Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1900, p. 7

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Vf 7- ft TOPM s CHINA y HALL TODK AWAKE WORTHY TO RECORD MOUNT ALBEBT Mr John Rowland barrister of is visiting his parents this week Mr and Mrs of were visiting at Stephen re- SALE Childrens Summer Shoes China and Glassware Very interesting prices for purchasers Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Tea Sets Lemonade Sets I and lb Butter Crocks Mrs Powers of Toronto visited here this week Rev Mr McLean of Toronto occupi ed the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday The ladies of Presbyterian congrega tion give a social at Jr on Friday evening this week Every one welcome Mr Alex Jennings of Toronto spent over Sunday with his parents The Sutton Senior Baseball team came here last Thursday and won by a score of The umpire Mr did not know what base ball wast Our senior team were again defeated the nest day at Bradford score Mr umpired to the satisfac tion of all game at New market in three weeks time between these two teams The juniors went to Sutton on Sat urday and won score They came very near having to come home without supper Our juniors bare now won out of with Sutton Methodist church will have their Harvest Home Service next Sun day There will be no service in the Methodist church here Mrs Rogers of Toronto is visit ing friends here Miss Flora Glover of Ml Pleasant is visiting her brother Glover Miss Flora Ough relumed from Roachs Point looking well after her extended visit to her sister Mrs Win Mr Roland is home on a visit to his parents Mrs Andy Moulds of is visiting her sister Mrs Spalding Mr Byron Forrest returned home last week after an extended trip to the North West and British Columbia looking much better and speaking high ly of the country We understand Mrs Terry is do ing as well as could be expected after an operation performed by and HOLLAND Lovely weather wo are baying latelj to this turning pecks Dont know Mr Mid of were if- of Lane on of Mr- Archie or god Jot isheppard of are visiting the years yheppard left Landing A very sad accident at Mr Saturday afternoon last by bla It appear his a year old playing In tHe felt Into a tub water assistance arrived little glri all efforts to resuscitate it were Ineffectual Much aytapathv Is by the to and Mrs Grant in Mr Scib and lad friend of Ball town on Sunday last Mrs la visiting her raotber Mrs Daley of Toronto Is borne on a ion Mr Joseph Andrews and sister of Bond Head Mtsse Morning on Sunday Lot spent Sun day and Monday at home Toronto spent Sunday at her fathers Mr Master Chapman left on for the city wbcPohe will attend Trinity Medical College Every success Will Mr Luck spent of days la the city last Mr attending jury In he ell v Mrs who baa been dangerously weare pleased to gay Is better Miss Ethel Toronto on account of her mothers Illness Mrs Harrington of Jet attended the little Rosa Grant on Monday Mrs ti and of Ora- abaund Messrs A J wtre At Horn on Monday evening when a number of invited were present Every one re- enjoyed thebiselrefl a if me and Agitator and his best I passed thru town on Monday last He drives a tony rig now place snoioH in num ber at ended both on Sunday 1ns and evening Jenkins of is he guest of Mrs The following were present at the party On Monday Miss Aggie Taylor Mr and Mrs Martin Mr Greenwood John and James Taylor- all or Sutton Mr Mr and Mrs J and several others from market Mrs daughter and Mrs she Pun Archie of who have spending the pas few weeks at the retimed on last A large thru here on toatund the Convention at Shar on Lota of snort the river now plentiful la reported hi and lot Jr Mr moving to Manitoulin Island BALDWIW The latest- Rev Minor has decided V o wmmi to accept his appointment to Port I Forrest We hope to see her around Credit by conference but has taken a again in Sunday next trill be Childrens lp Church here Mr- of will rttdresathechUdrcn In he church The usual Childrens Day lnr Colics la aid of Cen tury Fund to srHte Mr not had an attack of Asthma stated In press a couple of weeks ago Dont on October at last and any centring should write call fit A fresh of pearancvof A special ailractiin on Fair Pay will be a match between team and Wo understand Mr and Mrs Embury are going to move to In the near future- to you Nell wire In on Sunday aod family of Man are visiting her sister Mrs J and family Spent Wed nesday the Lake bore Three ladles of West were visiting at Wrlgbts Mtmday last fttrnron Mr John Era to ect accounts etc Orders for is Agent for Hie at Sutton and is author- receive subscriptions col- all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to Mrs Mark lias returned home from her visit with her daugh ter Mrs of Toronto A Baseball Watch was played a last Thursday between Sutton and Albert at the latter place Score Albert Mr Hugh Murphy a much respected citizen of died a week ago last Thursday at the advanced age of years He was a member of R Church the competing for a IjIr Mr child been very lit for put yfo weeks but ro to know it in Id weeks has Mr and Black of Toronto spent a few with bis parent- Mr anil Tuesday men were t dinner flrc at the tbofhaviugs was only tfflialaiice of bora tbo hive dectrdyd Mr 111 ffBthcrioi up