Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1900, p. 4

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I 1 mm My Infirmities him hw io ffd eidof Most from bid biood And Mr cured by SifSApArAJ Every person who Has rheum or should Ai one begin taking medicine ihsJihe infirmity rruy be removed Weakness- my Boy bioaf was Hi very could not keep And suffered from in his Hoods nude nan And w SlrAtioru Qni Eta PROP Best Advertising Medium York County Transient cents per line for first Insertion cents per line for each subsequent Insertion unaccompanied with writ ten instructions Inserted until forma ana channel Advertisements will be changed once each month desired or changes Once each month the composition must be paid for at regular rates Change for contract advertisements must he In by noon on Wednesdays Special Low Bates for Executors Notices Parma to Rent Articles Lost and Found etc A reading notice will be inserted free for any Church or Society where potters are fu number when no admission Is tauten fifty cents will for avoirs notice No exception to this nil The practical loyalty of Sir Charles and his followers succeeded in cutting down British exports into Ca nada from to The too British preferential policy of Sir Wilfrid lias in four brought the figures up again to lover This may be too British for Sir Charles but it suits Canadian whose loyalty is something more substantial than a bogus election trial When the elector hears from the Tory campaigner that- the Government has increased his taxes he is not ltke- to know it in other- way he should bear in mind that if the nation al policy tariff that the Tories profess to be so proud of bad been continued unchanged the consumer of the Domin ion would have paid a year more in customs duties than they have done since the change of Government But in spile this substantial reduc tion the steadily growing deficit which marked the closing years of the Fos ter regime have under Mr Fielding been converted into substantial and evergrowing surpluses a portion of which is being applied to a reduction of the national debt for the first time since Confederation Girls LEGAL Thos J Robertson Barrister otary Public Ac Orrice Main Street Newmarket on good Farm security- nloyd Solicitor Notary Public etc Money n a Court Newmar ket Ontario Conveyancers c doors South of Post lice Herbert Aurora will also he at Newmarket on Saturday and Court Days J Boss Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora p S Barrister Block Main Barrister fiefonneV Block PAINTING AVltOZl Paper lmUailHiatr Ac Done promptly neatly and in The thousands of young men who will cast their first Federal vote on November should not forget that they have to thank a Liberal Govern ment for the right to- exercise the franchise Even successive step to extend the franchise and give a voice in the affairs of the country to every reputable young man as soon as he is of age has been taken by the Liberals arid opposed by the Conservatives The young elector exercising his rights of citizenship for the first time could not have a better object lesson or one that would appeal more personally to him than this and he may rest assur ed that this is a fair sample of the progressive principles which characterise Liberalism and haVe done so much for Canada during the paxt four years The elector who at this election casts his first vote for a Liberal candidate will often have oc casion in after years to remember that fact with satisfaction Whatever may be the political out look in your riding there is only one possible course open to every citizen who desires to see a continuance of the present honest administration un der which the country has enjoyed four years unprecedented advancement That one course is to look after every vote favorable to the Government see that it is actually polled as early as possible on election day By vot ing early the elector insures himself against being defrauded by possible impersonation and also leaves himself free to hunt up more dilatory electors Keep at it till the clock strikes five never mind whether the election of your candidate is a sure thing or not If he goes in with a thumping majori ty with your help you will have a right to a share in the rejoicings if he is beaten you will have the supreme satisfactionof knowing that you at least did your best to get there STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS When a child I burned my foot frightfully writes of I am with a Car- late Painter and Sum Wilier Orders can be left at Hardware Va vrhich caused horrible Street West Newmarket leg sores for years but Buckleys Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed Infallible for Burns Cuts Sores Bruises and Piles Sold by Lehman Bolton Practical Painter PaperKanger and Decorator Corner Church Street Millards Lane and AUCTIONEERS Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for the Coof York fioods sold on commission Terms reason able attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket DENTAL A I Dentist Post Office Block opposite the Methodist Church action Guaranteed I Pone Do at will be at lb of Dr Porter Brad ford Monday DR to Opposite Drug Store A farmer near is said to have reduced his mortgage by by of alsike To this