tit A THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT It liver order Biliousness Sick Headache or Constipation a dose Hoods Pills m On retiring and tomorrow roar organs will be regulated and will be bright active and ready or any kind of work This baa been tie experience of others it will be HOODS PILLS are sold by all medicine dealers 26 False Economy of Cheap Spectacles Sight is too precious to trifle with When buying spectacles buy a food pair I We use perfect lenses They cost a little more than the commoner kinds but the difference m comfort is worth many times the difference in price Eyes examined free L GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Jewelry Stone NEWMARKET www w wwu KENDALLS around the Hal fa WlDEAWASJK AND RESPONDENTS WORTHY Tft Our village is improving Jos Hal- lard is having his house repainted Nelson has put up a new iron fence Miss Mary has been seriously ill for some time and has gone to To ronto Hospital Our Brass Band was engaged for the Schomberg Fair The League had a very interesting meeting on Sunday night Anniversary services will be field in the Methodist church here on Sunday Oct Rev Dr Parker of To ronto Jet will conduct- services at and oclock and in the after noon at will address the young people The choir of the church will render special music OAK RIDGES SPAVIN CUR A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs Thompson when her daughter was united in marriage to Mr Arthur of King Rev Mr Kirk by rector of St Johns Church performed the cere About 10 persons had assem bled at the appointee hour all of whom were immediate relatives Miss Clara Thompson sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid and Mr of Toronto assisted the groom The bride was beautifully attired in a blue cloth trimmed with white satin and carried cream tea roses The bridesmaid wore cream figured cloth with white lace trimmings and carried pink tea roses Miss Thompson of the bride of King City acted as flower girl The bride was given away by her brotherinlaw Mr W Harper The rooms were very taste fully decorated with evergreens and asters Many and costly gifts were received after the ceremony was performed AURORA On the evening of Thanksgiving Hay Oct the ladies of the Aurora Methodist church will serve a hot supper in ho basement of the church- This seems to have been a good year for manufacturers of agricultural im plements the factory here having run more hours tnis year and with a larger average staff than for years previous Hold yourself in readiness for a great treat on the evening of Oct the of our talented young ladies are in training and will present a pro gram which cannot fail to be highly entertaining Humorous speeches pa triotic and other readings- cho ruses and drills will be features of said entertainment- The concert is under the auspices of the Aurora Li brary Board and will be the formal reopening of the Mechanics Hall af ter extensive renovations md decora tions Too for last week MOUNT ALBERT itonv On Friday the ins io Mr and Mrs J Rowland a son Stephen A- has returned from Manitoba Davidson visited several in lust week Rev David Terry is visiting his pa rents here for several weeks tea at Mr Isaac Hoses giv en by the ladies of Franklin church on Tuesday evening was well attended A program given which was of considerable and merit Proceeds of the evening HI Mr A Hrowridge returned to his fathers last week from Epsom i fcltYcM old ntlablit tar M Dot J I mar timer fcrfc At forfsmHr It hu a for m Dt J FALLS XT S ASSURANCE CO I the Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annua Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Paid During year Polices issued for The STANDARD has it Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 now and a share of the profits GEO HUNT District Inspector Afffmi w St All or kept on hand for well or Contract for wells tank ftintllf and general work- done on notice AH now work warrant A French aeronaut navigated a bal loon from Paris to Kiev Russia a of miles hodrs This to be unprecedented in the history of aerial voyages OB A CHASES Is ton direct to A CbH The work of pulling a stone founda tion under Mr Frank Browns Just north of the village is now In pro gress Mr John lost a valuable cow Friday nigbt last It is supposed the animal was grazing along the borders of the steep bank near the mill dam and accidentally missed her footing When found it was the cows neck was broken also one horn and one leg Mr Harvey arrived home from his western tour Thursday of last week looking hale and hearty Harvey speaks in glowing terms of the great west the