THE NOV PI AT AND CO WORTH If On Friday Donald Riddel and life wife celebrated the twenties an niversary of their wedding day by giv ing a dance to a numerous of invited guests The first of married couples was led oft by the host and hostess to the seduc tive strains of and Sam Parks violins after which the floor was given over to the generation A new floor was recent ly laid by Tomilson- which the racket most admirably It vjss an enjoyable time having disabled Ileuses new chopper work has been suspended pending repairs Meanwhile a vast of work is accumulating Our respected friend and neighbor who has sufTered of late with sciatica is very much better It- must be admitted everv biased person that those Boers most persistent little beggars keep up such a hopeless warfare Humbug One of those tramp and piano tinkers struck our burg recently For removing a small from beneath tlic of an organ he charges the exorbitant of In future work will be scarce in this locality for him We noticed recently that bur maid had very red eyes In elicited the fact that a I spat separated two fond that as one mind eyes as gmrd in Hit ft is ever yet were drunken men have recently heir presence very felt around here I say when men drink to excess as lo make in decent exhibitions or public nuisances is time the Jaw corralled them Mr and Mrs Will Boss Mt Albert were vsiting friends here last week Mrs Ross has an amazing fine baby Perhaps if she had exhibited baby North Fair grandpa would be his head high You will do well to bear in in selecting rhe candidate for whom you will vote that to the Reformers is due all great reforms tending to wards the liberties of the vealth Just think what a blessing voting by ballot is Old timers in North York will not soon forget the days of open polling In those days the polling booth was at Holland Landing and Reformers had to lyjrnly contest every inch of ground subject to blows from fists and cud gels A gang of stalwart Tories from would assemble completely block the parage to the Kill when a me vote Of course this led to a scrimmage Miss Ruby and Father Wm have gone to A visit to Sutton last week freshen ed up some facts in my mind viz that Sutton is one of the prettiest country villager known to me that it is chuck full of charming maids and also has liptop chaps within its walls but love to bother those boy they git as hornets The Summer hoys and Dr Charlie are just the heal lads I ob served much to write of but refrain from infringing on other scribes ter ritory York the unsurpassable bak er informs me that his Norman will Ik- with him this winter thus enabling him to more promptly serve his customers I was to give the Sutton a dressing down for some re marks he made in reference to a bak er smoking but J couldnt sec the point The scribe no doubt knew what he was talking about I noticed the aged recently hacking in the sitting a large rock For his age he in srnarl Mrs Small wood on Friday gave a childrens which our lit tle folks enjoyed verj much Mr Cole has been reen gaged in school Our are not advocates of ofl changing From the early hour at which Walk er wit own oh Mon day i am convinced that I been misinformed fcure us we have been and that he bounces out at Jive oclock in I he and hustles to get Ids chores done Somebody else enjoys pecuniary arising from early morning visits to Baldwin Walker dont So dont censure him he wont put up with it Im delighted to that the are spatting amongst them When rogues fall out etc make your own application J J to tlicr Tory fold will materially strengthen their ranks Some flock of in this option for Nearly every farm yard has at least a down or Mrs of Mich UJ a guest at All our hunlm are ofl to the wild- the role of Robin the re fallowdxr May have and abundance of it Per private information It lv with we announce that Sherman ton of Smith late of Jersey has wured a on Civil Service atari at Ottawa from Thy Owl MOUNT ALBERT The Presbyterian pulpit was supplied on Sunday last by Rev Mr Bail- The new minister will be inducted shortly The Directors the Public and management of gold region in British Columbia and the Yukon and lastly the excellent management of his own department of the where he has revolutionized j tiling His audience was j completely with him and applauded met in Mr Lloyds- store on Tuesdav him often Mr Robert Rowland also SUTTON Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive subscriptions col lect accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to night Members present Mr Ramsden president and Messrs Geo Haigh Lloyd spoke and eulogized Mr as a man and a member of bit said he was not going to support him Moore and Tinsdale Mr although he did once He also dale was appointed secretary in was a lifelong Tory and of Mr A Jones resigned- It was decided to purchase a number of new uptodate books for the library The market butter to eis to him by the Sec of the to chickens tm ducks Assn to the satisfaction of all and to geese lb turkeys the false report in the Mai of Mr V of Bathgate this alone has done much work for was in for a few days Mr in this commu let fie came home to attend the us all give Mr such a of his mother that it wilt he greater than has been Mr and Mrs spent Thanks- in the annals of North York giving with friends in The The Conservative political meeting took place here last Thursday week in Victoria Hall There was a large and enthusiastic audience graced by quite last election had cast one vote a number of ladies The Rev A M and five Conservative Mr Rutherford presided as chairman ami answered the questions propounded Era is steadily gamin in popularity in this locality Its worst enemies admit that as a local paper has no equal Miss Maggie Thompson came up from the city on Saturday evening to spend a few days with her parents Mr Mrs Robert Thompson of Holt The Presbyterian congregation have extended a call to Rev Mr Duncan formerly pastor of congre gation Mr Duncan it is will be inducted into his new charge in about three weeks Mr Mae Douglas of the T is Hon is an honor any constituency words of T on the platform were the candidates for the Dominion and Local Houses also Messrs T J Woodcock A and J Ste venson Mr was first called upon to address the meeting but did not occupy more than five miuutes He stated that he was a plain farmer like many of themselves that public speaking was not in his line and that the discussion of public questions would be taken up by others on the platform He was asked to give his views on the temperance question and replied that he thought If prohibition was enacted those engaged in the traf fic should receive compensation for the loss thev would sustain Asked fur- Mrs Nicol wife of Mr who has been living in the States for a number of years was over on a vis it with her mother Mrs Glover and after leaving her mother to visit with her siter Mrs near Queensville took sick and died on Thursday Having been brought up in the neighborhood of Ravenshoe her sudden death has cast gloom over the community- The remains were interred in Cemetery on Saturday lo Esq in his speech in favor of J at Sutton on Oct Hon Wm will hold a piihli meeting in the hall here on Saturday if he was personally an abstain- at on Nov 3rd Let said that he was except in so far every sympathizer of the Reform Gov- as he considered necessary for his own eminent also any one who wishes to use which all will see is gloriously the questions of the ay fairly definite Mr was the and squarely dealt with present next speaker He began by saying UNION STREFT Mr Weeks preached farewell ser mon on Sunday last Mr Norman Smith is buying up cattle Mr Fred Cowieson and his cousin Miss Jones attended the High School Commencement at Newmarket Mr Peter Arnold and a lady friend attended Bradford Fair We are glad to see thai Miss Miller is able to be around aain Mr Bert Peregrine and Cole were entertaining Mr Wm Scott on Thursday evening Mr Watson has the smig sum of 200 bid on his driver Mrs Dunham is on the sick list an Co limited is on the sick taking a few days rest which will spend with friends in Albert evening vicinity Mrs J Money of for merly of the 3rd of Scott is ing old acquaintances in this vicinity Mr and Mrs and of Roachs Point were visiting at her fathers Mr on Saturday and Sunday Our teachers perferrcd keeping school on Friday to driving all the way Aurora attend the Convention Mr A Davidson P Mr will also hold in Sutton on evening oclock and at on 8 oclock- in all these public meetings the ladies asked to be as re served seats will be provided Rally talk of the entire is election and estimating on Mr great majority that he and Mr were personal friends and pronounced a high eulogy upon him as a man of ability strict integrity and honor and then proceed ed to show him to be the