Newmarket Era, 7 Dec 1900, p. 4

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A FRIDAY DEC- ft The Dominion Ballot Recounts which have taken place arising out of the recent Dominion el- I Experience is the Best Teacher The experience of millions demon- Hoofs Satsapas is the clearly demonstrate the fact per feci remedy for itouUts of the ballot used on that nerves bowels And the kidneys And iUi it imports is compared with former contest be a source of satisfaction not to tee but also to the respective candidates and tie Dizziness and Nausea vigor And the voice of experience Dyspepsia Hoofs SatsspaHUa is J will A mecme cured me of only dyspcpsU My was poor in ihe I cold This grtsi medicine enriched my And fed Mrs CAUSED BY OVKRSTUDY AND CLOSE The Provincial byeelection in takes place next Thursday Three candidates are in the field and a warm contest- is now At the annual banquet of j University last- week Hon Minister of made a speech- holding out the promise of How a popular school learfiersuTered Government financial aid lo- it with the view to more vacant Shrievalty and of Waterloo County Have been by the of Kir 4o the former and Mr J Moore to the latter office The Liberals of Halifax will lender a banquet to Sir Wilfrid on the It is also announced that Hon Mr Minister of Customs will be present on the occa sion LEADING STORE jffjfrfn LEGAL J Robertson Barrister Diary c Street to good security Solicitor Notary Money Jit Division Court Building- Newmar ket Ontario Conveyancer Ac 3 door South of flce Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket Saturday and Court Solicitors for J Row it Co Bankers and Ontario Ban Aurora p S Barrister to St Newman Reformer Bloc to DENTAL I Dentist Post Office Block opposite the Church Sit Israel ton Guaranteed- DR Succwor 10 Dr Drug J A for Lire Money to Loan interest at Current Kates At he A A Rams ay Fire Insurance Agent Low Kates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket AUCTIONEERS Duncan Auctioneer tor the Co Of floods sold on commission Terms reason able Farm Sale attended to Street A TflYUOR Paper A Done promptly I am with a Car- Pointer and Sift Writer Orders can at Hardware Store or at the residence or J head of 3uccn Street west Newmarket f Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and Millard and Church try generally whether the Libera Administration credit or not are none the to Experience however lias j proven that in one respect it is defect but this will doubtless be remedied on another occasion The and trouble arising from the use of the old ballot was that it con tained too many blank spaces where inconsiderate electors w mid innVe their cross rendered it difficult for judges to determine in making re counts what the real intention of the voter was- In the new ballot it was intended that the printed matter only leave vacant spaces after the names of the candidates so as to prevent this sort of blunder but ex perience has shown that- where tlie name of tee constituency was a short one such as York North or Peel space would be left after the name which not he the case the constituency would have a long name such as Northum berland Hence lias shown that electors in some cases had been instructed by agents of candidates to their cross for the first name on the ballot in the first blank they have simply placed their mart Hie of the constituency instead of candidates name whom they desired to vote Tor Apart from this one defect the new ballot is a success and a vast improvement over the old but as we stated above it is and no doubt will be on a future occasion to the recounts which have been held and the different views Judges in treating ballots market in the space opposite the stiluericy in stead of the candidate the Clinton observes The in recounts so far held have differing views on these ballots In Judge tlirewout all ballots marked Mr Campbell the Liberal candi date claimed them as intended for him as lie was first on tlie ballot The judge admitted that the evident intention of the voters vole for Mr Campbell but they had not done so The result of Judge decision was deprive Mr- the scat ftlr majority lie- ting only one In Selkirk Man on the other hand Judge Walker deemed it his duty to give effect to the inten tion of the voter and reduced Mr Crearys majority from to 1 by al lowing sixteen ballots marked op posite the name of the constituency While we do not believe it is- the duty of the judge to make cowl v the j mistakes of careless or ignorant still it is a just rule with a new ballot to give effect to will of the voter wherever the in tention is reasonably plain A uni form rule in any case should be fol lowed thruout the Dominion all these ballots should be allowed or none of them should lie allowed former course we think is the bet ter one And bow acting on a friends