Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1900, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA- OCT woo ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL BEST HUD BRANCH General Business nterest Allowed on Deposits XT DRAFTS ISSUEDl At ILL frllnc American end attended lo 9 a boss Manager INSURANCE J A Agent for lIf to Loan at Current Kates At Newmarket fl- Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low Rate on Farm and Isolated Property Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St and Fancy Goods fflF R Stouffer dewier of Voice Culture a4 Violin of Pianos sod all String Instruments NEWMARKET NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Elsewhere Cassia KNOWLES PROVISION STORE Two doors North Store Main Newmarket A Fpesh Supply Twice a Week of Park Blackwell Coa Bacon Hams Lard o The and Mildest Cared Meats on the Market to-day- A trial will con vince yon AUoKloufKolWOaii Corn Batter Eggs Cheese Potatoes Pickles Salt Canned Corn Peas Tomatoes Pickled Pitta Feet Bologna flam and Honey Orders filled on the shortest notice NOW THE A Large of NEW MOUNTS JUST I J and I am prepared to give you all the A Ap Chicks J T JONES OLD STAND Newmarket Ont i FREE Tlic for the Era by The Son October Golden Text I will arise and my Father Luke HEART THROBS Verse Neither birth nor environment can restrain some souls 12 Ruin began in the enthronement of self Separation follows naturally on self centered living He who violates sonstiip may have lo honor servitude living usually leads to swine company There never has been a famine of husks Only the could know ought of the father Any motive that starts a man to is good The unfaithful son has no plea but for mercy It is good to take advice from an awakened conscience None are so worthy of sonship as the willing servant The Fathers wardrobe has a best robe in it It is the Fathers joy and not the sons that is heard PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Verses God gives enough to every man for lifes needs No man can be wasteful without hurting another Many friends are lost when our wealth is gone The sou that has known God cannot live on husks The truly penitent have no excuse for own sin has no word of reproach for the truly penitent Verses Even God has some sons who become prodigal- Selfsufficiency is the first downward step The supremacy of the body is the next mistake Bondage to sin follows and completes the work Verses Gods prodigal son becomes an pauper Leaving God he loses all that is of God The world cannot pity or help the fallen one The best the world has are husfcs to Gods child Verses a Gods prodigal awakened is selfcondemned true penitence begins in conviction of sin True penitence passes- into conversion to God True penitence covers itself with confession to God Verses God has tender purposes to the repentant prodigal He lives in sure expectation of the sons return He sweet lovetokens for that return He rejoices exceedingly in that homecoming Verses The worst backslider is encouraged to return Learn that leaving God is a bitter sin Learn that fellowship with the world is painful Learn that return and confession is the first duty Jeriii Written specially for the Era To a Blind Though sight is denied you while journeying through The devious pathways of lifes pilgrimage And much is beautiful you may not view The way to beguile and your thoughts to engage The senses remaining which you can command Are finer freely expand A more sensitive touch a hearing more keen Than those of the persons who always have seen You may not perceive with the organ of sight The things that respond to your touch everywhere But your ear brings you messages fraught with delight Surpassing what mortals with sight ever share For greater protection the olfactory nerves As a sentinel guards and faithfully serves To warn you of danger to ward of health foes Securing much comfort and healthy repose The harmonies Nature distributes abroad The music that floats on the eventide breeze The ripple of streamlets or rivers more loud Or warble of birds from their homes m the trees The swash of trie ocean plowed by a ship Speak to you in language neer spoken by lip Or sighing of winds over hill top and dell Are all heavens greetings sad thoughts to dispel all our afflictions our father above Will give consolation for losses we feel Will more than compensate by giving His love And all our- afflictions will heal t The blessing withheld for a few fleeting years Will reach their perfection where sorrow and tears Can never more touch us or mar our delight With Jesus to lead us no dimness sight The kindness dispensed as the years glide apace By your loving companion who renders you aid Will meet its reward in the heavenly place With loved ones rejoicing in white robes arrayed The Saviours well done will her recompense be As the walks by the shore of the bright crystal sea Her sister beholding with joyous surprise The glory revealed in her home in the skies Richmond Mill Sept Wichigan I SUCCESS The Detroit Sugar Co has started the wheels of its sugar house for the- second time Ever since the factory shut down in January men have been I at work on Numbers of People in and the owners of the factor that everything is as near right are Be rtg as human skill can make it- This Of year the factory claims about acres raised by themselves unfavorable weather made the crop IfcU ixmi-U- titA I AW a one and it Is estimated that sufficient beets will be harvested from this years crop to run the factory two months and a half as compared with a little less than two months a year ago The price paid is per ton for per tent heels the same as Of the of the for all rig lspaid other factories ie MORE Bid NO MORE LONQ SUFFERING Dr Jl The factory now has its store- Will house completed- 20 iKirrels of sugar A year mphuom afoeoo Mitt perfect ago the product was how as last as from the average price of A despatch from Lord Kofccrta re ports the surrender of a brother of CommandantGeneral Hatha at Volksrust October Gen Barton had an with Boers at He killed five of them and scattered the commando He also captured bead of stock Oct The Boers are daily tearing up of the rail road and cutting the telegraph telephone wires Their attacks are in tolerable The repairing linemen can not leave the garrisoned points with out considerable escorts The only remedy seems to be to corral all the burghers and deport them as appar ently none can be trusted Lord Roberts reports a night attack the British garrison at in Orange River Colony in which en soldiers were killed Twenty- Boers including the Commandant re killed Oct Mr Kru- was taken secretly on board the Dutch Cruiser at oclock this morning- vessel will take Mr to Holland The reason given for Mr embarkation was that he feared the Boers here would attack him The feeling of the refugees against Kruger for fleeing from the country is very strong The local