Newmarket Era, 12 Oct 1900, p. 8

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I ivr J 1 1 A THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT Boosed tor pit liver and cure biliousness filet I headache are Valuable to prevent a cold or up a Mild tie certain bey are your confidence they can be Price 25a at all medicine or by or Hood A Co ilws False Economy of Cheap Spectacles- Sight Is too precious to trifle with When buying spectacles buy a food pair We use perfect lenses They cost a little more than the commoner kinds but the difference comfort is many times the difference in price Eyes examined free L Atklnsoh GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Jewelry Store NEWMARKET i KENDALLS 111 SPAVIN Tie old KiWa for d ll not Ok- ft I kit fa iil tffctr ADQtrKVfl 1 jour prtit for book or EKOSfiUM Standard ire ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Libbr- Popularity- Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices wero issued for The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT Inspector J A StPdtton PumpMakers SSfiajfct AH kind of Pump kept on band for wells rVdlgWwel It done on short notice All new work Sir Alfred reports that refugees from the Transvaal will begin to return after the at the rate of weekly CATARRH CURE Is direct Wru Improved Blow attttrt la ih iroit rt4 totTjniDlIy CnrbardilYPirer f Reports IN OF FOB SKPT public school TV Etta Stephenwn Maude Saunders Jr Morrison III Walker fiomerville Laura Tale Jr Ill- Evelyn Maude Fair Arthur Eugene Kitcley Nellie Wes ley Roy Vernon Lillian Jr Bella Black Emma Smith Lulu Rose Charlie Ruth Haines Laura Simpson Vera Morrison Sarah Saw- don Bert Peterman Prank Jr PI Frank Milton Edna Saunders John Sydney Simp son Emerson Black Jr I Gordon Vernon Ezra Morrison Trent Tablet John Stanley Willie Black Stanley Roy Simpson McCallum teacher SCHOOL Only those who have obtained per cent of the total marks reported Fourth Lake Lina Third Class Andrew Cameron Fos ter Lake Willie Riddle Glen Chapman and Roy equal Jennie Jane Myrtle Samuel Station Second Maggie Sinclair Cora Jr Second Norman Riddle David Keir Delia Part Alfred Watt Bessie Chap man Part I Kay Frank Kay Wesley Robert Watt Cole teacher HOLLAND The following is the result of the monthly written examination of the pupils in the Entrance Class for month of September The numbers after the names indicate in every case the percentage taken by the pupil These examinations will in future held than once a month and will be reported in the Newmarket pa pers f Joshua Chapman Elmore Owen William Wilson Jennie Lennox Archer Kate Marsh Ernest 20 P Ida Taylor Geo TIL Emma Kennedy Minnie Jr III Annie Miles Stephens Nora Kennedy Flint- J Stephens Garfield Pitt l P Edith Trent Bert Atkinson 1st A Hade Trent Minnie 1st Clara 1st Graham Minnie Gra ham No Whitchurch Lena Libble Johnston Simpson Sadie cock W Howard Willis Sr III Thomas Annie Swain Russell Hill John Hill Frank Chippies Albert Jr III A Maria Moulds Vernon Annie A Bostwick May Jr Ill Margaret Sam Gibney Pi Harry Wesley Carrie Joe Druery Jr Arthur Vernon Francis Sheridan Wesley Roger- son Wilfred Vera Hill McCIure Sheridan Sheri dan Charlie Moulds jr I Vernon Jennie P Starr L V- Sheridan Those attending every day A Swain M Mi Gray teacher Class A Spalding M Picker- lag Class Delia Wright Stevens If Pick ering Spalding Penrose Pt v Jr J Miller Penrose fir M Penrose Jr I Stevens MvanLuVen May teacher Newman a well known plas terer Port Hope was found dead In Thursday morning last He had been on a protracted drinking spree and had got into such state that he was unable to sleep He retired early Wednesday evening and the follow ing morning was discovered dead In the room was an empty bottle labelled laudanum of which he had evidently tken an overdone his effort to sleep The Idea of Adveftisitgl The light- in which the public look upon advertising has changed very much during the last few years Time was when the most successful adver tisement was that introduced by- A sen sational followed by a clever ly skit on something agitating the public mind at the moment of pub lication all of which was concluded by a little incidental reference to Jacobs oil or something similar The public be tricked into reading an advertisement Even yet there arc those holding opinions of bygone days who believe the paper with the least number of advertisements to be the best paper to subscribe for as it has more space left for news Advertise ments were once supposed to contain no news but rather to advertise and to lead people into buying that which they did not need Consumers did not read advertisements chiefly be cause the advertisements did not furn ish profitable reading A great change has come over the reading public If a person wants to find out where to buy an article he now consults his newspaper journal or even his magazine Ad vertisements are now read with the idea that they may be of financial benefit to the reader They are the channel through which the news of goods and of the production of goods is carried to the buying world The press has exer cise a wonderful power in business as well as political circles now it is recognized that if a man wishes to build up a large