sugar five prizes for at Qufle Ainy well of 1aralo her In Of that Mi It this Jmd the of see ing the me in last Prank lutnr Timcfl of winners school exhibit Mr has Improved ptaraoceof his lawn by hie a Fruit Jars We have a Big Stock Now the beginning of the Preserving and Pickling Season fa OUR STOCK OF Sugars S cannot be excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices and give you the best in quality A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone I you will gfct mall a fOlOEK Of GOODS that will briny you In money ft a tbaaaaytnlof barrel GO a per per PVrfeWhvalptr busk el W per prUer lb Pit ton JVkpitw pair pair Pi rib drctetyl burton J i I 4 W CO Vi ISM a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 15 0 w w 10 AH coons look alike to me and so do horses when it comes to girls I make no mistake there so says one of our young men who attended the Concert at Newmarket the second night of the Fair After arriving home he found he had the same girl hut not the horse he started out with He had another trip to Newmarket next morning CORNERS Too for last week The threshers are all kept busy these days The grain is turning oufe well It said red clover is generally poorly filled Mr has rented his place and purposes returning to Chicago ear ly in Oct Mr will he greatly missed from this neighborhood Miss Anna Reed returned home after nearly a years stay in Syracuse Y accompanied by her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs returned Tues day last Mr purchased the Davis faun while here Mr spent over Sunday with his sister Mrs Guest in Tp Co The spirit of a loving mother a de voted wife an eminently Christian woman passed peacefully to ils rest early Saturday morning On Monday afternoon the body was to its last resting place followed by a large number of sorrowing friends Mr address was most beautifully fitting filling all with the great need of Setting their house in order c Mr and family have the deepest sympathy of the community in his sad sad bereavement Earth hath no sorrows Heaven cannot heal Mrs nee Miss Hose is selling out her household goods purposes going to California her brother resides Mr and Mrs of Dray ton are with friends in this vicinity Mrs Samoa is a sister of Mrs- Newborn and daughter of Rev Mr Sidney Is in Toronto on jury The chairman of the Uxbridge dis- dlstrict preached the annual Missionary sermon at Bethel Sunday morning It was an able Mr has resigned his protect orate of- the Base Line educational in stitute Mr- Samuel Is on a visit to having accompanied Mr circuit in Genesee Co New York A growing time In our town Little emigrants boys arrived from the old country to the homes of John Miller mason and miller As this is a continued story Chap will follow shortly We have a smart girl in our burg Delia aged secured 1st Prize for bread at North York air Mr and Mrs paid a to the Industrial Home at Fair time They speak highly of the courtesy shown them by Keeper Kavanagh Of course he would- Mrs is a tidy housekeeper and her critical eye took in everything at a glance It was Great things are in store for York if the deal between Toronto Co and the Metropolitan is a go Things will boom at The Mt Albert kids have swelled heads On Saturday they migrated to Sutton and demonstrated their ability to play ball Our Charlie is a natural born mechanical genius His latest- effort is restocking an old shooting iron Its a howling success Our widows who were turned out to grass last week on account of the trial in the city were reunited to their hubbies on Friday night was a time of rejoicing the boys remark in a very philosophical way that I here are abundance of females in the city James Smith of Toronto up last week to his Jersey farm his grain to mill James is a friend who will never desert James won a fortune in when he got his faithful spoils Donald and Oscar are to be congrat ulated on their luck at the Sessions which is attributed to the jury being empanelled from city jurors It is said Archie Riddel that he fired the house and Oscar Thompson Chapmans barn but jury thought his evidence unreliable I can say the boys were always straight with me The town hall stockholders have aroused to action Had a raised the hall on its foundation last week and have- given the contract for completing the build ing inside and out A grand probably be given to provide ex penses Grandma is in Sutton stay ing with her sister Aunt Dehby who is rather poorly One of our boys who has a few dol lars quite disgusts the other lads by the way he displays it If watch out hell get knocked over his folly were delighted with the Mrs of Schenectady Y is visiting with Mrs J Boyd Mr Wellington had the misfortune to get a fork tine run into bis knee while assisting threshing at Mr J Mr and Mrs left on Friday last to attend the fun eral of Mrs Summerfeldts sister-in- law Mrs James Bowman of near Mr Johnston of took a run up here a week ago Thursday evening and returned Friday morning Sorry to say that Mr had a second stroke of paralysis on Wednesday morning a week ago which has left him in a very helpless condition He has no use of his left side and is also entirely deprived of speech The church of England congregation held their annua Harvest Home in St James Church a week ago Wed