crops were an almost total failure in many sec tions of the country visited by him Mr Milton Davis one of our most highly esteemed residents returned home from Toronto Thursday last re lieved of his single blessedness by bringing home with him a wife form erly known as Mrs of New market The happy couple were unit ed in the holy bonds of matrimony in Toronto on Wednesday of last week I lis many friends join in wishing hem a smooth and prosperous- journey as they sail down the stream of lime One day while Mr J in company with a friend were out- hunting their attention was drawn to a very tall pine tree at the very top of which a large number of crows were keeping a tremendous uproar On making a quiet search as to the cause they espied huge bird Mr brought his rifle to his shoulder steady aim got a bead on his lofty target and the smoke bad cleared away he proceeded to bag bis prize which proved to lie a genuine American eagle and measured feet inches from tip to tip The annual Fall Fair of the King Agricultural Society was held here cm Thursday and Friday of last week and was very successful- The exhibits are fully equal to the exhibits of former years The events in the ring the 1st day resulted as follows Threeyearold trot Young Nottingham Jesse Nottingham Nottingham Ruth Nottingham Running race Henry Highland Queen Lucy Lee Lang Syne In the second heat Walter Murray the jockey on Highland Queen who won the first heat was thrown from his horse His shoulder was dislocat ed and lie was unable to ride in the second heal Fanners trot Llllie I Old 2 ffni Adams TIh second day of the Fair closed with favorable weather and the larg est attendance ever known at the Fair Tire exhibits in stock vegetables and fruit were never better and In all de partments vas Jhe keenest of The events in the ring were as follows 20 trot A Featherwtons Boy Bessie A T Armstrongs Lady trot Wilcoxs Richard and Lily dead heat J Beat time The two divided the money 3 2 1 3 Compare the Era with any A party of hoys whose from to 16 years gathered in the street last Friday night and about oclock indulged in a free fight Mr- Jos Swains garden Mr vegetables were badly down and a quantity of them de stroyed The Thanksgiving services in the Mehodist church largely attended Rev J of preached both morning and evening His subject in tie morning was Gods Family the evening Lessons from Harvest The thank ottering amounted to A handsome iron fence has tgn built around the church property mak ing it one of the finest in the ft ft- Joyful iove el jest On the of this month a event took place at Poplar Farm when Miss Esther daughter of Mr and Mrs Jonah San ders was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Alien son of Mr William Allen all of the concession of As the old clock indicated the hour the happy couple appeared in the usual wedding form bride supported by Miss Lottie as the groom supported Mr Hncar Al ien his A of Mount Albert performed the solemn ceremony which made them man and wife Then followed the salutation of the happy parents and their man friends and relations after winch they were invited to partake of a sumptu ous repast from a table laden with delicacies and crowned with a hand some wedding cake The was filled Vive times to overflowing to ac commodate the guests who themselves immensely The lavgc col lection of handsome and useful pre sents showed the unbounded hi which the young couple were held by the community WE all wish voyage On Tuesday of this wee ai St Johns Church Newmarket Miss Annie third daughter of Mr Mrs Patrick was united in mar riage to Mr George sou of Mr of by Father Morris Both of North They take a honeymoon trip and then lalie their future abode in in their new store which bus re cent purchased to carry Jon a mer cantile business illations many- years of bliss Hie Joker ffl Dont weekly home Stop it with SCOTTS Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil A little coughing is nothing the tickling that makes you cough once is some dust not the least harm You scratch an itch and forget it This cough is scratching an itch But the cough that hangs on and comes back is a sign of an itch that hangs on and comes back is some thing that makes that itch germ its alive in moist warm ground it will grow if you let it even in children Take SCOTTS EMUL SION of Cod Liver Oih and the germ will die If you not tried lor amp table will you Be Toronto and Assemble all- ye people Your thankful voices raise To God the Lord of harvest Whose goodness crowns our days Our fathers trusted In Him And neer were put to shame Of us He hath been mindful glory to His name