Newmarket Era, 7 Dec 1900, p. 9

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY HALL Nov 1 Boots and Shoes rise We want to say a few words about our Empress Fine Shoes for Ladies They give per fect Satisfaction for the fol lowing reasons They are uptodate in style They fit perfectly They are guaranteed to give Every satisfaction to the Wearer Have we Sold You a Pair Childrens fine or strong Shoes Mens and Boys coarse and fine Shoes Weeks WHAT TOWS Partnership Dissolved The heretofore existing between Messrs Station was dissolved last Saturday and Mr Skattoa will continue the busi ness of pump making in all its Mr intends going the business of artesian welldig ging- Industrial Home The Commissioners met on Tuesday and passed accounts amounting to In accordance with instructions from the County Council it was also decided to excavate a cesspool on the premises into which the drainage of the Home will be emptied A body was exhumed at the Home burying ground yesterday and taken Good wood for interment Oust in Time On Tuesday last the Inland Revenue Officer from Toronto Mr was in Town and had in his posses sion a portion of machinery which was evidently intended for the illicit manu facture of whiskey It was located between the Landing and Bradford on the swamp road that- runs East- The apparatus did not have the appearance of being used but there could be no doubt about the intention A week ago last Sunday Mr Will son of Mr started to drive to Mount Albert with his sister When he to the next concession he jumped out of the buggy to male some change in the har ness but the horse took fright and turned around throwing Miss out She was considerably bruised but not seriously The horse went back home none the worse for its run Visit to Aurora On Wednesday afternoon fifteen of the ladies belonging to Missionary Auxiliary of the Methodist church ac cepted the Aurora Auxiliary and the program for their meeting The Newmarket ladies had a most cordial reception and at the close of the program were invited to partake of a sumptuous past were present and an exceedingly social afternoon was spent Our ladies returned home on the car much delighted with the visit The Butter Prospects are sett favorable for a splendid season at the Newmarket Dairy Last 12300 of milk were delivered from which 554 lbs of butter were made and sold at lb On Monday lbs of milk were delivered being an increase of lbs over the previous Monday Farmers are realizing more money by sending their milk to the factory than if they did their own churning and peddle the butter around Bridge Grand Trunk Railway Co is getting ready to build a new bridge on Queen street It is intended to use old iron rails for sleepers instead of wood and a carload was delivered an Wednesday for this purpose If the Metropolitan Co intends to extend their electric road to the Lake it would be a good scheme for the two corporations to build a union bridge that would answer both pur poses It would be a better job and at less cost than if built separately Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet No The accounts were referred Refining Tiff oil to Newmarket Era iriuiig to Printing Com Lehman for medicine for family to Finance Com J Millard undertakers account for Faulkner- 10 to Finance Com The annual report of Board of Health and Medical Officer was ac cepted as satisfactory sum of was ordered to be paid to each of the selectors of jurors for viz the Mayor the Clerk and the assessor A verbal report of the Property was adopted recommending a lease for a term of five years of toe barn and north part of Ware house Street be not granted but that it be rented to Andrew Hunter by the month for a month That the system of street lighting he changed to incandescent system as per plans save Main Street which shall be lighted by six long burning arc lights The Clerk was instructed to order feet of Underwriters hose at doc and one dozen extra rubber washers and six expanders Council adjourned 1- The Davison Grocery is stocked with a Fine Assortment of JJrJts lew Goods fresh from their Native Lands We our orders and all New Goods fresh from their Native Lands We placed our orders early and tow prices apd can give the public the benefit of our attention to buying Today we start the Christmas Sale with J the cars They Big Snaps In all Wood Heaters We have too many on band you can have them very cheap from now until sold A -o- GRAM RUBBERS Our Snag Proof Rub bers are the best on j the market China and Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets and At Very Close Prices to reduce our large Stock Over too Sets to Select from See our Stock in Store opposite Works Cassidy Allan are taking advantage of the open season and get ting air the work out that is possible Last week a red Swedish monument was placed in Newmarket Cemetery to the of Elijah Lake and wife also a marble monument at Holland Landing to the memory of Mr and Mrs Gray erected by their son On Tuesday a marble monument was sent to Cemetery for the family plot of John Thirsk Another Scotch granite monument will be ready next week for the King City Cemetery Accident A young man named Seymour Evans got a very nasty- cut in his left ankle one day last week and it required several stitches to close the wound He was chopping wood in the wood shed at his home on Ontario street with an axe that had just been ground and it went anout half an inch into the bone He able to limp around this week with the aid of a cane The family are singularly unfortunate Only a few weeks ago Mrs Evans fell down cellar and was severely in jured A bone