Newmarket Era, 14 Dec 1900, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC Weeks Local pais IS GOING OS IS ABOUT Criminal Case Pi Scott County Coroner got a telegram yesterday morning from Sut ton announcing the death of a female thru a criminal abortion He at once proceed to Sutton to hold ah in quest Completed to the waterworks main on Timothy street was complet ed on Tuesday Engineer feet further than anticipated all toe connections are now up that street Sprung a hydrant the corner of Church Timothy streets was leaking last Saturday and tighten it and supposed be had the leading but on Monday was much worse and he was to cut oft the service and dip out the hydrant It was found that the frost had got in in some way and caused the leak It was proper ly repaired and is now in good shape again Fop New Gold and Silver Watches Gem Rings Gold and Silver Brace lets Chains Silverware Sterling Novelets Gold and Gold Kill ed Specs and other goods at A- Gospel Temperance to on Sunday the attendance was not very but the Friends Endeavor gave a Rood program Mr Lehman oc cupied the chair and Miss Palmer pre side at the organ A reading was given Miss Lehman a solo by Mis Palmer and an address by Rev Mr Rogers also an original pa per by Miss Lizzie Walsh The Templars provide the program for next Sunday Day- All Municipal Councils in Ontario meet on Saturday according to sta tute to wind up the business of the year A detailed statement of re ceipts and disbursements together with an estimate of assets and liabilities is to be printed and posted up in every in the municipality not lat er than Dec and at not less than other conspicuous graces The statement above referred to hall also contain in detail the items in the Treasurers accounts for the last days of Real Estate Sale Mr A Fisher of Street is negotiating for the purchase of the house and lot on Pine Street near the Fair Grounds formerly occupied by Mr Feme The property belongs to the Estate and the Hale price is Mr- J Shanks had a streak of bad luck Last Saturday while shaving he curt his finger with a razor On while out for a walk on Niagara St be slipped on the side walk and nearly dislocated his hip SecondHand Stove Snaps At Coal Feeder Square Coal Parlor Cook Coal Parlor Conk go Upright Wood Stove If you want any of the above call Tree It is proposed that an Tree and short Eotertaiiancnfc be at the Home on eve for of the old people Any presents that may be sent will be thankfully received in fancy tin case with ltd regular for each at A Holidays The Grand Trunk are adverting special reduced rates for ChrlstKoas aid New Years travellers The rates together with the comforts and conveniences of travel on the comrJared with the trolley should irialce that route a favorite one with Newmarket people during holidays ON Grocery Prices for Christmas Season i iviivii of Council A special meeting took place last- Monday evening when a bylaw was passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to close the contact with the Royal Electric Co for the new dyna mo and electric supplies Council adjourned til next Saturday afternoon Depot For the post week the shipments freight have been as follows Inwards lirmbcr coal salt lire rubble cars Outward 10 marsh bay wheat live stock eggs scrap iron and rags Finest Currants while they last per ft Best elected Raisins per lb Seeded Valencia Raisins per Seeded California Raisins per lb Pure Teeing Sugar per Finest Cooking Figs per lb Prunes per fix 5 Nonpareil Jelly Tablets Canned Peas tins for Canned Corn tins for Canned Tomatoes 3 tins for 25 Canned Pumpkin per tin 3 lb Tin of Asparagus regular for Sardines per tin lb Tin Imperial Pigs Feet for IS Canned pound tins Sliced Beef per tin Canned Pork and Beans Canned Plums id Conned Chicken Canned Partridge 12 Canned Chicken or Tongue per tin Preserved Nortons Herring Corn Starch I It package w Washing Soda per ft Blue English Breakfast Coffee per lb Ground Coffee per lb and Whiting per ft Crosse wells New just to hand New Walnuts received Come and buy best for the very lowest money at Another Improvement The Bell Telephone Co has arranged with The Cane Sons Co to run a dynamo every day at the Factory and the electric current will be used in connection with the Switch board at the Central Telephone Office The men were here yesterday to com plete the service Hereafter instead of a crank when the call girl wants any particular number she will a button and the current- will do rest This should ensure more rapid telephone connec tions future iho there is cause for complaint while Miss Lehman is on duty She is the most pleasant and obliging telephone in the country Prize Market A big crowd is anticipated in Town next Tuesday the occasion being the second prize Market in Several extra buyers are from the city The judging will be done by men well up in the business and favors An unusually large amount of farm produce is expected After ail Newmarket has done for the benefit of the farmers in the estab lishment of a cash market here they certainly should sustain this Special by coming from far and near all the produce can carry Fire At a quarter after three last Satur day afternoon an alarm of fire was on the WaterWorks whistle indicating corner of Prospect avenue and Water street The brigade replied promptly The reel from the school yard arrived first and attached to the hydrant at corner