Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 5

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E FREDA Yfi EC a tt ONTARIO BAN AS NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Business merest Allowed on Deposits ISSUED liessbii Prepared for the Bra by KM r December Matt- I IH PI Drafts IhHiW to Mrs Simpson tfuintnaat fl StouVfer of Voice md Violin or all StflK LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones KNOWLES Wholesale Retail tm PROVISION STORE Two doors Main Golden Text Thanks be unto totalis unspeakable gift THROBS- Verse l Even in Herods found There are silent testimonies to Jesus Christ is ever a rouble tojevil doers The wisdom of men cannot Gods Word tile infallible and final authority Out of humble surroundings great come Mens secret- thoughts are open to scrutiny Murderers have sometimes themselves in piety The trusting heart wilt mid providences guiding reverent souls star It Jesus gladly receives gifts with spiritual worship practical Verges Jesus awakens either or Jesus is lifes real touchstone reveals manhood The Bible holds the answer to Satan sometimes Annies an angels garb The worship gifts of love go together Verses There are many strong but testimonies o Jesus The stars silently speak for God Pea Providence constantly confesses the Lord Acts Animate nature witnessed for the creation Matt iHu Verses Whenever comes He awakens keen interest Jesus is disturbing influence in the world Luke Jesus is the chic in society Matt iii Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Hams Lard Ac best Hud on A trial will coo- viae ton Potatoes Pickles Corn Pens Picnic and Tongue Honey c filled on notice Jesus is lug presence among men Verses Tlie word of God lends directly to the Son of lol Jesus to Gods Jesus confidently expounded word Luke Jesus con fidenily showed himself in word J no Verses anxiety Jesus is not religious concern- Some men sought Him for worldly gain Jim Some men used for political profit Luke Verses 11 Jesus duly souls deepest longings It is not hut Jesus who gives joyful rest Mali It is not the manger but Jesus who gives full contentment vi It is not the worship but Jesus who gives eternal iife 1 1113 Verse It Jesus will gladly our Christmas homage It must be that of selfsurrender Horn It must be that of spiritual worship It must be grateful service n I Our Fall arrival which Bettor than Ever Larger liver Cheaper than Ever The pattern ami quality that we carry give selection of limn any Tailor in York County The fsbricH of wool that can to hud for the money Couture ours with others and you will see that we arc still leading the woollen trade of the Town in work manship quality and price The range of and Trousering include the J patterns on the Market J Everything Guaranteed Mclaughlin The Chorus Rings Again the chorus over rings see the flashing of angelic The heralds hasten down sliining To bring the tidings of a promised day Glory in the highest Glory ever more Let the angel chorus ring from shore to shore See the white wings gleaming in the sky again Glory in the highest and goodwill to men The pearly portals have been left jar Again the radiance of the Orient Stat Has caught the splendor of the world above To our footsteps in the path of love R Romanes of pomes joyful Shine on bright angels in these earth ways Our shall echo notes of praise A sure hope glistens thro passing night For brings us everlasting EVERY When you have rheumatism Muscles feel stiff and sore and joints are pain It does not pay to suffer long from this disease when it may be cur ed so promptly and perfectly by This medicine goes right to the spot neutralizes acidity of the blood which causes rheumatism and puts an end to the pain and stiffness Biliousness is cured by Hoods Pills 25 cents Cite arrive K u Viola lciVu Co- The County Weekly It North f f f f f f f home of Mr and Mrs- Albert Sloan was brightened by the appear ance of a young girl on Sunday after noon The children are practicing daily in school for their concert on Dec 1 They are endeavoring to have one of best concerts of the season A number here attended party at Mr Codlings of the line last Friday night They re port as having spent A most enjoyable time Ladies Auxiliary met at- the beautiful home of Major Armstrong on Thursday afternoon last when Import ant business was transacted A large number were present It appears that our wouldbe hotel keeper Webb has failed to obtain a license here and the Mansion House must continue to remain and gloomy heretofore Sentinel it 4it Umur f tt X i and If Arc South Nervine nature corrector rnakct a world of force perfect A bolder tor rundown people One lad I owe life to it Sold by Newmarket Mr John Patterson of Hamilton announces that hehas abandoned the Gait electric railway pro ject Madrid Dec Tbe German has oil Malaga GO miles of Gibraltar private despatches that forty persons were owned matter where men may be ho matter how- far away from home they may go or how long they may stay away when Christmas their minds revert to the loved ones of their childhood tender memor ies of a mother a sister perhaps a sweetheart arc revived and a longing seizes them to be back again amid the old familiar scenes each recurrence