Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1900, p. 1

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Era more too A tain in York combined a I the County A AND ADVERTISES Give pie the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty 8 PAGES No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance No Single Copies Cents Newmarket Oct per annum if paid in advance A FEW POINTERS ON THE WELCOME to -00- Pearl Range Grown orqjtissiQner Visits Iotiqiiii park ox- Id the merits of this range and you will be surprised at the little money we ask for it A Pleased Customer Time Tests our Best Advertisement He look at it this way The best meal can be served on the Welcome Pearl Range has a ventilated steel oven which pleases the man of the house This in tairn pleases the woman Both are satisfied and become speak ing advertisements for us The merits of all Iliads and stamps its approval or disapproval During the last ten years this range has Veen sold on toe strongest guarantee to give satisfaction They have stood the test of time You make no take when you choose a Welcome Materials and are the best and baking qualities unequalled titiiiH in the interests of colonization and Mountain and Long Sauk Rapids and the development of New Ontario has its terminus at come specially under his depart- lion Here Mr Alex I Hon J Davis Commissioner P reigns supreme He has a ilrst- of Crown Lands recently determined class new hotel the of I to take a few days off for the purpose rooms with bowling alley billiard of making himself personally familiar room and ballroom annex About a with the resources of that part of the j mile back of the hotel is his sawmil Province known as the where he manufacturers the logs he district and the conditions and down Gordon Creek an of settlement there The channel with a timber slide earning country has come prominently I which cuts off some odd miles of to the front as a promising field for the turbulent River that turn- intending settlers and Mr Davis into the Ottawa several miles sired to come into actual contact with above Mr Lumsden also owns all the settlers so far as time and the steamboats plying on Lake would permit and see and hear earning five in number the largest himself not only what the district the Meteor a line boat was like what the settlers had to i with all modern conveniences regarding their prospects and re- electric light On the way lU the lake the steamer stopped at En route to Mr Davis Montreal River and put off Mr Dan accompanied by Mr Gibson OConnor and Mr Armstrong Director of the Bureau of Mines spent j taking in a gang of men to two or three days in Algonquin some mining properties con- lional Park This preserve comprising nickel and copper near Lake about eleven hundred thousand acres in which they are is a veritable paradise from the sports- crowd of were on mans point of view or would be if board bound for the lumber camps of sportsmen were permitted to ply their and Gillies Bros farther clay land the waters of the While River hold iti suspense a great deal of sediment which colors them a yellow- white and so accounts for the name of the stream This sediment is deposited in the lake and forms a bar which obstructs the navigation of the river and has forced it to find an alternate channel for the last two or three miles of its course Thru this the river sometimes discharges itself into the lake and sometimes the waters of the lake run backward thru sny into the old channel and down the original course This pheno menon depends on the rise or fall of the level of the Ottawa River which also empties into the heart of the lake a short- distance away The which finds its way into Lake a little east of the latter stream shorter and narrower but just about as deep and quite as dirty The Liskeard Settlement want is being supplied with reasonable rapidity by the Ontario Government which is spending this year on roads leading to and from ley bury and But settle ment constantly outgrows the roads and for a long time to come until the district is selfsustaining large sums must be spent in providing the means of communication The impression left on mind by a visit to the Tern seaming country was that lew sec I tons of the Dominion and haps none in Ontario surpass it in the inducements offered to intending set tlers SUTTON PAIR Fine weather and a good crowd made Sutton Pair the best for many a year The exhibit in horses and cattle was good while the display in the Hall was better than usual especially in the mouth of the is the Village of also call- apples and roots Lisfceard It occupies both sides of The races attracted great try stream which are joined by a sub- and were won as follows attention land Named Race I I J a A 1 j I calling freely within its precincts No hunting or trapping is allowed in the STRONG in this Range makes the water hoi Should SO independent