Newmarket Era, 14 Dec 1900, p. 6

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THE ERA Slit JACKSON Advertising Medium In York County istu 10 per Tor first DM cents tor each subsequent writ- until forbid and month it desired For cbantf noa tbc composition oe rate for contract must be to by Wednesdays Rates for Executors W Rent Articles nod Found will free for any or Society where ponces arc fur- la fifty cents will be for sucb a notice- ibis rule J J I RAND TRUNK RAILWAY go a CT a i FS CO v 5 CI V r a Co Tribute of Appreciation On Thursday of week Hon- A of and Mrs Hardy honored at their residence in Toronto by a substantial of the high esteem in- which they are held by a host of friends in all parts of the Province A party of personal chosen to represent the donors called upon the exPremier ami after Mr Hugh Slain had read an address In which Mr Hardys services Ms country and party were set forth Hon Geo- A Cox chairman of com mittee presented him with a purse containing Then Mr of ford with another presenta tion consisting of a beautiful Oak Chest containing pieces of Stiver and Cutlery each with tlie family crest upon it and engraved on the chest were these words Presented to the Hon Arthur Hardy on his the Premiership of tie Province of Ontario from his stituenls of South Brant and bis friends and admirers in the Province of Ontario as a mark of recognition of his years of eminent public ser vice and patriotic devotion to the in terests of bis country A third presentation consisted of a beautiful solid Tea Service with the Hardy crest also inscribed On each piece A large tray accompanied this service which is a facsimile of the one used in the Queens A press report of the proceedings states that addition to several members of Ontario Cabinet the deputation embraced a score or more gentlemen from Mr Hardys old con stituency of South Brant also a large representation from Toronto and other places throughout the Province Hon Hardy made a feeling and suitable acknowledging on be half of himself and Mrs Hardy the very substantial tokens of the and generous remembrance of the donors It was a noble tribute to a worthy public servant In a recent interview Premier reported as having stated that the date for session of the Legislature had in Council The difficulty of getting the i j accounts ctosed and the estimates ready by the middle of January would necessitate a later date but he thought- however the Howe might he for the last week of next month or the begin ning of February The new monthly The womans newspaper is in its issue with the Christmas number anfl promised growth in strength- is very apparent Tile cember number appears in a handsome ly tinted cover and its contents arc of real interest to readers printed and profusely Ten cents a copy The C Mac Lean Company Toronto Toronto to TlMri North Toronto InvtNcwruartM 9 am am pm pm i CO to pm 9 lr to is pm pm iStO jijii J0 p in If You Cannot the Winter in our College JiiUiary 2nd next in It is proposed to extend the ticket- system to female convicts in the penitentiaries And why not Surely in this regard the question of sex should make no difference A fe male is quite as likely to appreciate and respect consideration along this line as tho of the sterner sex A rumor prevails in Opposition po litical circles that an arrangement is contemplated by which Mr Kemp of East Toronto is to resign on ilte meeting of the Dominion Parliament to make an opening for Hon Geo Foster who is to become the future leader of the Conservative party in the Commons and as Sir Mackenzie Bowel Mr Foster do not speak in consequence of the nest of trait ors episode the movement contem plates a change in the Senate leader ship from tin exPremier to Hop Senator Ferguson of P island But what will the P for Bast- York say about Mr- Poster leading in the popular chamber The giving of books with newspaper- subscriptions is a feature of promotion now very widely used I But we doubt whether any newspaper has ever made so generous a pro position as is made by the Toronto Daily Star The Star offers it self for one year through the mails and a copy of publica tion Picturesque Canada for the sum of The original edition of Picturesque Canada sold for some years ago The book The Star is giving contains all the original pen drawings and letter press It is printed upon heavy coated paper and is bound in cloth II is probably the last edition that will ever be print ed of this famous publication and the marvel to everybody who understands the cost of bookmaking must be how the Star is able to sell a book of this kind at such a price No such 250 worth of reading has ever offered before Any of our readers who wish to take of it should drop a post card write to Toronto Star for a Maul or der AND to Messrs who have the Sons agricultural works are about in a lot of new machinery which will take a few Weeks then they- wilt pre pared to enter fully upon the manu facture of the implements they intend to make the Old Reliable is rtttcd up with the hew Forsyth Acetylene light Horse thieves are in this liaving recently valu able animal from a party near Lemon of- of is moving the S Miss Margaret lias been spending the summer her in Scotland returned home on Saturday last much imp roved in health ZEPHYR Mr Jesse Cook has got the ground all levelled up for the skating rink and is getting out the lumber for the building so it is a sure go We ex pect it will be opened with a big car nival The school concert on Friday night last was a grand success The child ren did most splendidly and showed they had training The proceeds wad about which will buy their supplies and leave a little in the treas