was broken in her right hand and she has not been able to use it yet of any account The little finger seems to be paralyzed The Depot Freight has been quite active pafc week the receipts and the shipments car comprise the Inward lumber cinders 12 J coal and pojds Outward merchandise 12 eggs J barley livestock marsh hay wheat- During the past week the grounds all around the depot anf freight sheds have been greatly improved placing thereon no less than large carloads of splendid gravel Grocery Fine New Figs 5c lb Fine New Selected Raisins lb Fine New Citron Orange and Lemon Peels This Seasons Currants are scarce and price high -o- A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Coal and Wood Lime Hair Cements Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free W J WILL80N Cor Main REMOVED During the past season Newmarket Cheese Factory made 49 tons of cheese Every shareholder attend the annual meeting of the Kink Company tliis evening- Preparations for are in in many quarters Last Mr collector of taxes in took in at the Royal Next Saturday is his lasj day here It looks very much like a green Christmas Regular meeting Public School Trustees next Tuesday evening Merchants who desire a big mas trade put an advertise ment In the Era and have their de sire gratified Only a little more than two weeks till Christmas it dont look the new electric plant he installed before Christ mas There Is at least another months- vork at the Water be fore the plant can be In running order According to statute all collectors rolls be returned to the Clerk on the of December you have not paid your it in time you did and save cost of officers for nfcxt year taken place at the A lodge next Monday evening A new barbers pole adornw the front of one of our shops on Main Street Mr Forbes Science Master in the High School wan In the city Sat urday and purchased chemical to the amount of over for use In the school Mr John is making im provements at the rear of his property on Gospel Temperance Last Sunday week Mrs presided with Mrs Lush or ganist A reading was given by Miss Olive Gray a duett by Miss Palmer and Rev Rogers a solo by Richard Willis and recitations by Miss Partridge and Mr Last Sunday there was a good at tendance Mrs Cody In the chair and Mrs Lush at the organ Read ings were given by Mrs Low and Miss Murray duett by Miss Richard son and MifiB Milliard recitation little Miss Lelia Manning and remarks by Mr Albert The Friends Endeavor is to provide the program for next Sunday Cones Last week the Factory hands loaded two cars of wooderrware every day and last month was the biggest months business the firm ever hud- double of November last year They have more pail goods on order for December than they can possibly fill notwithstanding all the increase in buildings and machinery the past two years- Hie new artesian well has cleared beautifully and is running at the rate of gals every hours The expect to comment to morrow to pipe it into the large re servoir at the rear of the Factory The firm are now making contracts for tlie delivery of bolts for manu facturing purposes and are paying a cord more for pine and than last year The prices are Pine and Spruce per cord White Birch Beech and Maple per cord All that yard full of logs next to the Huron Street Bridge has been cleaned up and Mr J Cane went to yesterday to see after shipping more cars at once Special revival services commenced in the Methodist church on Thursday to be conducted by the pastors Rev Mr Brown and Dr Livingstone Special school meeting in the school- house on Thursday afternoon Will give particulars next week Rev Mr Brown preached a very practical temperance sermon last Sun day morning The following resolution of condol ence was presented to Mrs Ma- honey by the Keswick Tent We the members of Tent of Maccabees No desire most cordi ally to convey to you our sincere con dolence and heartfelt sympathy in your recent bereavement and whilst in the order of Cods Providence He has seen fit to remove from your side by the hand of death a beloved compan ion we too feel that In the removal of Sir Knight Daniel we have tost an honored and exemplary broth er who stood exceedingly high in the esteem not only of every member of the Tent but a also in that of the whole community and against whose character no stain has ever been found nor word of reproach been uttered We commend you to the grace and good Providence of Him who hath given and who hath taken away and fervently pray that His richest bless ing both temporal and spiritual may ever attend you and that will be to you and your dear lit tie ones even more than could possibly be lbs Choice Cleaned Currants reg price per lb our price lbs Gleaned Currants our price 300 lbs Choice Peels Lemon Orange Citron Mixed or Separate lb Fresh Baking Syrup special for Xmas baking per quart Dark Crystal Sugar for baking just arrived 500 lbs Select Raisins per lb lbs Fine Off Stalk per lb Select Seeded Raisins ready for use per lb package EXtraCtS IOC tf m0n Raspberry Cinnamon liAUttWD Clove Nutmeg Rose Wimcrjjreen Almond Pep- Extracts are AAA strength and Strawberry Banana Ginger absolutely pure IOC IOC Baking Powder- our own special tin per lb tin SELECT FIGS per lb in boxes Baking Figs per Blue Table Raisins on stem 20c lb Royal Buckingham Brand We are Always in the Lead with Confectionery lb lb Purest Gundy at lowest price Our Fancy lines are always pleasing Fine Chocolates all Flavors French Roasted Almond Chocolates Cream Bon Peanut Candy Enquire about Wrinkle 1700 Pounds of Christmas Candy It would take the whole paper to go into details