very op posite of one possessed of these quali ties of mind and heart Mr Wood cock gave a short address also Mr who as usual put a good deal of i vehemence if not bitterness in to his words Mr Lennox who is Mr J Rogers was at looking for public honors was intro- Monday Mrs and Roy returned home after a or so at by the chairman as the coming member for the Local House This of course may lie a little loo previous Mr Lennox is a clever speaker and by West Ontario Klectior T ft v Reform J ROCHE Candidate I visit to our his official Politics are becoming in this locality that even the r to lie iiilliieuced as has unrea sonably warm Mrs Power of Toronto was in for a few days last week Hon Win seems to popular with the ladies as i Mr Stephen Winch was in last week The sad news of the of Miss j Arksey on was a shock to everyone knew her Diphtheria is prevalent in the Mr I Draper is in Toronto on Jury j at present I Master Everett Draper had a day party on Saturday last whei way of sought initiate into the good graces of he ladies more especially the young ladies lie complimented litem highly for the interest they were taking in public As to politics the speaker made a severe onslaught upon the Government as one of rot tenness incapacity broken pledges maladministration disloyalty on last win- a grayed his meeting with pleasant time vas as found in Sir Charles flippers on Wednesday evening little folks They all appreciated the sjteeehes The meeting closed with They were onsjir nous by their kindness of Master and hope for the Queen Mr It la the Eta sencc at the meeting Monday A Battering Ram A sheep or male persuasion broke loose owners premises on and sinn ed out to see the world Rein mhc may long live to his alicl Sir Charles The Ihe IV T Under the of I a on Monday evening in the Hall ftev Mr Brown of is expected to address he meeting Music read citations will also be rendered on Government side will lie heard Friday night in same hall Division Court was held here last- Friday Mr Lennox presided as Judge Morgan was otherwise engaged ejected from Corh Orange Lodge has been Moore garden and having lit is to STSt Music hiding at has- retunted made a rush at an old lady who was J home to Toronto potatoes for Mr French from vicinity of Ottawa family dinner on her front sronp She opened a jewelry in the saw the animal coming and noticing the wicked look in Ids eye immediate ly dropped the spuds and took refuge in the house shutting and locking the door But the Shelter Toronto The Union is a good work at present This community was startled Sunday morning on learning of sudden death of Mr Alono Rose the previous night Mr Rose kept a model hotel for the past on the Mood up by- this time iiticl together he door with a that wotdd have done credit to pur brave soldiers in South Africa The panels wee smashed into kindling woid and gallant quadruped found himself mas ter of situation and of the house The lady retreated in as good us by the rear door nd the aiteiiloi of several wen to Ik enemy was a widower lav- Wing held in Hall S toe on Wednesday ready for shipment to the M the late Arm- strong Mrs Geo MosMngton whose end has been expected for some away Monday evening The fu neral took place on Wednesday after noon from her late residence to St Georges Lake Shore and Allan Ander son arrived home from British Colum bia last Monday Mr John McDonald of Jacksons Point intends moving Into the village years ami was highly respected in community On Saturday- evening he Rid and J itfjJ N while suddenly taken 111 and M fe remarked he felt awfully In North ly With difficulty the e Wll very III other families gg married and three at borne The ORCHARD After Hawing feet of lumber for Messrs and John down Yongc Mr has moved his portable sawing machine the farm of Mr Starr Pine Orchard and work on Monday morn- teat of attention in which he reviewed While Gordon an employee Mr Starr will cut up quite a the general policy of the restaurant wan wrest- of KESWICK The Anniversary Services in connec tion with the Methodist church on Sunday were a grand success The church was crowded particularly in the evening when extra seating accom modation had to be provided The sermons Rev Mr Brace of Sutton were exceedingly good especially the one in the evening and Mr Brace is being congratulated very generally up on his efforts He also addressed the Sunday School in the afternoon