I OCT CHINA HALL SALE of Ladies and Childrens Summer Shoes Weeks Local WHAT IS ON IK A ABOUT Brief lets Shooting in the Volunteer at Brickyard commences at one oclock on Thanksgiving Day A bus load of Royal Templars are going to visit Aurora Council on evening Ice was formed a quarter of an inch thick on Wednesday morning The has accepted invitation from Aurora to provide the program there on The High School teams of Newmar ket and Aurora were to play football there on Wednesday afternoon A lot of our correspondents must have forgotten that yesterday Thanksgiving was Toronto Honors Sir Wilfrid a Magnificent Demonstration -GO- Immense Buildings Packed to Overflowing Procession a mile and People in the Streets ox- Speech by the China and Glassware Very interesting prices for purchasers Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Tea Sets Lemonade Sets and 10 lb Butter Crocks Fruit Jars We have a Big Stock Last Sunday was missionary day and Was characterized by large congrega tions eloquent sermons and libera contributions Dr Henderson occupied the pulpit and delivered two masterly discourses to appreciative and delighted audiences In the morning the subject was The gospel of This is a divine gospel it had its ori gin in the mind of God and conse quently is admirably adapted to human needs This old gospel was contrast ed in eloquent language with the false gospels of modern timed the gospel of science of reason of socialism of philosophic culture Christianity dif fers from all human philosophies and schools of thought Christianity is Christ you may as well try to sepa rate tie sunbeams from the parent sun as separate these two Socialism be gins and ends with mans material sur roundings Christianity with the innermost life of the man and working outwards it seeks to feed the hungry to naked and to re lieve the oppressed and it does go un der the immediate inspiration of lire living God In the evening the Or dealt chicly with the work of Christian Missions in Japan and China and for fifty min utes held his audience spell bound dealing with Japan he answered ihiw questions What has Christian civil ization done for Japan What has Christianity done for Japan What has the Methodist- church done for Japan He depicted in sustained of eloquence the rapid strides Japan has made in recent years until now she is recognized as one of the first powers of the civilized world the Star of the the Great tain the Orient He also dealt in lucid language with the Chinese pro blem speaking of the vast of the Celestial Empire its teaming mil lions the already achieved by the missionaries of the Cross ami pre dicted a glorious future Both discourses were marked hy a profundity of thought cogency of ar gument and splendour of diction am wore delivered with a grace of manner The demonstration in honor of nations Mag and everyone at least bad Wilfrid Tuesday night probably excelled anything of the kind To ronto had ever previously seen if in deed it did not surpass anything in Canadian history The features of the jubilation were a vast torchlight pro cession with four thousand men in line and three huge meetings each ad dressed by Sir Wilfrid and several of his colleagues Music Hall holding alone live thousand people in a few minutes and the hundreds of new comers at that hour were met by hun dreds of others turning away to hasten to the meetings in the Pavi lion and iu Association Hall which too were speedily rilled to the doors Several other halls could easily have been Oiled with the crowd of disap pointed ones eager to hear the eloquent Premier Many hundreds of people went from the country during the day and most of these were among the vast crowd that by oclock was awaiting the opening of the doors The doors were opened a few minutes before half- past oclock and there was a terrific rush and crush filling every corner of the vast hall within a quarter of an hour Twoscore Liberal members of Par liament as many candidates for honors at the approaching elections came to the city honor the great a handkerchief and instantly the hall was converted into a fluttering garden of colors rising tier above tier almost to the electric lights in the dome The sealike roar that burst from live thou sand throats was maintained without cessation or even break until one thought that they had no intention of bringing the remarkable ovation to a close When at length the audience was disposed to listen Mr J the Chairman after a few preliminary words introduced one af ter the other the local candidates of the Liberal party It must be admitted that the audience was im patient for its idol was not dis posed to listen to anyone else until it from him When he in troduced by the Chairman there was a repetition of the reception at his en trance modified by the desire to hear the grave heartfelt accents in which