Newmarket Era, 7 Dec 1900, p. 6

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J i I i THE ERA FRIDAY D 1900 Its and Future Development of our readers who have been the House have considered There Ms persuing toe articles that have appear- no deposition and toe House may as erf from time to time in the Era j well understand It now at any upon toe markets of tit world I would like to have the gentlemen say if they object to a railway being constructed I presume they will not I during the past six months will be other time there Is no disposition on pleased to read the speech of Ho the part of the J Davis Commissioner of- this or any other Bill through basely the interests of and that Lands which he delivered in the have nothing to conceal this it would be a suicidal for them I rst to- object to its construction- That- being so we on yds side of the House say that we are anxious we are very much in earnest in developing New Ontario Why we have there talk about miles of a railway have there territory that will require before it is properly dpened up arid some thousands of miles of railways to such reasonable rail way facilities as are needed in that country We are unable to settle it or make it of use to the people of this country unless we develop and first thing to do is to build a Sine of railway tario Legislature last winter and in the light of events that have since fol lowed it shows more than ever the sagacious ability We have much reason to be proud of the representa tive of North The great industrial development now progress in District pit and particularly in the of Marie is a which gives ground for great satisfaction to ail who are genuinely interested in the progress of- Ontario- The opening up of the newer portions of Province by encouraging the working of mines the fading roads and railways the planting of manufacturing establishments whereby raw materials such as ore and timber can be mane into finished product and generally the rendering of the public domain suitable for occupation and settlement one prime objects Which the present of On tario has set itself to accomplish One of the most influential agents in the development of New Ontario is the Central Railway now in process of construction from Marie to a point on the main line of the with a branch line from Harbour Act was passed at the last Session of the Leg islature making a grant of land in aid this railway the Company under- to prosecute a number of other important enterprises provided for in the Act most of which are already under way As bead of the Department of Crown Lands which to a large extent is charged the duty of shaping the details of this policy and putting it in force J Da vis has been prominently before the people On tario Following is a speech made by hjr Davis the Act in of the Central Railway Company was under consideration by the House HON MR DAVIS said Perhaps this House has held no Session for a number of years during which so many matters fraught vyith great public in- to the future of this Province have been laid before the House as during the Session which is now about to close There never was a time in the history of the Province when all the people irrespective of polices so fully readied the importance of the development of the Province and the value of undeveloped of Northern Ontario a district of square miles in extent and I re gret that gentlemen opposite or the most of them have placed selves in opposition to progress and development The question which we have under consideration is one of great importance one which we ought to examine carefully one which has been thoroughly considered by the for weeks and months and the Bill which is now before House is the result of careful delibera tion and a thorough examination of every interest which members are call ed to consider and deal with Cheers Bill we consider THE BILL AN EXCELLENT ONE we believe its provisions are wise and prudent and well guarded and of such a that if the Bill is put in operation and the road constructed the people of tins Province will find they have made an excellent bargain We are quite willing if it is neces sary to sit a week or two weeks longer to have the fullest considera tion given to this Bill I would like to Why is it that our friends op posite have not time to discuss the Bill When the first reading was moved by the Hon the Premier has charge of the Bill he said the Opposition are agreeable I will not discuss it now No one objected to the proposal on that side it went through with their approval It was rght- to have asked the Premier Bill upon its first read- WHITNEY He did not ex plain it on its first reading HON MR DAVIS He was pre pared to do it the second reading of the Bill this same request was made and gentlemen understood it was by common consent and for the con venience of the House that the Hon Premier did not discuss it at the sec ond reading and the country and gentlemen of this House know very well that the Premier did not refrain from discussing the Bill at those two stages because of bis inability to dis cuss it No one can discuss a Bill more thoroughly more more circumstantially than the Hon Premier So it was simply a matter of convenience acquiesced in and ap proved by the House Cheers I i FULL OPPORTUNITY FOR DISCUS SION ATTITUDE OF THE OPPOSITION I regret Sir the tone of the Leader of the Opposition in discussing this I am sure the House and country expect the Leader of great party one holding such a respem- in this country when a matter of so much importance and of so much to the people Is under consideration to express his objections in language that appeals to our judg ment and reason but my friend has simply to denounce the Bill In strong language rather than to dis cuss its merits or demerits He has made use of words such as robber and thief and other expressions which if true would certainly place the members of the who proposed this Bill behind prison hirst I think it ia to be regretted that we should discuss the measure from such an extreme party bias my him friend and some gentlemen behind have evidently discussed it What is the foundation upon which the member bated thy language which he used during his