Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1900, p. 6

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a THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT V ig Reform Meeting Si Hon Unlock Again Chosen StandardBearer for York i note increased mileage and otherwise afforded to the people greatly increased facilities for the transaction of rriait services let us see whether these changes have borne any fruit in postal revenue as li the increased volume of business from to The savings banks have now more accounts than in the second year of its existence the postal noic business reached transactions in- olving issue notes Our money order business for the year of increasing the deficit ihe department would lean iu uithwiic disappearance and invasion such art exclusion of the of hie io a more liberal policy lb- service out ihe in cue which he would have taken from them at the old postal rates still the public have en joyed those reduced rates and the deficit for the year is less than it was in under the higher rates applause Thus you have the contrast of the Adminis trations of and for you to choose between the former A J ft Splendid Speeches Toppers Contrasted Results Unfulfilled method uneconomical Accordingly we moved in the d present one which takes tion of bringing about these changes both of the convenience and the that of by the large sum and they took place a of i People of Cheers each other the Imperial penny rate Assertions Versus Facts going into operation on Christinas i Of late Mr Chairman our and the other reductions on lave been promoting what they J January Cheers A call a political campaign Perhaps ed degree has the development the month after their inauguration Sir they would have made some impression postoffice organization been justified Charles Topper addressed many public upon public mind if they possessed The machinery of the mail service is a meetings and denounced these reduce good cause and had paid some slight means to an transmission of tions prophesying that they would factslaughterbut wild mail matters thru the mails When a loss of about a oil- assertions and idle prophecies are not Volume of Mails Increased But in another and in a most- mark- I we took office the total number of let- jters papers and other mail matter r 1 Although it was a foregone conclu sion that the Hon PostmasterGeneral would be again nominated to represent North York in the next Dominion Par liament fully people met at Sharon last Tuesday afternoon to do honor to the men whom the electors are justly proud of Hon MulocV Hon J Davis both of whom are not only practical farmers but Cabinet the people of Sharon cordially welcomed the MassMeeting was- evi dent by the profuse display of flags etc among which were the following v North York is Proud of Government and United Canada Old North York the Cradle of Reform Equal Righto Muocfcthe Friend of penny Postage Another Link in the Chain of Enterprise Mulock Davis More Years of Progress and Plenty A large procession was formed at Newmarket and enlivened by the mu sic of the Newmarket Aurora and proceeded to Sharon The meetinghouse the Children of Peace worshipped years ago was handsomely decorated inside and out and the ladies of Sharon and vicinity were out in large numbers oc cupying the front seats The meeting was most enthusiastic and harmony was not disturbed by a single discordant note The chair was occupied by exMayor of Aurora President of the Association The entrance of Mr accompanied by Hon J Davis and Mr Archibald Campbell was the signal for a spontaneous outburst of applause which was re newed again and again as the Postmas terGeneral in accepting told of the prosperity and pro gress which had followed the power of the Government The business of the meeting was to nominate a candidate which on of Mayor Cane of Newmarket was done by open vote There was one nomination placed before the meeting that Mr Mulock which was made by Mr Richard of Wt Albert seconded by Mr Jacob Walton of Kettleby The Chairman tendered the nomina tion to Mr who as he rose to reply was greeted by Mr who read an address congratu lating him upon the splendid record he had made in the administration of his department The address was signed by a large number of leading members of the association In repi Mr spoke as follows Mrs President ladies and fellow- electors Since becoming the represen tative of North York this is not the first time that I have had occasion to feel grateful to the people of the rid ing for their many marks of goodwill towards me but there is a special sig nificance in the magnificent and en thusiastic demonstration of today coming as it does after my four years of Ministerial responsibility The good opinion of the people of North York is one of the highest prizes to which a public man may aspire You compel me to feel that I possess St in a mark ed degree and therefore words fail ihe to adequately express my grateful ap preciation of your kindness Cheers Labor legislation You have been good enough Mr Secretary to refer in the address you have read to fact that I All at pre sent the position of and Minister of Labor This is the first time publicly that I have been re ferred to Minister of Labor and It perhaps proper