damper pings from reservoir lids fall back Jnt Manufactured of the finest Lake Super- lor Iron built by men who know how j duplex grate cemented bottom deep If You are Looking for a Range ash pit elegant plate and to cap it all the wonderful silver steel That will bum coal or wood perfectly ventilated oven which cannot be excel- keep fire over night or save you one led for baking qualities- third coal bill here it is A Hardware up the lake and the steamer with barrels of pork sacks of Hour A COIIr from even- total park and the consequence is that supplies fast filling up with the native animals s of this freight of Ontario Moose and deer for which the park is admirably adapted priests Bay on the Quebec side where and winch al its inception had been I Joat tied- up for the night Here nearly exterminated in the section are nourishing set- again abundant Beaver too of which I a large church hospital etc only a few signs were visible are now find ready market for at work on every lake and stream I jro the camps Other furbearing animals such as va lay a curiosity in the bear otter mink marten etc are at- fivefathom birch bark canoe so rapidly increasing and the park j becominghas indeed already become twelve ago was asylum from which these wild by the Hudson Bay Co run may spread over the surrounding portions of the Province of goods and his of eight or provisions It took seventeen men rangers have their hands full in rtlu of car- THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price is the time to order your New Fall Suit LADIES Our stock Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R a ixvr vJ5vii Writ rt J Ti 1 1 Crip We fiTiArante GLOBE CO 3 Street PRIVATE SCHOOL A English French and Music IK GOLDS and DO OF fcyy PERRY looking after the interests of the park cutting out trails and portages build ing sjielter huts keeping out poachers etc and their work in rain or shine heat or cold Autumn in Forest beautiful view was had by ascend ing to the of Sanitarium Point a bold lilufl feet high overlooking Cache Lake and commanding an out look on three over a series of ridges covered from Iwse to top with deciduous and coniferous trees which exhibited all the delicate us well as all the brilliant colors early Canadian autumn The leaves of the white birch are the fust to signal the approach of fall by dropping their green for lemon and Next in point of time comes the soft maple which makes a more decided change in color deepening thru many shades of red Into Amid the yellow of the birches- the vivid almost metal lic green of spruces and the gloom of he balsams tamaracks and pines the glowing peony rose bun garden of flowers less gorgeous in lute Looking more closely at the trees one notes not only that individuals of the kind differ greatly In color that on the same tree part foliage may Mill be green and unchanged while other parts have fully yielded to the influences of the season Across the mind passes the reflection all this brilliant scene will have under gone a more complete transformation drill Novembers surly blasts will fclrip the trees- of their wealth of color and under winters windingsheet of snow the leaves will reenter the of kindly nature which wastes nothing and overlooks nothing Past the nark headquarters runs the line of the Canada Atlantic Railway over which trains ruMi east and west to the number of 35 to 10 daily from Harbor Depot bringing grain from the west bound for the old country besides carrying as local freight hunter and eastward and man ufactured goocJs On Lake Passing thru North Bay Mr and parly visited Mattawa where they vcre shown alxiit the town by Mr J SI I P and afterwards the train on the branch line running north to the foot of Lake This line crosses Ottawa at Mattawa and proceeds up the river on Quebec the j of harvest many of J formidable obstructions to navigation I were standing 111 the field known as the Cave Les Flowing as they do thru a tract of tying five tons of freight The shores on both sides of Lake anting are rocky rising in into bluffs until the portion of the lake is reached when the good laud on the Ontario side be gins to appear at or a little below On the shore a column of escaping steam indicated the of the Wright silverlead mine low being worked by an com pany Tin shaft is down feet and ore said carry from 100 to ounces of silver per ton is being raised and shipped to Swansea Wales to be refined The vein is described as feet wide and the deposit is a valuable ore Concentrating and hoisting machinery compressors etc have recently been installed Not far away on Burnt Island also iu Quebec a quarry of lithographic stone is being opened up by Mr fi V Wright of Ot tawa The White River Before arriving at lie was ntet by the Comet a pow erful tug which Mr Lumsden kindly placed at the disposal of Mr Davis and which after touching or convened rein forced by Mr John