address What is the foundation of the he has made It appears me that we can divide them Into parte first that sufficient time is not given for the discussion and con sideration of the Bill now beore House What are the facts iu with thist baa been for a long time that a matter of Ha kind would come before the House this Session it was known during the days of the Session it was Known by so stated by the press the be asked for the a road through this import taction New Ontario was on both sides of the Wouse and I am sure I am correct when say from the open ing days the Session the was that a BUI of character would be umitte or its coruideA- So the project not a new project It has sprung up it Is one which members on both sides of Hon gentlemen had an opportunity given of taking up the Bill clause by clause when the House was in Com mittee and asking to have any clause stand if they so desired No objection was taken to the Bill at any previous stage and now when we come the third reading we are told for the first time that the genUemen the opportunity to discuss it I think the facts are against them and think the country ought clearly to un derstand if there was anyone to blame for the absence of discussion at any of these stages it was gentlemen opposite but now we are prepared sit as long as may be necessary order to give the fullest for discussion say this advisedly and purpgsely because we do not In tend that gentlemen shall say during the recess in their addresses that the Government forced this or any other measure upon them without giving them an opportunity to consid er it- This brings roe to say a word or two on charge made by lien gentlemen opposite that they were afforded an opportunity to discuss pub lic matters at the close of last es- They have made that repeatedly I do not think certain portion of live press which reiterated this are as as some of the gentlemen opposite not being perhaps familiar with the circum stances of closing days of last Session I think I am well within the facts when fiay that a mutual understanding was arrived at by the Leaders of the two parties of this House that the Session should close at a certain lime even if it wore neces sary to sit through the night They fully agreed this should be done for the convenience of members so that hey might reach their homes for Good Friday It was a mutual arrangement and being a mutual ar rangement It Is not fair and states manlike to place the responsibility on toe Government of finishing of the before the Hunt cloyed that night The country understand the situation and when it doeu It will be quite that gentlemen opposite have misrepresented this Government most unfairly And It in in order to prevent a repetition of kind that I say on of the Government we are prepared to sit as long as gentlemen think it necessary to this Bill Loud dims RAILWAYS A NECESSITY What has been accomplished in the past construction of railways in this way What would Old Ontario which is prosperous and developed to day be if it had not been for the ex penditure of moneys on railways not alone by the Government of this Pro vince hut by the municipalities through which these railways were projected We take issue with honorable gentle men if they object to the construction of this railway We want it under stood that we axe strongly in favor of building a railway to open up that portion of New Ontario and more than that just as fast as our resources will permit the Government are will ing to encourage the development of that section of our great heritage projecting colonization railways they will be useful and valuable Honorable gentlemen sometimes say You should not spend money to build railways in New Ontario I venture the proposition that the expenditure of money in opening up New Ontario will mean an enormously iucreased revenue which will help to reduce the local taxation in every municipality in the older portion of Ontario Where do we get our revenue today largely from the timber and mineral resources of New Ontario Some honorable gentlemen find fault with the Govern ment and say that we do not give to that part of the country from which we get so much revenue They say we use that revenue in con nection with schools and in grants lo agriculture and that rough many different avenues the money from New Ontario sent out to lighten the burdens of Old Ontario and reduce our taxation To increase the that we will be able to pay lo On Ontario is one of our reasons for pi Vi ing this railroad What has in New Ontario with regard to logs What will take place and what has already taken place in conn with the development of our pulp wood industry What will business men tell you in the City of Toronto in almost every line They will say that their trade in New On tario never was as good as it is to day and it is increasing every year We arc getting cash from that country and we are sending up all kinds of products which are manufactured in Old Ontario and thus increasing our business is it not the of the Government to do what it can to in crease business in every part of the Province Cheers OK CONSTRUCTION What are the terms on which this railway is asked to be constructed Here perhaps is where we ought to have a more of what call rea sonable discussion frank discussion fair discussion and discussion after examining the Bill itself a discussion Where expert explorers have made mineral they staked them after examining the records of the course pursued by this in the past with lo railways the ilevclopiiicnt of laud From the opposite tilde of the House I regret again to We have not had calm and prudent considera tion of this measure which we are en titled to expect from honorable gentle men opposite far my Judg ment goo has never to the House as good a bar gain the interests of the people of this country both Old and New On tario as this Bill provides What Is the proposition on the face of the It Is to bonus a railway What do some of the honorable gentle men Bay They have actually told 1Mb BILL without any assistance whatever from the Government at tills proposition for a moment Some honorable gentlemen say Mr promised it would be built Without any assistance though it has been said by