therefore that I should make clear to you the of that term Early in our pub lic career as a Government we discov ered that ho far as the Government of our predeoeroru were concerned they had been unmindful in their own af fairs of the Interests of labor and that the public works paid for by the pub- lie money of Canada were iwlng car ried out by wageearners most paid It seemed to fall to my lot to be the ause of the being made as to the terms upon which large portions of the militia clothing of Canada had been manufac tured A was appointed in and after some months in vestigation reported that sweating system as It in called a system the object of which Is to wring it of the dollars a that the effect taken seriously Talking of t te the hanker the prophecies it be worth while to merchant and the recall Sir Charles Toppers opinion of I J finally at policy When in ISO mi sir in four short years of the and He Minister Mr Fielding prop- that volume amounting to from the bottom of his heart iu of icf were being made by tents apiece that a weeks wage upon them did not amount to more than Si for a weeds work of six days ten hours a day or and W in which in regard to the import cents pec hour of June last having up this oppressive p- alone a Ware duction of four and a half million dol- Cheers In other words Canada Laughter Let us see how which policy contains a set our against sys- those four years there had been an in- Charles stands rite in favor of tern and adopted in a system of crease in the number of mailable experience preferential te i precautions known as our anti-sweat- tides passing thru the mails of over j The Imperial rati we into conditions winch railed for the an increase of per cent on Christmas Da Vim On the payment of a fair to those who in the volume business in four March a per work upon that Cass of public work years- That the total number of by a week only 14 ii Cheers ffe expanded the system mailable articles mailed in Canada in adoption the number of letters fiom flrU tlie industries of and last spring introduced into any one year since the establishment Canada to Great Britain and the other ff S com ment what is called the the to affected the had J the destruction of Canadian in- vyil bring good results Great Britain cheers Sir Charles himself in Parlia ment as The result is that this tariff goes into operation and the solution which that upon all had attained its then highest fig- increased by over per cent works no less than the fair cur- ill Ihat in four short In d vas reading the wail the lent rateof wages to competent wmb- years thereafter increased by over within months after the SSul MtSs men shall be paid to per- is a fact full of significance the ul wa form work for the public The reso I attributed to the growth of the the pe J Have you kept in mind the Excellent Vinegars we have both for Table Purposes and for Pickling So many customers are reminding us that it is really good of convincing proof of the energy- pro- of the mm- in and new lue of the conn- ft J and his ExcluiCj 1 termor- try in direct is proof jncrcasc rorred ndencc l General did me Innw ing tKdaj Cheer Canada me to accept the fim as I You ml also fce to earn totll Minister of Labor vhich did and so I hope that the increased postal ad- tandpoinf What is more seasonable than A CUP OF GOOD COFFEE FOB Our special line of Coffee 25e pep lb DAVISO Our Standard Coffee For lb J deplore from the bottom of my heart rum that is going to be inflicted upon the best interests of Canada and upon its great industries Laughter The Tears of Sir Charles todav I am of as well vantages have not been attended by as PostmasterGene Cheers any increased burden upon the people j Twentyone Months Record- You expect me to refer to many pub- for the whole business- of the postoffioe Again sir let us analyze Sir Charles lie questions and I will do so as far Department for the fiscal year ending Toppers general prophecy as to lie as time will permit hut perhaps it the of June JC00 instead of be- of these reductions Let us see would be fitting for me to make carried on as perhaps you might how much is left of his loss of revenue prophecy There Sir Charles poses as- an indus- the first effect of the trial prophet Our trade policy was to Von of the domestic letter rate wort the death knell to Canadian a loss of revenue but those who It did not work that way and I had confidence in the stimulating effect so he now declares that we have stolen jot cheap rates and confidence in his policy When we introduced our I progress of the country which the Lib- tariff reform measure he shed tears parly has and which old bitter tears at the thought of thecon- effete defunct Government never in sequent destruction to the country had felt fully assured that the Today he accepts the situation aiid public would profit by these reduced it is all of his own creating rates by making much freer use of the This versatility and adaptability with- service and that in consequence out embarrassment previous revenue would rapidly grow and attitudes prophecies or ultimately attain and exceed its form- reminds me of the tragic proportions It is now one year end which Sir declared he was- nine months since these reductions ready to prepare for himself in