Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY- Weeks IS OS ABOUT TOWN Station Hunter Bros have finished the foundations for the in extension of Electric Light Station and arc foundation for the new engine which IS expected in a few days Kicked by a Horse Last Sunday morning while doing the chores at the House ham John was Kicked by a boras on the side of his face loft its mart- Hie eye was in an hour It was fortunate that it was not more severe Co For Oranges Nuts Layer and Figs Candy per fine Christmas Monthly Sale The regular Monthly will be held in the Royal Hotel in early pari of January Stock now open for entries These silos have been attended with great and it is intended to larger than ever presentation On Wednesday a number of persons belonging to the friends church met at the residence of Mr Tubman and spent a social time with Miss Palmer who is to leave Town in a few days and presented her with a purse in acknowledgment of stviices rendered and with wellwishes for the future Cups and Saucers The very befit value in country at worth Plain and Mous tache edge at Roches St Pauls On Christmas Day there will be special services in the church am Holy Communion It a morning service and Holy Communion At this service the Psalms will be chanted by the also special Christmas hymns and music will be rendered The church will be decorat ed with evergreens etc all in keeping with the day Christmas flasket- So far as drawing Town was concerned Prize Market last Tuesday was a great success bub the quantity of produce brought forward was a disappointment to the buyers There was nothing more ban an Saturday market of year- Prices were much as last Saturday No person had to wait to get per dozen for real fret eggs while and were paid for pack ed eggs Good butter was picked up quick at and per lb though was sold at Live sold from to per pair and chickens all the way from to pec pair- One huckster bought a basket full at but ws the regular price Cluck- ens shown for prizes sold from to per pair and was the ordin ary price asked Turkeys sold in lots at per lb and your pick for and lie Geese sold at and per lb in large and for choice A lot of people evidently went to see what was going on and between and oclock market was so jammed with people one could hardly move The Prize Fair was held in the Town Hall and he quality of the exhibits was excellent but the imantity was disappointing Not nearly as much shown as last There were two long tables of turkeys one fable of geese table of butter table of eggs honey etc and 1 row of apples in turrets The dressed meats occupied the raised platform on the North side and a little- porker about a foot long attracted nearly as much attention as the hogs weighing over lbs it Judging from the loads that the carried and the general of market the produce sold here on Tuesday is estimated by our reporter as follows geese pairs of ducks pairs of chickens lbs of butter and eggs Following are the quantities purchas ed by tne several buyers all of them declaring they didnt half what they expected Mr lbs butter eggs turkeys geese Mr lbs butter eggs SO turkeys geese pairs of ducks Mr turkeys geese pairs ducks pairs chickens Mr turkeys 20 geese Greatest of Best Pair Chicks Greenwood 2nd Seotfc Pair Chicks Greenwood J Greenwood 3rd Collection FowlsMrs Johnston 2nd TV Stephens 3rd Johnston 2nd J P J pest Small Pig Arch Smith John Greenwood Best Hog to lbs 2nd J Greenwood 3rd Greenwood Best and Heaviest Kves 2nd J KelHnglon Farmers Lamb Mrs J Greenwood Carcase Lamb Butchers It Eves Butcher Beef Kvanagh 2nd if Morris Lard J Greenwood 2nd Onions S 2nd T Ste phens Stephens Honey lb J Greenwood 2nd Airs Johnston Honey in Comb Mrs Johnston J Haines Haines 2nd J Black J Wilson 2nd Stephens Any other kind Haines 2nd It 3rd J Wilson in lb Crock Butter Mrs J Walk er 2nd Willis 3rd J Huntley lb Butter John 2nd Willis 3rd Mrs J Walker lb Prints J 2nd B Howard 3rd J Huntley Artistic ShaneMrs 2nd Mrs J Smith 3rd Green wood Grocery Prices for Christmas Season 7w7yv Finest Currants while they last per lb Best selected Raisins per lb Seeded Valencia Raisins per lb Seeded California Raisins per lb Pure Sugar per lb Finest Cooking Figs per lb Prunes per lb Nonpareil Jelly Tablets Canned Peas tins for Canned Corn 3 tins for Canned Tomatoes 3 tins for Canned Pumpkin per tin 35 lor KM lb Tin of Asparagus regular Sardines per tin Tin Imperial Pig Feet for Canned pound tins Sliced Smoked Beef per tin Canned Pork Beans IS Canned Plums Canned