and sure business or wishes to maintain any supremacy he has gained he must acquaint the lie through the press Willi the of his goods Example of success through advertising ace by no means rare This change in the public opinion of advertisements has been brought largely by change in advertisers and publishers They have come to recognize fact that advertisements should new and good news in order that the pub lic should be encouraged to read then that they should be valuable to the reader as well as to the writer or to the printer The departmental stoics have set a good in Canada for they change their advertisements every day and a housewife reads the advertisements before she looks at the foreign i domestic news even before she peruses the page of fashions They sav what have to say short concise and- to he point every word Is interesting no space is thrown away on useless entertainment they appeal to a public that wants goods they ask It outright to patrohiie them and state their reasons for advising it to do so All Using Is read now and the most con vincing advertisement is the one pays Johnson who was sentenced to years imprisonment for at the Fall Assizes at Vancouver mad his escape from the lavatory of the court house lockup While partridge hunting a 15-year- old boy named Herbert liv ing at met with a serious accident His gun exploded and his left shoulder was badly lacerated and cut The Manufacturing Co Hamilton has completed its order greatcoats for the British soldiers in China The company turn ed out the coats the rate of one a minute Farmers who have fed apples to milk cows have found that the flow of milk has decreased The reason is so experts say that the acid in the apples Is the cause of the decreased How of milk The Presbyterian Manse in Colling- wood together with all its contents was destroyed by fire one night last week Key Dr most seri ous loss is a large and valuable lib rary The building was insured or and the contents for I Bible Promises SECURED TO ALL I have a never falling bank My more than No earthly bank half so rich liOW then can I be poor l when my stock is spent and gone And I not worth a goat Im glad to hasten to my bask And beg a little note Sometimes my banker smiling says Why dont you come And- when you draw a little- bill Why not a larger sum t Why live so niggardly and poor My bank contains a plenty Why come and take a onepound note When you may have a twenty Nay twenty thousand ten times told is but a trilling sum To what my bank contains for me Secure in God the Son m j Since then my banker is SO rich And I have need to borrow But live upon notes today And draw again toniprrow Ive a thousand times before And never was rejected Those notes can never be refused That are by grace accepted All forged notes will be refused The firm will them detect While those that deal in forced notes Prove theyre not Cods elect the beloved of God Redeemed by precious blood That ever have a to bring They are the gift of God You have the house of occur to you your was a more raChiae lu llreterrriif a life the heart beats three thousand million times and a pressure of thirteen pounds to the stroke lifts in that time half a million Thousands of ransomed sinners fear They have no note at all Because they feel their misery And ruin by the fall Tho thousand notes are scattered round All signed and sealed and free Yet many a doubting soul will say they are not for me unbelief will lead the soul To say what is not true I tell the poor selfemptied soul These notes belong to you of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands men women and children When appetite fails it re stores it When food is a burden it lifts the burden When fleshit brings the plumpness of health When work is hard and duty is heavy it makes life bright It is the thin edge of the wedge the thick end is food But what is the use of food when you hate it and cant di gest it Scott Emulsion Cod Liver Oil is tht makes you forget your stomach tried send for taato will Toronto Should all the banks in Europe break The Bank of England smash Bring all your notes to bank Youre sure to get the cash Nay if you have but one small Fear not to bring it in Come boldly to this of grace The banker is within Ill go again I need not My notes will be Sometimes my banker gives more Than asked for or Sometimes Ive felt a proud rye managed things so clever Perhaps before the day was gone I as poor as ever Sometimes with in my face Just at the door I stand knew if Moses hept the bank My soul would be condemned But ah my bank in never breaks My bank can never fail The firm three persons in one God all ft I a Should all the bankers close Hied doors My stands ipim Wide To all the chosen of jhe Lord For whom the Saviour died We read of one young man indeed Whose riches did abound Out in the Bankers book of life His name was fotud The leper had a little note Lord if thou wilt thou can The banker paid the Mr tic And heard the dying man Behold and see the dying thief Hang by his bankers side He cried Dear remember me He got his cash and died His blessed banker took him homo To everlasting glory There to shout his bankers grace And tell his endless story With millions more Jehovahs choice Redeemed by