Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 2

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1 She BUT GROWS WITH EACH The Printed ail at NEWMARKET FRIDAY DEC County Council Election KING will be a lively time in Division over the elections Messrs Norman and Stokes arc being opposed by Messrs and Mr is opposing Mr Lemon for the SHARON DIVISION It begins to as though Messrs Lundy and Woodcock would not have a walkover Pegs is again in the field canvassing for the position and it is not unlikely that Mr Ben of East will also contest the DIVISION A three cornered fight is to take in this division Messrs Seneca Baker and Lot present representatives will stand along With Mr 1 1 Powell of Van- dorf making three in the field DIVISION The in Division is getting warm The present represen tatives Messrs and Johnston will again be candidates while McCiellan of and Reeve Warmer of think it is time ihcy stepped up higher and measuring their strength with the former It is also reported that it tale but little coaxing to induce Davidson and Thomas to buckle on the armor and take a in the contest There is also some talk of bringing out a Sutton man who may turn out to be the dark horse municipal Elections Municipal matters are very quiet in Township and the probabili ties are that the old Council will lie returned by acclamation it seems quite likely that there will be a contest in the Township for next years council The present Reeve Mr James is likely to be opposed by Messrs Kithard Boyd and J Monies For council John Moore Walker and Aaron are spok en of WHITCHURCH There is evidence of quite a fight in this Township for the Mr Haines who has been for a number of years is to be opposed by Mr Ienion Baker who has been nine years In the Council and retired last year rather than put the township to the of an- election But this year the friends of both parlies seem determined to leave it to the vote of the people For Council Messrs Clarke Skinner Reynolds and John are mentioned In the election of Mr secured a majority of in No 3 King the home of Hon J Davis In last election when no vote was allowed bis majority was being iltc largest majority polled for Mr division in the whole Hiding Still the Tories pre tend to imagine thai Mr Davis did not give Mr Mulock his assistance Those of our friends in North York who are hugging unction to their that per gonal or political differences exist be tween the Federal and Provincial of this are simply hugging a delusion In the of the late Hon Mr Pope we are in a position to say theres no- thin to it a that will lie made abundantly manifest when the next Pro virwiar elections take place Thru the medium of Tory magnify ing glasses some people think they can trouble in their opponents camp We would advise them to consider following figures majority in Aurora the last election was spite of the boasting of Mr Lennox that he holds Aurora in his Tin Liberal majority In Aurora at the prior election was only Mr reys have reason to question the good faith of Mr- assist ance in the recent election not in legal tender as the law directs petitions the usual of bribery corrup tion are the chief features tests against Conservatives against Liberals j Our Toronto better Oar Society j PEKSONU- IHHKTS Miss Dunn was in the city on Wednesday Miss Workman is visiting in the city for a days Mrs Frank Wesley of is visiting her sister at Royal Miss Ella Terry of Albert was visiting with Mrs- Fred on Monday Mr and Mrs were visiting in the city a couple of days this week raster of Mrs is making a visit at the Methodist Mr If -J- of Sandhill was a couple of days owing to death of his sister Mr Cane who is greatly im proved in health is expected home from Michigan for Christmas is in Toronto this week on the Board of Examiners at the Ontario Veterinary College Mr and Mrs Lemon Baker of spent Monday and Tuesday with friends in Town and vicinity George and wife of Winnipeg arrived in Town on Sunday to spend a couple of weeks with friends and Mrs of Brad ford spent Friday evening and Satur day with Mr and Mrs Win Lome Avenue Ml and few days in Toronto last week with her sister Mrs A Miss Doth Mr and Mrs Millard have been sick in bed for a week Mr Millard is around again hut his wife seems very Mr Stephenson editor of tins Gazette was yesterday with his daughter and gave the Era a fraternal call Mrs Dr and soil who have been visiting her father Mr Robert Pearson for past three weeks leave for home next week Miss Addison late of of Rev I Addison has been engaged as modern language in Lindsay School year Irr the at Mr Win consented to the school for the past three at the urgent re quest of the Trustees Rev Mr of the Pres byterian church lias consented to con duct anniversary services in the Pres byter church at on the last Sunday in December Mr Douglas of Holt is now residing in Cleveland Ohio writes it is a very fine city and lots of Weath er pretty cold and no snow Mr Richard of who was up on Street and attended Newmarket Grammar School was in Town last Monday looking for old acquaintances At Mr Jacob Taylors wedding last week the bride wore a becoming suit of fawn and the bridesmaid a tailornude suit of grey while little Miss Proctor and little Mia Leila Maiming acted as lower girls Mis Palmer having the of sclfcool teacher at place near Ottawa leaves Town Monday During her residence her site has a i active worker in the church won