went into operation Speaking in when on the eve of general Parliament- about close of the just as today he stated in his sfon I then stated that the revenue speech in Parliament that so sincere had been rapidly increasing that the was he in support of the remedial bill public were making a much more that he would sit up with it in Parti al use of the than under all night and every night if it former conditions and that in the should cost him his life and after rear future revenue would elections he announced in Parliament ihe point where it stood before the in- from the Opposition side of thc House and painful as it is to to that there not being in the measure as disprove false prophecy of Sir before the elections he had been led to believe he now washed his Well sir destruction of postal industries has followed as Sir main St Its Ticket at the Fair when you are only Exhibitor in your class as we were at the North York Fair flKftlu this year We were disappointed la- not opposition as It gives tho pub lic a to Inspect and compare tho work and also helps to make the fair a suc cess SMITH BROS PHOTOGRAPHERS Pigs Lost Strayed from lot 33 Id 2nd coo King on Sept barrow and bows about five months old Traced to New market Information leading to recovery will be suitably rewarded GlenvlllePO DENTIST Successor to Dr Opposite Drugstore pp J Stenhoase of Toronto Specialist In Diseases of Women ma HON reference to the Depart- at a cost exceeding that of Supper it is nevertheless ment Last session I reviewed in Par- four years before I am glad to state congratulation to the hands of It Laughter its three years workings to you has been conducted at ir twentyone months not let ussee whether Another fiscal has now Jess Applause These in- ms i in postal industries has followed in the mail service closed and I will continue the account creased facilities for that year in this way you will followed be able to compare the administration business of the department under present at thousands Government with that of my the taxpayers A careful study of thc workings your conclusion that progress of the department when we took office and have marched side by showed that its management was u-i- in the Departments progressive and lacking in proper re- Cheers for efficiency and economy These defects it has been my effort to seek venue tensed but now our at Charles prophesied our tariff policy ed by a growth in the postal ratc at people of Canada are not b of nearly fifty per cent- and so much in the parentage of policies or dollars less cost to will show a posUI in results and theref ore the may perhaps iustify ar practical question before the elec- under is whether the fiscal policy of Deficits and High Postal Rates applause A Marked Contrast Canada as today administered is or is not to the advantage of country This question becomes the more im portant because whilst on the plat form at times Sir Charles and For the eighteen years prior to the the present Government the average annual increase in the his followers profess adhesion tariff policy still at its inception he denounced It and only last session he office Department the revenue failing until the 30lh of June and his whole party voted against Dr by about amount to pay the cost is for the eighteen itusseUs resolution for the to remove and it will be for you to t average annual increase n determine whether any measure approaching thrceuar- letters mailed in success has attended these efforts n ihe vas four million From 1st of I all l revenue failing until the 30lh of June deeply concerns of service Tills deficit during follower these reductions the the present British preference what his call- last year of my predecessor In office c letters so mailed had increase by I which may be regarded as its ercial man the amounted to At that time millions cheersbinr aa Of Concern to All The postal service every citizen no matter in life The manufacturer the the farmer postal rale from Canada Great Average millions a year increase men women and children all are en- Britain and the British possessions was the reduced rates as titled to as efficient a postal service as five cents the Canadian domestic increase of four miCons a thc country can reasonably supply rate was three cents and the rate year undei former rates I Further they are entitled to it at the from Canada to the united States and do no claim that this increase is cheapest reasonable These views Newfoundland three cents From time attributable to in- increased for last four years dominated in to time it had been proposed In 1 by the management of the department to reduce the rates but the late that increased facilitii of the Balance crowded out till next issue With a view then to bringing Government apostles of high taxation service more in touch the insisted upon their maintenance ple changes Improvements and devel- daring that they were reasonable that and the progress if the coun try have led the people to a more liberal use of the postoffice in opments In infinite detail have been go- the country could not afford a as by the fact wlnll on all Canada during or the loss of revenue which lhayjjit number of letters mailed last four years An enumeration of thought would upon Canada In year had reached