precious blood may my soul with htm be found Among the Sons of God There will I praise my bankers grace And sound his name abroad Make heaven to echo with my Before the of God The Band has been engag ed for the West Fair Rev Mr has so far recovered from his recent illness as to again take charge of his congregation Mrs rice who Is leaving here for Toronto was presented with an address and handsome chair by the members of the Womens Auxiliary Missionary Society- The Royal Templars of Temperance attended divine service at the Metho dist church on Sunday evening The pastor Rev A- Pearson the occasion The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited SYSTEM ft of blood What care are you taking of this wonderful machine Shortness of breath buzzing in the dizziness of the heart sleeplessness stomach trouble indiges tion are only some of the evidences that the machinery is undergoing strain which sooner or later will break it down What he lubricant is to the machine of iron Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is to the machine of flesh and Mood- it reduces friction to a minimum and keeps the great organs in proper running order It does this by healing diseases of the stomach and organs of digestion and and increasing the flow and healthy blood I used tea battles or Dr Golden Medical Discovery and several vials of his Plejuunt Pellets a year this spring and have had trouble since miles- Mr Tovmsend Broadwater Co Montana Words fait to tell how thankful am for the- relief as I had suf fered so much and It seemed that the doctors could do we no I got down in is arid was not to work at all Now weigh nearly can do a days work- on farm have recommended your to and always have a good word to say for Dr Pierce and his Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets invigor ate the stomach liver and bowels Use them with the Discovery when a pill is The SHANNON File ft Binder Words a Perfect SYSTEM For filing your letters invoices receipts etc under classified Index with a continuous record referred to over any number of year Simple Seen Specialty Mfg Co LIMITED My St Toronto St The Montreal Factories Newmarket Ont of Success lit During the above I have sold engines besides several Sep arators have had no lawsuitw or disputes of any kind and far I know my customers are wall yet have several SbHable Engines for sale including the Cornell A bell ami I can supply a full rig at 400 giving time No cheap rig sold where will interfere with my regular Trial given and customer satisfied before asking for settlement THOMPSON ISSUE neat at- tractive Printing It pays to catch the best class of trade the money spend- j trade You cant atch money spenders with looking printing Von i must use attractive work- not necessarily expensive that which will catch your customers eye and cause him to read it Your Work if left with the will receive the attention it f deserves and will be correct in local names something that is not characteristic of printing ordered out of Town Let us execute yout next order at once IN THE Q a Central Business College TORONTO at Enter any time Ten teach eta sixty Ma chines Unexcelled ties for assisting graduates to positions Write for Cal endar SHAW Principa Ycpfrc A Toronto aaBgtt YEARS EXPERIENCE STENTS MARKS DCBIQNS landing a and ueertla cur opinion whether MtentAblft through Wumi A Q Co to nil liken A netted hoat in or to Ou Sen da holds two of a stock of which ho dont Written specially for the Era Our o In County of lie of and he old Is for ou come In and buy of take out of rtr cqUUoo of Term jrftAr four New York at do Woavliflf to Inform the public that be baa moved to Mr Bells Houso on hi And that baa thai Celebrated Iowa Co Loom- with all tna late Improvement to date an J that he prepared to do Work Id Carpel weaving GUI and ace Send your rags In jililKvi PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned If we fait Any sketch and of invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tamer How to a fitent aetttipoUhfquesL Patents through for at our Patent taken out ihrougH receive Id Record an Illustrated and circulated contultebyManuUduteriMndlnveston Bend for copy REE Address VIOYORV A CO A new carriage lire that makes rising on all pleasure economical too for it with the vibration breaks be carriages A shaped space between robber tire and the steel prevents the creeping ana catting which other are to See the exhibit at the btj fairs Send once for Free Tire giving prices of all sizes THE Tire Company TORONTO ST JOHN WINNIPEG i lofvcrylocainy lboghoat bow card on ferns aloag and all ad Duller and pni Sot Idy aaptotqieotjto day men Writ for our books or and How yon are swindled i TO Jit ji A and school bdirht and cheerful new and no Main MhortbiiHlTrpewrlf A Taw worth Whitchurch service on on 3t37 A appUcrtlonshsTeofjeo been successfully us We rutty equipped offices in aid Washington us lo prompt- ly jUspatcb work and quickly Patent the Invention Highest reference Pate procured through Ma- recstvaspfclaj notice chaff in over distributed throughout Patent MARION MARION Patent Experts and Solicitor i York j Apply to J teon Mala St I Bra pr For Mir lit lbs j

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