1 Him n Inch Hell Take an EH the microbe lodgment in body system Ssetscd The microbe is microscopic inches of Hoods Srspxr3U destroys the microbe prevent he porifies iht effects cure Run Down ft consiifoiion ton entirely Ave Toronto hi i p- The JACKSON Prof Best Advertising Medium York County Rates cents per for first Insertion 3 cents per Hoe subsequent insertion Advertisements unaccompanied with writ ten instructions Inserted until forbid and Charged accordingly Advertisements will be changed each month if desired For change month the composition must be for at regular rat for contract advertisements must be In the office by noon on Special Low for Notice Farms to Kent Articles Lost and etc A reading will be inserted free for any Church or Society where porters are when uoaiieilsrlon fee or collection otherwise fifty cents will be charge- for Such a notice to this rule A press despatch from Ottawa states that of Sir Wilfrid colleagues will accompany him at the political demonstration to bo held- in Hall Toronto on tije lost That tiro gathering will be one of unusual interest and of marked en thusiasm goes without saying and without doubt targe numbers of lead ing Liberals from the country sur rounding Toronto will take advantage of the occasion to hear the Premier on the political issues before the people and in defence of the trade and gener al policy of the Administration of which he is Premier Following other meetings will be held the Province when the members of the Cabinet will divide Pronounced Incurable STORY OF Following Inflammat on of the Lungs a Severe Cough Set in and Her Doctor Her Case was Pink Her From the Recorder Halifax N S The Manitoba Cabinet has been re constructed with Hon Mr as Premier and President of the Council succession to Hon Hugh John who has decided to enter the domain of Dominion l politics Hop Mr Co In becomes Attorney General Davidson Provin cial J Hon RfcFudden Public- WEAKENED NERVES PRODUCE DISEASE AND LEGAL Thos J fobeftson Barrister Public c Main Street to Loan on good Farm security Solicitor Notary Public etc Loan Court Ilia I tiling Ontario Liennox Choppin Convey a era Ac Cdopplii South market will beat Si on Court for J Co Aurora 1a J J The Toronto Star very aptly teaches Liberals that corruption- in is not hard to find if it exists IV was readily enough found in the days when it con taminated nearly arm of the ser vice at Ottawa The odor of used lo float out of every door that was Mrs Agnes who resides at street Halifax S tells a wonderful story of her complete w to health after a protracted the demonstrate happy condition under P the marvellous qualities of Or parties of lianas Pink Pills When Mrs three On Wednesday Oct Sir Wilfrid and Sir Richard Cart- might will speak at Stratford and afterwards at two or three other points when they will be accompanied by Hod Mr Mills At present the Premier will devote hut one week to Ontario and ail his meetings save the one in Toronto on the will be in the Western District Possibly later on the Central District of the Province will claim his attention Hon Mr has received numer ous invitations to speak at different points in Ontario but the despatch says that owing to departmental work he cannot arrange for dates until after October loth Meanwhile it is ex pected that Hon Mr Fielding will re main in Ontario for some days after the Toronto demonstration and ac companied by Hon Mr will hold a series of meetings in different parts of the province Hon Writ also has engagements from now till the The cam- promises to be a lively one and wth parties appear to be measuring up to the situation was called upon by a representative of the Recorder who stated his mission she cordially welcomed him to her pleasant home where in the pres ence of her mother and sister she free ly told the story of her sickness and recovery She said A few years ago I suffered a severe attack in flaroniation of the lungs and was at tended by one of the best in the city I pulled through but was left a complete wreck so that not do any work suffering all he time from palpitation of the heart nervous prostration and a ringing in my head I also had a distressing cough and for months I never knew what it was to have a nights rest For two years my life a perfect misery to hid and under the doctors orders took emulsion nil I was nauseated with the sight it but all to no purpose My life was of by all mr friends who were assured by the doctor that my case was beyond the reach of human skill I was visited by the clergy of my church and Sisters of Charity who were very kind and sympathetic and looked upon me as one whose earthly race was about run with all sorts of remedies for my cough but without avail My gist at last advised me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills Using sition The World makes the suggestion that the Premier of Manitoba should put on a little more Warpaint as people are apt to get a wrong im pression