nesday The church was appropriate ly decorated in a manner indicative of the many bounties we enjoy Mrs Allan of Carlo Mich who has been visiting with Mrs for several months left for home last Tuesday A most interesting checker match was last Saturday between the contingent from this locality on the one side and that of on the other The match was played at In stating the names of those pitted against each other I have put the men first each party played six games 1st Mr Reive P score 2nd Fleming J 3rd Mr Young Park J A A J Miller Winch Mr Milne A Mr Vaiizant Park Fleming Park Mr Reive A 12 J J J Miller P Mr dont in home All who visited the Newmarket Fair speak in the highest terms agement East York may yet be eclipsed by her Bister York of attractions provided by the directors of North York Fair especial- Went thmif an North I The ladies of Bethel are again on West Show and the Child qui vive for something to make glad program the hearts of its worshippers The snow squash and mam- choir ably led by MLsu molh is the object of much and Miss Winch organist arc earnest- admiration He had some Monsters is at work and something good can he temperature of the weather now expected Rev Brace is looking for like Hi some really first rate talent The has his pork lean and fat young people of the church meet this j has left and Friday to decorate M I church Those who fail to attend lt for ftfrvlccs on Sunday t treat Owl decorate I to attend is liar vest Home on Sunday Kt lew next will miss a rare treat Young Winch- A A Result would be ap proximately the players from this locality The Sutton men speak very highly of the kind courteous and hospitable treatment they received from the Markham men which they highly appreciated Last Sunday was Day at the Presbyterian church which was tastefully decorated for the occasion The service was particularly for the children in which they took part Rev M who has just returned fioiii China gave an interesting talk their degraded habits and idolatrous worship showing the great need for the Gospel there Mrs Hands after a prolonged visit with her parents left last Friday morning for her home in New York accompanied by her brother Mr Mr Geo Burrows returned to Karlo last week Is not very becoming in those who work in Hour and dough to be seen with big grimy cigars in their mouths There are those who do not relish cigar ashes or cigar fumes mingled with what they eat Mr who lias had charge of the Presbyterian congregation here during the summer vacation will preach his farewell next Sun day The Presbyterian congregation of Knox church Sutton intend hold ing a social gathering in Victoria Hall next Monday evening previous loMr McDcrmlds departure to resume his studies at College The Albert Juvenile Baseball team played a return match last Sat urday on the Sutton grounds and were again victorious Score Mount Albert Sutton Mrs sisters Misses Mary and Minnie Granger arc spend ing a couple of weeks at Gravenhurst Miss May Hawker of this village has secured a school in Durham County near Port Hope Mr and Mrs celebrated their golden wedding last Monday enjoyed years of wedded life They received many THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE BROOKLYN Automatic and Wickless Blue Flame Oi Stoves f Simple to Mr Win Grant teacher at King City spent Sabbath last with friends here Mrs Win of Kinghorn spent a few days at her fathers Mr Thos Davis Mr had a call from his brother Cornelius of Toronto St Railway force Thursday alter vis iting Newmarket Fair Miss Bertha went Lome with him for a holiday- Mr John and sister Miss Martha were at the old home Mr Geo Ramsays on Sunday Miss Draper of Keswick was the guest of Misses Mount last week Mrs Geo spent Sabbath last with friends in the city Mr and Mrs of spent the past week visiting with their numerous friends in this section Mr Win Abernethy of while en route to the Fair on Thurs day at Lloyds and took din ner Mrs of Aurora spent Sabbath last with Mrs R J Mrs Hopper of Pine Orchard was visiting at the parental home on Sun day Mrs J White of Toronto is rusti cating at Farm One evening last week some posed person entered Mr Webbs bee house and deliberately took 2 fine racks of comb honey We regret that our usually quiet neighborhood should be possessed or visited by such idlers at the head That bach elor visited with a number of others on Friday last a shooting match at Mr Samuel and carried away head of fowl ducks and a goose Now you Harvest Home beg gar just bear in mind a pair of those ducks would add largely to the supper and youll need them when the bachel or puts in his appearance Mr while engaged slaugh tering some one day last week unfortunately got his hand so badly lacerated as to require medical aid to repair the injury One day last week Mr Campbell of the sent his little boy to the village and upon returning near the house the dog ran out nipping the horse by the heels causing it to run away and throw the lad out For tunately the boy was seriously in jured but the buggy was demolished to quite an extent The relatives and friends of Mr Al bert- of Manitoba have our sympathy because of sad news of the hitlers death received by telegram on Tuesday Deceased It is said was a victim typjioid fever were wending our way past