railroad authorities have instructed to hand over to Hie British all rolling stock of the Netherlands railroad Lorenzo Marques Oct The search for buried arms has resulted in the unearthing at Hector spruit of two pompoms and two guns The remainder of the and Krupp field guns have all been found alongside the Crocodile River Trooper Smart from Peak and one native scout were killed by lions Thursday evening in camp- General French telegraphs that a sergeant and a gunner of the ammnii- mules and horses were killed by lightning near The DIAMOND DYES Produce Ail The Shades 1 For and Girls School Boots of Autumn u4 vJCixtf The great majority of wise and pru dent women collect and examine their old dresses skirts capes jackets shawls husbands childrens suits this month with the view of Jiaving them cleaned and dyed so as to fit them for autumn aud winter wear The Diamond Byes prepared special for home use have a wealth of var iety beauty and brilliancy possessed by no other make of dyes They pro duce all the new and fashionable color for autumn and winter wear colors that will not fade in strongest sunlight Every packet of Diamond Dyes is warranted and will give per fect results when simple directions are followed There are imitations if you delight in good colors Mid value the safety of your materials The use of poor dyes means ruin of goods and loss of money ip Public School has been load on account of some cases of fever in the fiction About 10000 British have tan In South African war in or by iKit cold tin lbs Since that ft0 has advanced as as time Toronto m The Detroit company proposes iiuportmwKJoipmoDBcoMrou advantage of the top of the am an will how FREE TREATMENT until a- satisfactory price he on or less than qQtt rat A wifltMco wiMq were made last year ana it is this year Will offer fully Aden of expected that toe output an nearly pounds When the factory to work and men will be given employ ment night and day while the last price paid for labor fifteen cents per hour Sugar It pays to In the tor tbra 4w7t or to ibToiODUifcbortort Oct Reliable unoffi cial reports say the advance guard of the allied forces entered Wednesday October The practically deserted and offered no re sistance The British column captured Imperial soldiers at Oc tober who were part of Die force of two thousand men sent to disperse region The cap tives assert that they killed two hun dred Boxers and Were returning to when they were fired upon and dispersed by the French The British confiscated their arms and horses and released the Imperial soldiers Shanghai Oct Advices have received from Canton showing that the rebellion is increasing The of miles north of has been Captured by the reb- els and the magistrate murdered The Viceroys have issued procla mations inviting contributions from merchants for the use if the govern ment Canadian filled The tablet to be erected in Pres byterian church in memory of the late will bear the following In memory of James Killed at the battle of February Aged 27 years The first Canadian to die in South Africa for British principles In life by all in death a noble example Erected by the officers and men of the Foresters With regard to sparking oyer the front a good deal an said on both I will fear no evil for Thou art me a Two trains on the under ground railway at Paris and were injured The Best ever shown in Town but the Best We keep nothing Dont we have the CLOTHING IN TOWN Mens Colored Shirts price 1 and 125 for One of the big buildings of the Ex position will be that devoted to Ma chinery and This will be by 30 feet with a central court by feet Its location is on the of the main group opposite the Court of the Fountains It is built in the type as all the other principal buildings areof the Spanish Renaissance modified to suit the ditions of the Exposition The work is far more ornate however with roofs laid with red tile and the ce mented walls brilliant with color The colors arc to be of reds and yellows in light tints The facades will pre sent an effect with broad overhanging eaves in imitation of the old mission buildings found in Califor nia and Mexica Each facade will be broken by an important architectural feature and each corner flanked with low pavilions the design giving large plain surfaces for color while the eaves give deep shadows The loggi as balconies pavilions and other places are to be ornamented with shrubs vines and flowers vvijh the coloring of the building The openings are grilled with specimens of wrought iron or grill screens such as seen in examples of Spanish archi tecture of the sixteenth century The building has numerous entrances the principal ones being in the center of the four facades Once inside the structure the size will be appreciated All the towers pavilions and other proper spaces are to be brilliantly and made gay with banners I and flags Zeppelin made a successful ascent at JFriedrichshaven Am v- ship was steered against the wind and all of fluttftriojr Kidney Duty It Is the particular euro is tbft sturdy ship which carries the of the kidneys to filter out Into haven of radiant pus Into the blood and perfect health relief inmost Whan kidneys are diseased they cannot fords of heart disease In minutes It 1 dp their and should have the Sold by Lehman Newmarket I help and strength that South Am erica Kidney Cure will afford in any add all of kidney disorder It relieves in William of Drayton was hours Brampton Oct Fred tbe eighteenyearold youth who plead- Nervine fhJSu of Ont houses and who also attempted took his preachers advice followed directions to assault a little girl in Toronto and cored permanently of the worst form I Township was sentenced to two and Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia He has Kingston Penitentiary it toothers with gratifying results Its nerve Lehman 1 Que says Rheumatism ray The whisper of a slanderer can be farther than thunder Take of Dr Agnews Liver Pills after dinner It will promote digestion and overcome evil effects of loo hearty eating Safe prompt active painless and pleasant This effective little pill is sup planting all old school nauseous lives doses cents Sold by Lehman Newmarket caused mo sufferings that words cannot describe how terrible I tool four bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure arid a well woman I have recommended it to others with as good results Think the treatment nothing of a wonder Sold by Lehman Newmarket A Marshall aged Hi years was killed at Ottawa by the caving in of the side of an excavation where he was working lilt fcriuM cj1 Mm- GOLD Wo isu ijiiftj1 ft lliiirrloniijiaT 1C IMiiirllWrYl 111 to It THREE out of Every FOUR amities in Newmarket who buy bread buy ours because it is made of the best material that can be secured Our homemade Bread is pronounced by all who use it to be the best to be had We would like to have YOU try it FRED JACK-

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