Chicken Canned Partridge Canned Devilled Chicken or Tongue per tin Mortons Preserved Mortons Herring 15 BRUNTON Corn Starch package 5 Washing Soda per lb Blue English Breakfast Coflee per Fresh Ground Coffee hi lb 35c and Whiting per lb 1 Crosse New Peels just to hand New Walnuts Almonds and Filberts just received Come and buy the very best for the very lowest money at CORNER STORE Davisons Fancy Chinoujore Is atirattiug special attention An entirely new stock of Nobby Goods Prices from up Call and see them Miss Gertie Nixon the giri who was shot on Dominion Bay at ville by a jealous lover who after wards shot himself is at S with Gospel Tcmperanee The meeting last Sunday was ton- ducted by the Royal Templars and there was a splendid attendance Rev Mr Rogers occupied the and Miss Palmer presided at the organ Readings were given by Miss Eva and Miss Palmer male quar tette by Messrs Rogers Con well and Willis selection on the guitar zither by Miss Lush lbs butter do eggs pairs chairman also a The Specialty All departments are crowded orders and business looks brisk The metal department are working on a very large order for the Canada Permanent Vault in Toronto A car load of plate steel from Penn sylvania weighing lbs arrived on Wednesday The new bar for the Forsyth House is nearly completed and it is expected butter hut did that part of it- will be in position this expected week The is a very handsome of furniture 23 feet inches long There are three British plate glass mirrors One is feet long and feet wide and the two others arc feet inches by feet inches Tho work is a credit to Newmarket chickens Mr geese turkeys pairs chickens Mr Webster pairs live chickens Mr lbs butter 0 eggs pairs ducks pairs chickens turkeys geese Mr Smith turkeys and geese Mr Hopper turkeys geese eggs Mrs J P Hunter of Toronto a not get solo by Miss Christmas Cheep With his customary generosity William has forwarded his cheque for on behalf of the poor of Newmarket Christmas will Hospital and in the he distributed on which will condition as when she entered the be thankfully received hospital live months ago The lower rt limbs are paralyzed and the bullet not yet been located although the Skating Rink Roentgen rays have been applied Tlfe Caretaker Mr rank Duncan times The medical authorities has the rink in splendid shape and a very little hopes of Miss Nixon or two of cold weather will make recovering and the chances are good skating During the recent 5e- she may Jive for several years frost he got a splendid present condition lion SPECIALS lis Week of Country Ladies of Canada Ready for The around Town are vell supplied for the Christmas trade Mr has a verv fine that was fed by Mr Dun ham of the hind quarter which weighs lbs He also has fifteen spring lambs fed by Mr James Wright of Holland Landing the largest of which weighs Mr David has a very choice 3yearold heifer fet ly Mr Allan Howard of Fast together with lambs pork and try- Messrs Sc Hill have a hue display in the Market Stall Among the choice beef is a heifer foi by Mr Francis Starr of Whit church and a 3yearold heifer fed iy Mr of East Notice to the Public Any persons buying IK-5- from are not buying my manufacture of harness which people might be led to believe A Address and Presentation The term was brought to a Gov Friday afternoon of last by an entertainment in the in which the pupils in departments took part Miss all contributed a recitation worthy of mention At the close of program Mr principal of the school was made the recipient of a Revolving Study Chair together with the following address which was read by Miss the boys of No Division making presentation To Mr Deir Sir The pupils teachers and student of the Newmarket Model School wishing to add in a to the comfort and happiness of your near future you In accept the accompanying chair as a reminder of their esteem and good- wishes Mr made a brief reply thanking them their evidence of appreciation were made by Messrs T Pretty It J McKay and A MacGfllivray It was announced in- the Toronto World by the Newmarket corres pondent that specialrates would be given by the Metropolitan for the Christmas Market but those who came up had to pay regular fare and were very much disappointed the conductor not having received any in structions about it This is getting to be an old story Hon J Davis had intended being present at the Christmas Market but owing to the opening of the new smelter at Midland which took place on Tuesday and is an outgrowth of policy of