THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT Advertisements Evolution Roche Co Wail Paper A Few Pointers A Day Smith Bros Tenders Wanted Jos Hoy Cemetery Notice- M to RentMiss Hunter to Loan Cemetery Company The Public Telephone Stable to Rent GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY time fog jr 4 a or COa en CT a A i A Union Friendship This was tie motto given by Sir Wilfrid to be emblazoned on the Liberal banner during the present electoral campaign fifteen thousand people in Park Montreal And what motto any true Canadian desire Commenting upon it an exchange very appropriately says Union of All the diversified ele ments of our population which must- be harmoniously Mended into one great Canadian nationality if we are to ever adequately fulfil our destiny Peace within our commercial borders that under the continued benign influence of an assured stability of the tariff and Posters are announcing a Conser vative MassMeeting at on Monday next Addresses are to be given by Maclean P Mr John McCormick and others In bridge it is that Mr T Woodcock of New market will oppose Mr I J Would for West Ontario Oar Society Column the old baronet has made more than one cataract of words Ever and anon we find sneering allu sions in the Opposition press to the Hon Minister of the Interior and the other trade conditions our merchants burden Dominion by his and manufacturers our miners and administration of the Yukon but mar go forward in con- sleid dominion fidence to take the fullest advantage of bn a burden to it has been a source of gain The Electric Co Toronto to TIME TABLE Turrnio i dam am pm pm IS am pm pm pm rt no pm 01 POINTS Mrs Jackson is visiting in the city this week Mr Millard of Orillia wag The Huron Signal is growing fa- in since the Opposition leader K Hughes of Toronto is ited the western part of Ontario It Thanksgiving says The story now in circulation j that Sir Charles Topper made Niagara visit Falls after he got through with wd Canada is not authentic although to Dr Anderson of Man sends us a number of Mr Pearson is visiting his daughter in Michigan for four or Ave weeks Esq of is in Town this week renewing old acquaintances We are pleised to report that Miss Anna Chant is improving and able to sife up in bed Mrs J A of Toronto was visiting her mother Mrs Chant a few days last week Mrs Queen St has gone to Toronto for a couple of months Mrs Miller has gone into her house Mrs Kuowles was taken a few days ago and has been confined to her bed ever since Mr Lyman of Toronto spent a few days in Town last week with his son Mr Louis J Davis of Crown Lands was in Town on Tues day on his way to Fair Mr Keith Secretary of the North York Society was a Judge OH light horses at Sutton Fair last Friday Mr Clarence is here from New York City on account of the ill ness of his mother who is now im proving Miss Woo ten won prizes on Fancy Work at Fair and Mr won prizes on paintings lied total expenses in connection with the Yukon district from July 1st to Pec were and the revenue was or a balance to the credit of the Gov ernment of The chief Conservative paper in Que bec Province La comes out in unmistakable language against the contention of the Opposition leader that he could if placed in power at Ottawa compel to re volutionize her trade policy- It quotes Sir John A the former chieftain of the party against Sir Charles notion as having stated You will never have commercial re ciprocity between Great Britain and Canada You want her to become protectionist She wants Canada to become free trade It would be as difficult to have a marriage between the north and south poles the unequalled opportunities offering on every hand Friendship with our neighbors to the south with whom we are and always must be in close con tact and relationship social and com mercial Fraternity within the ever fostering and strengthening those bonds of brotherhood which have received such development since the present Government assumed The Liberal party has by right of its record every justification in assuming such a motto slid there is no man in the empire today who lias greater right to appropriate it as his battle cry than Sir Wilfrid Laurier A Dual Policy In a recent speech to the electors of Brandon after his return from stump ing Ontario in company Sir Charles and Hon- Geo Fos ter Hon Hugh John stat ed that if elected he would do all he could to have every part of the duly on agricultural implements removed from the Canadian tariff This an was simply a clever hid to I cause and an exceptional record will catch the farmer vote of the for if they do not but when was made he knew Wort of individual effort Every MADDOCKS NEWMARKETS LEADING STORE it Three short weeks more will settle Never had a party such good cause for confidence as the party never had a Government a record lo be judged by but a good She IP BUT GROWS BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The all at Home FRIDAY OCT 10000 Transaction The letter of Mr Cook pro claiming his little quarrel with the Dominion Government and his with the Liberal party does not present its author in a specially favor able aspect No one will object to Ms undoubted right to criticise the Ad ministrationno one will condemn the freedom within the party which such criticism implies but in all fairness per fectly well that during his stumping tour in this Province that Ion Mr I vote must be cast It is a personal matter with every patriotic who should not only be content A WALL PAPER SNAP To Clear the lot out quickly we make the following offer rolls Handsome Grounded Papers in pretty Gilts and Floral Patterns suitable for halls and parlors or dining rooms borders etcher or inches wide ceiling to match in every case About patterns to select from Price was from to per roll Come at once for what you want at per roll Mens and Boys Clothing Mens Fine English Beaver