his unassuming and mod est tone in addressing his audience After that little missive to the Presi dent of the East York Conservative Association how It do for the P of the Riding to take til painting on bis own account On the 3rd the new Provincial Government of Quebec under the Pre miership of Hon S Parent was sworn into office Hon Mr Com of Public Works is the only change made from the preceding Ad ministration of the late Hon- Air The Provincial Secretary ship is now held temporarily by Hon Mr Turgeon but it is thought Mr or some other will be taken into the Cabinet as Secretary Sauce for the goose is evidently not sauce- for the gander in estimation of Tory campaign writers When a couple of weeks ago donaldFoster troupe opened lt3 itiner ary with a demonstration in Montreal people their own figures the fact was heralded as over whelming indication of a of feeling against the such numbers- victory such asm roust sweep all before it such the newly organized trinity fend Food IT BUILDS UP AND KEEPS IN PERFECT CONDITION THE GREAT SYSTEM leaders would infuse energy hope into the party and land then once again in the promised land But ten days go by and Sir Wilfrid is o speak No manager supposed for a moment that an ordinary assembly hall would be any use nothing but the vast sum mer pavilion at Sohmer Park was any- marvellous complexity the needs of the power of the mysterious occasion and that only after the seats discouraged nevertheless Administration jsuaded to make the trial Politics are getting hot out West The Empire Conservative says Brought up in that narrow- minded schoof of hypocrites whose continual aim is to nose before their fellowmen as examples of Christian piety and paragons of morality Mr is the exact counterpart of the Pharisee of old To this the Brandon Sun Liberal replies A dirty was per- ghoul that would pen when to like the above would disgrace the S Knoctiles Barrister Block St Barrister Reformer Block to Loan painting It appears that Opposition leaders and the press supporting them in the present election campaign take special delight in presenting the Gov ernment as one of negation Their policy has the sublime quality of seek ing to discredit opponents on the ground that it is a donothiag Ad ministrationendeavoring thereby lo ingratiate themselves in the eyes of the electorate in the vain hope of of Satan in its palmiest surprise and joy of myself family and kingdom friends I began to get better and by days the time had taken seven or eight I boxes was as well as you see me I The Toronto Star thus now and she laughingly added I alluded to Sir Charles and Hon Hugh think you will admit that I dont look John after the Toronto meeting much like a sick woman Her moth er who had been listening to the tale of her daughters long illness added It just seems like a dream to us all that we once despaired of her life when we now see the pink of health Sir Charles Tupper grows older In spite of his extraordinary vitality the weight of his years is bearing with great heaviness upon him The servative party is appealing for sup portled by a plaster of bust an octogenarian and a newcomer aged Mrs said that when on a fifty travelling on the refutation of visit to England about a year ago she his father It will not do Tim able to climb into office Sir contracted a heavy cold and was truth becomes plainer every day thai Wilfrid Laurier in his great speech at j threatened with a return of her cough the Conservative party will -sue- floeie Painting irBfcina Ac promptly neatly I am also associated with Montreal Liberal demonstration a short time ago before an audience of people gave the following ad mirable summary of the work accom plished by his Administration and a Reform parliament First of all we faced the school question which our enemies attempted to settle without being able to do so Bm6 Painter and Writer can be eft at Hardware t or at the residence of Mr J head of settled that question and I Will but she at once got some of the pills and by the time she had reached New York she was as well as ever again She related a number of instances in which she had advised persons suffering opens the October Canadian years inls to take Dr Magazine with ah article on The A as yet It must retire again un til it produces some leaders Principal Grant in his charming When the and power of the nerve system is fully realized we are not surprised at the sweeping assertion of Dr Professor of Clinical Medicine in Hahnemann Medical lege Chicago all diseases are due to lesions of the nervous systems or in other words disease results from a weakened or disturbed nervous system It was the life work of that great physician Dr Phelps to give suffering men and women a medicine that would act directly on the nervous system Dr Phelps succeeded nobly and well He placed Celery Compound be fore sortie of the ablest physicians that ever assembled in Dartmouth Medical College It met with their approval