ad vice she tried Dr Williams Pink Pills and and strength was restored to health after the defeat of Hon Dr Montague Haldimond on the hat he had accepted an appointment as or for the Independent Order of For- esters at a salary of annum The statement went the round I the About the most thorough ls now Dr popular teacher we have ever Had it here is the opinion by the te jntcntion of of their -pres- young lady school teacher Miss According statistics there are at present inmates in trie asy- of the Province Inspector Christie staes that Ontario is as free It was current report a few days from lunatics as any other country equip the institution for its work i Nellie Miss Cut ten is possess ed of keen intelligence and- engaging maimers and has been peculiarly suc cessful in her chosen profession At present she looks the picture of health and one- observing her good color and buoyant spirits would never think of associating her with sickness It was however only last autumn that almost helpless of continuing her work on account of her illhealth and her condition was a source of alarm to her friends Yes she said to an Acadian reporter who called upon her recently to learn the particulars of her case suppose it is a duty I owe to Dr Williams Pink Pills that should make public the wonders they worked for me but- Jiaps I would not have thought of it if you had not railed You sec in addition to my leach ing I have been studying very hard over my It work and then was at tacked with whooping cough which did not leave me for a long time and no I became pretty well run down I was always considered the embodi ment of health at home but last autumn was really alarmed over mv condition Sometimes in the schoolroom would he seized with dizziness and often I would faint away would take vomiting turns and had a feeling of nausea and languor all the time I lost my color and became thin and pale and it seemed as if my blood had turned to water This condition of things was so different from anything that medical advice at once I was in formed that I was suffering from anaemia aud I at once put myself un der medical treatment Hut although tried several bottles of lion my condition seemed to be get- worse all the time When I went home from my Christmas vaca tion I was almost in despair It was while I was at home however that my friends advised me to use Williams Pink Pills Acting up on their advice I took up their use The box made its effect felt but used four or five and then the cure was complete since my health has been excellent I have felt my real old time self and am able to attend to my duties Which are by means light without the fatigue and languor that made the work irksome You may depend up on it I will always have a friendly say for Dr Williams Pink Pills j If your dealer does not keep pills in stock they will be sent post paid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Williams Medicine Co Out A special despatch from Ottawa to the Telegram says A report re ceived at the Department of Agricul ture at Ottawa from the departments agent in Liverpool and Manchester re garding a consignment of from the Government poultry fatten ing stations states that they arrived in splendid condition termed by one of the leading importers of poultry of Liverpool champion stuff Some of these chickens as much as eight pounds were the agent says a splendid of HIM With all due to any cot em the Toronto Star we do not believe the country will endorse its suggestion that the salary of the Premier of this Dominion should be increased t a year or at least The country is being burdened with salar ied functionaries We now pay a deal more to our Governor than is paid to the President of the United Stales we pay our a long way mote than State Governors receive in the neighboring Republic while population is only as compared to in States The reference to the salaries of a couple of Railway magnates dont count in comparison as other con siderations enter into the calculation in the latter instances more than ac tual indeiiinitv population considered The prophetic fever has struck St Thomas and the Times of that burg is out with a story to the that soon to be held say as early as the Ontario Provincial elections arc June The Times admits that it seems rather improbable but in the same breath declares that Mr Ross the chief of Tricksters is ang ling for an election cry This is like some who hang up a sign inside their premises If you dont see what you want ask for it any thing to make a bit at the Govern ment A Get Ready For Winter Have you been looking over list of men to the Dominion Par liament on the of November last One hundred and thirtytwo of those who held seats in tire- last Parliament have returned to the new House These from Ontario from Quebec from Nova Scotia from New Brunswick from P