IheShel- Economist adds that Jen nings Mansfield received CO from io bags of and still had left at home This was all the product of acres Proud of Maple Valley sold one load of the same grain for TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM One night my brothers baby was taken with Croup writes Mrs J Snider of Crittenden Ky it seemed it- would strangle before we could get a doctor so we gave it Dr Kings New Discovery which gave relief and permanently cured it We always keep it In the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve Infallible for Coughs Colds Throat and Lung Troubles and Trial bottles free at Lehmans Drue Store LICENSES Jackson marriage- licenses I At the Era Office Newmarket Private Sealed ftl P residence If J OF Henry Crocker aged was instantly killed in last his footing arid in falling in the har ness factory and while returning to his work after dinner decided to ride and jumped on a CPJl shunting Thurslay He vas employed toJ- head was terribly crushed In some way causing instant death IT IN THE FACES This Is the age of brain trouble of heart failure of paralysis and of body weaknesses You can read It the faces of the people you meet Ner vous diseases do not get well of their ovn accord Regular and persistent use of Dr Nerve Food is the only treatment that can absolutely be relied upon to stop the wasting pro cess which vitality from the sys tem Dr Chases Nerve Food rich blood revitalizes the nerves permanently cures all nervous dis ease a SHOULD BE BRIGHT CHEERFUL STRONG A Great Besponslbility Upon Mothers at this Period as it In- Their Daughters Happiness Useful Hints Rosy cheeks bright eyes an elastic- step and a good appetite are the birthright of every girl These- are the conditions that bespeak perfect health But un fortunately this is nob the condition of thousands of grow ing girls On every side may be seen girls with pale or sallow complex ions languid stoop shouldered and listless Doctors will tell them that are anemic or in other words their blood is poor thin and watery If further questioned they will them that condition leads to de cline consumption and the grave What is needed is a medicine that will make new rich red blood strengthen the nerves and thus restore the vigor brightness and hopefulness of youth For this purpose no other discovery in the annals of medicine can equal Dr Pink Pills for Pale People ana thousands of once hopeless girls have been made bright active and strong through their use Among who have been brought back al most from the grave by the use of this medicine is Miss of St Lambert Levis Que Miss says It gives me the greatest pleasure to speak of the bene fit I have received from the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills For some years I resided in Wisconsin with a relative where devoted my time studying and music intending to make the teaching of the latter my profes sion I was never very strong and my studies fatigued me much When about- fourteen I became very pale suffered from severe headaches and weakness I consulted a doctor and acting on his advice returned to Can ada The fatigue of the journey however made me worse and finally I got so weak that I could walk without help I was extremely pale my eyelids were swollen I had con tinuous headaches and was so nervous that the least noise would set heart beating violently I almost loathed food and my weight was re duced to ninetyfive pounds Neither doctors medicine nor anything else that I had taken up to that time seemed of the slightest benefit was confined to bed for nearly a year and I thought that nothing hut death could end my sufferings Happily an acquaintance of my fathers one day brought me a of Dr Williams Pink Pills and urged me to try them I did so and I thought- they helped me some and my father got more After I had used a few boxes all my friends see they were helping me and by the time I had taken nine boxes was enjoying bet ter health that I had ever had in my life before and had gained fifteen pounds in weight- I tell you this out of gratitude that other young girls who may be weak and sickly may know the way to regain their health Girls who are just entering woman hood are at the most critical period of their lives Upon the care they receive depends their future happi ness Neglect- may either an early grave or a misery If mothers would insist that their growing daughters use Dr Williams Pink Pills occasionally rich blood strong nerves and good health would follow If your dealer- does not keep these pills in stock they will be sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by ad dressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Out It SI Insaait dri BUILDS UP THE to a creek to drink fi As some farmers are situated it pays well to raise young cows for the market Clean the stables twice a Jay and use plenty of absorbents in the gut ters Winter is trie best time to destroy the eggs of the tent caterpillar or the branches of the trees It is not worth while to worry over the chance of overfeeding young ducks It cant be done The farmer who Is behind with bis work this fall has either had a streak of bad luck or Is a Move the turkey daily A tur key hates to get into ier at night unless it has been moved lining the day A Pekin duek will lay