Newmarket Era, 14 Dec 1900, p. 4

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Certainty For Hope may Hoods for a vising from or promoted by blood perfect confidence that good Never tote sub- 1 h SarsapariSa have he best money can bay ft cores completely and permanently when cihers fa3 io do any good Tonic Hoods Sasa as a tonic and general of the system wUh excellent re- drives thai tired feet- trodeis the nerves and beings refreshing deep John Patterson Whitby J Barrister Notary Public c Main Street Newmarket to Loan on good t Solicitor Notary Public etc Division Court Building Newmar ket Barrister Conveyancers Cboppio door South of Pest Of fice Newmarket- Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturday and Court Days Solicitor for J I Roe Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora HI i p S Barrister to loan Block Thrift DENTAL A I Pott Block opposite the Church fiq Opposition Convention At the Conservative conference in To ronto last the question of ten dering a banquet to Sir Charles Tap per was under consideration but no definite action was taken The News states in this connection it is altogether probable thai a banquet will be tendered Sir in Toronto at some lime in the near future as a mark of his supporters sincere appreciation of their Readers long and unselfish devotion to cause The makes the interesting statement too that Ihe leadership of the party may he put in commission for a session two with the idea of developing a new man and in regard to a tan- quel to Sir it says the con ference learned that he will spend the Christinas holidays with his tons at Winnipeg be consents a gather ing in his honor will be arranged early in new year but contrary to the advice a convention of the party was nega tived no program no definite policy for the future was considered neces sary to be formulated Meanwhile the of Federal and to jogging along just as if no Opposition caucus had been and altogether different from the junior pro phecy Great country this Canada of ours Yes for prophets THE ERA FRIDAY DEC jj 900 mm A press despatch Ottawa states that Hon Sydney Dominion Minister of Agriculture will go to Glasgow during to super intend the arrangements for Canada exhibits at Glasgow exhibition I He will return in time for the opening I of Parliament in February Crossing the Waiter m a A TWOFOLD OBJECT IN THIS TENDBD VOYAGE Pointing by DR to Drug Store J A for incy Cm runt At the A Ramsay Low Finn nod Town Property Frank for Co or York CORimfUlon Halt to A trial Street that Talk customs returns for October dis crose a tag increase in the amount of free goods into Canada in dicating that manufacturing is in a healthy state The total imjKirla- amounted to as against in same month year showing an increase of The dutiable for October to 3 pared with 8777730 in October last year Free goods and torn mill ion amounted to ad vance of over The greater part of the of free goods makes it evident that Canadian industries continue to expand The total duty colletled was as against S3 last year for the same period ill further evidewe of the industrial growth has steadily going on is obtainable by a reference to latest detailed trade return those August last The goods which consist mainly of raw materials for manufacturers amounted ti as with in the same month of previous year or an increase of nearly a million dollars- the actual figure being 062302- For the two of the present year ending with August lite importations of free goods as against for the correspond ing period of last- year At the late Dominion elections the Literals of Quebec outnumbered the Conservatives in votes by over I Conservatives of Quebec state that the race the Mail is vexdict in favor of Liberal Candidates both Protestant and Roman Catholic I Ail Ottawa despatch to the announces that appointed to the Ontario High Court of Justice The intimation is also given that there is likely to be a second vacancy on the bench of shortly which will by some Irish Catholic Mr in York and will bo to hear of his appointment to such a distinguished position after the general elec tions on the of last month were over in this part of the Dominion Sir Charles and Hon Ciarke Wallace hied themselves of to British Columbia to stump the constituencies of and YateCariboo where the elections were delayed ill the But the people would have none of them and elected two supporters of the Government Mr Maxwell for and Mr for Yale- Cariboo Mr Sheldon ried his hand for a week to show the world how a news paper should be conducted but it did not meet expectations Rev Joseph Parker London England is going to try the same scheme that at tempted in the States and like suits are looked for but it is the journal itself will be a better paper after the experiment ie more reliable And now some people are expressing the wish some goodnatured divine will try his hand on the Mail or the World if it will only make them more re liable hereafter It is announced that West York Lib erals will meet at Weston on the iilth to nominate a candidate for the Local House to contest the Riding at the next general election No doubt the present representative v ill be the nominee Mr J with large prospects of success have already placed Mr St John in the field as their candidate the same who opposed Mr Hill at the last election and who made so much ado about the thouaand miles in seas must the Holland submarine boats travel m the test voyages about to be made at an- early date The boat known as No 7 will mate the first to cross the Atlantic and the other submarine boats which have been made after invention of John P Holland will each be given