Overcoats made by expert tailors lined with very best materials size to special price Mens Extra Fine made stylish Reaver Overcoats size to to Mens Fine Worsted Serge Suits Double Breasted you would pay 12 for as good a suit in most stores our price this Week only Foster in his Toronto speech where marking his own- ballot paper but is the agricultural and in- bound lo see that his does the same There must be ces sation of work until the clock strikes five on the evening of Wednesday Nov and then there will be nothing left to be done but the shouting works are established made reference to the fact that a million and a half dollars worth of agricultural machinery haft been imported into this country from the United States- which he declared should be in Canada and proved the need of return ing the protectionist Conservative Government to power at Ottawa The Montreal Witness very properly calls attention to the fact that these contradictory bids of the Mcns Solid Wool Strong Tweed Pants special price This is the leading cloth ing store The quality style and make of our is away ahead of other stores and the prices aae as low as you would often pay lor shoddy or poorly made garments ft Is it not a significant fact that we hear nothing now from the Tories about the Yukon maladministration For three sessions of Parliament the country was surfeited with hairrain ing stories of awful corruption or as rang with the story of allege official misdeeds but so completely Mr and Mrs Jackson left j 1 morning to spend Thanksgiving Splendid Tweed Suits thus week at 350 pnce was with their daughter Mrs at Hamilton Mr and Mrs A Starr of are going to attend the Pro vincial Convention at next week Miss Harrison employed at Starrs grocery is spending a couple of weeks holidays with her parents at Richmond Hill Mrs who has spent the past four months with her broth erinlaw in York Township is back to Newmarket again Henderson of Toronto who de livered fine discourses in the Methodist church christened Hew McQullochs baby on Monday Lee Hem the leaves this week for China He says lie is going to get married and Is coining back to Newmarket next summer 00 9 50 5 both leaders and as to the real policy of the Conservative party Now it is weir known that the Lib eral policy was to materially reduce- if not to abolish the imports upon agricultural implements and machinery but it was not carried out because the Government was about to negotiate should have given Govern- with the ment credit for much that has been ton Government and a was not done although not specially mentioned thought desirable to make concessions live in Manitoba and in On- was the position of the Government spent over Sunday have rather staggered the vindicated and so greatly the in the accompanied by his sister tors of both Provinces and have credit of the Administration did the Mia Annie Bacon Mrs Art Low created doubt as to the sincerity of facts prove when the truth became returned known that the whole discreditable tactics of the Opposition in this mat ter have been dropped and the Tories would rather not hear anything the Yukon just now It has been consigned to oblivion After the tac tions the chances are the bulk of the with them Mrs Allen and Miss of Galveston the scene of the terrible are guests of Mrs C at for two or days week Esq President of the in the platform adopted by the Otta wa convention and should have been honest enough to make allowance for the unavoidable failure of the non-re- of the tariff on American because he knows it was owing lo the failure of negotiating a treaty with our neighbors that it was not Mr Cook knows as well as any politician in the coun try that had the Government lowered the duties on United States imparls while these negotiations were under consideration both Liberals Con servatives alike would have regarded such action as both unwise and im politic especially in view of determination of the American delegation to get the better of Canada in the negotiations a determination practically led to breaking on the negotiations altogether But apart from this feature Mr Cooks criticism question Lateral ly arises why did he not denounce the transaction as a shameful attempt at bribery when the was madeif made it was Wily as an honest man who considered himself possessed of effi cient independent moral character to be a Senator did he not expose such a shameful attempt at the sale of a public position The whole tiling smacks if the artfulness of the politi cian rather than a candid zeal fur party political and moral purity And let us it come to this that seats in the Senate forum of the country have become a matter of gain and sale only to men who can command dollars and cents then in the name of all that Is great and good let the Senate be abolished al together and wipe out such an excre scence upon the body politic Sir Wilfrid speedy emphatic denial of Mr statement how ever will no doubt convince the pub lic that so far as and his Govern ment Is concerned they bad no share in this attempt at In a pub lic office Syvtral llfJilhoiixs the storm in the Maritime that would lessen toe value of the ad vantages this country bad to All the same it now remains for Hon Hugh John to explain hov the Conservative party in case their advent to power will the tariff on agricultural implements alto gether on the one hand while Hon Mr Foster proclaims the will maintain a high protective duty in or der to exclude this class of from coming into Canada thereby in creasing the cost of agricultural imple ments to the farming community low the can be abolished and still be maintained a problem difficult of explanation No wonder our Montreal considers it may well stagger the electors of both Manitoba and Ontario On Monday last Hon McMil lan took the oath of office and was sworn in as Lieut Governor of Mani toba and Administrator of the Dis trict of