Armstrong Crown Lands Agent Rev Mr Pitts leiian minister Mr John Wilson chant Mr J McCrackcit wood rank er Mr J Grills and other to the head of the lake and thence up the White or Blanche River a distance of five or six miles from the mouth At the head of the lake or North is called a Hudson Bay Companys post was formerly situat ed hut now in operation The agent In charge wasMr Robert a veferan of Eighty years of age who was bom onLake and who was never farther Pembroke The White River is a nar row but deep stream navigable for small for or miles from Its mouth banks near lake are low and covered with as elm oak ash and maple with cedar balsam and spruce intermixed Farther up the river the higher Settlers have token up land on both sides of the stream fora considerable distance inland and clearings break the monotony of the and let patches of sunlight Into forest Crops have been this year but a long spell of wet weather delayed the Ingathering wooden bridge The I close to the lake is low but the Easy Annie age itself is comparatively high Shaws Mabel Rose and in ordinary seasons would doubt- Hamiltons Little Hick less he dry but there has been so Rare much rain this fall that the water Tuckers Aberdeen Clay out at every step About houses and constitute the Charley Tut lie which contains a of Open Trot stores and representatives of nearly Jet all the ordinary trades There are Tuckers Aberdeen Clay three churches occupied respeo Green Race by the Church of England Annie 1 Methodist and Presbyterian bodies Hamiltons Little Dick and in addition a Baptist minister has Jim lately preempted a vacant lot with a Gate receipts receipts roomy tent for worshippers who pre- stands grand stand that denomination aud a smaller entertainment grand one alongside for his own Bon A colonization house stands The prize winners were as follows to in which ried colonists are accommodated uni Draught Scott Huntley T til they can move into their own A J Hamilton crowns the hill on J A J Huntley J J McDonald late of King Rynard J McDonald instruction to an average of and J Lyon I pupils this number are on General Purpose J A I the roll The ratepayers of McDonald King J section this summer voted to expend J Francis in providing a larger and belter Lake I Wight J Hamilton I which will no doubt Carriage and Roadster be erected T Scott John Kay The Land and Timber Pa King Ver- Dr forest J A For the most part the men who have J Graham Daley taken up land have done so with Gentlemans Turnout Dr Forest distinct purpose of making homes for Bret hour and their families and they I Lady Driver Miss Lucy Scott Mrs jar bending their energies to this end c CATTLE for they see that the prospects of are good The land is of doubted fertility consisting of a cov ering of black muck varying in thick- from six inches to two or three feel Beneath this is a whitish caseous day which forms the subsoil j the district and which is of depth This or deposit of is undoubtedly the result of jeoMrposition of the Devonian limestone wi eh comes to surface near and also at Dawsons Point between the mouths of the and While Rivers A remarkable feature is the entire absence of loose stones or luinhlers Tho this makes cultivation of the land an easy task yet it has drawbacks- for stones needed for foundations for buildings cribbing wells etc or gravel for roads cannot had The forest growing upon the soil is very dense and is mainly- com posed of coniferous trees with the ex ception of the delta of the While Riv er where elm oak ash and maple Nourish tamarack halm of and poplar arc the pre vailing trees being little or no pine which grows only to small size There Is no difficulty in clearing land for the trees are small arid roots do not penetrate far Into the clay but as a rule take hold only of the black muck or run between the muck and the In the second or third year af ter felling the trees the ready to come out and can be ex- fieri little trouble Until this Is done however the land cannot bo ploughed the stumps being so numer ous and close together Wants of the Settlers The great drawback to the country Is its isolation The means of communication with the out side world during the summer are fair ly good for there Is uninterrupted navigation and good steamer accommo dation to and from the font of Lake warning lb which runs a branch of the P In winter however the settlement Is practically cut off and all supplies of provisions store etc have to be laid in before the Ice takes- The are clani- for a railway and the route they Is via North Bay to To ronto They unhesitatingly state that a railway would pay from the and hat It would bring a rush of land and homo seekers Into the dis trict goes without saying Wagon roads are also a prime necessity This Durham Fry Dr T L Howard Other breeds W Rynard J Kav T Scott Cots wold J Davidson won all the prizes Downs A McKay John Kay and J