Newmarket Era, 2 Nov 1900, p. 2

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THE a Advttl0etnent9 Flannels Roche Co Haddock To the ElectorsFrank Roche North York Hurrah for Mulock West Ontario I J Special Lehman Oil Queen City Oil Co Joint Meeting at Newmarket Kara Astray Cole Homemade Bread Mrs Miller Extension of Time Jos Roy Farm to Wesley Diamond Ring Lost Op SOT GROWS BRIGHTER AND WITH The Pointed all FRIDAY NOV 1900 Grand Reform Rally A joint meeting of tbe Liberals North York and West Ontario is an nounced for Monday evening Nov when addresses on the political ques tions of the day will delivered Hon Win Postmaster General and Minister of Labor and I J Gould Esq the Reform nominees for these two Ridings as well as he Chair to be taken oclock To say shut lie Mall will be crowded with an enthusiastic and appreciative is to express what everybody anticipates Go in good time if you to a seat- DoSomething During the past four years the Do minion has had a Ad ministration A few things accom plished after previous Governments had toyed with them without accom plishing any practical results or had failed to even think of we here ap pend The abrogation of the German and Belgian treaties The granting of a preference in this market- to British goods over foreign goods so that our diminishing ex ports are beginning to rapidly grow again The listing of Canadian securities in Great Britain Penny postage within the Empire and a domestic postal rate of two cents yet a 600000 annual postal de ficit already reduced to the vanishing point Putting of the Intercolonial Rail way on such a new basis that it yields a surplus instead of the deficit that was supposed to be inseparable from its existence The establishment of a successful system of cold storage on the Atlan tic whereby the most delicate fruits and food stuffs can be carried in fine order to England in midsummer The building of the Crows Nest Pass Railway which although misre presented and given an evil name thru attacks long persisted in is a boon to the West and apart from its own usefulness was used as a lever to pry open the grip that the IK had wrongfully been given upon the im mense country west of Winnipeg The pushing forward in a business like way to completion of a fourteen- foot canal waterway from the great lakes to the seaboard making possi ble the big developments now under way at Montreal and Port The establishment of a mint where Canadian gold can be made into coin If Quebec is going against the Gov ernment why pursue a policy of mis representation which if successful would inevitably endanger Confedera tion if the Maritime Provinces are solid for why appeal to sectional prejudices regardless of the effect such a course might have upon the general welfare of the Dominion answer to each of these queries obviously is that the Opposition knows right well that it is engaged in a hope less fight- Happily for the good name and the future of Canada these tactics have not the faintest chance of suc cess A Country In their desperate efforts to get office by hook or by crook no ex pedient however questionable is being neglected by the Opposition They care nothing for the reputation of the country at- home or abroad During the last three sessions of Par liament they did ever thing that ingen uity could suggest to discredit the hon est name of Canada in the eyes of the world until as Sir Charles de clared Three contingents rang the story of infamy a story by the way originated with the Op position and has not to this moment received any independent confirmation Now that same Opposition are busy endeavoring to discredit the country amongst our own people They it may be true I hat Canada is prosper ous but that other countries have been more prosperous- They declare that while work is plentiful here is yet more abundant elsewhere that wages have not advanced in Canada while tfaev have increased in other countries and so on Even were any of thse statements true the patriotism promulgating them would be exceeding ly questionable but there is no ques tion as to the execrable character of tactics that would disseminate such statements when there is no founda tion for them It is not true that Canada has been less prosperous than other lands Take the States for ex ample our trade- has increased at so much greater proportion per head of population that the Americans are loudly complaining of the pressure of Canadian competition As to the con dition of the the evidence in our favor is the fact that absolute contentment exists here while across he line strikes and labor troubles are as acute as ever Tory assertions on these points are thus shown to be false will support the men who take a right position and stay with it or Tupper which electors will decide next Wednesday for Gould and for another parliamentary term prosperity and you will make mistake no The watchwords given Sir frid to the