Newmarket Era, 5 Oct 1900, p. 2

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if i THE- NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT V Items of Intercut Co Mens K Red Cedar Shingles Cane Sons The Shannon File The Specialty Co Now is the Time T Graham Reduced RatesBell Telephone Commercial Highway Tenders Jos Roy Voters List Lloyd Lot for Sale C Tenders Cottage for Sale John To Farmers A Dog Lost- member of the Provincial Assem bly of Gib son has accepted the Liberal nomina tion for York the constituency at present represented by Hon George Foster the noted Minister of de ficits in two Conservative Administra tions previous to the last general elec tions Perhaps this accounts for the intimation two weeks ago that Mr Foster was likely to be named for an Ontario constituency Politics are getting warm down by the sea Already Opposition papers are trying to discount the defeat of Hon Hugh John in Brandon They are now publishing a story no doubt born of conscious fear that Hon Mr will defeat Mr Macdonald if it should cost to do it The dry bones are beginning to shake challenge to Hon Hugh John shows how the wind Wows There is TbHfcls Printed talk now of Manitobas Premier- wiping the streets of Brandon with Mr Isaac Wilson of an LETS UP I GROWS WITH EACH FRIDAY OCT The succession duties which the On tario Government will collect this year it is expected will be largely in excess of The Department now estimates the duties will probably to tal over By the demise of Hon Alex Ross Clerk of the County Court of York on Saturday last an important and lucrative office in the Judicial County of York is placed at the dis posal of the Premier of Ontario Villi Toronto get this plum also or will the county be considered this time The of Monday announces to readers Remember that the ballot in the Federal elections 13 ab solutely secret The Government can not discover how you have voted It took our long years to make this discovery and were its political friends on top it would not have been known yet A recent private despatch from the Dominion capital states that Hon J I Tarte has received a number of in vitations to speak at political meet ings in Ontario and will likely make a tour of the Province early in October speaking in Toronto and other places- East and possibly North York will be included In Hon Mr program It is known that in consequence of the action of St Matthews Ward Con servative Association recently Mr Maclean P has forwarded a letter to Mr Alex chairman the Minister of the Interior The broom appears to be in other hands A new monthly periodical Vol No for September of the Labour- Gazette issued by the Department of Labor of which Hon is Minister by order of Parliament is to hand Its purposes is the dissemina tion of accurate statistical and other information relating to labor condi tions and kindred subjects It is in tended to be of service to workmen and others desiring reliable data in re gard to questions especially affecting labor and such topics as have a bear ing on the states and wellbeing of the industrial classes of Canada Price per copy or cts per annum Address orders to The Accountant of Labour Ottawa Letters to this address go free The Ottawa correspondent of the To ronto Globe has this to say in re ference to bogus ten dollar bills of the Bank Readers of the Era should bear in mind the inti mation given Bogus tendollar POINTS m mm Mrs Fred is quite Miss Jessie Dickson of is visiting in Town Mr J G Muir and family spent Sunday in Aurora Mr Walter of Toronto was home over Sunday Mr and Mrs Elmer Davis of King were in Town on Sunday Mr Albert has decided to move to Toronto shortly Mr and Mrs were visiting in a few days ago Mr and Mrs J S Downed were At Home on Tuesday evening Mrs Root Little sr has gone to Detroit to visit her son George Miss of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mrs John Miss of Bradford was the guest of Mrs Hewitt over Sunday Miss Brown of Toronto was guest of Mrs A on Sun day Mrs John is in Graven- hurst this week to act as Judge at the Fair A sisterinlaw of Mrs Ellis Hughes is here from Philadelphia on a visit The Misses Leek of Head ford were guests at the Methodist parsonage over Sunday Mrs Art Low of Toronto is home for a time on account of the illness of her sister Mr Thomas of Toronto spent one evening last week at Mr W Olivers Mr Douglas Hunter left on Satur day for to see how he likes the country Bailiff wife and daugh ter have gone to Michigan for visit of three weeks Mr J A Bathgate of York Mills was the guest of Mr A one day last week brother of Mr John Wilson of Whit church and