Island from Manitoba from the Territories from British Col umbia TheXmtn entering Parliament fur the firsttime total of Conservatives and Liberals are from Ontario SAYS HE WAS I suffered such pain irom could hardly walk writes Hillsborough Ills but Arnica Salve completely Acts like magic on bruises cuts sores scalds burns boils ulcers Perfect healer of diseases and piles Cure guaranteed by K Lehman druggist Newmar ket From the standpoint of rations the CANADIAN itself in its Chrjstri is This an age of pictures and the piality of those in this issue are engender enthusiasm in the most sluggish of patriots repro ductions of characteristic bits of Scenic Splendours are done in colors most effectively The lis of contents is just as commendable There are special poems by Eve William Wil fred Franklin and Itoberts all well known singers There are short stor ies by Virria Arthur and lane Taylor all bright and characteristic J Oxley writes a most interesting article on of Montreal giving consider able attention to the circumstances of its foundation and its early history Alfred writes of Young Jdea in Japan while John A takes its to the other cud of the to see Airs Kruger at Ionic The colored cover represents Johnny Canucks Christmas As a souvenir to send abroad nothing could surpass the special issue of Canadas national publication The Montreal AmvMjapefs are paying high the Family Her ald and Weekly Star on the occasion of the latter paper moving into its magnificent new building just com pleted after being two years in con struction The new building of the Family Herald and Weekly Star is one of the sights of Montreal Archi tects it is one of the finest if not the very finest newspaper building in the world there being nothing in New York or London or any of the great cities to equal it Family Her alds new building cost half a million dollars It is officially announccoVthat the tender of 1795000 lias been accepted for the construction of the Pacific cable of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Private Papers at private residence lr AMlrnd J OP LICENSES I BUTTON During a recent wind the top of a freight car at Belleville was blown A Roman Catholic recently dedicated at near ALMOST Mr J J of Pleasant Ave Deer Park Out writes I have suffered in my head and throat and all over my body since last summer from a very heavy cold which 1 could not get rid of I have tried several of what are considered good remedies but none seemed to be of any avail I began to think that my cold was de veloping consumption as very many to knowledge I am thankful now to say that Chases Syrup of and Turpentine has worked a complete cure as I am now entirety free of he cold Jetxts London Dec Lord Huberts re ports that he ban over to Kitchener the command of troops in South Aftica The Boer al Liuholt openly boasted in the tillage of having siiot natives for St with the The Canadians were reviewed by the Queen at Windsor Castle Col Oiler and several of the outers dined with Her Majesty in Mr Win a was drowned in while skating home from Killer cures all ot bruises and Taken allr It cures diarrhoea there la hut one and We SAW It often made my heart writes of to hear my wife until It seemed her and sore lungs would collapse Good ductals said was so far gone with Consump tion that no medicine or earthly help could save her a friend recom mended Kings New Discovery and persistent use of this excellent medi cine saved her life Its absolutely guaranteed for Coughs- Cold Bron chitis Asthma and all Throat and Lung diseases and St 00 at Leh mans Drug Store Trial bottles free The opening of the Parry Hound Hallways ban already caused a fall ing off in canal traffic r The Militia Department has recit ed over applications from fans desirous of under tVw on of Povc- in the J ei to the iLvV War STINGING As distressing and annoying is are Chilblains hey can bo immediately re lieved by the application of Dr Chases Ointment Try it when you have retired with itching stinging feet and ex wet to spend a sleepless night in suffer in Such a trial will you that us a cure for Chil blains Dr Chases Ointment is of is grcaUsl all of the Hie of The Christian Guardian which will be issued on December 1 will oiler and artistic features Among its many contributors are Mr manager of the iMas- who from Ids great business experience writes of the Dangers Which Young Men sirs Jean one of the most popular of our lady writers who tells The Girl in Love some things which she ought to know and Miss Maude- it a popular storywriter who contributes a bcautifut story en titled In the Face of a Child These with a score of other articles and stories appropriate to the season of the year will make the Christmas Christian Guardian a very readable number The illustrations will also be numerous and attractive In fact this paper has