ury We are glad that both our teaclt- are going to stay With us as the school is now in good shape The pu pils will make a creditable showing at next summers exams Council made a grant of 50 for repairing the bridge over the Holland River on the York county line at Bradford Now that the long evenings are with ua once more the young peoples from labor 16 recreation There is no better place to spend an pleasantly profitably than in the division room of the Sons of Tnper where you will- be cordially welcomed by the pnicers and members on The officers for this quarter are W Pi A A Sis Sinclair It Lewis Scott Sis Gray j A Davis Chap- Con I Sin clair A Con Sis Sis organist The are trying to make their annual concert on Christmas night one best ever given in Hattie Love of Kettkby is at Mr of this place Our village was honored on Monday by a visit from the Minister of Pro- Lands the Hon J Davis Municipal are the subject for now in hall those evenings Vvt c FOR YOUNG AND OLD AT- I LEHMANS DRUG STORE J J Hot After several are now able to offer firitchm 1 inees Forms Shorthand by mail school with a good for honest yuu may expect Write for J Centra Business College I put Circular Some of our American cousins who enjoy hunting in Canada complain against our game laws respecting transportation out of the country But they have similar law across tle border Birds or game taken in York State cannot be transported out of that State Any person violating this law is liable to a penalty of and for bird so transported Uncle Sain would like to have the grist all go to his mill at least that is the inference when complaint is made against our game laws HOW Alt IS YOUR If they are weak and you feel ner vous and easily r flustrated cant sleep and rise in the morning freshed your blood is poor Strong nerves depend upon rich nourishing blood Hoods makes the nerves strong by enriching and vitalizing the blood It gives sweet refreshing sleet- and completely cures nervous roubles taking it to day Nausea indigestion Hoods Pills are cured by for Invent JoeUHttpr II6W VeUh or mc4tl ami opinion it MCCcfFully concoct fully In Washington at lo work l at be Invention throw ft Ma receive notice loiineJLi of 4 MARION MARION Expert- and Solicitor shin Prof report an im portant development of creameries the Northwest Territories It Id that the United States auxiliary wa fli0k oft the Philippine coast and five of her crew DR A CHASES CATARRH CURE 9 CuTTbMlfivrtvrr ft in a previous issue we gave the according to returtis of tlie elections on the of Nov last The figures for Nova Scotia Island and art follows showing that the jwlhd in each of these Scotia Conservatives P Island New Liberals Conserva tives Manitoba Liberals or a total major jo Provinces of Shaking of campaign literature the Calgary Herald It cost thousands of dollars and probably never won a vote The same amount of money spent in getting a good Con- scrvaiive newspaper into every home in the country would accomplish a thousandfold more Commenting on tills of its Calgary the London Kiev has this to say There is wisdom In that As the twig hi bent the trees inclined A good wholesome newspaper entering a household dally or weekly and read intelligently is an educational force It teaches people to think not to le led away by the hurrah of the moment bands and torches have their place but they do riot con vince and thoughtful peo ple i of the testimonial to he Queen the World When the children tesUmomal to Queen Victoria and the patriotic fund was and girls of columns of the Montreal few could have foretold result The whole Is embodied in a mammoth album mo- iHtt lists representing one hundred to ihe address to Her Majrty in the album Is touching and is to favor able cowmen while the testimonUI and jim which it vas promoted vlth handsome for the v and orphans of soldiers who South Africa productive of good Mr John a liar ting- ton farmer was kicked in the region From Sentinel The annual Hot Roast of the Christian was held on Monday Dee 3rd A very sumptuous repast was furn ished by the ladies and a very large number of people partook of the same Ho many in fact thai the stock of fowl did not suffice and those who came last faired poorly in the roast line About the program of the- even ing was begun with the pastor Rev in the On platform were the following Gentlemen Mr Vjckery of Mr Bowies of of Jos of and Sargent of Scott District The first speaker was Rev Jos after Miss of us with a splendid solo Mr was then introduced He first indulged in a few reminis cences of years ago when he and were residents ministers in the town of Newmarket He the chairman on having en tered upon his year in the Minis try lie then made a few remarks on Appropriateness and among other things recounted the story of the young Methodist preacher who hav ing chosen a young lady by the name Too late for last week KING Robertson Lodge H and elected the following officers for next year A George Aubrey Davis Chaplain- Joimsoii Trcas Davis John Precious Tyler George A very pleasant event took place at residence of Mr Job Weils on Wednesday of last week when his daughter Maggie was married to Mr Archibald Simpson of in the of about forty invited guests The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev- Mr Robinson The presents were beautiful and useful The happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto a shower of rice Municipal affairs are being discussed by tho ratepayers days in our village The nominations for County Council for King Division will bo held here on December Reeve Archie is in tho field for the County Council and a number of new men are mentioned as prospective candidates