tod we praise and thank Thee The Giver of all- good health and strength and raiment For home for f for food For peace with neighboring nations For missionary zeal We thee that in Jesus Thou didst Thyself reveal Not- only do we thank Thee For joys Thou dost bestow We bless Thee O our Father For trial grief and woe It is through tribulation Thou Thy grain Lord we pray Thee cleanse it From every earthly stain And when at last Thou To in Thy wheal May we with holy gladness The Lord of harvest greet Then when the last shears garnered Well celebrate Thy love At the Thanksgiving Supper Of Harvesthome above and Thanksgiving in a City Flat Thanksgiving is a day which fills us alt with thanks and roast turkey and as such a day it is dear to the hearts of all Thanksgiving doesnt make as much noise as does the American Fourth of July with its firecrackers or as Christmas with its bells- The country is the only place in which Thanksgiving may be enjoyed lo its full extent there are people who claim that it is not without its own peculiar charm in the smallest kind of Hat At Just it may seem absurd to the student of human affairs that a im pound turkey should be able to per form with its maximum in a 12 nab Hut this fact is not a mystery when we to look at it squarely iu the meet it with the meni al dissecting knife It is because these fiat dwellers enjoy in the turkey of the present After the head of the family has gone lo the table alone to do the carv ing because he would not have suffi cient elbow room if the family were congregated about him they sit down and dream or the turkey of the past when they were out on the farm look ing across dreamy vistas of nestling landscape punctuated by the scare crow shivering in bis straw hat and linen duster to let the world know that summer was a thing of the And still they fancy sec this old scarecrow standing among the corn- stacks with the winds blowing his whiskers They see him right over there on the lire escape of the neighboring liat for all the fiatscape to litem is a large area of farm land nestling with red leafed trees anil mortgages that cannot ho raised by hand and are not self raising like the Hour raised upon it has brought with it pleasant memories which cover a period of years It only goes back to last March in the flesh but it carries the man hack to the time when he slept like a top on a mattress and arose in the early morn to gather the steaming pancake on the long re- fore he dreamed that he would ever have to gather the matutinal horse car on the It takes him back to game of and brings Kick to him faces that had since faded from his memory in the cusp chilly air he shouts on your own side as of old and hears the yelping of the hound shining like pat ent leather with enthusiasm and is stirred once more by the ripping wite of the Hushed partridge and the re verberating bang of the aportsimvns gun thai sounds so sweet in the isles of the silent forest He will not wake from this pleasant dream past happiness until the morrow for thai the be cold and the logs of fancys fireside will have been reduced to white ashes to stir fitfully in vagrant gusts of wind when the turkeys sinning carcass has been chopped up to be utilized as the base of an economic soup the reminiscent charm will have vanished like a bill at seaside resort for the turkey like love is never itself again when once I cold Its feet arc past and now the family so well more Its head with its Dundreary whiskers of naming ted will no more warble in the rosy kiss of the dawn and fill lUc beholder with nosy anticipation of the jocund Its work is done and its days are pasr and now the family so well be grimed with grave to the very eves sit unci regard one another in silent smaller member will have III bath to gel the on Pit in the victory is theirs as tiny sit ill the city flat filled with vi sions of ecstasy and the magic wishbone and wish that from tin highest to the lowest bad had just so merry and glad a as bus fallen to their happy lot Sunday Oct has been set apart for harvest home services at Virginia Methodist church A Fish of Sunderland who charmed everybody with his singing at the re cent convention will preach the sermon The annual hot supper at Virginia will be as sumptuous as ever on Monday and an excellent pro gram Is being prepared odde bubbles Mr aw dot that all tiicse fancies could cud as did the old fairy stories and they lived happy ever after pricks the bubbles and- nothing remains of alt th hope and gladness of the bride but a bridal veil and a piece of stale wedding way in which happiness can be marriage is by being fore