Crown Lands it was important that he should be pre sent The heaviest hup weighed lbs The heavies dozen eggs weighed 5j lbs Over geese were shown and the heaviest weighed lbs There were 211 turkeys on exhibition and the heaviest weighed lbs There were in the largest collection and in the next The judges on poultry and butler were Messrs R and M A of Toronto who gave general satisfaction The butler on exhibition weighed Its There were competitors for the lb crock prizes 11 for the lb roll for the lb prints and for the lb artistic make There were not more than half the entries made last year and were dis tributed as follows Turkeys Geese Ducks Chickens Apples Celery Onions Turnips Butter Meat 13 Honey Collec tions of Dressed Fowl total Following is the list of Prize Win ners Turkeys Greatest Number Scott 2nd Armstrong 3rd J no Rest Two Turkeys Mrs J 2nd Mrs J- Kellington 3rd Armstrong Best Four Turkeys 2nd Mrs J 3rd Arm strong Heaviest Turkey Gil bert Johnston 3rd Gibbon Geese Two RestWin Mortimer 2nd Mrs John Smith 3rd George A Brown Four Best Geese 2nd Blackburn 3rd Mrs J Smith Heaviest Goose Mrs M Homer 2nd J Huntley 3rd A Williams Greatest Number Geese Mrs Pollock Best Pair Ducks Huntley 2nd Johnston 3rd V7 Greenwood Best Pair Huntley 2nd J Black 3rd J Smith South Africa Another popular young man in this section has offered his services for the Imperial Army in South Africa and has been accepted Way- ling of Sharon leaves Toronto for active duty on the 3rd of January and sails from Portland on the A subscription list is being circulate and it is proposed by numerous friends to give him a happy sendoft in Newmarket on New Years Eve A Committee is appointed to carry out the arrangements He will serve as lieutenant in Col BadenPowells force of Mounted Po lice On Wednesday morning Mr who hauls milk to the Creamery on the street route met with an accident that caused a good deal of delay He had just loaded cans of milk in front of Mr II Dennis place when the front axle broke The pave a start but wheels bound against cans and sides of the wagon thus pre venting the milk from upsetting and acting like a brake on the wagon Fortunately Mr Dennis was near iy and prevented the horses from pel ting away Mr Annitage had borrow two wagons to get his load to the Creamery A Good Resolution Try and enter the new year by oft all the small debts you can country is the strongest The nimble dollar sent going will help characteristic of the average Britisher everybody for each will pay off his Nor is it developed less in the fair scores in turn Business can be made Colonist See bosom expand with much better and offices and homes brighter by circulating medium her dilate on the pleasant that helps all to clear oft liabilities tunc she had when last there It is a good time to make resolves Then was nothing she enjoyed so much as pleasant afternoon tea And why she sipped the product OH of Next Sunday morning pastor will and India She can buy both preach an object sermon to child- Canada now The delicious of the Sunday School having a or Monsoon packets sons in it for Sunday School workers await her pleasureColonist parents and all In the evening Mr will preach a Christmas sermon and the service will partake of the- character of a song service the choir presenting special Christmas music Large con gregations anticipated Last Sunday evening a reception ser vice was held when twelve new mem bers were taken into the church by letter and one profession of faith Ladies Black Skirts Lined and Velvet Only each Boys and Youths Overcoats at and yards inch Shaker for cents per yard regular -00- TORONTO HOUSE fallen in St Heavy snow has Petersburg Russia and winter set the first week in December The Newmarket Era An Moment There came very near being a lire in the Town Hall on Thursday night of last week While one of the persons employed by the Passion Play Co was reproducing the pictures the film caught firo from some part of the ap paratus and worth of pictures went up in flame There was a gen eral rush for the doors but Chief Anderson being close at hand assisted the man to extinguish the flame which was accomplished with slight damage to the hall only a portion of the being scorched The Chief how ever had a pair of pants spoiled and the attendant was badly burnt in face hands Depot Now light vaneered seats for both wailing rooms were placed in position at Uie depot on Tuesday and have now one of the most complete passen ger stations on the Northern Branch The depot is commodious