for Town ship Win from West Elgin is visiting with Mrs McCallum of this place DRESSING CASES COLLAR A CUFF BOXES GLOVE and HANDKER CHIEF BOXES NECKTIE SHAVING SETTS etc Perfumes Perfumes There is nothing more ac ceptable than an elegant- bottle of PERFUME See our STOCK We them from to New Stock New Kinds New Prices See them Toilet Soaps Nov Kiodfl New Prices a ee them Our DRUGS are the Our PRICES are RIGHT Let us do your Dispensing I THREE out of Every who buy bread buy of the best material families in Newmarket ours because it is that can be secured Our homemade is pronounced by all who use it be the best to be had We like to have try it FRED JACK I Em I arc to be his helpmate tbrougli Vile Brown Minn and Nasal Catarrh for over during which my head has been stopped up and my mlerable minutes after using Of- Catarrhal I relief have if not entirely cured me Sold by Lehman Newmarket Half the- ships of the world The best of them can converted into of war in forty- eight hours The Poisoned spring As In nature- to in man pollute the spring and disease waste ara follow stomach and out of killer I wn in the spring South Ner vine is a great purifier cures Dyspepsia and tones the nerves evidence of its efficacy fa Ihe unsolicited testimony of thousand of cured ones- Sold by Lehman Newmarket The Kim of Slam has a body guard of female girls chosen from the and most handsome of all ladies En the land will Succumb South American Cure because It right to the seat of the trouble and removes Many aoealted cores but deaden temporarily only to have It re turn again doubled violence Hot with this remedy It eradicates from system the disease and its cures Bold by Lehman Newmarket The Guardian under fftenthf hat Queen Victoria has decided to confer a Dukedom on Lord and that Parliament will be asked to vote him HeartSick Dr Cgro or the Heart is heart that to curela In its effects- goes closer to border land and anatcbea from deaths sufferers other fofny ailment In the category of human Gives relief in w Sold by ff Newmarket life on being invited conduct ser vice in church in the of Jiis fair ones home gave out as lis first hymn the following hlonowill meet my case For Mercy Lord I pray After which he chose for text My Mine On from trip ho was again pressed to occupy the pulpit and from premeditation or not is unknown gave out as his hymn What peaceful days once enjoyed How rfweet their memory still Hut they have left an aching void The world can never After which he announced his from book of Lamentations a fol lows Oh wretched man I am Upon Mr resuming Ills Mat the Chairman how ait old friend undertook to prove that he Kid wits not proud occasion after his to his present wife Terry This friend in proof of his previous statement quot ed passage He resistoth proud lint to Ator a- selection from the choir Sargent made a short ad dress upon Long Pastorates con gratulated the Chairman upon the length of his present pastorate ten years After another selection by the choir Rev Percy made a short Success claiming that success cfmes by constant attention to one line of work Miss K again to the enjoyment by rendering a entitled I heard the voice of jnsn my and was followed by Mr who some trite remarks upon Christian Uni ty the Chairman then in behalf of the church extended to the and for the assistance dur ing Hie evening and announced that the proceeds of the evening amounted to sum of ymj There its only one sudden death women to meo Walton the Grand Division of the Sous of Temperance which was meeting In Perth last week The annual collection for Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto was tak en tip in Public School here on Tuesday when pupils contributed handsome sum of 981 being over a dollar in excess of last year A public meeting of the citizens of Aurora was held in Ihe Council Room on December for the purpose of discussing the advisability of forming a company to manufacture Horseless Carriages in Aurora While getting oft a street car in To ronto last week Mrs Win Reynolds Whitchurch and sprained ankle Miss 1 Russell of this place has been engaged the trustees of White- rose Public School to charge of that school next year Mrs Cummer of Spruce street slip ped and fell on the sidewalk in front of her residence a few days ago and received a severe shaking up On Thursday November last Jonathan died at his resi dence Toronto in his year Tlie Rev gentleman was a brother of Mrs George Walker north of this place and was for many years a minister of Church Mrs late of Glen Allen in the County of Wellington died at the residence of her Ron J of torrie on Saturday Nov at the- ad vented age of years Deceased was the sister of Mr John of this place Mr in now the only surviving of family WORTH OF PRIZE GIVEN AWAY FREE BRIGHT and LADIES WANTED 38 Valuable to Select delay will of od oil fall t Premiums jour ot jut FREE CO Tcroil V A Sluggish Torpid Liver the liver and action bile In left In die lo thv to When beiidtehvi Dr make you wkH tn a iliort time A 112 Toronto My laufiier had a wretehel of it for die a white Willi ix ill very aallotf mlaerbte atute of ffeiu-i-it- My husband had use r KldneyMver ah I ko of- their 1111 to have her Iry alnce btKlnnlnff their if markedly Improved Jo every way I with reeommeia Chased Kidney- Liver pill a dpai cents a box Dr Chases KidneyLiver PUIS m We do not allow Office to outdo us this line either In style or price If you want any kind of Printing done tee what work and terms you can get at the OFFICE before you order is proverbial Our prompt I LAMP LIGHT ONTARIO ENQUIRE OF DEALERS FOR If The QUEEN CITY CO TORONTO- J j

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