atrial voyage later No vessel which is about- to make the fjrsttrip is patterned original Holland the first boat marie by the invented which has been bought by the United States and is now fitting put at ship yard at for the transatlantic jour ney Pot some years the submarine boats have traveled about the harbors both in this country and in but they have never ventured far from the coast Mr Holland proposes to sail with No from New York to Bermuda then to in the Azores then to Lisbon Portugal This is a trip of miles The trip is plan ned for next February Most of the way the vessel will go on the surface Occasionally she will go under and remain for thirty or forty miles at a depth of thirh to sixty feet Her inventor says hat- she can securely go four hundred feet beneath the surface and maintain her self there The trip will take nearly three weeks The trip is propoed for a purpose- It is to demonstrate in the first place that submarine boats sustain themselves far away from a base of operation that they are use ful as offensive weapons as well as de fensive agents The second object of the trip is to exhibit the boat in for eign harbors to foreign governments Mr Holland himself will be in com mand Including the inventor there will be eight men aboard the little craft No 7 will remain much of time beneath the waves which will add very much to the fort of the crew Should it prove de sirable she will dive into the still wa ters Mow the region of wave dis turbances Tito vessel will be driven by a gasoline engine Five tons of gasoline enrrVd in the tank wiil be all the fuel required In take her across at five ami onehalf knots While she is traveling on the surface she will A new discovery whereby newspapers will be printed by the ofclwv J is green in the can of The article says Ua- A London Mr Greene has producing paper which promises to revolutionize the art preservative of arte Using the new patent pa pet Metrical has recently perfected a process of printing without ink Instead of sat urating with sensitizing ma- tenatias has done it has fourid best to mix thera With the pulp in the of and so radical departure has been made and a- new paper Jias been that has rare proper ties As the chemicals used are abundant and cheap the new medium can be pro duced as cheaply as common paper The prepared paper is by any other agent than the electric cur rent may be kept indefinitely and sent to the press directly from the roll as manufactured yields instantly a dense black permanent print in short meets all the requirements of a perfect medium for electric printing The London syndicate having satis factorily corapieted the experimental part of its- undertaking is engag ed in demonstrating the workings of the new and overcoming the objections of printers The machine for electric printing is simply an ordinary press divested of all its inking mechanism and having the cylinder or paper hearing surface covered with a suitable conducting metal The work of make ready is the same as for ordinary printing The form is connected with one pole of the dynamo or battery- Thus the metal surfaces of both cylinders- are the electrodes while the paper is in reality a very thin cell in which the pulp is an inert medium and the contained chemicals are the electro lyte As the cylinders approach each other to press the paper as it is fed between them the current is switched on automatically and Hows from one cylinder through the paper at the points of contact to the other cylin der the impression being produced im mediately by electrochemical action The paper magnetic electric properties and consequently the amount of current required is surpris ingly small All inking mechanism being dispensed with the neces sary to drive tire press is greatly di minished The new process lends itself readily generate power for an electric engine that drives her Mow the Water When dives the gasoline engine is to all speeds even to the fastest Web cut will fart fifty miles must com will I- The new as or entirely The stored power presses At- an exhibition at under the water for at eight knots Then she to recharge The cook- done by electricity boat has been referred No This is present ft Vnppjr Done promptly ftiid la with Car- Writer of West House Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES I At Office luui fcl last seems to be the motto of the and Weekly Star and this year their is certamly yet In offering two such pictures as Christ in the Temple and Home from War along with such a great paper as Family Herald and star for- one simply all competitors from even trying to follow io the race The Family Herald and Weekly star is in a class exclusively by and ieir premium- pictures instead of le- like those offered by some other paperH are more like those one- sees in an art store with label Price on them if there- is a bigger dollars worth going this year we want to know it Doc Abbie years of age alighted from a car comer Grand River and ngh street last evening passed around of oar and stepped Hi She was knocked and the wet her legs both body An ambulance took her the Emergency Hospital where shortly died- Miss was a bookkeeper at the Stay Co and was the- of Cornelius of near At- Walter of Hamilton her broUer- ok UOENBKfll BUTTON tori native in the Lyden- have and is from different laxative DMATII NEAR often made my heart ache of Tenn to my wife until it earned her weak and mm doctor vas far gone with ttmumpV that no medicine or rujd but a ifflSAzfifi mended Dr Kings Key Discovery and pertinent of excel fen life for Cold chills and all Throat and Si do aI mans Dew Trial hollies free laruaTy two I will put on route