Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 4

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y THE NEWMARKET UjL i i Put Money In Thy Parse suffering from of energy or fired feeling ever puis money in his parse come from impure Mood simply oozes though the veins Developing OntQtoj v The Dominion Premier Sir Wilfrid Nothing funnier- has occurred in pro vincial politics in Ontario during the past few- days than the criticism of Hurler Lady in- by Hon and Mr Whitney that the Ross Govern- Mrs- are spending the is nonprogressive the matter holidays in New York rf- j of developing the resources of the Pro- Hon Geo E Foster has gone on a Boo vince It is not easy to understand trip to Inland Sir Cha Tup I v honored a banquet at Winnipeg Renewed Interest lR rtca -oo- Pimples- w hut fter Hoods StrstpssU short time I entirely Cured And my tnd More Severe sjBaiaiaajaiaaEsig HEADING I STORE i Wagqr gain by particularly- g las founded statement or if there is one thing more than another that cannot J suited in the rrUim of Mr J Barrister Salary Public c Owe Main Street Newmarket to on Farm security Birth Solicitor Notary Public etc lo Lon KM- Court Bunding- Newmar ket Ontario Barristers Conveyancers CboppiD door South Of- flee Newmarket Herbert Aurora will also beat Newmarket on 4turdfP and Court Days for J Co and Ontario R Aurora da It week re- be charged the Liberals of On- l era- by a maj It tario it is thai they are decided victor not for in this matter- The work of the elected hiit the developing the resources of the Government The people of vince is being prosecuted at the pre- the Slairs injunction and sent time far more vigorously than the ever before and body tins opposition candidate will now bow to be a fact ft is stated that there the inevitable three times in m Loudon Lord Kitchener that after severe fighting at Gen Clements force was compelled to retire by Jiressedj and it- was expected they would be driven towards Col Kennedy and his infantry After eight hours marching however a halt was to Joan I VI Block to Loan A I Post Office the DR 9 i to Opposite Br Dm- Store J Artnt for 4 tare Money to Loan inter cat Orice At A Ramsay Fire Insurance As Low Hate Farm and Isolated Tow a Prop OmcMrer fliiop Newmarket a are 128000000 acres of land in Province of which only acres have been taken up scarcely more of this has as yet been made productive About fourfifths of this area tfes to the north of the and away west of Marie During the past summer ten wellequipped exploring parties were sent out by Government to ex amine tlifs Territory tin greater part of which has never been surveyed and was indeed a veritable terra exploration parties have return ed with the report that there are mil lions of acres as fertile as any al ready settled in addition to which the timber and mineral resources are- simply incalculable and in exhaustible Having successfuliy tak en the preliminary step of ascertaining what there is to work upon has already entered upon a welldefined scheme of development every proper assistance is given to capital to and every legitimate enterprise having for purpose the development of those natural the establishing of industries in connection with their manufacture is receiving full encour agement but always upon the principle of securing lo the people the fullest return therefrom One in stance of this may he given in he as sistance rendered to the at where has already ton in vested with more than as much again at the disposal of the syndicate This is un doubtedly a big- thing for a young country like Canada but it is only a sample of what may be done in scores yes hundreds of cases New Ontario and the farseeing common sense policy now fol lowed the of fers the best possible facility for lie successful- continuance of the good work The pusher in this matter is cession the people of have de clared against him An Ottawa plates that it is understood Senator Power has signified his intention the Speakership of Tins virtually means that he- will position Mr Powers name was mentioned at time in with a Cabinet will make an excellent Speaker I lis ac ceptance of the the way for an Ontario man Deputy Speaker in Commons ant Delarey with a force of and this allowed time for the men Four British officers were kill- 1 enemy to reach the river and swim across Ten prisoners were cap tured together with kit meal over head of The other casualties were not Lord Kitcheners official despatch to munition the War Office is as follows J tie Pretoria Dec Clements force Next day at on the river A despatch from Hamilton announces the demise of a notable in County history it the per son of Joseph He public life in as P for in the old Canadian Assembly and continued to represent that con stituency for retiring in 1882 owing to ill heal III He was an advanced Liberal but always enjoyed the personal friendship of Sir John A He always had the cour age of his convictions When Mr retired from life the Liberals in the Commons presented him with a gold watch and chain the British crossed the and joined the convoy at noon The enemy were seen by the Hanking parties for some distance Webber of Scouts Was shot Trooper and he while driving a cart towards Hie column came upon of the enemy who fired Webber was mortally wounded by one of the- first shots but lying down kept the enemy at bay hitting a number of them and Wounding many of their horses Three other scouts came to his assistance and the four men eventually got- away Winter A couple of weeks wo thill arrangements had for placing a iiuriiror landlocked salmon from