electorate of Ca nada are Union Peace Friendship and Fraternity Canadas trade for July and August is greater than the same months in the last year of Conservative rule- Agricultural products and animals and their products exported to Great Britain have increased from in to in One man one vote You can only vote once next Wednesday See that it counts for the Reform Candidate and continuance of the period of pros perity Candidates for Parliament are now facing each other the Domin ion Only two- elections by acclama tion on nomination day one on each side viz Lavergne Liberal for and and Sea gram Tory for North Waterloo At one of Mr McCarthys meet ings in North Col- OBrien an oldlime Conservative expressed this opinion of the Opposition leaders preference policy As to Sir Charles policy of a preference from England they might as well expect a slice of the cheese of which the moon is made as to expect that the English consumer under present conditions was going to grant anything of the kind During four and a half years ending Dee Canada shipped to the United States cattle receiving therefor Since Dec the shipments have reached for The Laurier Government secured the removal of the qua rantine restrictions Mr Roche wants Ontario to support the do- nothings for the farmer who were in office before the last general elec tions- Signs of the Times It is- all very well for Sir Charles to persist in his prediction of Tory victory and to add to the ma jority which he pretends to anticipate as his prospects of success grow beau tifully less The country has had so much experience of the accuracy of the Opposition leaders prophecies that it- takes them at their true value Ac tions moreover speak louder than words and If Sir Charles is so con fident of sweeping Ontario how comes It that he hurried off to Toronto Saturday to endeavor to put heart in to his followers there arriving so un expectedly that his most trusted hench men did not know he was coming he got there How is it that he has to again tour the Province in the vain hope of aownteracting the Impression created by the Premiers recent visit a tour decided on so suddenly that details of the itinerary are only being made from day to day If the West is solid for the Opposi tion why is it considered to bog copies of the Toronto Globe up of extracts from Tory campaign literature in the hope of der elfins the electoral and if nothing beat Hugh why is reconstructed thereby keeping the Premiership open for Mr McDonald to nep buck again after he has had all rite experience wants on November The Gullible What duffers imperial statesmen and the citizens of the em pire generally must be At the lime of the Jubilee in they got it into their stupid heads that Sir was a statesman of which the empire might well be proud a citizen who by common consent was entitled to rank in the- very forefront of the empires best Thatjopinion lias stead ily grown from day to day and never was stronger than at the present- mo ment And yet Sir Charles Tupper and his followers declare that Sir Wilfrid is but a puppet in the hands of designing men He is a nice man a very pleasant gentleman but he is not a leader It is notorious that instead of being the head he is the tail of the Cabinet Again the people of Great Britain have got hold of the ridiculous notion that Can ada has given them a very pronounced preference in our markets and they are stupid enough to show their appre ciation by purchasing In return of Can adian products hundreds of thousands of dollars worth more than they ever did before but Sir Charles and his supporters are laughing in their sleeves at the gullibility of the English peo ple for they persistently declare that England has no real preference The whole thing is a clever fake Unhap pily for Sir Charles the great majori ty of the electorate are just as foolish as the balance of the empire and on November they propose to return to power the same Sir Wilfrid that he may continue and fur ther develop the policy that he has ori ginated and pursued so successfully since June Right and Sonny it About six months before the last general election the personal organ of a certain prominent politician declared that Free England or a reduction in the duties in the goods brought from Britain of JO or per cent would not only enormously cheapen the cost of living in this coun try but the British consumer would take more of butter cheese poultry meats fruit and cattle than he does now pay for these goods Nothing that can be conceived can give country greater boom Since the opin ion was expressed the duty on this class of imports has been greatly reduc ed and the result has been exactly as was then predicted for never has this country experienced a greater boom than it is now enjoying Marvellous to relate the man who at that time in his own paper demonstrated hip clearheadedness and good judge ment has receded from his position