of the glad rea son which heralds peace to men of good will this longing crept into Richard Jennings heart stifling all interest in the fluctuations of wool on Change and positively dis tasteful to him all talk about- the pros pects of next years cotton crop or the humored Wall street combine to effect a comer in wheat Whenever Christmas approached he began to realize his loneliness and he regarded with envy the people hurry ing along the street carrying bundles toys and res- en is to their homes sacred place is be violated at such a season by the presents of a stranger and Richard Jennings Christ were spent alone He was always glad they and he could in business cares past ten years he hud been a member of the St Louis Exchange and was rated lie has no taste for society and be belonged to several of the clubs in charming old town he could not be called a clubman His his cravings were domestic but hey remained unsatisfied Little was known of his previous history not communicative and his were not inquisitive One evening just four days before Christmas Mr Jennings returned to his handsomely furnished residence and astonished his by telling Iter he was going home for She had been in his service for more live years and that all his relatives were dead as- she had never heard him speak of them something for you for Christ mas he said handing tier a bill and I hope youll enjoy yourself Im in a honest brogue- thanked him There was a new light in his face was shrewd noticed it For years man had been away home and during his absence Ids parents died while he was wild ponies in Texas or digging gold In Colorado or gambling it away Kansas City faster than he gath ered It As the train ran eastward oer level lands of Illinois Indiana the rich farm lands of and then amid the wooded hills and reams of his own native them all Ids mind travelled back ward from the present Hithard successful broker and respectable member of the St Louis Merchants to the dissipated days of his fresh young manhood when bis wild life had separated him forever from one ho could not forget As the train approached Philadelphia and he looked out of the window at the numerous domes and spires and cupolas he reflected how time- which wrought such a difference In fie appearance of city must have changed of from whom his own misdeeds had sundered him They barf been sweethearts from But old Ezra Kent her father was a man arid stotifs got abroad about tie dissipated set of ftlcharq the Reader and Wfcen day he fame from his counting house and- found Richard Dick call- him then intoxicated he said the last- time should re- ceivc him Sly was a dutiful it wounded her life but slit obeyed the Kents came of a stern stuff and -bo- Eleanors gentle womanliness fay heroic strength Now he was returning a very differ ent man and regretful that he had stayed away so long It was such a short journey from the Mississippi to the Schuylkill he wondered that be had not before summoned eliougJi cour age to return Seventeen years For the twentieth lime he forth a letter and read it with the same absorbed interest as if for the lime Dear Will met Mr Coles last week He had just come- from St Louis and said he met you there You naughty boy Why have you never- written or come borne to see us We want you to spend Chris mas with us All he children are crazy to see you There are five Hie baby a beautiful girl is month old And has two teeth The children often about Uncle Dick Eleanor has told so many Tom at Rugby sort of stories about you when you were at University Mr Kent failed four years ago and died last- March Eleanor her mother still live in the old house They are very poor Eleanor teaches- music and sings at St Brides Mrs Kent looks very old but site sews beautifully makes the prettiest things for baby Do come and spend Christmas with us The children are dying to sec you and so am I ami Will Ever your loving sister Mary 1 The childrens names are Mary Alex hes named after father of course Sam Dick after you and baby Shes a little angel Tlte street where Richard Jennings home was where he was born and where his married sister still lived had once been fashionable You could tell that from the housesbig broad roomy old fashioned brick residences of a bygone day with quaint doorways elaborately carved- the lint els many cases supported by classic Ionic or Doric columns affected by the builders of a century ago But their glory had departed The spirit- of decay had fallen upon them and the children of those who then had moved to finer and more modern homes Hut the and the Kerits were an exception They had with stood the general exodus and continued to live in the house had been their family rooftree for nigh a hun dred years They were plain quiet conservative people ll01 of the smart sort like the gay- fashion able families who had all away Heres Uncle Dick shouted the boys as they grabbed his big travel ling bag almost before the had time to carry it into the hallway Hugs and kisses were exchanged all around and his sister wept a few me morial tears lie had grown so like his father she thought Ah if moth er could see him now that mother whose patient loving face was pictur ed on canvass in the quaint old fash ioned frame hanging