and bass from other waters in and lakes fisheries of Ontario purposed doing this fall We low learn the Commissioner owing to the lateness of the season the scheme will have to be till next year as the fish are not It will be attended to next reason however and the member for North York had hern assured that Hie waters of lake will not be in litis second Canadian contingent sent to South Africa Is now on the way attacked at dawn today reinforced by from Warm oath making a esti mated at 3500 the lirst attack was repulsed the Boers managed to get atop of the which was held by four of the Northumberland Fusiliers and were thus able- to comlnancT Clements camp lie retired on Hekpoort and took up a position on a hill in the centre of the valley- The casualties not com pletely reported but the was The following day the mounted men very severe and I regret left the for the day They had Col Leggc of the Twentieth Hussars not been out an hour when they came and Captains Murdoch in touch with of the enemy Col Atkins were killed brought a pompom to have left here hear upon the Boers and they The battle still continues in- the hotly pursued for eight miles by hills a miles from Kmgcisdjrjfc Brown and a squadron of Clements has asked for reinforce- tons Scouts supported by and mounted men wider Gen coll and his men Seven of the ene- have already gone There my disappeared into a kraal Without been many casualties on both halting Scouts surrounded sides It is estimated that the them Mix threw down their amis number but pile escaped Among the six is a the scene of the despatch rider and noted spy reverse is less than miles ninth- The general and his were snip- west of Pretoria There had been at considerable fighting between the The prisoners state that the enemy Boers and Clements force prior the are getting supplies of ammunition at engagement reported by Lord Kitchen- our camp grounds after we leave them Four days ago Co Maxwell gathering cartridges which have with the colonial division worked been dropped The prisoners also state along the while Col that a shell which we sent into a kraal with and Scouts outside Frankfort on Thursday killed and the mounted infantry all attach- six and wounded native to Clements division moved up the says that were killed and six river The enemy were hard wounded of e Cook and Heaters FOR- Coal and Wood Are wanted now and we wish to draw attention to our stock All the leading on hand Everything in he Hardware Line always in Stock Paints and Glass J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET In the Surrogate COUNTY OF YORK In the of of Forth tiuittimburin he County of yr ORDEK Exciting member for North York Hon An Ottawa despatch states J Africa No I Ice lKTiJjy tjiut after publico- in Newmarket will bo made on of hlpof GvJillmburyEii County of Vork to he appointed guardian or and estates of don JEail Mahoney on oi about day of Ititcotatf bavins the time of abode of North A at Solicitor for NOW YO OX- I AUCTIONEERS Uoeosed for Co of York Term attended to A a PAINTING i Unpf iwmlIiiAr neatly and In I am with aPlrataaH o4 Sign Writer can bo loft al Hardware Store head of Street Dropsy one Positive of Kidney any of these SwoHeH Smothering feeling of the character of the u Ex- after exertion If you have theres dropsical tendency ago y pa shouldnt an putttng yrjurself under the great Souih American Kidney Cure fc6 Sold Crushed to Death Norwich Wee acci dent took place death of one of the of the was driving Hie wa gon when axle broke i he reached and rolled a hogshead of sugar him crushing one of his legs and the to splinters delicti was obtained hut done the unfortunate nun in twenty r Practical PaperHanger arid House Corner Millards and MARRIAGE LICENSES At at private if IM Have You Skin Tetter ciid Head Ringworm EczemaItchB4rbeYsitcbUlcers Chronic Erysipelas Spots Prurigo Psoriasis or other eruptions of the skirt what Ointment has done for others it can do for you cure you One ap plication gives cents Sold by Lehman Newmarket 1 is reported that and his family and a of other missionaries were In North China that a cablegram has received by lord Minto from sources as follows Cape Town Dec Rosslyn Castle left Town Dec Had on loard for Halifax of ficers 213 men Canadian Dragoons officers 180 men Canadian Mounted 5 officers men Canadian Ar tillery 13 officers 378 men Canadian Artillery Major Laurie and four Horse Major Osborne medical corps seven nursing sisters and nine men discharg er in South Africa irregular corps The occupations of the different members of Parliament recently electa ed to the Dominion House has figured up some enterprising re porter as follows Out of a total of there are sixty lawyers IbrHylhrfC merchants farmers doctors elev en newspaper men eleven manufactur ers nine lumbermen seven gentlemen five notaries grain dealers two bankers two traders two distillers one printer one rancher one real es tate agent one oil operator one milt ers agent one mill owner one cheese dealer one contractor and farmer one financier one ship one fruit grower one exporter one ac countant one surveyor and one minister of the gospel In half a dozen cases no mention has been made in the returns the Cleric of ibe Crown in Chancery of Hie occupations that the new members follow London Dec Lord Kilchencrs message to the War Office dated at Pretoria Dec says Knox drove Dewet north to the line which was held by our troops Dowels force about strong made several at tempts to gel thru during the day as sisted a force of Doers operating from the north These attacks were He reports that