Kcewatfn at Government House Winnipeg as of Hon J Patterson- the past year the publisher of the Weston Times has been issuing a second paper called Junction Guide Last week the two papers were combined and It is now publish ed as the Times and Guide and comes to hand in eight page form giv ing an improved appearance Sir Charles Tupper has recently be come enamored with the storage Idea and now favors having cold stor age depots in various localities in the country Hut this entire plank In his policy is stolen from the developed or the Ontario Liberal Govern ment as outlined by an Act of the legislature pi this Province last ses sion giving Government to cold storages Yes Its too late for Sir Charles to claim credit along this cold storage line hut the of November will provide alt the told he will requite for the rest of his politi cal life Opposition will have reached the same goal The farmers of North York and West Ontario are too much of a reading community to be deceived by the wily orations of high protection advocates daughters who arc laboring to discredit the pre sent Government before the country years of Liberal rule has wrought too great a change in the prosperity of the agriculturalists of Canada for l hem to desire a return to the state of things existing previous to All along the Hue progress has mark ed Government administration Here are two or three important evidences The export of butter was when the Conservatives left it was in The export of eggs was now The export of bacon was then it Is now The export of apples was in 1890 It was in The export of poultry was in IS9G it was in Vet these are the Instances where Sir Charles says the Government has failed in Its duty If present prosperity of is simply the natural result of the uni versal era of good limes it the condi tions of life in Dominion are no better than elsewhere if the change of policy in the administration of in this country has not been to the Im mense advantage of people how is it that settlers are coming Into Cana da from the United States today thousands when for many years prior to were going from Canada to United States in even greater numbers In the three years and a half up to the end of June last dur ing which the country has felt the ef fects of the change no less than settlers have from the States to make their homes in Canada In the first three years of that there has been a total settlement of neatly people home steads have been taken up and the sales of lands by private companies In creased from 700000 lo These figures as they stand me elo quent enough but it must not be for gotten that many thousands more would gladly as and share in the improved condition of affairs If only they the menus lo lUrn here Waterloo Insurance Co and exMayor of also an old chum of Squire Jackson years ago was in Town on Tuesday on Insurance business The editor and wife spent over Sunday with Mrs Wallace and at bridge Mr Wallace We ask you newest in sell as we Garment LADIES JACKETS m m m are not going to quote prices today but to see the stock Our Jackets are the very We have no old stock to the market carried none is uptodate over consequently every Among the stock are many fine Sample Coats and every line from the cheapest to the best is a decided bargain H E MADDOCK is working in Lindsay now and the family expect to move there next month Miss lalsner gave a most excellent report of the Convention at the Friends Endeavor on Tuesday evening The attendance was not as large as it should have been only about thirty present Miss Ada Holmes eldest- daughter of the late Holmes who has been over in England for the past four years got home on Tuesday morning She left Bradford Yorkshire on the inst and was just days reach Newmarket The ALLBNAt Sutton on the wife- of John Allen a son c THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has a special out in prices on Furniture for a few clays before tak ing For Cash High Diners sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables up Bedroom Suites DO up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up All floods in proportion SPECIALTY Might calls attended to at St John Millard Oct Luke Wilson proprietor of ft merrygoround while loading a revolver for his Thursday night had the weapon accidentally explode the bullet going thru the fleshy part of his left liand Theflltof Winning on Oct 3 at the Church of Immaculate Conception Mr James Cain son of Mr Michael Cain of Newmarket to Miss Lizzie CAM 10RON1 ADDENIn on the 10th by Rev Mr at the residence of the brides parents Cameron of Egypt to Nancy third daughter of Alex Madden TAYLOR KNOWLlvSAt the resi dence of the brides parents Vic toria Avenue Newmarket on by Rev Mr Wackier rector of St Pauls Mr John J Taylor of the National Bank of Hamilton New York State to Miss Helen Knowles daughter of Mr Geo Knowles The wedding was a very quiet one owing to the illness of her mother The newlymarried couple left by train for Chicago to spend the honey moon and will afterwards reside ai Hamilton Sutton on the Robert Armstrong aged years months and fl days on Oct 3rd twin son of wen and Ellen McDairrald and grandson of Mr Patrick of years Toronto on the Inst at the residence of her son James Elizabeth Ann Giles moth of Ernest Giles of iu her year Interred on Wednesday at the burying ground north of Newmarket Book News Depot FOR Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets LAMPS FANCY VASE LAMPS HANGING LAMPS STAND LAMPS HAND LAMPS BRACKET LAMPS BURNERS GLASSES SHADES WICKS I Delineator for Nov Ask ftp Fashion Sheets Starrs Fruit PEACHES A few t baskets for those who have not preserv ing- BANANAS and QUINCE for Preserving Tons of Grapes Direct from the vineyards for preserving at lowest possible prices s Main North AH will Choice Confectionery g Famous Creams BonBons and Fruit Cordials the land Try thorn Central Telephone W STARR