Newmarket Era, 2 Nov 1900, p. 1

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Era more borne every wee than two other papers in North York combined and is to bo County Paper NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 10 PAGES Give the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty- No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance No Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Nov 2 TERMS per annum if paid in advance A FEW POINTERS A ON THE WELCOME Pearl Range Oar Toronto Setter Beet Sugar In flliehigan Investigate the merits of this range and you will be surprised at the little money we ask for it m A Pleased Customer Time Test Is our Best Advertisement We loot at it this way- meal can be served on The tie best The merits of all tilings and stamps its approval or disapproval During the last ten years this range has Veen sold on the strongest guarantee lo give satisfaction They have stood has a ventilated steel oven the lest of time You nuke no pleases the man of the house This In turn pleases the woman Welcome Pearl Range Both are satisfied and become speak ing advertisements for us Materials and are the best and baking qualities unequalled STRONG The should say In this Range makes the water with an independent damper Thedrip- p from reservoir lids fall back Into Manufactured of the finest Lake Super- ior Iron built by men who know how duplex grate cemented bottom deep If You are Looking for a ash pit elegant nickel plate to I f cap it all the wonderful silver steel will bum coal or wood perfectly ventilated own which cannot be excel- keep fire over night or- save you one led for baking qualities third coal bill here it is A BINNS Furnaces NEWMARKET ONT THE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Fall Suit LADIbS Our stock Stable Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always R H I M Oct BeatGbldyUi yw Gold Fill 100 We perfect ftatUfacUoo- OPTICAL Yonga street Toronto MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French aW Music modern PAID IK KM JainlfiIer THl Wilt net AMD flUB- THE 1 QEAK6 THE NAME PERRY Rev formerly of Newmar ket has received calls from Kim St Church in his city and also from Great St James Montreal fur nest- term It is understood he will the call from Klin St There will be lots of changes in this city next conference Metropolitan is to have Rev H Sparling A of Great St James church Montreal street Rev Solomon Cleaver A of Winnipeg Blow street Rev J A Rankin of Park- dale Carlton street Smith of London Trinity Rev of Moor street and Rev J Treleaven of Brant ford Last week the Conservatives of South Ontario took out of court their deposit of 1000 in connection with their recently protest against Hon John York Assizes opened here on Monday with Mr Justice presiding Two retail grocers of the city were each fined and costs at the Police Court for selling groceries after oclock at night contrary to the early closing bylaw now in force Her Majestys mails are now carried from the head office in this city to the several branch offices in locomobile cars also to and from railway stations This change is a note worthy advance in the postal im provements of Toronto- Torontos palace hotel is now an as sured fact It will be a million and a half dollar structure and the actual work of building will commence in a few days The hotel will face three streets via King to be opened and will be one of the finest buildings of its kind on continent The rotunda will be about as spacious as that of the Windsor Hotel Montreal but Infinitely superior in decorations and appear ance- The Ontario Lords Day Alliance will hold its next annual convention in this city oh the th of Nov About delegates are expected The annual chrysanthemum show of the Toronto Gardeners and Florists Association will be held frofh the to the inst Rev Alfred M of Fort Church Halifax been chosen by the congregation of St James Square Presbyterian Church lo succeed Louis Jordan resigned The stipend has been fixed at per annum a Lord and Mount Royal arrived in this city on Monday morn ing arid proceeded to Government House After a rest- he took a drive about the city ami at had lunch eon with the Lieut Governor Most of lip members of the Onlurio Govern ment exPremier Sir Richard Lieut Gov Peters two or three Superior Court Justices and other distinguished gentlemen were al so guests at the luncheon In the evening Lord was by the Hoard of Trade Senator of has issued a writ against lion Wal lace claiming for slander in which it is alleged that he stated in a speech at Toronto Junction that Mr paid thousands of dollars for hist The Department has sent Inspectors Joseph Rogers and Greer to the northern hunting grounds to see that the game laws are observed by sportsmen Mr J Stokes of Is the on ly grandJuryman from North York at the present- Assizes On Saturday morning last at the Toronto Casket Co factory a load of lumber fell upon James Spears aged years while he was unloading the same instantly killing him Charles Rrown the well known liv ery man died very suddenly at Iris residence on St Thursday of last week Win Denning cattle drover from Ker- wood Out was asphyxiated by gas on Friday night at the Jersey Hotel the gas jet was In perfect order in his room he must have blown out the light instead of turning the jet off Failure has again marked the efforts of Mayor in his appeal to struck out the particulars served by in his plea of justification to his pending libel The Mayor must answer Hie quest he had declined to do before the Mas ter in Chambers Last Thursday Oct was ihe pay day for the farmers who- are un der contact with the Sugar Company at Utah So far this season have been received at the factory The farmers get per ton delivered so this makes an aggregate of which they will receive for the crop Commencing with he ltith all farmers whose crops go per in and per cent unity can commence digging and delivering their beefs A number of the beet raisers who were