many warm friends who will wish her every success new field P W Pearson who is one of the- submanagers on the new railroad running from Port Arthur into New Ontario came home a week ago last Sunday and expected to spend Christ mas but Monday he got a telegram to return at once and left on Tuesday morning Miss Skinner who has in at Newmarket High for three years and who has just finished a at Model wchool left on Saturdav for her home in Miss Skin ner was successful in all of Iter amiuatlonH white here Mr Geoffrey Silvester of Manitoba one of Manitobas delegates to the banquet in Toronto with his wife and paid a lying visit to relatives here on last leaving again morning Mm Silvester and family have been visiting here since the beginning of September They all left for their home in the NorthWest by way of Chicago on Saturday even ing- Nearly Destroyed Monday the was the last day for protests against in Federal elections held in On tario on the of November The law states that any protest be entered within forty days after- the day of election and that time limit was reached last Monday when five m Swki nearly destroy AW J Knox Leslie is among those in a troubles although London Dec The Mnmifig publishes the follow ig from Saturday of Jail Governor Mayor has his again race for With John Shaw A in the field there threfe before too electors with the prospect of Aid Spcncc and another also be ing nominated Mr Caldwell who was ru down by a bicyclist last week receiv ed injuries of so serious a to lead to concussion of tile brain which terminated fatally on Sunday last An outbreak of scarlet fever and diohtitcria at Sick has resulted in the authorities closing the institution to new patients for the present Fishermen from the Island have re ported to tin Fishery Commissioner at the Ontario Parliament Handings that a species of sea herring have made appearance in Lake Ontario Samples will be taken to the depart ment for inspection Sea herring have not hitherto been reported in Lake Ontario but Mr Hasted thinks it quite possible that acolor of them have come up the St and settled in the lakes The City Corporation- has given no tice of an application to Parliament for an Act prevent the Telephone Co from increasing its telephone ser vice above rates charged in July and other amendments to the Companys TWo cyclists while riding on College street last Friday collided One had to bo taken to the Emergency Hospit al where it was found lie had sustain ed a fracture of the leg involving the knee joint Premier Ross delighted a large audience at last Friday even ing with a lecture on Canadian His tory- A banquet followed a the House Over three score jolly old Iiuvk of School attended the ninth an nual gathering on evening last and told stories and sang songs imlil after the we sma hours arrived The good things on the table were dis played and catalogued in military terms such as Canadian Chicken and Wet etc The windows of the city stores are gaily dressed with notions some of them very artistically and at tractively arranged The Hand will up turn on Saturday from a tour of the Western Stale said to he the most- successful tour of any band that ever visited the Republic Afler holidays this band will a tour of eastern of Canada and the Atlantic States the City Council is making to secure legislatiifi as to con trol the Library cur tail the powers of the Library Itoard The M for Mast York expert meriting He Mi Cor son of Marktarn for a in the Senate on the same that Sar has urging Mr Macleans claim to the Opposition John Green governor of Toronto jail died on Sunday morning af ter a lingering illness was head of jail for the past years during which tone he lias introduced a of wholesome reforms remains were taken to Chatham for interment Another aged and well known citi zen in the of for a member of I he choir of Holy Church passed away on Saturday last- On Saturday Inst with out warning death to Mr of the firm of Deceased was torn in King Township and was of the late Robert A I the his death he was vicepresident of Maple Works- of Port Two more llc bills which were stolen a the faiuodv bank robbery turned tip at lite Traders this on Sat urday came by way ex change from and are now hunting for the In the suit of Senator for libel against Hon Clarke Wallace- P for We York Master In has ruled against the de fendant who applied for a statement of certain particulars Mr Wallace is till Saturday to Ale his state ment of defence A lire in Elizabeth street early on Tuesday partially destroyed a cottage Iri which a woman named Catharine Wiggins CO years of ago re sided She was Seek who died on the nit left an estate valued at Her husband is applying for letters of Sparling who Is charged stealing a rifle from A of Newmarket over a year ago was ar rested through Provincial at recently and will be brought to this city this week Several persons are after the vacant in cream lacil Miss who assist ed was pink oyer pink salk With Mrs black lace and jet with Of cream silk aid and Hall in pink satin and tulle Workmen have commenced operations preparing the Legislative chamber in the buildings for ap proaching session The succession duties payable to too Ontario Government this year will reach over nearly aa t finotherr A special train through New market on Tuesday morning last over the bound for Midland The cars were with large party from Toronto Ottawa Montreal Hamilton Brant