fc a FRIDAY OCT 900 IS ON IK ABOUT TOWN Red Society A irnportant business trill take place in the Council Chamber i oclock this afternoon All are requested to attend commenced on Monday pitting in a stone foundation under Keiths residence on Timothy Street- Bacon Son have the contract Real Estate Sole The property of Mr Thomas Swain Timothy Street has been purchased by the Misses for They will take immediate possession Mr Swain intends to go to to with his son for a time and Mrs Swain is going to Toronto to visit her daughter Court Ed- a man well known ground Town was summoned before Lloyd on Saturday to answer the charge of retaining- money under false pretences failed to ap pear and a warrant was issued for bis Since then he has not been seen around Town The demand for electric light still continues Mrs Dr Rogers has de- tided to have lights put into residence Alderman has also decided to put it into his residence with a meter and the electrician is figuring on the cost of lighting Rider residence with electricity The Specialty Works A man named- Mr Jacob Stitinger was very badly burnt in the japanning room last Saturday afternoon He was lighting a ire with waste satu rated with oil and on applying a match the current of air was carried down the chimney instead of up and the flame burst in front of him badly burning his face and right aim The Works have been shut down for two weeks and it will be at least an other week before the repairs are It was found necessary to send the front plate of the boiler to the foundry in London The firm is evidently getting ready for a large winter business as the immense piles of been increased and cars of coal have been ordered five of which are now delivered Thanksgiving Day The Grand Trunk Railway are ad vertising return tickets at single fare for Day This an opportunity for people to visit their friends at less than ordinary cost of travel advertisement fln Opportunity in the Boys Home in Toronto there is a nice young lad eleven years of age bright healthy and would be a fine boy about a place if he could have moral safeguards and a chance at school This hoy is recommended and being a worthy lad he would be a comfort to somebody in the country to take care of trim There are two other smaller boys in thesame family and circumstances have arisen thru which the mother who has now the sole care of the children is unable to provide for them who can give a helping hand to take care of these children will be gratefully re membered Further information given on application to the per bushel at Presbyterian Last Sunday the Rev Mr Watt of officiated here in the absence of the pastor Rev Mr a returned mis sionary from China was to give an address last evening on the work among the Celestials the Sacrament of the Lords Supper dispensed in connection with the morning service next Sabbath The communicants will occupy the centre seats and the front ones at the side A large attendance is expected A full attendance of the Bible Class is requested at the close of the morn ing service to complete arrangements for the lecture course to be given this winter On Sabbath evening the pastor will speak on The Model Church as de scribed in the Epistle to Titus Last Saturday twentyfive head of cattle passed thru Newmarket for the stables of Hon J Davis at King- horn They were purchased from Mr Jacob Smith of for fatten ing purposes Another Change Mr Jesse Thompson has purchased the milk business of Mr Charles Stair and is now supplying customers on the regular route In this connection we might say that the report that Mi Starr is connected with the milk business is entirely without founda tion Mr Thompson has had consid erable experience in this business being very obliging will no doubt make it a success The Sporting Season The season for the shooting of deer comes in on the 1st of November and ends on the Deer licenses cost and to facilitate matters for people in this section Lloyd has been- appointed to issue licenses in Newmarket Sporting men will soon be making ready foe their annual fall outing hut it be hard on those who want to vote oh the of Nov as well hunt as County Convention The annual Convention of the North York Sunday School Association is to take place in Aurora on the and of next month A very interest ing program is being prepared Pro minent and eloquent- speakers from To ronto are to give addresses the even ing and local workers will Jill up a profitable and practical program which will probably be issued next week The Secretary is awaiting replies several parties consequently unable to give names at this date bin Sunday School workers the County can expect a splendid convention A Convenience In future the postoiUce savings hanks the country will be Kept pen on Saturday nights for the foiivfiiience of depositors to this ef fect have just been issued at Ottawa Ontario V Richardson Esq of Pickering Returning Officer for this Riding was a guest at the Royal Hotel over Tues day night He appointed as Deputy- Returning Officers in Newmarket in the approaching election Messrs M David Lloyd and A J As far as he is able to learn there will be no opposition to Mr Goulds election m Weather fl Curiosity Mr Henry Case of Eagle Street brought to us a very old legal docu ment this week It is the original deed from the Crown for his- farm of acres being lot in 1st Conces sion of King It is written on parch ment having a wax seal attached that is inches in diameter It is quite a quaint looking document and is nearly years old The cooler weather makes a j Cemetery I A meeting of the Board look place a large number of the survey stakes re newed that have rotted in the ground I The propriety of fixing a grading care of lots here more than one is in the same iplot was considered hut not definitely decided- It is understood that a re- Farm Produce For such a warm morning there was quite a large market- last Saturday butter and eggs were in abund ance As high as cents per dozen was paid for eggs