those who were pre sent and by Mr himself that he never made such statement as at til Now what is the object of the Hill It is to do what has been done from time Immemorial In this Province to carry out something that is not new because it is not today only the people have taken towards de veloping the interest of the Province The Hill La for thepurpoM of provid ing subsidies and entering Into an ar rangement for a railway through a large section of Ontario Is anything wrong in that Is there an on the oppos ite vide of the House who will stand up his place and sty that no rail way la needed in that tract of New Ontario with resource lying dor mant because there is no way by which they can be utilized and placed MR WHITNKY Docs my honor able friend say Mr Ciergue says he made no such statement HON MR Yes so I am told HON MIL Minister of Agriculture If the Hon gentlemen would allow me I was Chairman of that Committee and heard all thatwas say he would not ask f6raoJlar meaning a in pioneer you know be meant HON W- iRyiEN But at the same time he and us friends were a p- plying to the Government for this The member for- Norfolk asked to attend that meeting and supportbis bill and I did so and Mr stood up there with a map and out where they were going to build the railroad and he said Gentle- men am here askiug the privilege the railroad without any as sistance and that is how he got the charter HON MR The policy of our committee is to give charters al most everywhere in the country and the gentleman would have got his charier just the same SEVERAL MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITION the member for South Norfolk THOMPSON Centre But if you at that time the com pany was asking for this land why were you not honest enough to tell the committee HON MR It seems quite evident that Mr in ap plying for the charter or whoever were associated with did say they did not expect any cash bonus but they did not say they did not ex pect a land grant if they could get it that is quite clear because at the very same Session perhaps the next day probably before the charter went through a large deputation waited upon the Government ask ed that a land grant be given to that railway and they stated they would not ask any cash and they said they were given a land grant they would construct a railway through that country That is the situation and it is clear HON MR DAVIS Do you expect any man or any company will con struct a railway of or 300 miles to open up our New Ontario without assistance Do honorable gentlemen take the position now that they are opposed to grants of any kind from this time forth lo open up New On tario Let them declare themselves if they do The country wants to know where they stand on this ques tion The country realizes the Im portance of New Ontario being and I want to say if honorable gentlemen will stand up and say froro this time forth they propose to refuse aid to that country we would like to hear it and they cannot return a lo House from any const in the Province Cheers THE LAND OR ANT acres of land per mile is pro- posed to be given to aid this railway and no cash Old Ontario will keep on deriving the advantages they hive derived in the past from all the money that has come from New Ontario and there will be an increased amount be cause of this development and there is no out of the public exchequer being given to build this railway not a dollar and is not that something worth being considered We have been in the habit of paying a mile cash all these years now a railway to be constructed without a dollar in cash expenditure What docs the land grant mean What is the Province losing 1 suppose the steal the robbery that my friend speaks of in such strong language must be somewhere in Ibis of acres per mile MR Is there any min eral in it HON MR DAVIS Yes will ex plain all about minerals the pulp and everything acres of land which is of no practical use today of laud that has been there since the be ginning of time that has of no value to the Province has never help ed anybody that I know of and never would be of use without the construe tion of this railway a portion of thai laud through which the railway runs Is given for the purpose of construct the railway What would the Province do with lands of that kind We arc trying to settle the Province we ate expending money for the pur pose of bringing settlers here and when we get them here what do we do say in a large portion of the Province of Ontario if you come here will give every settler acres of land free We think it is of great to We not only give ihem the land free but we give them all the Umber on that laud with the exception of the pine for Instance they get all the spruce and not a cent of dues comes from Use spruce cut on settlers lands MR West And he has the right to export it HON MR DAVIS Yes the get tier has No objection has been to this policy by the honor able gentlemen opposite they have approved that policy and they have said Is alright to give a settler the land and the pulp and all Hie excepting the pine fur nothing he will only settle and help build up the country We are giving the rail way a portion of the land as aid to ward construction Are they to build a- railway for nothing and are we to give them no advantages at all This section of country has been explored for minerals ana think this ought to he has been explored for a years I believe Old Ontario will look with great favor upon ttie- Bill which not out and what may be left of the minerals after these finds will go with the land itself to the railway MINERS AND Every man who ha staked thoroughly wehfyepro- the rights of the miner and Evejry settler up there is protected the same as if itnijs not passed tie House The are getting the land and the minerals there is they are getting beyond what the settler would get except minerals Is riot that a wonderfully good bargain on the part the House for the this railway is not that an exceptionally good bar gain the people of this Pro vince become the of Bill the wonder wilt be that we were able to make as good a gain in the interests of the Province One gentleman to being granted in large and inferred that tkese blocks were be held