for this opinion is from The Orange Sentinel the personal organ of Mr Clarke tfic Tory member for West Toronto There be a fatalism about these Tories for when they do happen to be right they evident fell so comfortable that they take the first opportunity of wrong again But the electors Senator of Broekville writes to the Globe giving an explicit denial to a statement made last week by Hon Clarke Wallace at his Junc tion meeting to the effect that he Senator had paid a sum of money for his title as Senator He says the statement is absolutely false and untrue He further says that the other statement that he is using his for advertising pur poses in connection with his business is equally false and untrue Mr Wal lace now has the floor Opposi tion campaign appears to be a cam paign of slander The man who wanted a in the person of Cook has now made an affidavit that a Liberal mem ber of Parliament known to be in the confidence of the Government came and told him that the position could only be had on the- payment of Mr Cook also states that he is wilting to make good his charges be fore a commission But while he re iterates the charge he fails to name the person against whom his accusa tion is made and to add to his un fairness he refers to an investigation before a commission which he knows cannot be appointed till after the elec tions are over His whole conduct now looks like seeking revenge for dis- appointed ambition Meanwhile Sir Wilfrid Laurier has reiterated the statement he previously made denying that he ever authorized directly or in directly any one to interview Mr on behalf of the Government or himself and characterizing the whole accusation a foul slander Mr Cooks ingenious affidavit business will cook his goose Mr Fred Lundy of Mrs Al bert Queen Street is back from Sturgeon Fails Mr Mo ley Manning and wife her sister Toronto were visiting in Town over Sunday Dr formerly dentist in this here for two or three days this week Mr Bert Cane son of Mr C Cane has accepted a situation as machinist in the city Miss Lehman spent over Sunday at King City the guest Rev and Mrs Robinson Jones school teacher on Union Street East was the guest of Miss Ada Lehman over Sunday Miss Mary Kelly from the Berlin Hospital was visiting at Mr K on her way to Fori- William this week Mr Edgar of the at Toronto was home over Sunday He is frequently up now since his removal to the head office in he city Mrs Sanderson of Richmond Hill came up to attend the Christian Church party on Tuesday evening and was the guest of Miss Millard West Lawn Mr of Cedar Grove who has been in Lehmans Pharmacy for past month left for on Monday to assist in Mr Fred Dennis pharmacy Messrs and Stew art left on Monday evening for the bunting grounds in and were to be joined by a party of eight others from Bradford Mr J Johnson of was in Town two or three days this We arc pleased to see that he has completely recovered from in jury of his broken leg Messrs Traviss Ed tage Lawrence Cane Bert Marsh and Wilfrid Trayiss left on Tuesday morn ing for the hunting grounds in the vicinity of the Musquash River Mr Taylor and bride returned to Town last week and after spending over Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Knowles left on Monday for their home in Hamilton New York State Mr Stewart Walker the veteran tax collector for Tp of Whitchurch was in Town last Saturday with his black satchel under his arm Mr Walker has been collector for 10 years and is now in the year of his age Not many men have such a record The Globe of Friday has a portrait of Mr Sutherland of Windsor a native of this and a school mate of the editor of this journal His old chums will he pleas ed to hear of his success He is a son of the late Donald Sutherland who for many years was engaged in business in Newmarket Speaking of him the Globe remarks Mr Sutherland Liberal candidate in North Essex was born at Newmarket in and was educated at the pub lic school at that town at Newmar ket and Windsor High Schools- and at Toronto University He graduated in law in 1886 and entered the legal firm of Cameron Sutherland in which he had previously been a stu dent The firm is now Sutherland the senior partner having died some years ago Mr Sutherland- has occupied following prominent positions in Windsor President of the Windsor Young Liberal Club Chairman of the Free Library Board Alderman of the city President of the St An drews Society President of the Essex Law Association Mr Sutherland Is a Presbyterian in religion- He was made a Queens Counsel in He has always taken an active part in politics Is a fluent and able speaker well versed in the public questions of the day and is expected to carry the constituency by a good majority If Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers We have every thing good in Rubbers and Shoes and the prices are below regular Ladies Rubbers Lion Brand Ladies Rubbers Guaranteed 