting scenes either side where Mexican wares of cliff dwellers of Mexico At the xupon the Plaza This concession has all kinds will be on sale The large southern end of the Pua is a the approval of the Mexican govern number of Mexicans who will be in Mexican Cathedral most gorgeous in meat which has lent its assistance charge of the concession will- be attir- detail At the extreme heartily to make it a true In their native dress and one may corner is the Plaza where of the various phases of life in readily imagine himself suddenly Mexican equestrian and other sports that country transported to the heart of the thrifty characteristic of Mexico will take HEALTH PROBLEM Is much- simpler than is sometimes supposed Health depends chiefly up on perfect digestion and pure blood and the problem is solved very readily by Hoods You may keep well by taking it promptly any stomach or blood disorder Its cures of scrofula salt rheum catarrh dyspepsia rheumatism and other dis eases arc numbered by the thousands The favorite I family cathartic Hoods Pills is

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