them would be simply Impossible such reduction the Hon Mr Foster In Its then highest figure for otic year knows to what extent any in his last- budget speech namely yet In the four termcnt has been had I may how- himself against the reduction years succeeding our accession to ever enumerate a few For example which he thought would mean of lift millions had grown we have increased the number of post- of at least a year of to be fiscal year ending June offices by the number of which put on top of the existing an- i78 other caving banks by number deficit would hrhiK it up to over money order offices by We have a million and a half dollars a tear established for the first tlmein Canada and therefore he intimated that the a postal note system having how En question could not be considered until operation postal note offices the dim distant future The then This is a branch of the service expressed himself had no existence wiUi our similarly as did others of his Cheers We have increased the leagues including Sir Charles mileage for carriage of malls to a very These views of our predecessors were considered and we reached Girl for work Good homo Apply Annie W Toronto Farm tor be every Saturday at the Newmarket Waiting room upstairs SOON YOULL NOTICE A chtll on mornings Purl of and rwr of Uank burn and soft water Apply on premises or to It IfM- the air in the Its a hint of cooler weather of colder- weather farther on Can very well bear a little ex tra clothing nights and mornings A heavy coat would be too much of and addition but these lighter ones that we make are Intended for Just this season A big range of materials and not one that cost a cent more than it ought r my TaUof Our Fall Goods have arrived t which are Better than Ever Larger than Ever Cheaper than Ever The patterns and quality that we carry give a better selection of Woollens than any other Tailor in York County newest fabrics of finest wool that can bo had for the money Compare ours others and you will see that we are still leading the woollen trade of the Town in work manship quality and price The range of Overcoatings and Trouserings include the newest patterns on the Market Everything Guaranteed iU MCLAUGHLIN GRAND TRUNK SALE BY TENDER or Valuable Farm Property Tenders will bo received by Toronto words an increase in four years of over per cent Since Sir Charles and his colleagues are now en deavoring to expalln away the pros perity of the country perhaps toey could explain how it comes that under our Cecal and postal reforms instead of postal revenue being followed by an increase of a million dollars a year to our deficit we are now Lost rased from Lot la con But some time June Ewes and Lambs marked with a under carl Infor mation leading to will be suitably row dUclosed tola had been per annum on the fostered by the methods of our to the enormous sum of would be of great to the great wrong of many miles In excess of the mileage of country and prove a toilers In Canada A- an instance J In existence when we took of union between Canada people a maximum amount of at great extent establishing new services carefully frequency of old the opinion that erroneous J upgrade as regards in Hie fact he aggregate increased mileage that the reduction of letter rate and that lie people are writing June last between Canada and million letters a more than they to the Wade wrote years ago You will also bond he glad to knov that the em- the fact that by the of the Having thus by In- jure and that reduction of rale postal rates we have left in the pock- creased generally aid lead to els of people a million of dollara Aurors Executors bonks money order office and postal ai volume of and of money as Sir Charles says may bay the that tie large heavy military overcoats heavy and hard to sew Farm for Sale The Executors of the of bo 1st South or In of for by lender tenders ft bo in en or before to A Love Aurora This vslufthV fsria Issa well known that It and subject to lo 1st Trusts Adoilnlatrators if the County of York owned by the Mr St George of Georae of October next for flie that valuable farm near Oak dues of and the east half property acres of lot7ftid Township of Whitchurch It Is an excellent farm for purposes having of shade and water It la only hours run from Toronto by the Metropolitan pass es within a mile and a half of It Is a very attractive for a dwelling being on with targe grounds about It Tenders are the whole property en bloc to For west halves of lot and west half of lot For the east half lot No tender necessarily accepted For further information sod ted apply to the To- Annual Western Excursions September 29 Return ticket will bo issued from New market at the following To Detroit Port Huron Hay City Saginaw Cleveland Columbus Chicago Cincinnati or all Columbus Chicago Sail S16W via Chicago or North Tickets Sept and and valid to return Monday Tickets rates and all from agents Grand Trunk Hallway System A MoCLBLLAN Agent Newmarket Union Toronto Goal and Wood Lime Hair Cements 5 FREE pack May Home pk 1 pack PACKS or Flirtation pack Hold to the rack Our Sofa lust holds two pack of Sonde A K1KNKY Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free W WILLSON Cor Main Huron

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