of street and was ready for service when word was given that there was no need for the water and the alarm was rung to signify fire out The reel from the fire hail had got as fax as Water St hridge before the signal was given of the alarm was on ac count the chimney and stove pipes being on fire in Mr John Mitchells an intense beat was made through the house yet the fire was extinguished without any dam age Useful Presents Such as Curl Gauntlets Initialled Silk- Handkerchiefs Feather Boas Silk and Wool Mitts Table Covers Swiss Goods Ate at Hughes Police Count- Two other parties of whom was made as temg with the racket in Ttfwn about two weeks ago settled before Jack son on Saturday Considerable evi dence was taken as of them but it was proven before court that he had called upon by the landlord to help the place if those making the disturbance and that be only acted in be ing assaulted the the considered charge against him should be dismiss ed The other party was fined the same as some of those previously re ported BRUNTONS CORNER STORE African Servant Girl Wanted lj St Dec A from Pretoria stales thai Zealand who were in lights at had all and men or wounded They fought with dogged for seveii- NOTICE TOOLE Cedar Rails Posts FOR SALE Death of T Simpson We clip the following from the Bar rio Gazette relative to death of Mr T Simpson brother of Mr Geo Ft Simpson teller in the Ontario Wank at Newmarket T Simpson died at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Wednesday even ing last at 11 oclock as a retail of the unfortunate accident at Parry Sound about two weeks ago when his foot was caught in a coil of rope on a ferryboat and At the lime of the accident Mr Simpson was re moved to toe hospital at Parry Sound and later to the Royal Victoria Hos pital The foot was ampu tated and for a while the sufferer con tinued to improve until gangrene get in which hastened his death Mr was an old resident of and was manager of the steam brewery He was a son of the late Robert Simpson The funeral took place on Friday af ternoon from the residence of A the members of Corinthian Lodge A A of which de ceased was a member attending in a body One of the most varied and impressive Christmas Services ever issued Christmas Lights is being prepared by the Methodist Sun day School and be in the church on Friday evening the of December The scholars are getting their parts up well and the entertain ment will be the best of the season The choruses will be taken by over J00 pupils under the direction of Mr A supported by a good or chestra of beautiful music four very pretty symbolic exercises and other entirely new features The admission is jo cents and everybody is invited to hear this Christmas treat Santa has to put in an appearance and every child will receive a present Lot No Hair Con A A J I1A Orchard Sheep Lost- Complimentary Rev Morle rector of Trinity church Bradford sends us the following paragraph which we are pleased to insert Please allow me space to acknow ledge with gratitude the valuable ser vices rendered at opening services of our new Church by Miss Edith Per kins of your town who directed musical part of our and play ed our new Pipe Organ with ability and with great satisfaction to its all Musical Albums And Celluloid Goods are good cheap and ht Smith teen hours moving During I refuse to pay ald note the the gunner of the Cillery ihirdor was lying wounded on the Hat glacis which sloped towards the 1 One British surgeon trfcd to remove him but the Boer riflemen made a target of him at once- The doctor crept back over the rise arid brought up the Cross ambulance wagon so that the Boers would un derstand the nature of his mission The moment the ambulance ap peared on the skyline the Boers con centrated their fire on it at a of yards- The Dative ambulance driver was killed and assist ant wounded The latter and the wounded gunner had to remain unat tended until night London Dec The War Office has received the following despatch from Gen Kitchener at dated Dec Have just received news from Knox at that force hav ing failed to Bridge which was held has trekked northeast abandoning 500 horses and many carts His attempt on Cape Colony there fore has failed He is being pressed on all sides Lord Roberts is expected lo arrive in London on Jan He will be by the Prince and Prince- of Wales- and will proceed to St Pauls Cathe dral where a special service of thanks giving will be held A report is being circulated at Lor by the Portuguese that British were killed arid wounded at Lomahache on Friday by Boers es timated at strong who returned to Swaziland after the ment of British troops in the vicinity of from lot W Si on UK TWO KWKS One with a each wrnnd a riot In each Hr recovery will be J HIS FRY PO r rV photos l Smith Bros on Dee 18th can be finished by if or corner up UJrp The Long Co Council Election As County Councillors have be elected for the ensuing two years ad ditional interest vitl be given to the approichmg municipal elections which place on Monday January The nominations for County Council lors will be held on Monday Dec MM York is divided into four Aurora touil- nd Whitchurch Towrubfp-nwn- at of King at King City Aharon comprlfctng Newmarket and hut municipal at of Sutton Ccor- North Owl dim bury at Sut ton The Contest So ftx as we can learn and J the of Sharon Division IN he J a Stokes and are likely to be in