60c King Quality Rubbers Guaranteed Childs Rubbers per pair Misses Rubbers per pair Boys Rubbers per pair Mens Rubbers per pair 65c Mens Rubbers Guaranteed 80c We sell the Stub proof Rubbers sold by The J King Co This is the best heavy rubber in the world We are the sole agents we guarantee every pair and the price is very little higher than the cheap grades Clean Sweep in Clothing One hundred and eighty Shirts and one hundred and ten Overcoats to be cleared at ridiculously low prices but we got a snap in them and you will be the gainer if you avail your self of this opportunity 20 All Wool Tweed Suits worth 8 at 5 20 Fine All Wool Double Breasted Suits worth 9 at 650 10 Mens Tweed Suits worth 5 at 3 Mens Fine Pure Wool Tailor made Suits worth at 10 Mens Best Blarney Serge Suits Double worth 10 at 20 Boys Fine Tweed piece Suits worth 150 at 10 only Boys piece Tweed Suitsworth 250 at 175 Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats price 10 at Mens Tailor made Beaver Overcoats reg price at 790 Special Line Fine Overcoats Tailor made and as good as you can get anywhere for 14 our price 10 We will be glad if you will cut this listout and test us on any of the above quotations We advertise nothing but actual E Oaf Society POINTS Mr a Knowles was in Buf falo last week Rev returned to Town last Saturday Alfred Terry of was in Town last Saturday Miss Hoover is visiting friends in for ten days There were lady visitors with Mrs Coombs over Sunday Miss Margaret Rogers of Kingston Is visiting with Mrs Egbert Cane Miss of New York sister of Mrs- J A is here on a visit Mr and Mrs Geo K Knowlee spent Sunday with his father in An Mr and Dunn of Trenton are visiting with their daughter Mrs Dr Scott Mr Wilson left for Mines yesterday where- lie has a situation have returned from every enjoyable visit with friend at Owen Sound and Rev performed a service the Mr Soulcs Street last Friday afternoon The COOPER At the rectory On Monday Oct the wife of Rev J Cooper of a daughter on Oct the wife of Mr James Wil kinson of a daughter Toledo Ohio Sept the wife of Mr of a son Mrs will be remembered by some as the oldest daughter of Frank Cook formerly of this Town i THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a special out on Furniture for a few days tak ing For Cash Black Diners sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables 386 up Bedroom Suites up Lounges A up Parlor plectra 1690 up AH in proportion nutting EmBaiming A SPECIALTY attended toot Residence St JohnH Millard Telephone Mrs Powell of Creek MichJ is visiting her daughter Mrs It A Smith Miss Margaret of Toronto was visiting with Miss Cane last week Miss Mary McCaffrey was At Home with a number of her friends a few evenings ago The LEMON At the residence of the brides mother lot concession of Whitchurch tin Oct by Rev J A Arm strong Mr of con Markham to Miss Mary Lemon On Thurs day Oct at the residence of the brides father by the Rev J J Patterson Mary Marie eldest daughter of Dr to Herbert MD also of eldest son of Dr ROBINSON In on Oct at the residence of the brides parents by the Rev Rogers of East to assisted by Rev Mr Washing ton of Klclnburg Mr to Miss Vina Robinson eldest daughter of Mr John Rob inson of WILLIAMS the resl- of the brides uncle vllle on Oct by Rev Dr Livingstone Thomas Williams and Miss Llllle McNeill The Tomb Newmarket on the of Oct Elizabeth beloved wife of Mr Stephen her year QUIGLBY At on Oct Mrs Margaret formerly of Whitchurch aged years Interred at St Johns Cemetery- Newmarket on Friday last King cm the Oct George Henry of Gra ham aged yrs days Newmarket Book News Depot Famous Books at Popular Prices I Printed In large clear type on good book paper fully illustrated bound in heavy board with beautiful engraved designs or can be had in enamelled paper covers SPECIAL 5C A1USI g J Main HI Worth eewmarkel Alt will and t A line of paper bound books by some of the best authors per copy MENS THOUGHTS WOMENS THOUGHTS FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Beautifully Bound A Suitable Gift m Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Crystal Glass See the LA DO FANCY VASE LAMPS A IVl HANGING LAMPS STAND LAMPS BRACKET LAMPS HAND LAMPS BURNERS GLASSES SHADES WICKS Grocery and Fruit New Oranges Lemons Grapes Quince Bananas large and bright OUR STOCK OF TEAS if fs to be heavy and we offer the following Hat as inducements Finest quality Black Tea regular Special per lb pkg Finest quality Mixed Tea regular 50c Special pec lb pkg Finest quality Japan regular Special per lb pkg Finest quality Mixed Tea regular Special per lb Finest quality Black Tea regular Special per lb pkg GOODS NEW TOMATOES PEAS CORN FRENCH PEAS FRENCH MUSHROOMS KIPPERED HERRING for Sweet Potatoes 8 lbs for OYOTERS AND Choice Confectionery Strife and Cordials best in the Try them Central Telephone W STARR i I

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