but cents was the highest paid for butter There was a large quantity of poultry offer ed Dressed chickens sold from to cents per pair and live chickens from 35 to cents Live ducks cents per pair Lamb by the quarter and cents any quantity at per bag Apples from to cents per basket crab apples cents per basket pears 5 cents per basket cents per gallon pickling onions cts per quart All other vegetables such as celery carrots cabbage radishes- at the usual prices The Depot has been highly favored by the Grand Trunk Railway in giving us the most tasty station on the line north of Toronto The new depot was opened on Wednesday of last week when workmen at once commenced pulling down the old station By Saturday night it was nearly all clean ed up the lumber being loaded on cars and taken away This week the sta tion grounds are being graded and a new platform extended to Huron St giving the place a very tidy appear ance new depot altho a wooden building has a very modern appear ance The inside is finished with Georgia pine oiled and varnished and the ceiling are constructed with hand some effect Being heated with hot water pipes the waiting rooms have a airy appearance Handsome threelight have been placed in them and the station and platform are lighted by electricity There are a doen or more lights and were lit up for the first time on Saturday even ing giving a brilliant effect The de- rot is certainly in keeping with the business importance of the Town and have no doubt that the travelling Public will show their appreciation The used in grading the sta tion grounds was brought all the way from Allendale Sixty care of new steel rails have ten brought to replace the track the way between Newmarket and Allendale and distributed along the road Work was commenced at this ftid yesterday morning to lay the new rails by a large gang of men It will continued without any interruption to traffic The shipments from Newmarket the past week were as follows cars general merchandise car of of hay of wood- of- live stock of building material of barley of peas of wheat and I car of empty oil barrels The imparls include coal cars hi lumber logs 14 fruit apple barrels I hoop steel railway ties I gravel cinders I I oil 1 of the year last Friday when several matters came great discussion difference upon the demand for dome- instructed to have tic water The new pump for the water out of the artesian wells has- not been running for two weeks and still the upper reservoir has been twice during this period for On- Monday cleaned out the big boiler ready for another run The engineer gettnj iAUPL y lo tf of work hands There is meeting thing condenser were into the pond anSOt the Board adjourned S to complete the order to fix it Then there is service to put in at the residence of ftu Mr John Hunter corner of Prospect Ave and Queen there are wateVtheter Lewis has been laid up the Specialty Works for nearly two weeks a sprained Shoulder pa going out the Gospel Business Change Temperance meeting a week ago last On and fell on successfully established the J m p in Newmarket sold out was Unable to lay down for Messrs Boyd Bros of i A WS s to ill health Mr Embury- Jim WW over years of rnade many friends since coming to j Town who will regret that he I com- Creator of pelled to give up business ra a resident of King township an- to his successors the Courier of Oct wi Mr A Boyd toe the past three years has been connected with t the Domestic Laundry severed her to bed for over a bis connection with that firm ff left for Newmarket this- morning I here he with brother Loire Christian Church Last Sunday evening Rev son of King preached a plam gospel sermon on the subject of ex cuses the pastor being at Snowball in connection wfth anniversary services The prayer service last evening announced at on of the Missionary Meeting in the church Next Sunday is in the Methodist church and the will be favored with the pre sence Rev Dr of To ronto assistant secretary and a very gifted man who will preach both morning and evening and no doubt there will be ca tions to hear this eloquent Beets The Ontario Agricultural College at is testing the sugar beets grown in this section There are plots of sugar beets grown at the pre sent season in North York and sam ples from each of these are being collected and sent to the Model Farm for analysis On the of Sep tember the first lot was sent and the report from the Farm shows that the beets collected reached them in excel lent condition and tests are high Another lot of beets was sent away on Tuesday this week and there is still two more tests to be made Those who- are collecting the beets in this sectioo report that the beets are and they that the soil is well adapted for the cultivation here Hon J Davis has taken a very active interest the sugar- beet industry an is also life- ing beets on bis own farm that Prof ShuUlew4rrt of Guelph Agricultural reports to him that in the first- test the beets grown in of New market contaiii of sugar than any other point Ontario arid arc a better than has been produced in In opinion will prpbably be selected as a most suitable location for a Sugar- Factory Hurray for North York her I Mens Heavy Shirt and Drawers Mens Heavy Scotch Shirt and Drawers Mens Natural Wool and Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers at Old Prices They are worth onethird Ladies Under Vests and Drawers from 12k to at less than mill prices Beautiful- allwool finish Blanket full size per YARN Saxony Yarns finest quality per ply Beehive Wool per Hosiery and Gloves Hip reputation Hosiery and loves we have had we still hold The quality rice and as- oven better ever Double width white flannelette per yard Dress Goods Special Homo Spun Tweed W A RUNTON You never fail with Baking Powder CORNER STORE The York County Store pnnments THE CHEAP STORE purpose going into the laundry Last Sunday morning the pastor Mr A Boyd weli known Rev Weekspreached the En tlie city and has won many friends anniversary dedicatory