under contract with the sugar company will a partial loss of their crop thru a willful disregard oE instructions issued by the field super intendent and because of neglect of their beet crop during the tomato har vesting season Never saw the like of it is the expression heard from fanners in re gard to the weather as one drives about the beet fields- of Count being sliced at the rate of 650 tons per day This factory recently turned a day and is running about to t5 tons daily The Osmose sys tem which is being worked this season has not sufficient capacity but is work ing satisfactorily The dryer plant put iu to dry the pulp has not given satisfaction as yet but it is likely to be perfected and in operation before long as new machinery has been in stalled The West Hay City sugar factory recently sliced up Hue tons of beets in hours or at an average of over tons per day This however is not the actual record of the factory but is the largest amount cut in a given time This plant which was in the dumps all of last season is doing first- class work this season and is satisfy ing its stockholders who in turn are satisfying the farmers and paid them last week for the September delivery of The Holland sugar factory on Tues day Oct 16 at Oclock turned out its pound of sugar for t4iis years campaign The sugar was of high grade perfect iu color and will com- NORTH YORK ELECTION You Vot ami lull ilVIK4 fur The Most Progressive Postmaster- General Canada Ever Had j Pretoria Oct The Transvaal was- today proclaimed a part of the British Empire the proclamation being attended with impressive ceremonies The Royal Standard was hoisted in the main square of the city the Grena diers presented arms massed bauds played the National Anthem Sir Alf red read the proclamation and troops representing Great Brit ain and her colonies marched past Cape Town hundred and fifty Boers attacked at midnight The attack was a com plete surprise to the British the garri son being asleep In their tents where several of them were killed The consisted of one company of Cape Town Highlanders of whom had only been at for a week they going there from the riv er camp The British loss was killed and wounded The has caused a sensation in Cape Town where the men belonged The Military depot at Victoria West lias been destroyed by lire An im mense quantity of food and ammuni tion has been Inst It is reported that a has occupied and that tel egraphic communication beyond the lr- River has been cut oft Loudon Oct There has been a lively recrudescence of Boer activity over a wide area in South Africa Hie burghers- have captured 12 British cavalrymen near and have blown up the near Point which is in Cape Colony it be ing the line crosses the Orange River London Oct 20 A despatch receiv ed- here from Pretoria announces the death from enteric fever of Prince Christian Victor of stein a grandson of Queen Victoria He was born in and was a Major Ihe Kings Royal Rifles Knox successfully engaged Oct During the Boer retreat Knox caught in the Drift The Boers lost- and left three wagons in Knoxs hands Another ammuni tion wagon was blown up by a shell The British casualties were nil Children to Save From the time a child hoy or is four years old he or n should be given a regular weekly allowance no matter how small for money This may take the form of payment for certain little services rendered the filling of the wood box the keeping of hats and coats hung up the dusting of the play room or it may be given in fee simple Some children are naturally little spendthrifts and unless early taught the value of money in that formative period when habits arc fixed are liKe- to retain the habit to the end of their days if a child realizes thafe he cannot eat his cake and keep it that if this weeks allowance is all spent Monday there will he nothing left for Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday he very soon grasps the idea of personal responsibility iu the expenditure of his nickel or dime to its best advantage The I will consent to for Presi dent said the Advened Woman upon condition Name it said the committee That yon hire a man to nail the campaign lies If you are going give a pan of milk dont skim if first old grandmother used to say meaning If you are going to do a favor dont- spoil it by an ungracious word or manner Havent we noticed how much of this skimming goes on in ordinary family intercourse Some one asked a mother if she be lieved in the laying on of hands for the cure of diseases- She said she did for she cured her boy of smoking of cigarettes in that why Whatever you may think of the laying oh of hands as a religious cere mony if yon love your child you must not the proper punishment for disobedience it never be done in anger Cool sit down and think wait till tomorrow do anything rather than provoke a child to wrath by your own hot temper- Ami member of van t Unparalleled Prosperity To the Whole Dominion Vote Early- Wednesday Hoy where the harvest of the crop is now full swing Thousands of women children and men arc now engaged in the work and thousands of dollars arc going into the pockets of people here tofore unemployed This money goes into the hands of needy persons and soon finds its way into the regular channels of trade The first regular pay day will come on the of Nov when the three factories will pay out something like farmers atone for the October delivery of heels All the factories arc running up lo their capacity all of the time and to ihe excess of capacity much of the time The brought in are of flrstrClass quality and testing the highest market price The factory had been in operation just hours when the first pound of sugar was ready for sacks The slicing of beets began Monday morning at PLlock The factory on its first day con sumed 2nd tons of beets but Is now running lite limit of its capacity tons The average yield of beets Is from to tons per acre In se veral cases the test has shown tons lo the acre hut this result is