also his daughter Mrs were here to attend the halfyearly meeting of the Friends on Street and spent several days Presbytery of Toronto on Tuesday passed a resolution congratu lating Rev Dr of St Andrews King upon the completion today as years as pastor of that congregation In reply he his was the on the roll of the Old Kirk Presbytery and he was- the only one surviving Patterson of was in Town on Saturday He was suffering from an injured finger It was brok en by a fall oft the sidewalk the even ing previous in the dark Miss Millard attended the wedding of Miss Mortimer daughter of Mr C Mortimer to Mr lames Toronto on Wednesday evening The Ottawa Journal of Oct 1st says Mr A for a year past acceptably filling the tellers box at the Ontario Bank this city has been transferred to the Head Office of the bank in Toronto and will be followed by the well wishes of the banks Ottawa clientage and of its local The latter on Saturday expressed tangibly their feelings of re gret in presenting Mr with an excellent pair of pocket Field Glasses and Miss Webb of Holland Landing spent last Friday with Miss Reba Thompson Miss daughter of of To ronto is also a guest at the same place Host Council I At the above price we give you a pure wool Tweed made double or single breast lined with the very bast materials and made by expert tailors all sizes- AT We are more than ever selling finer makes of cloth ing and to surprise as well as please our customers we give you a suit at as good or better than your tailor could make for These suits are made of fine Imported Worsteds and Scotch Tweed effects Sack Coat double bust linings the very best perfect fitting very swell Suits at MENS SUITS AT 490 notes of the Bank are being circulated in Ottawa and learn that Miss standing tire repeated cautions on the part of the bank officials who were notified a few weeks ago of the exist ence of the bogus currency a number of city merchants were duped during the usual rush on Saturday night Some fifteen victims produced the counterfeit money at the bank today and the Manager at once notified the Chief of Police The bill the bank officials state is a very poor counter feit of the tendollar denomination and it should be easily detected by anyone accustomed to handling money Cabinet Ministers are bringing their for East York resigning his assailants to time Not wry long for that Riding The Conserva tives are not united on Mr Maclean and his opposition to Mr Ed Clarke for the mayoralty of Toronto last year has not helped matters any The Saskatchewan Star of states that prairie chickens are very plentiful up there this year and a local correspon dent from Chicken shooting is the order of the in our settlement at present and as game is plentiful some good are made Clarence Taylor shot twenty the other morning before breakfast- Just fancy twenty prairie fowl taken be- ago Mr Bennett M P for But coe made a statement publicly in in ference to Hon Mr Tarte which the latter declared to be untrue and which Mr Bennett had no right to make Hon Mr promptly notified Mi Bennett that he was prepared to meet him on a public platform In Sim- in reference to the charge and to discuss with him political issues before the country but we have not seen any notice of Mr Bennetts acceptance of the challenge Hon Hugh John in company with Sir and Hon Mr Foster while touring Ontario said some things in fore breakfast This will make sone of our sporting fraternity feel like l h has challenged Hon John to meet him on a political plat form in Brandon Evidently the way of the transgressor opposed to the Government is not a very agreeable one travelling West Never was the position of a party more concisely and accurately stated than vas that of the Tories on pre ferential by Sir Richard at the other day Sir said he I can understand why these men hate preferential trade I can understand why they hate and detest to see the Liberal party above all others adopt preferential trade with Great Britain Sir it the best possible contrast to their own liployalty to their own hypocritical deference to the British empire What they talked about the Liberals did and I think that Is the sting of the whole business as far as they are con cerned The Toronto Star points out the following curious coincidence in con nection with the picture of the Cabi net of the sixth Legislature of On tario The death of Hon A Ross completes a curious chain of co incidences connection with the pic ture of the Cabinet of the Sixth Leg islature of Ontario which in the place of prominence in the reception room at the Parliament buildings In the right of the Speaker