and they at once pre scribed it in their practice and found it a life saver when other means fail ed tens of thousands sound the praises of Celery Compound In every city town and village of this continent people are found who owe their life and good health to Celery Compound natures nerve medi cine and nerve food If you are sleepless irritable de spondent morose or have Hushes chills coldness of hands and feet de ficient tone in the stomach and intes tines bear in mind your nervous sys tem needs attention and repairing No other medicine but Celery Com pound can do good work for you and make you what you should be vigor ous strong and happy Delays are dangerous The little aches and pains of today may to morrow develop agonies and miseries One bottle of the wonder ful compound will work a mighty and happy change H felt of IBB A Q What is the total amount of the expenditure on capital account in and A What was the increase in the net debt of the Dominion in these three a were removed no as to allow the au dience to stand shoulder to shoulder- literally packed like herrings in a barrel Fifteen to twenty thousand people surged around the platform while two or three times that number participated in the street demonstra tion preceding it There not a man in Montreal next day who tad any regard for his reputation that ven tured to question the assertion It was by all odds the biggest Montreal had ever seen and yet the Star mildly remarks Sir Wilfrid can always count upon a large audience in Montreal Yes and the count at the ballot box will Ik in keeping with it The electors are in earnest and have no notion of letting their enthusiasm begin and end the shouting What You Pay For Medicine la no Tatt CuraUvi Dr Cham fcMrHft Pin W a- doctor preemption any formula ybiir family physician you difference it ihat Chaa KidneyLiver were after the formula had It value In almost much ability to cure and formula in he did St publication The- Idea of one treatment kidney and liter at tha with Dr ChMa It for the aucceta of Dr In curing complicated of the flltfrlDr organs form of At a Dr Pill aro They keep tb and li healthyactive and regular and4 prevent and cur ninetenths of Ills to which humanity a dose cents a box at all deal- union Co THE SICKNESS who lack sufficient nerve force to develop into healthy womanhood become pale weak nervous and irrit able They have chlorosis or gcoou sickness and can only Ik cured when the nerves are restored and revitalized and the blood made rich by using Dr Chases Nerve the great in pill form It makes pale weak women and girls healthy rosy and plump Note increase in weight while taking it Our Fall Goods have arrived which are Better than Ever Larger than Ever than Ever The patterns and quality Wo carry give a better of Woollens titan any oilier Tailor in York County The newest fabrics of fluent wool that can bo had for the money Compare ours with others and you will stu thai we are till leading tin woollen trade of the Town in wnrk- J quality and price J The of Overcoatings ami tin pattern on the Market KzT Everything Guaranteed JAS It is now confidently reported that Mr County Crown At torney for York will contest Centre Toronto Division in the Liberal inter est Of course this will involve the resignation of the County Attorneyship and the question agitating the legal fraternity- is on whom will the fall but it is too soon to specu late Farm to Let Lot lo con About acrti pasture and plow Apply Jtneph Sutton West Executors fi from chronic Newmarket Bolton PaperHanger and House Corner Church Street Miliaria Lane lor tho Co of York Good cold on reason able Farm attended to A Newmarket DENTAL I opposite the Church Satisfaction Guaranteed bo lit office of Dr Porter Brad- ford cverr to Dr Opposite Drug Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At the Office private If flw IbiuM more fully upon it later reformed the tariff and by doing so were enabled to diminish the burden of the people and to Increase trade We obtained the denunciations of the Belgium and German treaties and the day we obtained that reform Canada became a nation more than it had been before We have reduced the deficits which existed inUie Depart ment In friend Mr assumed the direction of tha department there was a deficit to meet At the end of two years administration he had reduced the deficit to nearly He thought ft time to introduce a reform which the Conser vative party had declared impossible He reduced the rate by onethird and at the end of year established an equilibrium and I venture to predict that in another i year be will have in establishing an equilibrium between receipts and ex penditures We opened up the great county which is known ad by having the railway known as the Crows Pass Rail way cotrsiructed Getting the work done by the Canadian Pacific Com pany we made with that corporation an by which the taxi El of freight rates was reduced from to per cent whioh had the effect