and delighted the children The lecture on Monday evening owing the very disagreeable weather was almost a as to attendance but the ad dress delivered by ftev Dr Livingston was excellent Everybody was per fectly delighted his description of and customs of the people and his miraculous escape Very sor ry more were not but hear it Miss is visiting at Toronto Junction Mrs is to introduce the topic at- the Endeavor meeting next Sunday nighty A political meeting on behalf of Mr last Friday night was attended i is to hold a meeting here on Saturday night when some of the oldtime enthusiasm will no doubt be aroused and a big anticipated Let there a good Rally of Reform ers dwelling particularly on exalltU a companion he fell against of the the electric wltiWarH nnd the electric and received of Hamilton the x fcW iat now he lies at the died the result of burns received ft by Hie open- thru the explosion of a coal oil lamp Met at Hotel Saturday Oct The following bills were passed Win culvert 3rd Con Geo nails JCrook rep bridge 850 Case gravid David Wilson culvert rep plank covering bridge con A Campbell repair S3 Bell Tel Co rent Webb- re vising Voters List SOW J A Wat son revising List Rat- revising List A revising List revising List John Wells rep con Win Breedon rep lllth con Andrews- sheep claim Michael Hoover sheep claim Win Kerr sheep claim Limdy printing Messrs Bums and Rogers were ap pointed a committee re draining Pond The Reeve and Messrs and Rogers were appointed commit tee to consider the advisability of re moving Sehombcru Lockup with full authority to act as they think it wis dom so to do The action of the Reeve in sending to the Hospital for four Weeks was confirmed The Reeve was fur empowered In ex tend the lime in hospital if necessary The Clerk was Instructed to notify the township solicitor- to defend the appeal action of vs King and lo secure the service Mr Shepley to argue the case Council then adjourned to meet at Hotel King City on Thurs day Nov at the hour of two oclock In the afternoon Winnipeg Advices Kd- that the house of a hi tler named at Lake Oast was burned down a few days ago little children losing their lives in the building The father was away and the mother had gone to a neighbors and on returning found the house in ashes Two of the children belonged to a neighbor New York Oct The biggest nug get of gold ever received at the office in Wall street according to Supt Mason arrived yesterday from a min ing company in British Columbia It was consigned to the York ageotw of the Bank of Montreal The nugget contained a fraction over pounds of the solid yellow metal and is Val ued at It came in a fcolld cone and stood about feet high FOR Self Coal repair sum 1 1 for at be DavUui Grocery AT J 18 lbs Granulated Sugar- 1 Bars Soap 3 lbs Fresh Sausage Choice Finnan Haddie per lb 10 A Good Strong Broom 15 DAVISON CO The ELECTION -OO- North York and West Ontario Hon f v and Mr J Gould L WILL HOLD A JOINT MEETING At Town Hall Newmarket v HON J DAVIS Chair to be taken at p in V The public arc invited especially ladies SPECIAL SALES Qnd Eye Glasses For one only we our stock of and Kye Glasses at Greatly Reduced unci for end Bee display in window Something fieun but Good White Pine fie Try package We know verdfet This for a Snap The time has arrived for using Condition Powders torses and Cattle We open- oar Fall Sale of YORKSHIRE FOR A by placing on acid lor Saturday only at Cents Each- LEHMANS DRUG STORE lions- All our prescriptions prepared by a Qualified Druggist LAMP ENQUIRE OF DEALERS FOR IT The QUEEN CITY OIL CO SAMUEL ROGERS TORONTO- In Newmarket Battinlay Diamond nir reward Ha return to the I To Rent WANTED Servant Apply Jlr ft of years 10 acres on the Wh of to a flrstclsM farmer J M1WG Qnccu Bt Broad 1 Ram Astray m I- Came uiion lot 31 In the of Mrs Miller Furniture about of Judc A SHEARLING RAM bo pleated to servo all Old customers as well EXTENSION OF TIME time for recelvlna icndora fortbojeroo- ton of a Drill Hall Is hereby to Monday llh Nov By Order JOS Department of Public Ottawa ttlb advertisement bout authority from toe Depart meat will not be paid for If Owner will oblige by proving properly par ing expenses and tske It away For Sale by Tender received by to November for ice lot Con King the residence of the late Hughes There Is a good recast a good orchard Intending fee thru the promisee from the to the -V- KM