than any hen of any They usually lay from to in 11 year For fattening the tut key try whole wheat boiled to hunting It makes a profitable food for both young turkeys and for A bee loaded honey weighs times much as it does when it leaves the hive A well fed for cow only pays back every penny laid her but she pays you a good profit hard cash every work In her life Churning when you get time and churning at all degrees of ripeness of cream for the varying Mayor of dairy butler A farmer who raises his own grain and has produce milk can feed a flock of Leghorn hens a year ihan cents The larger breeds will eat a little more Have you got that light warm poul try house provided for yet If not let- us remind you that winter is com- and hens wont lay in cold weath er- unless kept warm Dont neglect- the calves and heifers They require special care and attention They should be kepj clean by brush ing and should be handled every day to keep them gentle It pays to give cows water with the chill taken off There is no in letting them drink icewater in a cold them Do not permit overfeeding thus making your fowls sluggish hut feed the proper amount of food It is the hen that is active and constantly scratching and scratching that lays the greatest number of eggs The small and inferior cabbages are valuable as food for poultry and will be highly relished in winter when food is scarce They are easily handled as the heads require no cut ting the fowls picking then to pieces and consuming them down to stalks Remember that the milk should be cooled as promptly as possible after it is drawn from the cow Cool and aerate thoroly in order to prevent the milk from retaining unpleasant odors The cows should have abundant supplies if water and that fact shows how necessary water is to the cows Moreover the very fact that so much water must be drunk by the- cow indicates that the water should not be much below the temperature of the cows body Artificial ponds are not liable to contain pure water- Such ponds are generally located in natural depres sions on the farm and into such de pressions there is sure to be more or less drainage of filthy water A poultry man that is in the habit of whitewashing his poultry house says that the whitewash should be applied as hot as it is possible to have it It should also he thick so that it will fill up the tracks and The whitewash that is verv thin does little good Whitewash is valuable not only as an inseetilude but also as a germi cide The practice of- turning cows on young rye late in the- fall is a good one but when the ground is very wet damage may result Grazing the rye causes it to stool and the young rye provides late green food but while the rye field may used for cows in the fall the should be turned ion too early in the spring does not do so much harm for cows to change from grass to rye as it does from dry food in spring to young rye We heard some time ago of a young man that solved the question of meat food for his poultry by feeding them on rabbit meat He the rabbits killed and skinned them and- hung them up where the hens could get at them The result was that he supplied eggs to the market in the winter time when they brought per dozen This might not be a idea in localities where rabbi is are superabundant and bring little or for human food One says that he keeps lice out of the nests by sprinkling In them coal ashes that have had some crude carbolic acid on them He says that to saturate the ashes he puts about a bushel of them in tight box and puts in two or three spoonfuls of crude carbolic acid this box he keeps shut for some days when the ashes arc penetrated with the smell of the acid There is a great in the price of a pure bred Jersey and a com mon cow there is also a wide dif ference in the butter produced A cow is valuable only according to what she produces and the cost One cow she produces and the cost One cow profitable I hen two cows producing pounds each because she requires less room and also entails less expense for food and labor thus producing but ter at a lower cost per pound Feeding the products on the farm Is the cheapest mode of marketing the materials A hundred dozens of eggs will bring more money than a ton of hay yet more ground will be required to produce the hay to say nothing of plowing harrowing and seeding the land and mowing curing stacking and hauling the hay When corn Is fed to pigs it will bring nearly twite as much as when sold by the bushel Nothing should be sold oft the farm that can be turned into something more valuable or which can be marketed in a concentrat ed form It is transportation charge that largely reduce the profit 7 did Man Says Is Now Mm Wise and Prudent Those who are wise are now using the most reliable of all healthbuild ing medicines and are getting back their- proper weight nerve vigor good appetite and healthy color No long anxious waitings and disappointments when Celery Compound is us ed At this season there are thousands of restless fretful nervous despond ent and gloomy men and women They find it impossible to obtain restful and natural sleep and as a consequence they are almost physical wrecks some are desperately near the abyss of insan It is not safe for sufferers to trifle with their difficulties The weakened- irritated