been noted for the artistic covers Its special the Thanksgiving issue being one of the most attractive pieces of work done in Canada This highwater mark will however be surpassed by the number which will re produce Bernard beautiful conception of Tho Angels and the Shepherds Plockhorst because of the character of his paintings has been called the twin brother of the famous painter The Christian Guardian Is one of the best allround family journals in Canada and also the cheapest A three months subscription costs only twen tyfive cents while the remaining is sues of this year including the Christ inas number will be sent free to any one sending one dollar the subscrip tion for mm PublisherWilliam Toronto The Presbyterian published by Poole Publishing- Company To ronto contains a large amount of in teresting matter in its of Nov just to hand On the front of the cover is an excellent picturr of editor There is also an article on the work of Rev who has been slated pastor Cookes Church Toronto during I lie vacancy also on A Winches- ministerelect of Knox Church To ronto on A J late Principal of the Industrial School The news of the churches is exceptionally well arranged In of the semiofficial in timation of an early meeting of the Dominion Parliament corporations legislation are publishing the requisite legal notices in the Official Gazette which the rules of the House- require Among these we observe that several British Columbia railway com panies arc applying for additional priv ileges and extension of time for com pleting their works and for other purposes Tho Canadian Pacific Rail way and Northern Pacific and Manito ba Railway and Great Northwest Central are all after additional legis lation FOOD CHANG Id TO POISON Putrefying food in the iiitesiincs produces effects like those of arsenic but Dr Kings New Life Pills the- poisons from clogged bowels gently easily but surely curing Con stipation Diliousuess Sick Headache all Liver Kidney ami Bowel troubles Only at Lehmans A Presbyterian church was recently dedicated at Oak Lake Man Piles To to you thatDr rutin ftccrJ rtblulp euro for each Help Overworked Heart Is the great which pumps Ufa through your system hard pressed over groaning under because dis- has clogged it Dr for the Heart Is natures lubricator and cleanser and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers that It is surest and most remedy that medical knows Sold by Lehman Newmarket a A Kan Antonio Tex Dec ter rible wreck which a score of per sons were killed and about hurt occurred on the Mexico Central Rail road on Thursday afternoon between and miles south of The first news of the disaster reached here today Ed ward a citizen of Antonio was the scene minutes after the engines crashed together The plate where wreck occurred Is in a val ley at foot of two imniense hills At the time both trains were running every form of itching miles an hour One of the trains had on xard a construct tun crew The other was a train of empty cars The and about were piled In li fitly int molt J vt if not fill Stiv or 1 at 1 n 1 10 feet high W Cook and Heaters i FOR- Coal and Wood Are wanted now and we wish draw your attention to our stock All the leading makes on hand Everything in tile Hardware Line always in Stock Paints Oils and Class J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET This Week 50 Ladies Black Skirts Lined and Velvet Only 125 each Boys and Youths Overcoats at 125 and 150 yards Shaker regular for cents per yard -00- TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE J MA EDlNBUUOn of 8berlourDe In Diseases of Women Diseases of Throat Piles may be consulted every Saturday at room J J GRAND RAILWAY The Great Through Line Hamilton Niagara Palls Buffalo Washington Baltimore and fill Points South For partloulara to any of Trunk Hall way A MoOBLliAN Union Station Tnronlo Carpet bearing to Jnrorm the he has moved Mr House and that Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all to date that ho la prepared to do Beat Work la Hag- Carpet weaving Call and see your fl fltxkof which lie dont iliflHy In liyilihU and an 1 lul o In of sill In of he for out of Mid Bat I If Yo Cannot possibly spend Win lor in our College January a tiling find toko a After wo arc now to fintclas3 and Forms Shorthand by mail From a reliable school with eleven regular and a good reputa tion for honest work you may expect ood results Write for particulars Central Business College Circulars Fret Notice to Creditors In of the Late of the of Klnir In the Cownir la hereby pursuant all persona having said Frank Brown oo died on or about My of Jane are required on or toeOTidto or atd deceased claims aiatemcnt the full of their thoimturooCthr aecurltlelf aoyi lie J W And lake Bit am only have notice tilt Dated at K

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