without subdivision That is the intention of the Bill as any- one who reads it carefully will The object of this clause of the Bill for the purpose of the the Company which must be in blocks of Uniform size and will be subdivided by the Company for purposes of set tlement What will be the position when the railway company carries out its agreement as to settlement If you figure out settlers at acres each you will find there will not be enough in the grant given to this company for each settler to get acres Ten thousand settlers at acres each will make there is in whole grant You see what it means when you examine it thoroughly you will see the advan tages of it It is true as provided for by the Bill some of these settlers may not be agricultural settlers Some gentlemen say there is no agricultural land in the country through which this road runs and that the road is simply to carry material down to the mills at the This is an absurd posi tion to take as it will develop trade to and from Old Ontario in addition to carrying raw material to the manufacturing plants at the To ronto is in favor of this Kill as shown the press The Board of Trade of Toronto also expressed them selves favorably MR When HON MR DAVIS The other The bill was not existence The honorable gentle- DRUG STORE At a pound Puke Fresh Our own make fry- a pageVandpass a THIS READY The weather is bad Youll likely have a cold Have these remedies ready verdict QUININE bottle tar Trt OurExtracts All for DISPENSING DEPARTMENT We All our prescriptions just as the Doctor orders South Bakery families in Newmarket who buy buy ours because it is made of the best material that can be secured Our homemade Bread is pronounced by all who use it lo be the best be had We would like to have YOU FRED JACK PUB 2 Second Edition flt Your Post Office in inau speaks about extraordinary state ments which have been made but I he ought lo be very careful HON MR ROSS The Premier Mr President of Board of Trade said if they wanted any en couragement they should get by the legislature or by anybody else HON MR DAVIS I want to call my honorable friends attention to this fact also that if he reads the speech of Mr at that meeting he will find that two or three pages are saturated with this idea that un less the railway is constructed these other projects will fail cannot succeed they cannot be carried out to completion and with this in view the Hoard of Trade that resolution- There is good agricultural land in cer tain sections of that territory which the proposed road will through We have in the Crown Lands Depart- ment considerable information in lo that country Are there any minerals MR DAVIS I have explained al ready the mineral situation I said the minerals have been prospected for during many There arc stretches of good agricultural land In that country Some exception was taken that settlers other than agricul tural were not required to put up buildings Is not that A REASONABLE PROPOSITION Wc have nobody up there doing any thing to develop the country and If the railway goes through wc will have men working on the switchmen and and men in various other occupations on the road and are they not good settlers Who will up and say that our rail way employees arc not a good class of people They are good men and men we ought to assist and try to give advantages to I consider the men who work upon the railways In connection with transportation are a very important foci or In our commun ity This Is a good provision of the Dill although there Is not land enough to givo settlers ICO acres each and all the land cannot be used as agricultural land While a great deal of It Is good land a consid erable portion Is not suitable for agri culture and we do not want one man to go settle In that country and try to farm in a place whore be cannot successfully That has done this province harm in the past I hope It will be so arranged that It will not do us any in future DOCTOR Lincoln Is there any pulp this agricul tural land You generally find pulp- wood growing on fertile soil We have been told there is only half a cord to an acre Continued on til pa ot ol so Ol a The London Free Press A PROGRESSIVE flflD PAPER ESSENTIALLY A Free Press is now in its fiftyfirst year It is essentially a newspaper for the home circle While distinguished for enterprise care has been taken from the beginning of its career to admit nothing to its columns that would offend the moral sense of selfrespecting people THE MARKET REPORTS Are full and uptodate containing all the latest Canadian American and English live stock and grain markets with the most uptodate news VETERINARY COLUMN A new and special feature conducted by J Honor Graduate V Articles appear every Saturday dealing with all classes of Veterinary Science also questions and answers daily relative lo all diseases of animals c Contains valuable home instruction for the farmer and stock owner FOREIGN complete history the doings all oyer the known world in the latest and uptodate despatches COMPLETE CANADIAN NEWS telegraph and mail from all parts of Canada attention being paid lo Western Ontario SPORTING lull and complete with Amateur and Pro fessional Sports Base Ball Cricket Lacrosse Golf ling Foot Ball Hockey Skating Horse Racing Trotting Run ning Hand Ball etc IN Polities a is Conservative hut its has never prevented it from doing justice to or upholding men of liutli parlies who do right It is the organ of the people of party and makes the public wellbeing fust consideration In fact the Free Press is most complete and uptodate paper west of Toronto from to pages through the week and in pages on Saturday It is bright and readable news for old and young Second Edition at your pest for per year Now is the time to subscribe Peg Co Ont 2 2 52 to to 10 to lo W w M JOB We do not allow to outdo us In this Hue either in style or price To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Quinine Tab- All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure E Groves signature is on each box If you want any kind of Printing done see what work ami terms you can get at the OFFICE before you order Our prompts Is proverbial

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