and nervous system must be toned strengthened and built up at once There is but- one reliable and honest remedy before the public that guaran tees renewed health and- a long lease of life it is Celery Compound the prescription of a noble physician and strongly endorsed by profes sional conferers Celery Compound is now within the bounds of all classes of our people and it is a very simple matter to test its efficiency the expense ia trifling As there are miserable imita tions sold some dealers see that you get PAINKS the kind that has wrought such marvellous cures Pickering Oct 15 Mr Millers brick house was burned here at oclock this morning Cause unknown Owing tu lack of water the local bri gade was helpless until water could be brought in a threshing machine tank Mr Miller is a farmer just outside the Village of Pickering The boys of the village assisted in removing the furni ture which was all saved Loss weir covered by insurance If you hold a grudge against any tody the thing to do is to throw it to the winds A grudge lies on the heart like a spring cucumber on the digestive organs and it is as danger ous and unsafe a thing to hold as a flush or a bumble bee If a man does you a wrong and you feel that you must be avenged have it out with him on the spot and if you eer get out from under the doctors care let that end it When you lay for a man you get nothing out of it but counterfeit pleasure for white you are brooding over from day to day and whipping him and getting whipped in your dreams at night he goes proudly on enjoying life like a man at quitting time If a man holds a tfrite against you you can have lots of silent sport out of him by treating him nicely and rubbing his fur with the grain and there is nothing in the world to prevent the man whom you a spite from making the same kind of a monkey out of you Covored With Iteming HO Sleep John Kelly- Trinity In an Interview made fni lowing verbatim statement Have been troubled with eczema almost its worst form for the nut three years- At times my back were literally covert with patches like water blisters these accompanied with put sleep out of question I tried various ointments names mentioned and everything possible to obtain relief with Utile success I had heard of Dr Chases Ointment with so many disappointment I had not tried it Seeing the one day I concluded to get a Since using Dr Chases Ointment Tar tike a new being Its soothing properties are simply marvel lous I am honestly grateful Dr Chases Ointment Cor the relesT from long suffering Chases Ointment a positive cure for all ttclilng skin diseases W cents box at all dealers or CO Toronto movement hurts When you have rheumatism Muscles feel stiff and sore and Joints are pain ful It docs not pay to suffer long from this disease when it may be cur ed so promptly and perfectly by Hoods This medicine goes right to the spot neutralizes the acidity of the blood which caufes rheumatism and puts an end to the pain and stiffness Biliousness is cured Hoods Pills cento George Arthur Pearson of Hamil ton was sentenced by Mr Judge Rosso to be hanged on December for the murder of cures sorts of cuts bruises burns and strains Taken Intern- it cures diarrhoea and Avon there Is hut one Terry Davis and CHRONIC INDIGESTION By far the most important part of digestion takes place in the intestines and it is folly to expect stomach medicines to cure a severe case of in digestion or dyspepsia The kidneys liver and bowels must first be made regular and active and the only re medy which acts directly on these or gans is Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills They arc purely vegetable act plea santly and naturally and positively cure dyspepsia biliousness and stom ach troubles One pill a dose cents a box take no substitute week the steamer Tampa left Chicago for Midland with a cargo of bushels of wheat When about sixteen miles from her destination she struck on a rock just outside of the Giants Tomb and stove a hole in her bottom The steamers pumps were at once set to work and a full head of steam put on the engines and the rest of the journey was made with the greatest possible haste The water poured to streams from the vessels side immediately on her arrival she was hurriedly swung into the dock and the process of unloading begun Mr wrecking outfit was telephoned for also the town fireen gine The fire engine was soon on the see be but the distance to the of the vessel was too great flie en gines suction pump to work After considerable delay rotary pump was got to work and a stream of about ten inches in diameter gush ed forth from the pump About gallons per hour were thus pumped out In the meantime the work of unloading was going on with all possible speed As the bottom of the boat was was found that about ten thousand of grain were damaged The Tampa is a wood en vessel 300 feet long and is capable of carryingover bushels The loss will probably reach a good many thousand dollars WHATS YOUR FACE WORTH Sometimes a fortune but never if you have a sallow complexion a Jaun diced look moth patches and blotches on tho signs of Liver But Dr Kings New Life Pills give Clear Skins Rosy Cheeks Rich Complexion mans Drug Store cents at Mo Oct Three masked men dynamited the safe of the Farm ers Bank during