and conveni ently arranged The woodwork is of Georgia pine with rounded cornices and the workmanship cannot be ex celled The place is heated through out with hot water and lit by elec tricity being uptodate in every re- The travelling public should show their appreciation of im provements and comforts by a patronage Astray In September a pale If Heifer old mil urn I Js retained after Una dale the bolder will 110 prosecuted accordlOK to law Dec IS JIM HAMILTON For Sale Is recognized as being the great home paper of the section everybody reads it and this is the best evidence of its value to advertisers who wish to reach buying classes If you want to make your friend at a distance The tat Win Hue JhU wilt he Bold In one two or Hire fronting an Main St Apply to A floe or In WlDOlKlKol Solicitor Newmarket NOTICE Gifts For a Lady Fancy Silk or VeSvet Waists at and worth at The by J ltv I refuse to Bald note not value received aw 7 ALLAN TOOLS GRAND TR SYSTEM Spring lee Mr a a has parched the exclusive right to cut ice on the Pond and is going Into the business on an extensive scale Present There is nothing you can send that would be more appreciated than a copy of the Kit a Qvery week Com mence now Balance of 1900 free Li Pfop ALL IS From all In Canada Detroit and Port Huron Mich Port Point Trolley An accident occurred at the terminus of the Metropolitan Hallway North Toronto at noon on Wednesday The wet and slippery condition of the rails prevented Motonnan from bringing his car to a standstill before it had crashed into a combined passenger and freight ear standing at the end of line In the collision the foot was crushed and a passenger Mrs of Park was bruis ed in the head by being thrown to car floor The two cars were badly smashed One was just a new one Arrangements arc also about i i and Food VI for purchase of additional pro- All Stations in to near his residence on will erect a commodious ice cording to the most approved plans Mr intends to put an ice- wagon on the road next summer and public With commodity andalioon DcuberX9to sotti and 1 j i January 1st good i whenever required and at lowest not later than Jan tad rates If you wish a regular delivery Oneway and your order now that you will not be disappointed not later than and alao NOT MOM which he Buffalo Hock Bridge Niagara rails PUBLIC ISO DATES At loweat one way fare JJeceuiber Knd ftrd VUh and good returning not later than December and row BRANCH AT MX AGENCY AT SUTTON a I0rrb- eitiafMiftHedn jiJAuy iatcuti tj- it ft Wit il block Toronto r a Air a It I dtp i arfuaytttbefcitiTlrJii Co Mr J A Collins department Is running patent snow shov els The machinists are fitting up an on Wb and and Jan good destination not later than 3rd 1001 SCHOOL VACATIONS To of Cob Form of School Hallway Certificate IpaL Dressing and Lounging and at Vacation by Prlnc amd limit At way and Third from new pail to keep up number the orders in departmont It nation not later Than will be in about three after which the stall In the pail or will be increased by flvo Hallway Certmcatea for v all Station In Canada men limi At The carpenter department is busy Oneway Far T veil era Fare getting out the required for the good returning from now Davenport Methodist church of later than Jan Ml which Matthews Is pastor They arc made on circle and will rtlcllUnl AstBi look flllC When completed The is also getting out altar railing choir circle doors etc for thin building Agent New mark at Hint Agent Union SUtlou Toronto Notice to Creditors Notice la hereby to tb provided on that behalf that all having the or or County of York married woman arc here by to with a or Newmarket Solicitor ror the the of January a atatementof their and of any icouri- tlea held by them Notice a further given tVat Immediately after Mid January the of among entitled having retard of which notice hall theah7bcnrtoelyc4byblm and that ho will or any or who have Mot AM dato WCWTDDIFIBLD Solicitor Newmarket OLD FOR AT THE ERA OFFICl Cedar Rails Posts FOB SALS Lot No Half Con A J Pino Orchard By the South African mail British South African Company of London received an Important report a few ago on recent discovery of coal in There are said to be fifteen hundred million tons of coal under surface all Hankie and it is described as being equal to the best Welsh coal To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Tab lets All druggists refund the money If faiso cure E signature Is each box

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