he thanked them for their preeednted welcome of him At his first word the vast multitude settled into a silence so absolute that even the low tones of the opening pass age penetrated to every portion of the spacious auditorium This silence was unbroken save by the quick and sym pathetic responses which his eloquent periods evoked The speech was beau tifully balanced beginning with an ap peal to the reason of his hearers and I gradually mowing to the noble close in Canadian consumer without injuring the manufacturers who were prosper now as they never did before Our exports Great have enor mously increased It now alleged that a Canadian Government could persuade the British Government and people to abandon fire trade to lie extent of giving a pie Terence to coloni al products Mr Chamberlain is the person who is said to he most favor able to the scheme and Mr Chamber lain has again and again that it Coil Id not even be considered except up on Iho condition that British goods an admitted free into the colonics The Premier thought in IS and still thinks that we are quite ready for that step hut he does not abandon the hope that an Imperial customs union may come in time It would be im possible to exaggerate the favorable impression made upon the audience by the speech The general impression made was that the country is govern ed strong statesmanlike men Hall of course the larg est meeting but Association Hall and the Pavilion were also packed to the doors and the three meetings together gave Toronto such a feast of Liberal ism as it has not enjoyed for a long time THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE I Oar Toronto better Premier and Sir Wilfrid was to their patriotism by half a dozen members of life adjuring i Cabinet With him were Sir Richard to eiTect perpetuate that per- the veteran of so many j union of the Canadian people campaigns Mr whose which was the aim and aspiration of achievements as Postmaster General was indeed a meeting given him an Imperial reputation everyone who look part in it Kidding whose magnificent w as one of the most not- plus of for the current year events in which they were ever is the last item to add to his brilliant privileged to participate financial record Mr Patterson the have Mr Now is the beginning of the Preserving and Pickling Season beauty of expression that vated everybody the of last year were in advance of that of the preced ing year the contributions of Sunday marked another advance of 5 per cent The services next Sunday morning will partake of the nature of Thanks giving Next Sunday evening the pastor preach his second sermon in the on The Life of Christ the able Minister of Customs one of the old guard of Ontario Liberalism and Hon Sutherland the genial and popular representative of western On tario The occasion was a gigantic ovation a marvellous tribute to the personal influence intense popularity of the statesman whose four years of power have been the most brilliant page in Sir Wilfrid made a speech which was not only eloquent but closely reasoned anil remarkable for the manner in which facts arguments were group ed about one dominant idea the unity of Canada He reminded his audience that four years ago the country was agitated by a question which threaten ed division and strife the Manitoba school question and that this had The date of the grand patriotic mu sical festival to celebrate tin home coming of Canadas brave sons from South Africa has been for Tues day Oct The Toronto Perman ent Orchestra of fifty pieces and a chorus of voices will Like part in the festival under the directum of Prof The season for quail shooting open ed on Monday last In this connec tion it may be stated that an impression prevails that quail can be sold the same as any other game There is nothing to prevent sportsmen this kind of game bird for their own use but the law forbids selling it till 1905 Toronto dearly loves a military spec tacle and it is not surprising that a great portion of the populace lined the streets Sunday afternoon to witness the autumn church parade A very imposing spectacle it was The splen did brigade of men represented every branch of the service horse foot and artillery A young man named Lee Priest was drowned in the Hay on Monday even ing last In trying to push a sail boat clear of wharf he accidentally fell into the water His companions tried to save him but they did not have the opportunity as Priest did not come to the surface It was half an hour after before the body was re covered and life was extinct topic being Christ World in the OUR STOCK OF Sizars Spices cannot be excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices and give you the best in quality 1M The British elections are now prac tically over A special cable to the Tuesday paper gives the following result Unionists Liberals