are Hon A Hardy and Hon who In turn have become Premiers of Die province On the left are Hon T Pardee Hon and Hon A M Row who In this order have been claimed by the grim reaper Referring to a visit of the Jury to the County of Home of or Industrial Home we call it In this County World observes There is no in the annual visits of Grand Juries to the House of Refuge but they cost the ratepayers a number of The Junes have a nice Jaunt and no ate invigorated by the healthy atmosphere of this but hey ac complish any good for the county or the House of The frequent by the County Councillors the Inspector- doctor ihouM surely be give the til the Information regarding- the of Refuge These remarks will apply with equal force bo York County is MOUNT ALBERT Mr Frank Paisley of New York visiting his uncle Mr Terry Miss Mooney of visited with Miss Flossie Forrest here for a few days Mr Chas Rowland left to at tend Varsity on Monday Mr Byron Vandewater left Toronto for Chicago this week where he takes a situation with the Swift Packing Co Mr Geo of Toronto visited his parents over Sunday Mr Hughes of New York vas visit ing in town for a few days On Wed nesday he left for home accompanied by Mrs Hughes who has spent the summer here The League meeting on Monday was well attended An address was given by Rev J J of chairman of Methodist District and Mr A Miller of contributed a couple of solos There will be a scries of monthly meetings in aid of the of this District to keep a missionary in the field The social at Mr Mooreheads on IFrfday evening was quite successful A pleasant evening was spent over The Presbyterian congregation have decided to extend a call to Rev Mr- Duncan formerly of Woodville but who is now residing In Toronto It is also probable that no ap pointment but the congregation here will be placed in his charge attains in China Gen Kent Cot with a detachment of railroad troops and volunteers- to en gage a force of Chinee who had oc cupied the railroad at The won two obstinate fights dead were left In the trenches after tbe engagement has been very sick for the past three weeks Miss and her mother have returned home after spending a month in the city Miss and little Cameron are spending a few days with friends at Mrs William Tyson Moore and son of were visiting Mrs J A Allan last week Mr and Mrs Alfred McCarty of Keswick were visiting at Mr O J Wilsons tHe past week Miss Christina Spring returned from last week and left again on Monday for the city The Era staff desires to express their thanks to Mr T A Lewis for another basket of apples Mrs J P Hunter returned from on- Friday and spent over Sun day with friends in Town Mr Albert Hendry of Toronto was in Town yesterday Report says that he intends moving to California Miss Edith Jones teacher of spent over Sunday with Miss Ada Lehman at Mr J Woodcock County Coun cillor accepted an invitation to attend a Fair down in Kingston this week Mr James Nixon of Toronto for merly of this Town was Newmar ket last Friday on Masonic business Hon was the guest of Dean at on Wednesday night and opened the Fair yesterday Mrs A of Wellington is home for a visit at her fathers Mr A before starting for Cali fornia for her health Scott and son who have been spending a month with her father Mr Penrose left on Tuesday to join her mother at Winnipeg Esq County is in Michigan this week at tending a Convention in the interests of Sugar Beet Growers Mr Harry Richardson who has been in Dr Richardsons dental parlor for some time left on Tuesday to at tend Dental College in Toronto Miss Palmer and Miss of the Friends Endeavor Newmarket have gone to as delegates to attend the Provincial Convention J W Elliott of Richmond Hill vas In town on Tuesday on her to as a delegate to the Womans Missionary Convention Miss Irwin of Toronto was the guest of Mrs over Sunday and also being a delegate to Convention accompanied her there Mrs Bryan of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mrs Spring After a severe of Ave weeks Wesley Spring Is able to be again Mr and Mrs Coombs were At Home last Friday evening to a large party of young people numbering about thirty They had a delightful time Rev W K and wife of Albert were in Town on Tuesday Mrs went on to Meaford to attend the Missionary Convention as a delegate Mrs Webb Kansas was the guest of Mrs Geo Trivett over Sun day She expects to spend two or three weeks with relatives in Town and vicinity A Juvenile party In of of Falls who has been spending the last three weeks with his uncle Mr was given last Friday evening Mr A I- Davidson School In spector and Rev A McGJllivray attended