armed against its dangers Most young women are Ignorant of the fact that means a derangement of tbe wom anly functions which may have far reaching after marriage With derangement at start there often fol low the drains ulcera tions and inflammations which make life one long misery A certain cure for irregularity other diseases peculiar to women is found in Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It contains alcohol neither opium cocaine nor other narcotic 1 wan weak 1 did not hive to walk room writ Miss or New providence Calloway Co My pe riod occurred often and the he would and the low or Mood bod Ihe doctor said file would not straighten I not gain from one to weak nervous all the time The doctor told me he t know what the or niy trouble sod fliftt I would never be belter I lived in litis way from old to twentythree when the doctor case Alter this I advised by a kind Dr Favorite which did and I had taken two it I could work all day took in All k bottles or the Fa vorite I ion and about five vial of Pierces Pellet no olher medicine never had a return of this trouble Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets clear the complextoo and sweeten the Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited SYSTEM Business Papers Economy SHANNON Binder Words a Perfect SYSTEM fa For filing your lettera invoices under classified Index with a continuous record easily referred lo over any number of yearn- Secure Complete The Office Specialty Mfg Go LIMITED Bay St Toronto fainting hie until I net huVisjF The Shannon Notre Dame St Montreal Fattoriti Newmarket Oat Three Years of Success During the above period I have sold engines besides several I have had no lawsuila or disputes of any kind and so fur an I know my customers are yet have several i Good Sec Portable Engines ftir including the Cornell Aboil anil can supply a full refitted at giving time cheap sold where it will interfere with my regular given ami customers satisfied before asking for fl THOMPSON FALL IN gQ- Business College Kilter any time Ten teach- sixty Typewriting Ma chines ties for assisting graduates to positions Write for Cal endar SHAW I Si Halifax Oct A horrible tragedy has occurred at the mining town of Trenton Two children of A McKay have been torn to death by a dog- WANTEpvUSa every up along Jw tolfty month td hot loedt2 iUy Sifdy good Writ for full CO Hft It Pays TO ISSUE neat tractive It pays to catch the best class of trade the money spend ing trade You cant iatch money spenders with looking printing must use attractive work not necessarily expensive that which will catch your customers eye and cause him to read it Your Work Then if left with the will receive the attention it deserves and will he correct in local names something that is riot characteristic of printing ordered out of Town Let us execute your i J next order at once ljrcfilynibicJJnlMfaL fel a til uiit tiii ftlFLE BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Ac loron and fcicrtla our opinion it tent for urlnfptnU Mann ft in the urlnjJMUt A Co la the Scientific American A tlr of Jnuinil a by to fl wide en Co New York Bay Weaving iMiub to Inform the that he Mr House and that Iowa Co with All dale and tlmt ho la prepared to do Work In Carpet Call and ace Send your In Early atltfil I lit a PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we and any laveutloa will receive oar opinion free concerning the patentability tame How lo latent upon tbrwigh advertised for tale el our expense out through receive without charge In Recobd an- illustrated and widely circulated consul led by Manufacturer and Investors Send for Address VIOTOR J A CO Attorneys WaaHINlTON a SOLID CARRIAGE TIRE A new carriage thai makes riding all roads a pleasure economical loo for does away with vibration that shakes and breaks the carriages A Vshaped Apace robber lire and the steel prevent lbs and which sts to the exhibit the fairs titod at once for Free Tire Caul prices of all THE Tire Company IIMUHO TORONTO JOHN TO Write for our books l Help and How you are Send us a sketch or tfJHJ wltoprcenieutapdewltltellyM free our opinion a a lo her it patentable been by In A Tarn worth Roar will ho kept tot W 1st con of Whitchurch on A A live and school bright and rooms now furnishings and no stairs to climb Typewriting ym33 cO Principal it fdrnhhed Patents procured through a IhtjrjoUdion sera business of lueraaWKngiri of horses which he dont want too in daylight and ilea Traps and beat of In County of York all anxious for and thorn and out of the of Bailiff and ho llUpaHLdvilarly anxious for iou to at the lots over JO lbs Bra