and Labor Nationalists Seats to be heard from A reconstruction of the British is now talked of the history of Canada J which Sir Wilfrid loves with rack pas- lo of fervor as was ever and again made evident in his splendid oration principle of the Liberal The rapidity with which the hall till- hc J up Hie opening of the doors was a to all clashes the incredible The people swept r thru the various doors tin hurtled vave 0 A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Coal and Wood lime Hair Cements A complete and valuable publication has just been issued by the Ontario Department of Agriculture giving all the Acts passed the Legislature with respect to Agriculture It gives the law as to grants that are given to farmers for various undertakings laws on spraying the manufacture of butter and cheese and everything else that has a connection with agricul ture Frank McGregor of St Thomas fir ed three shots at Miss Batty a young woman with whom he was infatuated and then shot himself Miss Batty was not hit Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free W Cor Main Huron ft J Cornwall boy named the fingers cut both hands by under a car Mr Millets residence In the east end of the Jiuage was destroyed by early this morning Part of the stents were removed The total loss will be insured Tor Art on building and on The fire started In an Woodshed and the origin Is a mystery Newmarket Markets Oct 190 barrel a Wheat per perbUBbe per OKI Buckwheat Barley per bushel per bushel Pcaapcr bushel Bushel I Butter roll per Applet pur per lb liny per ton Pork lb Cfalckcns per pair I Ducks drisA per ytiorU per ton if I k 16 0 W OIK w on 0 a a a ft to a i IS a CO a a a a a a a a a a it streams the men leaping and jumping to get possession of good seats The ladies while not so agile were as eager with the result that the hall which a few minutes before looked like a vast empty cave was as if by mag ic peopled with row upon row of hu man fates a scene may have been witnessed before but while there were newspaper men there and who may described as veterans their experience of public meetings not one of I hem had ever seen an empty hall in such a manner burst into life as if at the touch of an enchanters wand There was necessarily a long wait before the speaking could begin but provision had been made so that time would not- hand heavily their hands The Cadets brass band a string band and the Quartette maintained a succession of cheerful sounds which the multitude listened and alter nately cheered It was well past eight before the hum of a countless throng without dominated even the sound of the drum and trumpet within and the glow of torches and flashing rockets thru the great windows announced that he for whom all were waiting was at hand No more picturesque sight nor more enthusiastic demonstration was ever seen In Toronto than the torchlight procession in honor of Sir Wilfrid If there was one man In line there were four thousand Six abreast they formed a solid column more than a mile long and the thousands of flaming torches waving lags varicol ored rockets ascending from end to end of the line and the music of five bands made an occasion ever- to be re membered In the annals of political demonstrations In Toronto Probably 10000 people surrounded the hostelry awaiting the exit of tho Libera leader Rockets were ascend ing on all sides and the scene was one long to be remembered It recalled vividly the untrammelled enthusiasm with which the lougpent feelings of the people welcomed the news of fall of Pretoria When Canadas Premier arrived It was the moment for- which the magni ficent assemblage was awaiting Like one man they sprang feet Spine had provided themselves with the eat sections as policy seems to dic tate We are national they are sectional was a phrase which at once commended itself to the judgment of the audience Hut Sir Wilfrid and his colleagues had something more to do than to make speeches They had to consider the responsibilities of their position and the checks imposed on by the constitution I admit said Sir Wilfrid that was not hasty in tin matter that hesitated about taking two millions of money from the public treasury without con sent of Parliament Me had hoped to the last that there would lie no war that the matter would be peace fully settled that the old friendship of and Holland their old alli ance in the cause of liberty to which he made an eloquent reference would be remembered He knew too that blood was thicker than water and that the war did not appear in quite the same light to the people of Quebec to the rest of Canada Still were subjects and must be prepared to accept the respon sibilities of that position His aim was if possible to decide upon a pol icy on which Quebec and the rest of Canada could agree The ultimatum put an end to the hope of