all behaved very well Bfoadwood has gone to and jaipports OHphants Keif which lias been reinforced A flag of truce which has come into Commando Nek from the says son was and further reports their losses very heavy Lord Kitcheners message to the War j for mVSJii ftiirla In ly1iloa At r4 aiU IX kfaffl driven back some of oer Office dated Pretoria Dec as fol- from the soulh were able to get thru lows I he line Clements in his forte Wiring later Dee Lord Kitchener Commando Nek unopposed The that while passing Uie lines in were I regret say the neighborhood of i Killed five officers and nine of other wets force lost considerably ranks missing eighteen officers and of other ere four fiftcenpoimder taken at panics of the a pompom several wagons am- Hers who were stationed on the hill munition twentytwo prisoners unci and some Yeomanry and other details some horses and mules scut up support them The and five and Infantry capturing These latter were 2nd the next best A mere opportune time to se lect your Jewelry could hardly be availed than the pre- sent as every day we arc lay- aside Selections made by our Patrons Silver Novelties beautiful line from 1 5c to Fine Ebony Goods Fountain Pens Ac Sec our goods before buying elsewhere t Atkinson Co I a hub OF V J BUTTON WEST having declined the vlkh lie was the selected Mr J fcpxljflUl and to be of the whool Mf at -pre- sent teaching in Vienna fa ayerfcox of Laxative Winnipeg Dec while returning Willi wood from ilieAsinf- Valley near Jones aged years to death and his aged had his feel frozen badly fa ST Its itcVrftie it Somehowthat cough that hra struggle can never be gotten a fore- handed arid prevent it 1110 Pretoria Dec Five officers and U men prisoners have losing killed taken prisoners London Dec under date of to surrounded and captured of in a defile in Newmarket or of their saddle it snbstltutes i bur one 5c anit Wc Result of Ike at the of a frightened a Hall was battered to death yesterday at Mount Liberty utiles north of- Two oilier and in a spirit of boyish ffticlramess lied young on the him bey wouldteach him to lie- and when the take cold let come a circus rider They released tKe vapor bridle and The It goes right to the throat animal too began run just where the croup lies- All away at a terrific The irritation subsides the cough quiets to frightened animals hack down and serious trouble is prevented for some diutaure hut in terror lie It never fails to cure cough 12 losl his hold and fell under It tons in pursuit the lief rig War Office from Pretoria as follows Clements has come to see me lie says the four companies of the North umlrtrlands held mil on hill as long as llirir lasted The In force attacking- the hill was strong while another forte of attacked By a m the hill of one the York- shires failed to reach the top meiits was carried out with- regularity bill as many native drivers bolted a of was lost All their the district Co moving on Vrvheid defeated tile Horns with heavy loss driving them from Nek and capturing a quantity of arms The Nek movement occur red Dec- The liners who VryheW oh in lost killed wounded The last ed all day the enemy drawing- off at pm The British loss was killed and nineteen wounded and missing Our casualties Include two possibly arrange to SSi2 Notice to Creditors college JL In the mailer of Batata of theTWnjli of Klni the Of York dent Is hereby to per ldwhv the day of JwnftlJ Arc on or before lb Bend In Joseph of I or their uTmoti the If rtiiy in duly verllled And ak nut iieKVIh sld will Uh ivlbmhOMirihe Angela tin iU Only lit tin of which then J Kelllhy PO After several months we are now instruction Bookkeeping am Sua Forms ship Shorthand Eta by mail reliable with eleven teachers slid a go I lion for work von expect for Central Business College TORONTO Free A Dated hi Newmarket l i -i- J -uttl-iiir- not taken who died of llirir iiounrfi A Hour strict our Tmpatr travel the and physical wreck fermsht IndiRCitlon is cause Dr Von Stans Tablets keep the stalled in animal which was a mile but not the was kicked and rand Vi Co Pulton USA Recommended and sold by druggist j The Gave Way Dec lasl floor of one of the stores in the block Ontario street fell with storhachiweowalddlgMonkeepthenerv a crasli while nine men were work natures pan boxes of canned rfoods and harmless Bros factory The Ihmr by Lehman been strengthened and It was thought jt would stand the A new Factory will be built thou Wjid boxes had been at In the spring It The Hour gave in with- Sharon Pa Dec any warning mid it was lips laughed so heartily today at a for Ihe men In the store get funny story told by a friend thai he out and they went vith it A dislocated tits jaw While his friend of them were crusiierl between ran for a physician Phillips had to sit tiers of boxes John was fifteen minutes with his mouth wide and from head to open The the and other men were Rightly per pressure and the jaw lew into hut nil death plate Since the accident has unable to open his Long Distance Telephone ftflbrdi the in- of com- a PROMPTLY Write for our I Invent flfa How you are lid Send us a model ami will tell fir clearly and not spoken occupy the following time yijV Words Words half Words You have to wait for an answer been and frilly cure- ssbVoidkth InveuUou through notice wlimmt chief ii over Ihell MARION Office athd Solicitors Vofk Life for is merchant who dvertise like a man in a rmvboat from rubbish he to without a sales CHASES OR CATARRH CURE or run sent direct to waul examined ion eue I A which he dnn and

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