the of Public School on Friday evening and dellverea Met at Sharon on Sept 29th All members present Communications received from Clerk of King re repairs to Line Jesses Cook bill re lumber Lamb of Toronto Council re Radial Electric Railways Graham Weddel re appointment as Collector B Howard re error in dog tax J Elmer gravel John re work Sharon A Mannering work Wright re work con and sheep claim George West re damage sustained to his horses on culvert con Walter Watson re timber on road allowance con lots and and Thos Rye and Albert Watson gra vel on con A bylaw was amended by erasing the name of Geo resigned and inserting the name of Graham Weddel as Collector for- the year of The following payments were order ed Treasurer of King re W Line Jesse Cook lumber nil verts and bridges Jesse Cook lumber for Mt Albert sidewalk refund of dog tax J Elmer re gravel John re work on Sharon 5 John re storage of road machine Alfred work con bounty re de stroying dog found Worrying sheep Jas Wright sheep claim James Wright work on road Council adjourned to meet on Satur day Nov 3rd at pm in Sharon Good Solid Tweed well lined all sizes Best Suits at 490 well made and This makes a good suit for 2nd LAD D The die Btihjbss At the Royal Victoria on Sept to Mr and Mrs A formerly of a bod Mother and both doing welt At Callander it Toronto on by Rev Mr Louie Campbell Bred- ford to youngest of the late At the residence of the brides mother 2nd King by Rev McCollooh of on the let of October Mr Jesse of Mary Ella Boodle daughter of the James Brodle Long At the Methodist Par- on 3rd Inst by J Stewart Gertie Long of Toronto formerly of Aurora to John Henderson Esq of THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a special out in prices on Furniture for a few days before tak ing stock For Cash High Black Diners per sett up with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables up Bedroom 8ulteal Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up All other Roods in proportion JACKETS We are again on top with a big display of Ladies and Misses uptodate Coats at from to per cent less than regular pri e Dont fail to see our stock if you need a Jacket Special prices for Saturday only We give these cuts for the day only in order to introduce the King Shoes Kings 3 oo Buttoned Kids at Kings 2 Button Common Sense at Kings 2 Fine Button Kid at Kings 2 25 75 Kings 00 Lace Kids at Kings 2 1 95 Kings H E MADDOCK Mr D OBreen recently spent week with his brother at Rev J Watt preached a temperance to a large congregation last Sabbath evening The musical strains of Brass Band were heard in our village on Tuesday on way to the Mass- Meeting at Sharon There will be no service next Sab bath in the Presbyterian church here on account of Anniversary Services In con with the church on the con of King Miss Tlllie Watson Is visiting her sis ter at Visitors this week Mr Wei- and Miss Robinson of at Miss M Mr J and Miss at Willow Grove Farm and Mr from Starrs BaReru Output A Night calls attended to at Residence John H Millard A Telephone Sept 29 A fire occurred at yesterday afternoon in which a boy of three and a girl of five the family of Mrs Morgan lost their lives It is supposed they got possession of matches The moth er was working in the potato patch out of sight of house and only ar- in time to see the roof collapse Tomb In on Sept Murphyaged J Tjtjhdt in Toronto on 2nd of George Ban formerly of keV In on Mon day 1st IW0 of he late Terry and mother of Dr Terry dentist of Into aged a Interred Cemetery yesterday Timothy at Newmarket on Oot let Jane aged year days tar been confined to the house for over two yean through The remains were inferred at Aurora Cem etery on Sept was no less than Our books since Feb show a steady increase up to this and is fast growing into an important industry of itself being taxed to the ut most every day This shows the quality of our Eureka Bread Our Special Brands Try them or have the wagon call Roger Bros Famous Manitoba Flour la what we use entirely for bread Car Loads Of this Flour expected any day It is also sold over tho counter for private use All good Bakers know it it a trial and you will use no other a Furniture I MalntJt lJuciful and Prompt Attention PEACHES This week practically ends the season for peaches Some fine stock this shipment See them Last BANANAS and per dozen Tons Of Grapes Direct from the vineyards for preserving at lowest possible prices Choice Confectionery Caramels and Fruit Cordials best in the land Try them Crab Apples wanted by the barrel Central Telephone W NSTARR

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