of giving to consumers of that region the means of saving at least a year We hare prolonged the Intercolonial to Montreal and by so doing we have put an to era of deficits and inaugurated an era of This year the surplus will be over hair a million We have com pleted the construction of canals for the purpose of bringing the products of the west to Montreal and the Government has made Mon treal recognized as the national port of Canada in To Child Prom frightful disfigurement Mrs Nannie of La Grange applied Arnica Salvo to Williams Pink Pills and always with the best results She mentioned par ticularly a niece of hers living in ton who was run down and in a wretched condition of health but was now a healthy young woman who ow ed the fact to the use of the pills the reporter was taking his leave Mrs said I am very glad to have the opportunity to testify what Dr Williams Pink Pills have done for me and you can say that I shall never cease to sound their praises and bless the good Lord that they were placed in my way at a time when I had not the hope that I could live Jason of This deals with the work Is ng done by in building pulp mills rail roads canals and other In eight millions So that nearly fourteen millions worth of public improvements were ob tained for a debt increase of under Northern Ontario the estimated win of which is over fifteen million Yes What were the capital Mr Bert Heath met with a serious accident in the mill of the Huntsville Lumber Co last Saturday He was crossing the sash table when he slipped and fell against the saw His right foot was almost completely severed midway between the toe and heel Amputation will probably be neces sary It Dfuule the World No discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption Pneumonia Hemorrhage Pleurisy and Bronchitis thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health For Coughs Colds Croup Hay Fever Hoarse ness and Whooping Cough it is quickest surest cure in the world It is sold by Lehman who guaran tees satisfaction or refunds money Large bottles and Trial bot tles free A new animal story en titled Mooswa which is the name for moose This is a story for old and young in which the lead ing Canadian animals talk in such a way as to reveal their habits and pe culiarities Agnes Deans Cameron a Columbia Teacher tells some plain and wholesome truths in a article entitled Parent and Teacher W Nash writes of wild geese ducks and Reginald gives some information about snipe Richardson con tinues his railway articles and Nichols gives A Forecast of the Elections There are the stories and departments making up an excellent number Jars There are two instalments of in the last three years under the Conservatives And what was the debt increase in these years 0302 Then in this period of Conserva tive rule it cost nearly seventeen mil lions of an addition to the debt to procure ten millions of improvements A Yea t then do the records of the two governments compare A The Liberals were six millions to the good the Conservatives six and a half millions to the bad A difference of twelve and a half millions in favor of Liberal administration upon a three years record RAH IrilJKIt OK west Military supplies of greatcoats stockings and boots manufactured in Canada for the British Government to the value of have Just been sent to Vancouver for shipment by of India on the Inst KIDNEY DISEASE and BACKACHE Mr Patrick J McLaughlin Beau- Que states I was troubl- Weather prophets are now busy pre dicting what may be expected the com ing fall and winter One gentleman states that prevailing winds on tho of September when the sun crosses the line will determine the character of the weather till after Christmas and as the wind on that day was from the South mild condi tions may bo expected To a New York Sun reporter Mr an other weatherwise gentleman stated a very cold fall and a severe and early winter may bo expected De cember thinks will be exceedingly cold and stormy By cold weather Mr said he means what popularly known as zero weather and he promised with it good sleighing Winter according to Mr Devoe will start in to do business about Nov when New York will have a cold wave which will make last winters weath er seem very tame From that time till the end of the month there will be a succession of storms and freezing weather In December there will be heavy storms on the and and sleigh riding during the middle of trie One More for 20 years and have been that bad I could not steep at nights and suffer ed terrible agony I tried all sorts great sores on her head and face and of medicines but got no relief until I writes its quick cure exceeded all her began using Dr Chases KidneyLiver hopes It works wonders- in Sores Pills- They made a new man of me with kidney disease and dyspepsia month when zero weather will pre vail Christmas will see a slight change but zero weather will begin in January with snowstorms and a taste of the weather of