between Fork carry The result of the in the adjoining Province of Quebec on Friday last is an overwhelming majority in favor of the Liberal Gov ernment of which Hon Mr Parent is Premier Only seven Conservatives elected out members It J most a clean sweep and stands out prominently as the most extraordinary election ever held in that Province Several conservative candidates lost their deposits The whole six divi sions of Montreal City went Liberal- four of them by acclamation The feathers are all pulled out of I he Mon treal Star and she being the seventh built Holland she cuts loose on her trip across the seas the little vessel is to he formally named She will probably be called the in honor of the man who opera Hie first submarine boat in America That 1 ft is a significant fact that of the settlers effects admitted into Canada during the first months of- present fiscal year July and August valued in all at 411315 came from the United States and from Great Britain all other countries combined contributed less than- not aj- trie in the Tories go frequeniy against thui cfass of by the Curious if it is true that the- dis courages immigrants that they should so predominate all other classes Like Sir Tupper and ItSie the who policy evidently dont know what they are talking about TO POISON 1Vtrefying food in the intestines produces ettct- those of ftbcnic but Dr King New- Life the poisons from closed bowels but surely curing Headache Fevers all Liver Kidney and Dowel Only at Mitchell SD awarded a the bis office Trie man who own does not squander his wealth saves it up the man who homo dry will be It he live enough Did you have that little tickling in your throat Felt as if could touch it with nothing world equalto it for topping trrtft tickling coughs itstcbpleasaftt too For asthma crriu remedy pool England witnessed by a company of printers and scientist rotary press was run at the of six thousand impressions hour the work was declared perfect in every particular Thus far of the syidieale have almost exclusively given to black print but incidentally there have been some promising developments in the line of color work Trie Inland Printer states that simples furnished that paper arc re markable in their clearness of outline and solidity of color At last accounts several of great dailies had placed their prewes at Wie disposal of the syndicate for an exhaustive test the j rces The effect on the making and the printing ink cm be readily imagined The former will he required to make expensive derations meet the new and latter will suffer a serious patronage the ink be ing dispensed with lit printing opera tions and sold by woman who puts a special iC a letter and Ihcn gives to her husband to be mailed hasnt been married much over year uw on of PH when be Ltd pronounced chronic rfyipdrila It a living death I Yon to them I fo well and I tell friends I bought my life for cents to in a Sold by Lehman Newmarket Lifes Burden If the stomach not rights I there la ibero la the Tongoo Coated you Do you Iediioho Any all of denote Stomach AgooVa act quickly and will euro most stubborn and casfts In a vial for Sold Newmarket Dec Shortly oclock thin morning completely strbyed following places at- the corner of Main and avenue Joseph Watson Chart tobacco J tailor and cobbler KbriJ Co and an Electric Fixture Ag- All the build were of frame and have open many yearn To TV ho I rf says he Was I such pain coins could- hardly walk writes son hut Arnica Salve completely Acts like magic on sprains cul sores scalds hums ulcer Perfect healer of skin and piles Cure guaranteed by Lehman druggist Newmar ket Troubled JSlatal In think your nil iWJera jour ean it bark If not at ac Dr Chases Ointment Durban Doc News has been re ceived hero Of pliicky fight which a Natal who had token Haiti of neutrality a raiding Boer The marauders who were tinder- the of a Russian were letting ChruoUt Natal near Natal river The dAUyviaifced the and help ed themselves to whatever they requir ed without payihent the pro of the Natal Boer poor farnier was ultimately reduced uiieh a plight that he and his family had of life ralderrt then for service the faniKTs and the- driven to despeiatloh to clteck the tooting of ton Armed with a rifle con coaled Id and when next ty jcainc a looting expedition he were Icillca and wounded- The Natal Boer himself narrowly capture The raiders hurried down all farmers premises and turned and on veldt The farmer und had to walk to nearest town where they arrived absolutely I Cook and Heaters FOR- Coal and Wood Are wanted now and we wish to draw your attention to our stock All leading makes ou hand in the Hardware Line always in Paints Oils and Glass J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET rgfgrrirSJPlrinqK ARMOUR PROOF RUBBERS Willi fN aft lilt- liiLtvy li Duck of it in any oilier j heavy real tap pure nil hen ihr Wear Set that tin riLhlitrs vou the Proof bran 1 on the cut at all tint and Company in Canadian Rubber Co T0B0HT0 THE HOUSE SHARON T GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Fall Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KENYQN ilJ A In COUNTY OF YORK It the Menftiiunthip North County ruai b Hi fl too n dav and of ill In bo rtcia lor J oil and out of- the lMlfl7ii GoUHtB4wiUjtulj A liu air fklllbrni tan Otlco Id Hereby sly pub hereof Id ibreo or Newmarket KrUdpplJcaUon will biMnjjdeon Victorfu of North in Ihe County rttidoataUmonioaa Harper and cbiUren of or bout iblKl day of November At of a place flbcfl of North A Solicitor for Deo Farmer Should of Laval lora licet article on WMWirMSAK Lot

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