of the many goodies we have secured to make the Xmas treat everything that can be expected Fancy China bought at OneHalf the Regular Price Fancy Fancy Lamps Fruit Dishes Fancy Cheese Dishes Cups and Saucers Jardinieres Glass Baskets Fancy Cake Plates Shaving Mugs Come and see our stock as soon as possible We think we can interest you in shopping We will do our utmost to serve you and do anything to make your Xmas bright and happy DAVISON MAIN ST CO NEWMARKET Stray upon tbe premises of the Whitchurch about Dec 1st a Urge white boar Owner la repealed to prove property pay expenses and take the Vivian XMAS PRESENTS I WANTED for once Council last Monday even ing Mayor Cane in the chair Mem ber Robertson Road- house Hughe and Smiths The following accounts were ordered to be paid at J Collins carting Peter 1 cord wood for R sand Frank cord wood for market Andrew Hunter on account of contract Power House It ticket to char ity Elian Co car coal Jus coal Tench plana and Telephone Co So Union I It freight on of F t4t I I J James Kenning on account of I contract Power House ii8 Can Co sup- 75 CO muddy this Royal Electric SEED STORE The roads were week but in the temperature itxpTtffi Co on electric sup stiffened them up morning from Tine Orchard reardfi Newmarket Cemetery Young fur loo lat for iue Pay W The Gospel Temperance meeting on Monday night was a great success both in point of attendance and inter- cat The President occupied and a good program was given as follows duetts Rev A I Brace and Mrs Brace solos by Miss King and Mr Warren With Mrs and Miss Winch as ac companists Mrs Neil Morton gave a reading and Miss la Davidson a recitation But the feature of the evening was the address of Rev A P Brace who took as his subject the change of opinion that has taken place oil Temperance- matters during the cen tury just closing and the outlook for the one on which we are about to enter He gave a of amusing in stances of the flimsy excuses given for drinking In cold weather people wanted it to warm them in warm weather to cool them while now the merest child would expose the fallacy of thesis excuses If a medical man or a professional hi any line had a difficult operation or task before him he resorted to a glass to nerve him for it now he would utterly refuse it on such occasion lest it unnerve him Where in pant days physicians liquors for every form of now not one in a hundred will pre scribe it in any case Where even the clergy were not averse to Its use now such an admission- is almost unheard of No corporation or business men will now engage or retain a inking person in his employ though such employer may himself indulge freely In private homes it was used on all occasions ushering in life at Its clos ing hours and on funeral occasions on tables also presented to every carter Now our drawingrooms are no longer turned into free barrooms nor are our daughters- forced to act as barmaids Children are now so well Instructed that the- knowledge thus ob tained will be exercised to the utter relegation of the traffic to the limbo where It belongs and from tlic pro gress made In the last quarter of a century the close of the quarter of the twentieth century will see it driven from our land close attention given the was most gratifying At its close tho pledge roll received three new names The interest manifested in these meetings very encouraging to those having the work In charge Press General Apply to MRS JOHN J COOK or Toronto Arcade LOST A Light Grey Cloth Capo on Sunday Deo 2nd between Aurora and Bradford Any Hading the same will bo rewarded on Aurora FOR- YOUNG AND OLD -AT- LEHMANS DRUG STORE -o- In the Subrogate YORK In the Kitate of tote of the of forth the County of tfcecatctl la hereby given that after hereof In three of the KfiA will he made on of Victoria ship of North In the County of to appointed if uardlun mid of Hoes Harper and ilon Kail Infant children of Daniel who on or about the day of November Intealate at the of death a place of abode in the Raid of North A CltOIBK Solicitor Applicant Dec awW CASES COLLAR CUFF BOXES GLOVE and HANDKER CHIEF BOXES NECKTIE BOXES SHAVING SETTS etc Perfumes There is nothing more than an elegant bottle of PERFUME See our STOCK We have them from to New Stock New Kinds New Prices Sec them Toilet Soaps New New Kinda New See then Our DRUGS are the Purest Our PRICES are RIGHT Let do your Dispensing Toronto Markets Deo Hod Wheal per OS White Wheat per Wheat bushel per bushel- bushel per bushel Apple per Wool per lb Hay per too per pair U80 id a a 053 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Mwkotfl m Deo J or ttlff Four in r CO per iVuabol Rat Icy per per bushel PcMpcr Wool per lb liny per ton chicken a a a a a a i aai iai II a xi a mm a a as 47 a 10 v fi A et a a a a a a a ORDER NOW A more opportune time to so your Jewelry could hardly lie availed than the ore- sent as every day we are lay- log aside Selections made by our Patrons Silver a beautiful line from to Fine Ebony Fountain c See our goods before buying elsewhere House to Boat Newmarket in repair plenty of bard and soft water wheal All 3w4i fiOUT Public Notice lhe Annual the or Newmarket ok Co On Friday at Bollock or which all My or dor Atkinson Co Dont Wait a to akenhmdosoNOW and you will bo to have them In plenty of time Wo an trade and have In stock a very of ho yon will by See our anil wont Public School Application will be the i Ion or caretaker of Primary by up to Monday December Salary per annum DAVID Board Newmarket t FOB SALE 0ik1 amaliorneo Stove for at Apply

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