the down town grocery on Monday last when our amazement and delight a handsome sign bedecked the front of the premises an example that many of us might follow We have many time had strangers enquire of us what was the name of the place Mr sign will no doubt overcome the didt- largely as he has termed on the sign Grocer About that Harvest Horn Festival on the hist Hot fowl of all kinds to be served and the entertain ment committee are leaving nothing undone to make it an treat On Friday last the Toronto Mail failed to reach destination IwtC J something quite unusual Quite a number from this section took In the MassMeeting at Sharon on Tuesday last Operate Fully Guaranteed These Stoves operate similar to the well known Stu dent Lamp You extinguish ant adjust the by simply raising ami lowering the burner Screen Doors Screen Windows IceCream Freezers Pure Pari Green Twine Agents for Massey Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO OUR FALL STOCK Is Hearing Completion and as usual we will Undersell Every House In the trade TORONTO HOUSE OVePfloui The Executive of the Y teach ers Association met in Newmarket last Saturday and arranged pro gram for the Convention to be held in Aurora next month Big Mr of Sandhill has purchas ed the property on the corner of Queen and Niagara St reels for and is making a wonderful improve ment The old fence lias been remov ed the big trees being cleared out the old buildings at the rear torn down and a stone foundation is to be put the house The stone is the grounds African Nexus OIL London Sept The War Office has received following despatch from Lord Roberts dated Pretoria Sept 24 reports that he found at one Long Torn Impound er and one which had been destroyed rifles 30 boxes of small arm ammunition Long Tom shells etc Barton has captured trek oxen cattle and sheep Gen by making a march of miles east of kraal captured the laager of Com mandant seizing head of cattle and sheep Twenty men who had been left in charge of the laager were made prisoners was absent with his troops at the time he being engaged kin making an attack the on Second Street a dog ran out and ping at the horses heels caused it to run away Going down the big hill towards the railway track the horse turned the corner leading to the old mill The buggy upset and all three were thrown out held on to the lines into the bank and broke its neck Mr House Killed About 5 oclock last Wednesday af- ternoon Mr Richard Laboiila wife Hie whole of the and daughter started out for a drive stocks have been When opposite residence of Mr lhc iie miles of vehicles majority being in good condition The incidents which now fill Lord Roberts daily bulletins and the meagre despatches received by the London press are of police work rather r w than acts of war Lord Methuen has lit Mr large droves of cattle and The horse ran has broken up the camp of the ICrnsmus commando and other and Mrs were hot very bad- commanders are picking up wagons Hamilton Out Sept Pearson has confessed that he with out provocation shot and killed his sweetheart Annie Griffon on the high way near Waterdown last night The confession that he has owned to was almost forced from him by detectives from Hamilton yesterday and its de tails prove the young man who is now held by the police a mental degener ate Pearson the murderer Is only years of age fie has only a fair reputation he has never been In trouble with the police ly bruised mid the buggy box and top were a total wreck Mr A rig came along a few minutes after and brought them home It Will be quite bill for somebody to Wanted Apply MrsT St FOR SALE- ma fleet Depot The new station is about ready for occupancy The electric lights arc be ing installed this week and the agent ex pet is to move in next Monday or Tuesday feet of new platform has been fciid and another feet will be laid as soon as the old station is removed Freight business continues very ac tive cars were received the past week and were shipped from here Coming in were cars of merchandise of lumber each of salt coal and household goods of fruit and one each of brick steel wire marble wa terpipes bottles vinegar and ale The going out were loaded as follows merchandise 15 woodenwarc lt grain Jive stock J railway supplies marsh hay empty boxes and lour I also valuable presents A ft eon Mod new Apply to i Compare the J Era with any other weekly for home news ammunition horses live stock and here and there squads and patrols of famished and desperate burghers These are the closing episodes of the campaign which has cost more in blood and treasure than any war of lire Queens reign affairs in China Shanghai Sept Li Hung telegraphs to Chinese her that his troops in obedience to his orders are hunting out the in the Pro vince of Chili They have killed mora than a thousand of them at and dispersed targe bodies Ausuh and southwest of A doen of their leaders were cap tured and publicly executed by tat ion an hour later LiHungChang adds that the surrounding country will be free of in less than They are returning to their farina everywhere It is reported from Chinese twees that the dowagerEmpress has issued a secret edict commanding Li Hung Chang to raise an army and recapture i I I

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