sermon and by his genial and manner gave a history of the founding of the and all will be pleased to hear of his church in Newmarket- together with future success in his new undertaking I much local information In the eyen- ling Rev J Everingham of New fl occupied the pulpit with in i much acceptance Art Parlor Cook Coal Stove was double hrstlass working or- der cheap at Wednesday evening to Mrs Weeks who has been an active member of the Society and is about to remove from Mr is moving from Prospect out midst About people were Ave to the house vacated by Mr present and a very social time was Traviss on Main Street t Mr A West removed his barber The ladies have decided to hold their shop from the Block to the Fowl Supper on Tuesday evening Oct premises one door north of Mrs Simp- sons drug store Mr McDougall has been suffer- from a swelling in his left hand A Happy It having been rumored that Mr Montgomery was about to leave Town the boys made up their minds to show him the esteem in which tie has been held in athletic circles For years Charlie has been a prominent figure in lacrosse and hockey matches and was very popular among the young fellows On the eve of his marriage lie was given a complimentary supper at the Royal Hotel to which fortysix sat down The tables were spread in a most tempting and elaborate manner and the menu consisted of turkey and other viands served in a way which would tempt the greatest epicurean On the removal of the cloth Mr Egbert Cane occupied the chair The guest of the evening was presented with a beautiful green onyx marble clock with gold trimmings having a gold plate with the following inscription Presented to Mr and Mr Montgomery by the Boys of Newmarket The crew of The Var to which lie belonged also pre sented him with a solid gold locket suitably inscribed Mr Montgomery was taken greatly by surprise but re plied In suitable terms Toasts were then drank and speeches given by Messrs Lloyd Allan A Lloyd Dr Webb Dr Knowlea Watson and others interspersed by songs by Messrs McKay and Hardy It was after midnight when the gathering broke up everybody Joining in wishing guest of Die evening every happiness In his ap proaching married life greatest possible business prosperity On Tuesday afternoon Mr Montgom ery was married to Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs Abb of Sharon The event took place on the anniversary of the The bridal party were driven to Newmarket progress on the costumes for tlie left by 1115 train for a fourhorse cab where a great Chicago and will make a tour of the of their friends were and Western Canada The joined in the congratulations brides going away dress was a tailor they boarded the car the customary shower of rice was scattered with A quiet but pretty wedding took which pretty nearly laid up for a place Wednesday evening of last wee few days the home of the brides parents The last three days of September Mr and Mrs George 17 and the week in October there St James avenue Toronto when their was an unusually large quantity of only daughter Mabel grand- grain marketed in Town but this week daughter of Jos Millard of the quantity has fallen off a great deal Newmarket was united marriage to though the price remains about the Mr James The cere- same Several cars of gram was performed in the presence of been shipped and the at the the immediate relatives the Rev station is pretty well filled and the house wis decor- The regular meeting of the with pink and white carnations School Trustees which should and palms and ferns been held on Tuesday evening was The bridesmaid was Miss postponed for a week on account of and Mr John Kent as the Memorial Concert groomsman The bride wore a gown Regular meeting of Town Council White corded sill trimmed with next Monday evenlruj Regular meeting of the on Tuesday afternoon af the resliVue of Mrs Hughes 1 Thursday of next week is holiday Where are you going Smith Bros photographers expect to move Into their new gallery this week lace and crepe md carried a shower bouquet of roses and maidenhair fern The brines- maid was gowned in pink silk organ die and carried a bouquet of pink roses After ceremony an informal re ception was held and congratulations mm Bargains per yard Cook Stoves Guaranteed to give satisfaction at on- ins wide hi patterns reilarly sold at and White Cotton mill ends of to yards regular price to iflc Factory Cotton extra heavy make Tea Towelling red and white check Hand Towelling heavy unbleached Dress Goods Bargains Fancy French Wool Dress Goods suitable for blouses regular price 75c special Fancy Silks c yd Suitable for Trimmings ami Blouses Regular prices were 35 lo yd Hardware Bargains Improved Creamery Cans with deep cover and strainer Milk Pails and best wishes of all were showered Matters wedding day The ladies are making satisfactory the young couple Mr and driven to N School Commencement Thin is the last day of Fair Another wedding in Town is booked- navy blue cloth with while for next week trimmings and a toque to match stinted hand Square Butter Prints Ready Mixed Paints per Carriage Sponges 2 for Patent- Stove Pipes a 23 25 Fancy Embroidered Apron Linen yard Fancy cheap at Fancy Light reg 10 and Fancy Red and Black me for Fancy Bordered Flannelette Skirting yd worth and Kxtra Special Value in Unbleached Table Linen 35c yd Fancy French Opera Flannel for Blouses newest patterns 50c yd Ladies Shoe Dept Bargains pairs Womens Glove Grain Work ing Boots worth SPECIAL pairs only Womens Don- Kid Button and Lace Boots worth for Si 30 pairs Womens Lace Boots box calf extension sole Special worth Grocery Dept Bargains Reck Stove Polish 3c regular 5o Silver Moonlight Stove Polish regular Lye regular Silver Dust Washing Powder regular Laundry Soap large cakes Comfort Mens and Boys Bargains Mens Tweed Overcoats priced were 4 5 and 6 Special price 3 Boys Light Weight Overcoats sizes J 34 150 Boys and Mens Undershirts were 30 35 and 40c Boys allwoo Undershirts 28e were 40 and NEWMARKET J