the night and secured about Constable William who heard the explosion fired his revolver to alarm the citizens The robbers returned the Ire Mac ron instantly with a posse and blood hounds immediately started In pursuit of the robbers Thoe Worrying Piles One of Dr Agnews will jwe you comfort Applied every for three to six nights and a euro is effected In most stubborn cases of Blind Bleed ing or Itching Piles Dr Oint ment cures Eczema and all itching and burning skin diseases acts like magic cents Sold by Lehman Newmarket in the Youths Companion Our Fall Goods have arrived which are Better than Ever than Ever an Ever In the issues of the year The Youths Companion publishes more than stories yet so carefully are they selected that they prove inex haustible in variety unfailing in the power to delight The stories al- in hand for The Youths Com panions volume shows that this feature of the paper will be as strong as ever Among the groups of stories will he one of Old Settlers Day Tales stories actually told at some of the gatherings of pioneers in the West There will he four stirring Tales of our Inland Seas picturing the adven tures of the sailors on the Great Lakes and there will also be four True Tales from the told by famous keepers and trainers of wild beasts And this is only a beginning We shall be glad to send Illustrated Announcement of the volume for sample copies of the paper free to any address All now subscribers will receive The Companion for the remaining weeks of free from the time of subscrip tion and then for a full year weeks to January also The Companions new Calendar for suitable as an ornament for the pret tiest room in the house The Youths Companion Boston Mass of finest for the I The patterns and quality that we carry give a better selection of Woollens than any other Tailor in York County The newest fabrics of wool that can be had money Compare ours with others and you will see that we are still leading the woollen trade of the Town in work mamhip quality and price The rails of Overcoating and Trouserings the patterns Market Everything Guaranteed jas Mclaughlin Farm to Let To a great extent women inherit their religion men inherit their poli tics and all believe they are thinking for IhemsclTisV of Fsdmrftahd Or heart hints the liver the kidneys and bowels can not perform their tissue tit deficient In riutHiWt or later the weakest succumbs disease indications of watery Wood are of the lips a urns and eye lids short of breath weakness of heart action and languid These symptoms are usually accompanied by nervousness sleepless general weakness of the body It Is positively useless to doctor the symptoms- and Injurious to use opiates Cure can about and certainly by the use of Chknes Nerve- contains In condensed all the elements required for strengthening and blood builder nerve restorative Dr Chases Nerve Fond Is of Inestlmae value In pill form a box at all dealers or Bates Toronto Lot con About pasture and plow land Apply Joseph P Suitoa Executors TO RENT Three- good- farms wheal sowed ploughing done good buildings well water- 3w9 MISS Linton Farm to Rent The coo Old Survey KinfcTowuamp containing 100 acre Is known as the Win Homestead lands are clay Buildings fair farm In good bhape Apply at C Newmarket Farms for Solo East acres In flth of North SCO acre Bast If acres In th con of Whitchurch Whitchurch ice ins particulars etc apply to DAVIDSON Albert THREE PAPERS I IK ONE Bight pages of and news Eight pages of practical cultural and live stock articles Bight pages of Interesting Ac tion and feature and Empire uu- addressed to the and endorsed Tender for Works at Port until Friday of Nov Inclusively lor construction of breakwater and for rock excavation at Port Colbornc County Province of Ontario according 10 a and sncolltcatlon to bo seen at tho H A Engineer In Harbour and Work for Ontario Life Building Toronto Resident Engineer Room ill Merchants Bank Building St Montreal and Mr Ph Belaud Clerk of Works Post co Quebec on application to it Port and Ottawa Persona tendering are that tenders will not bo considered unless on the form supplied signed with their actual signatures An accepted cheque on a chartered bank ten coot of amount of tender payable to of of Public Works Sections 100 Pet Year Balance of free with sub scription for Era and Mail for To my be secured by Address PATEKT B4rtIWaBt cheque will bo tor cited If party decline tho or if ho fail to comnlefo and will bo returned work contracted for In of nonaccept ance of lender department docs not bind Itself to or any tender JO HOY Acting ret a ry Department of Public Works of Ottawa Oct Inserting this advertisement without authority from the department will not for It w9 Something like sheep have been recently different sections of the state to Rocky Ford Col where are to be fed and fat tened for the market Lambs will be fed on the beet pulp from the sugar factory That Aold that arise from Iho stomach and almost strangles Is caused by fermentation of food In the stomach It Is a foretaste of Indigestion and dyspep sia Take one of Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets Immediately after and will prevent this distress aid distiwi ia a box ceots Sold by Newmarket

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