ford and some Other points who on an invita tion from President of the Canada Iron Furnace Co- proceeded to to be present at the official open ing of the new blast fur nace smelter located in that event of great importance to this Province and to this country Among those present were Hon Boss and Hon K J- Davis a fact at which we are not surprised seeing hat this evidence of Ontarios grooving industries is but additional evidence of the success attending development policy of the Government which tliey arc conspicuous mem bers The Midland smeller is intend ed to turn out from to tons of pig iron daily and the company controlling this has thous ands thousands of tons of high- class rich and easily worked ore on its every ton of which is from Ontario mines opened on Lake Superior brought to Midland by Mr Co at the Henceforth Canada tuts shown to the world that she can produce her own iron and giv en further evidence of national great ness TWO DAYS LEFT Will be Christmas Bargain Days at this Store We figure on clearing out the bulk of our Christmas Stock by Monday night and you will save many a dollar by doing your Christmas shop ping here All the flowers of the Artie region are either white or yellow there are varieties said thai over rose- trees are annually imported into Amer ica from Franco and Holland Choice Mixed Candy per lb Choice Mixed Nuts pep lb 15c Bargains in Furs Mens Fino Fur Caps Mens Fur Coats Fur Coats Sleigh or Cutter hobos Flannel Caps Ladies Fur Hulls Fur Gauntlets for Christmas You enjoy the clay better wearing one of our Fine TailorMade Overcoats JVn rices Bargains in THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has special out in prices on Furniture far fyw days before iog stock For Cash Back Diners per sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up up Bedrootu Suites up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up All other proportion Silk Fancy Muslin Hand kerchiefs Ladies Kid Glove Silk Handsonio Blouse yd Skirt Ken ha for or Mioses Gauntlets lemons Neck wear Gentlemens Gloves for Gifts Gentlemens Slippers readies Slipper Bargains in Staples for Gifts Tabic Linen Table in endless Variety Fine Towels Curtains Colored Table Flannel AH Wool Blankets Fine White Counterpanes Your boys will be happier Ulsters or Tea Jackets 250 to 5 See our Very and Suits in one of our nets from Dressy Suits for Men at See our big Range of Hoys I Christmas Groceries Everything Fresh and Prices as low or little lower than elsewhere Choice Layer Figs per lb Choice Dates in lb packets Extra Value in Table Raisins Selected Cooking Raisins Everything in Feels Spices Etc Give our Grocery Department a trial H E these an West on alleged of in the race with of fc-uc- Wft is a Government is r JJI J At her home Mm Jos Sh nnHH In reality gave one of the many dance Ghi Cornwall in Nip it is election WM In of it market put in as deport half the middle A SPECIALTY calls to at 12fi St John Millard on wife of Mr Jerome Campbell of a son Thursday Bee at Newmarket by Rev A MacOlIiivray Mr of Holland Landing to Miss of King residence of brides parents Peer Park by the Rev Dr assisted by the Rev Dr on Tuesday Dec I8Ui at 230 oelock Alexan der Hector Beaton to Mary Logan daughter of Rogers formerly of Tornb STEPIJBNKON In East on the- Dec Ethel May second daughter of Mr Jos Stephenson Street- aged years and days Interred at Newmarket Cemetery In Rama Township Dec Elizabeth wife of Mr Kecler formerly of her year SAWDON In East on the Inst of youngest daugliter of Mr Aaron Queen St aged years mos and ofays Interred at on fT f I STARRS GROCERY just look down these columns and see the good things for Xmas FRUITS Valencia Oranges per dost Sweet Mexican Oranges per do fide We Florida Itusnste per do California Navels per do Malaga per lb MIXHD per lb Drops cents per lb Toys Walking Canes and a very large assortment of all kinds of Candy A word to the young men You no doubt will be thinking alHut a present for your best See our BonRons ill boxes They are lovely Almonds per lb and Filberts per lb lie Peanuts per package Table Raisins and lb Dates per lb Walnuts per lb He Fresh Roasted per lb Figs in Layers per lb Fresh Oysters direst from Baltimore HOLLY FOR SALE HURRAH FOR SANTA GLAUS He expects to bo with us in person again Christmas Saturday or Monday on tie busy days about 1C nit hour and of day In a gotten- up in honor of seasons House was beau tifully decorated white with ferns and being the flowctH Used while the supper tables bore of pink Mrs received a gown of at North Christmas Goods Sale Dolls Toys Toilet Cases i Albums China Games Etc NUMBERS Toronto Globe Saturday Night Graphic Pears Annual London Illustrated News Order early for they will not last long Sunday School Library Books Gift Books Board Picture Hooks all Calenders Booklets Boys and Girls Own Annuals Leisure Hour Sunday at Home Chatter Box British Workman Sunday Own Magazine Band of Hope etc ok Size for SLEIGHS DOLL CABS WAGONS AND WHEELBARROWS- DOLL CABS AND To renew your for your daily and weekly Papers and J Farm or Household Journals Consult us for prices Whether local or foreign we can run thorn at publishers rates to all our customers and hearty thanks Wo hopefully solicit the continuance of for your kind In the past same at the dawn of the now century will and Iroinfi STARR- I CENTRAL ASK FOR FASHION I I I

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