years ago A pertain for diarrhoea any dysentery Is by Skin Eruptions Cuts Burns and the old troubles scan to be Kiner medicine baa sustained toe mi On nil a reputation OO calns Piles 25c Cure teed by K Lehman druggist en out of my dose cents a box One pill a put substitutes there but one j Terry Davis and Wanted the but by dealer to Make A lady writing from a town In New Brunswick to the proprietors of Diamond Dyes says Please find Express Money Order for six packets of Diamond Dyes colors as mentioned below I have been a user of Diamond Dyes for over five years and they- have ghen me entire satisfaction A few weeks ago our merchant was out of a color I wanted in the Diamond Dyes and strongly recommended another make he was selling I bought the packet with many doubts as to their worth I made an effort to dye an old cream colored opera shawl with the new dye The ghastly result almost drove me mad There was not a semblance of any decided color Now I am obliged to dye it black and will do the work with Diamond Dyes No more poor muddy dyes for me while I can send to you for reliable Diamond Dyes A Fearfully Bad Cam Pain and Misery From Terrible I Dr It Is doubtful If any remedy ever re so much grateful unsolicited testimony an Dr Chases Ointment The reason la not far to for Is the only preparation known to man which never fails to cure piles Mr Harding a retired farm er living at Middlesex county writes as follows J have beon troubled with bleeding and Itching piles for four or five and suffered intense I had tried almost everything feist could get nothing that would give relief On hearing of Dr Ointment I pro cured a box and It only required part to completely cure me I am re commending it to ail afflicted as I was Such incontrovertible evidence from pereona cannot for a mo ment be doubted A few applications- of Dr Ointment win convince tha moat skeptical of Ite wonderful and Influence A box or two will positively cure moat se vere case of tiles cents a box at all dealers or Bates Co Toronto A detachment of officers and men of the Royal Marines arrived at Halifax by the steamer on their way to Esquimau They will cross the continent by the Intercoloni al and the P FOR SALE I I 10 sores Con East owned by Mrs stable and driving house in Newmarket Apply at once to Newmarket Cottage for Sale On Ave rooms Good Domestic water Town Lots Apply to JohniTanrahanMaltland St Toronto or to JOHN Newmarket Farm to Rent A Widow Receives a setback If she baa offen sive breath through Constipation Bili ousness or Stomach Trouble but Dr Kings New Life Pills always cute those troubles clean the system sweeten the breath banish headache beat in the world for liver kidneys and bowels Only at Lehmans drug store of the Industrial School at Mimico reported to the Board last Friday out of re cent admissions to the school were confirmed cigarette smokers Victoria Street Toronto member Medical Colleges Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann Arbor Phil will be at the Royal Hotel Newmarket every Saturday Dr Shepherd is a specialist and will give free Examinations and Consultations to all parties who meet him at Newmarket Dr Shepherd has plenty of private funds and will advance money to farmers at per cent yearly No valuations agents fees or commis sions charged For Medical or Financial assistance i call on Dr Shepherd at Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays The North half lot con Old Surrey King Township containing acre la known the Homestead The lands clay fair and farm In good Apply at once to FIELD Newmarket tor Sala In coo or North acre con or Bast acre In ecu of Bast In con of Whitchurch 130 la con of Whitchurch For terms particulars etc apply to CWDAVIDSON Albert Farm for Sale The Executor of the Estate of the late offer South hair or lot In Concession of Klnnor sale by tender the said tender to be Ann or before Oct addressed to A Love Aurora valuable farm la so well known that It needs no description and Is offered subject to a lease dated to expire March 1st Sealed addressed to the and endorsed Tender for Post Office Parle will be received at this un til Monday the 1Mb October inclusively for the erection of a Post at Paris Province of Toronto Plans and can be tbo office Paris and at this department where sJI necessary Information cau be ob tained Persons tendering are notified that will not be considered made on too form supplied and signed with their actus signatures Ad accepted on a chartered bank equal to ten percent of the amount or toe tender payable to the order of the Honorable tho of Public Works accom pany each tender cheque will be tor the party or befall to complete the work contracted for and will be returned in ease of tender Thodepartraentdoeanotblndltsiir to ac cept tho lowest or any tender JOJ cvretary Department of Public of Ottawa8eptth Inserting this advert dement without authority from detriment not bo paid To Good may be by our aid Address THE