peace and compelled action and action had been taken in such a manner as to promote the unity of Canada There are diffi culties connected with the government of Canada which Sir John recognized and which Sir Wilfrid recognizesj but which Sir Charles does not appear to realize He and party have adopted a policy of setting one section against In Ontario the Government was blam ed for not acting before war was de clared or was seen to be Inevitable in Quebec Wilfrid was too Brit ish and was to be held responsible for every drop of Canadian blood shed at The Premiers appeal ti pay no heed to these sectional cries and to work together for a united Canada was spoken in a vein of sober and restrained eloquence and its ef fect upon the audience was instantane ous and powerful The question of the British prefer ence was explained with remarkable clearness It was shown that A trooper of the Dublin Hunt con tingent of the Imperial Yeomanry who was taken prisoner with many others at writes a letter from which was recent ly published in a newspaper He writes Well here am a beautiful barbed wire cage with some other unfortunates Our clothing is picturesque in the ex treme A man with a seat in his pants is as rare as a Jubilee six pence and when met with is treated with the greatest deference Our house is a little sty about two feet high made of mud and roofed with a blanket Literature its There is a fine circulating library consisting of two copies of the Half- Penny Comic a year old three pages from an equally antiquated number of Sketch and three pamphlets about Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pte People partly printed in and partly in Dutch The fact that these wellthumbed pamphlets bear the ap pearance of having read and read makes me think Brother Boer knows a good thing when he it and there are a lot of us who would feel all the better if we had some of the pills instead of the pill literature However we keep the library circulation and like Mark Tapley en deavor to take as much enjoyment out of the situation as we can Fortunes in Patents One often hears of the enormous pro fits made on patents Many of them are known to be fairy tales some arc well founded Nearly everybody can point to several cases of the sort in Ids personal experience Tales of en ormous wealth usually regarded by readers as myths but a western manu facturer has collected a number of specific instances which are all realities He says that a slight improvement In Strawcutters yielded over In eight months A lamp chimney spring yielded over a year or several years A printing ink Invent sold for A machine for cleaning grain gave In net pro fits In fifteen months W Spauld- of San Francisco is credited with receiving for his invention of a sawtooth The lead pencil rubber tip brought to the inventor over prollt Pigs in clover netted 100000 fan brought the Inventor a- week The inventor of the little cylinder savings bank got a day for several months as It now exists benefitted the jits The warehouse on the pulpmill dock at Marie owned by the Sault Marie Pulp A Paper Co was completely destroyed fire with Automatic and Wiekiess Blue Flame Oil Stoves Simple to Operate Fully Guaranteed These similar to Lamp You light extinguish the known ami adjust the by simply rising ami lowering lis Door Windows Pure Binder Twine Agents for Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO STOCK Is completion and as usual we will Undersell Every House In the trade TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE THREE out of Every FOUR families in Newmarket who buy bread buy ours because it is made of the best material that can be secured Our- homemade Bread is pronounced by all who use it to be the IF best to be had We would like to have YOU try it South End FRED JACK pall in bine At once and be one of the many happy readers of THE NEWMARKET ERA It is the leading journal in York County Begin your subscription with this month Balance of this year free to new subscribers paying in ad vance for Toronto Rod per bun he White wtoAt per bushel per 8 Barley per Oata per bushel per bushel Bye per bushel Potatoes per bag Apple per Wool per lb Hay per ion fore Beef Mod 1 per pair pit pair IT DM U30 0 0 w a- A 10 to is 1SS IS CO 0 a a a a a a a a a a a CI a Between and 35000 Italians joined in a parade in Now York on Friday in oraraenioration of the anniversary of the discovery of Am erica by Christopher Smith of Port Robinson charge of a dredging scow wood harbor was struck by a and knocked into the lake Friday and drowned Hot Springs Ark Oct A fath er mother and four young children were blown to atoms last evening at Sella Montgomery county from Hot Springs While the fam ily was at supper their home was wrecked by an explosion of dynamite It is believed that a dispute over a homestead claim prompted the out-