appar ent only where the land is particular adapted to the growth of the vege table and where excellent care has been bestowed on the crop The sugar lest runs from to per about Nelson Craig of Kingston met his death- In the Ottawa Gold Milling Mining Companys reduction works at being caught in the bett ing A settlers house at was burned down and children who were in the building were on an average of belter than It per the last year The farmers cent and as high as IVt who have delivered beet and know While it is perhaps early to make a heir tests arc well satisfied and some estimate on the average tonnage yet have already signed acreage contracts the results thus far bear out the nihility of its averaging over tons lie operated this acre Tare continues light and- in year with a force of about flfl men conseouencc farmers are still smiling men arc in lie day The ground is exceedingly dry thru- Mil about on the night shift out the county which makes the pull laborious but other con- are so favorable that no fault Lindsay Oct George Smith an is found A shower on Monday electrician from Gait was in Hie Bay section has helped the con- killed here- at this morning dltlons in this respect Smith with others was engaged in the factories all conditions are the installation the new fire alarm most favorable and some big runs are system here At the beginning of the being told of The Michigan com- days work Smith found the pioneer boasts of a to cut a guy wire which fell a big tun having turned out live wire Smith it Is said asked pounds or over W tons someone if the current would likely be which a leaver than is on and the answer being in the for today would bring In over live instead of going for his i This plant is having a gloves a distance from his run this season work he attempted to remove the guv At the Bay City plant everything is wire with bis naked hands The re moving like clockwork and beets are suit was death affairs in China Hong Kong Oct The Governor of Hong Kong has been informed that villagers in the Kwaishin district were attacked by re bels at The villagers were defeated and of them killed The rebels who lost killed two villages containing houses A force of troops went to ihe as sistance of the villagers and engaged the rebels on Oct Violenl gales in have caused widespread disaster New York Oct in the building at the corner of and Warren streets by Tar rant Co wholesale druggist and chemists caused four ex plosions persons are said to have lost their lives A Montreal court has that you cannot dictate the heirs declaring a son of the late Hon J entitled to share in his fathers estate he out of the Catholic church contrary to the will Oct fire occurred on the farm of Mr Duncan on the of burning his barn his Imple ments buggies and one Ixodes bushels of threshers were at Mr Dim the time of the Arc and thee lost separator which was located in the barn Two boys who were in the nam at the time had narrow escape The fire is supposed lo have been caused from a spark coining from the dwelling house which was close to the barn and before could he done the building and conjees a total loss A case of more than Interest to farmers was tried in Lindsay last Division Court before His Honor Judge Harding and a Jury- fanners living near Port Hope had each given an order for a binder to the Sylvester Bros Mfg Co After receiving the binder and working it for about a week they refused to complete the contract by giving their notes or settling in any way ami returned the binders to the station The company sued for the whole price of the machines and after the case was fought out for half a day the jury give a verdict for the whole price In favor of Sylvester Bros It appears that another firms agent had succeeded lit persuading one of these men to buy another binder The suit is have to pay for two ma chines Beet Sugar is Sold More than per cent of the beet sugar factories of Germany are united in a sugar trust for the purpose of marketing their product The as sociation not only fixes prices but pays for experiments conducted for the general good This is not a trust af ter the latest American fashion of con centration all the factories under one ownership Under the German laws this is not necessary The associa tion works in harmony with the gov- eminent the object being to make sug ar at the least possible cost and sell at the highest possible price The most of the German output is export ed efforts are made to im prove the processes of manufacture and a good factory is expected not to lose more than per cent of the sug ar of the beet as shown by laboratory tests A Unitarian church that cost has been dedicated in Ottawa It is once more reported- all the stove factories in Western Ontario will be under the control of a syndi cate next month A correspondent makes the rather sensible suggestion that Thanksgiving day should come on a Monday thus associating the religions observances of the proceeding na tional recognition of the The man who docs not take his cal newspaper is indifferent to the agency which can give his community a public voice No matter what other claimant may be in the field there is not one which can have a place ahead of the local newspaper A street fakir in Kenton Kan did a thriving business selling electric bells until some one examined one of them Then it was found that be neath a strip of gauze was a layer of dry mustard When the wearer per spired a little the mustard was moist ened and set up a sensation and the deluded victim believed a cur rent of electricity was passing through him Mr Samuel Penny had three of his best lambs stolen at different times within the past three weeks He lost eighteen of his fowl about a week ago Oct White Ames banker was out hunting yester day with his youngest son a hoy 14 years of age the gun accidentally charged The charge entered his side tearing away the muscles and part of two ribs and perforating the pleura

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