appears to be very quiet are- and Seneca Baker Iv te Preparing for a Jpt present are aa J and Mr Myron Silver is In the field and Mr John ItftiUr for A School A regular- meeting of the took place on Tuesday evening Present Messrs- Pretty Manning McKay and Principals Report showed on roll for November with an average attendance of Nonresi dent fees were pasted If- J A Allan Co 281 It J tableo Cane Sons Co and labor The of the Principal to the schools at for all trioue who are in in their work and devote the half hour to backward pupils was adopted an a good idea who know their lections now get out of school before the others The Principal wan autborized to purchase Borne books on Flowers Birds Geography and His tory Four were received for the portion of Caretaker of the Prim ary School and the was given to James The was to write K J Davis explaining to Mm the potation of our Model School should be made the Act and on behalf of School Board then Killed by the Trolley On the Metropolitan Railway near south of Lake an accident occurred on Fri day which resulted in the death of an old man named David Kytr was a laborer about sixty who lived at Richmond Hill with his his wife and family being all dead and working at repairing He was the metal which had just been dumped out of cart and was standing close to back of it while another old man stood at the horses head- when No the morning mail car from New market was heard approaching The horse attached to the cart was in the habit of shying whenever a car pasted and Ryan and Conductor power knowing the peculiarities of the borne brought their car almost to a standstill Notwithstanding this the which was facing ap proaching car shied as usual and de spite the of the man bead twisted the cart all the way round and in o doing carried around cart with no much force that striking his head against the step at the rear of the car the skull was cleft clear in two and he died The body was taken on the car to Richmond Hill where Coroner Wesley a jury who viewed the remains and went to the place of the accident after which they adjourned to meet on Monday The coroners into the death of was at Lift Tim- morning The following the verdict of 15 That the Me came to death collision a Metropolitan tar on Friday morning December and that Ms with no blame to be attached to the men In of the mid Mr further of the opinion that the two old men namely he deceased David and Clinton not of managing the Antwerp Dec special despatch from liable says Holland has no Intention of intervening in favor of ar bitration in Transvaal troubles- Berlin Dec According to the have lost by death and men while have temporarily laid down their arms They have tried men in the field though number can be in creased to In January Botha has divided his army the cheapest in- of com munication and not hurriedly occupy the following time Words Words half Minute 460 GRAND SYSTEM portions which remain in touch with You dont have to wait for an him He has money food and warlike stores for men un til U10 now year of Twothirds of the Free Stat have taken up the fltrht against the ftUttona In to Detroit Port Port In Canada to hot Niagara At way ood not later up carry Saturday morning by and alio good returning near rocrs later Jan wed to pull up two and Warn which contained lint and from ban Dec train proceed ing from Natal to Johannesburg Sloughtef Selling now from up line reduced to while they Cant promise which was the cause of the get any of at that price remounts for the troops was necessar ily compelled to stop The burghers made the jump out of the trucks and of A second provisions was fired on and the engineer was wounded The locomotive was slight ly damaged The men in charge of the train wore compelled to alight and watch the Boers getting the oil the train ahead White it was being done a third train with a few aboard came up An as the what wan going oh they opened fire on the Boers who having secured the galloped away on them Tlicy left two untouched Dec John drowned in the race at Bernhardt at Preston a few days ago Jffg body wan found ycntcrday not later ti and and Jan lit Rood not January 3rd VACATIOK8 To and or ohoota anl Cob aurreorterof by DArts rar JncluiWo rotuminiFrrom not later raauarylOtb OOXWKUCLAh On Railway Cotweon la Canada Faro good returning latfr ban Ju Tioxt good for only In For pari lou tart Agent Trunk Hallway fivetcm Agent fc SPECIALS This Week I Ladies black Skirts Lined and Velvet Onlv 12 each Boys and Youths Overcoats at 125 and 150 yards inch Shaker regular for cents per yard TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE The Newmarket Era la recognized as being the great home paper of the section everybody reads it and this is the evidence of its value to advertisers who wish to reach the buying classes If you want to make your friend at a distance An Present There is nothing you can send that would be more appreciated than a copy of the Era every Com mence now Balance of 1900 free It JACKSON AT BRANCH AT SUTTON J toUidld rV Our in 1rttLi 1ftaV4lX4A tan aV fo d FREE with pioni lath VU fcift yon LIU Wanted- Apply to Mrs J Main St fcinawM rub Qui r Co J tf of fcW fit Toronto Diseases of Women I of And Throat very a Waiting room Wuving to info he to Ifr fffMRd that fcejrUU Loom with that ho do Beat weaving Call and your rag In Bar a

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