Davidson John Lake and Mc Donald GRAIN and W Young captured nearly all the prizes Other winners were J Davidson Dr Young Young TomllnsoiV McDonald J J Greenwood J Bailey J J J J Kay J L Howard FRUITS Young J Green wood John Kay Lake J Cadicux Sil ver Park and DAIRY c J Huntley McDonald J David son J Mrs Silver Mrs Young Mrs Davidson Mrs J Gra ham Mrs J Greenwood Mrs Mrs Kerr and Mrs Kemp LADIES WORK Mrs Young Mrs J Davidson Mrs A Mrs Kemp Mrs Kerr Mrs ARTS AND FANCY WORK Miss K Miss J Earl Mrs Kemp Mrs Vanzaiit Mrs Silver Rynard A Mrs Johnson Miss Younjc Miss Mrs Cross Miss Lake Miss Johnson FLOWERS Mrs Tomlinson Mrs J John Aggie CHILDRENS WORK Miss Kemp Mia Huntley Miss Osborne Miss Miss Berry Miss Eva Young Miss and Miss Viola Brooks According to a press despatch from LI Hung Chang and Prince have declared that the alleged edict ordering the of and other Boxer leaders a forgery A Trip in the Friedrichshaven Oct Count Von Zeppelin gave his airship another trial yesterday ami achieved a notable success After rising the airship re mained poised at a of met res for of an hour It then made a series of tacks and per formed sundry turning manoeuvres after which it was steered against the wind It finally headed where the inventor landed after a trip that lasted about an hour The King and Queen of the trial from the deck ot a The airship carried four persons be sides Count Zeppelin it rose the wind was from the northeast blowing with a velocuty of three and onehalf yards a second When the airship had attained a height of 100 yards it described a circle and then drove with the wind in a generally cir cular direction for about six miles It then again described a circle after which it made headway a trains the Wind which was then blowing with increased iiie air- ship descended with great and steadiness into the lake and was low ed to a shed The experiment was most successful lis stability equili brium and steering- powers were ex cellent It is generally agreed that considerable progress has been made since the first The first ascent was made in July and a slight derangement in the steer ing apparatus caused a sudden descent into the lake The airship is metres in length being by far the largest ever cons l rutted It is- cigar- shaped contains iu an aluminum netting seventeen separate balloons- The cigarshaped has a diam eter of metres a volume of cubic metres is estimated to tin capacity to raise and sup port in the air kilograms The weighs approximately kilograms Under the cigarshaped are supported two gondolas each placed twentylive metres from their respective of the cyclinder contains a Daim ler motor which work the propellers The forward screw has four wings the rear only three the steering ap paratus is also contained in the gon dolas The screws arc capable of revolutions to the minute and gave an estimated forward propulsion of fit metres Count Zeppelin estimate that the balloon rise to metres and when weighted with kilograms can lie kept up in the air for eight days Beets at Kalamazoo The Kalamazoo Beet Sugar factory started its second season on Tuesday October nth and the first sugar for year was turned out Thursday as white and sweet as any sugar ever put on the market During the months of inactivity the big plant has been kepi in the best of order and it is expected that this jear will I no break downs and that the season will be a successful one from every point of view Within a short time or when factory Is running at its greatest ca pacity the full working force of 250 men will be employed in it Beets are coming in dairy at the ale of Vk or CO carloads and this number will be considerably increased within a short time when all of the farmers nave their crop ready for the factory Ad ditional sheds have been erected this year and the room for beets greatly enlarged so that farmers will not be obliged to hold beets in pits as was the case last year The quality of the beets Is fine The officers of the company lonk with great satisfaction upon the tests which have been made so far and farmers who raise a crop of sweet tubers are pleased with sue and quality It is said Die weather has been ideal for beets A great part of the summer and fall and the warm sunshine of September ad ded sweetness daily to every plant that It shown upon Everything points to a very success ful season for grower manufacturer and merchant and it is expected that this seasons Michigan which go through the Kalamazoo will be a source of profit and a cessful venture to all who handle them i On Friday last at Midland while regulating the semaphore Mr Harry Broad the baggageman had a narrow escape from instant death While In the act of grasping the lever it was in some way released flew up with terrific force on the ear knocking MM insensible in which state some time The ear was badly smashed J-

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