on the parlor wall His nephew Alex a handsome lad led him up to the same room in the old fashioned house which he bad oc cupied when a boy furnished with the same high backed rush seated chairs and the low bed with tall carved corner posts the old prints and knickknacks and boots And over fireplace was a photograph of Kent He threw himself into a chair over come with emotion at the many mem ories of his younger days that arose him like ghosts from the past In the afternoon he went out with his two eldest nephews Alex and Sum see the shop windows and when they returned all three had their arms filled with presents He was very hupp- If those married fellows in Lotus now sense of loneliness which him for years was gone and yetin a week he would be backs again in that quiet house hi with no other occupant save the faithful Sarojj Burns It was Christmas eve All the lights were burning brightly in 1 mansion Uncle Dick and the children ho had never realized good companions children been busy all afternoon decorating huge Christmas tree Again evening it was a glorious sight to behold The children had been A of- them had gotten an unusually Jarge number of presents Undo Dick atone bad brought three or four each oven to the baby In the big sitting room the presents were displayed on an table that reminded some wild beast- of forest you gazed down at the formidably looking claw which served for its But the table could not contain all so several chairs were placed either side of it to hold the overflow exhibition As the evening waned Uncle Dick Papa went t for a They had been gone but a few when there was a ring at the door bell Kent and her aged mother entered both bringing presents for children dressed very plainly never looked handsomer The years which had passed since her early and only love had touched her light ly She was now 35 but looked much younger She was a great favorite with the children who called her Aunt or They showed her the tree the presents and then Untie fiicks they said watching her face to see a reflection there of delight at the return of one she had so often told them But only a little nervous smile on her lips and died And very soon afterward she said she must return home She must write the names of her Sunday School scholars in the pretty cheap books she had bought for them and practice the offertory- she was to sing on the morrow and arid the children would not hear of it They dragged the and her to play as they sang Jolly- Old St Nicholas They shouted the rollicking song such a lusty chorus that old Mrs Kent was afraid they would awaken the baby but Mrs reassured Iter and begged Eleanor to sing the -Offer- lory she was to sing at St Shepherds Watched Their Flock by Night But Clamor didnt Krtow it without Her hands strayed over making little chords and cadences and then struck prelude to Memories of those songs that play upon the human heart strings Many a time when alone she sang it- but it was not a song for Christmas eve It Was too sad Richard Jennings and his brother- inlaw reentered the house the sound of her rich sweet voice reached his ears Who is singing asked Richard Its Eleanor Kent was the reply Low and clear and svect the words molten into music reach their ears- There is no note of all your songs of yore That does not speak to me of you once more There is no place we two have ever seen That does not whisper of the might of been There is no path of all that once we knew That does not hold some memories of you Still though they call the wild tears to mine eyes I would not yield them for a para dise two men entered the room soft and Eleanor went on singing un conscious of their presence There no baud that you ever gave That does not live though love be in its grave Jennings drew nearer tohis old sweetheart gazing intently at her lovely face An instant later and he held her in his arms and imprinted a fervent kiss on Iter blushing check Philadelphia Ledger ESENTS I FOK YOUNG AND OLD 1 I LEHMANS DRUG ST and BOXES COLLAR CUFF BOXES DRESSING CASES BOXES SHAVING SETTS etc Toilet Soaps Stock Priori Perfumes There is tabid than an- bottle- of PERUMEi our STOCK We- have from to New Stock Kinds New Prices See Ibem See them Our DRUGS are the Purest Our PRICES are RIGHT Let us do your Dispensing To be given in the J Church NEWMARKET On Friday Dec 1900 xo ox 1 Chorus Lights of the I School Responsive Reading and Prayer by Pastor Singing Again the Chorus Rings School Recitation Soldiers of the King Pour Hymn Let there be Light School Symbolic Starlight and Sunbeams Little Quartette and Chorus Jesus the Lord is Born Symbolic Star Cross and Crown 3 Girls and Boy Quartette and Chorus Home Lights Symbolic Exercise The Crown Jewels Girls Song and Map Gleams from the Holy Land i lll Little Girls Solo- and Quartette- These Fleeting Years Singing In Liquid Notes School Recitation The Tree that Saved the Town Mabel The Question Answered Why we Never Married 14 Bachelors and Maidens j 16 Recitation The Coming of Santa Glaus Johnny Morgan Patting Chorus Night and a Happy New J Li 200 Second Edition Post J A 1 that Dr flyrup of Turpentine relief tor and Everybody has In bit recipe family Tbey have learned by It to on Syrup of ana of accepting the various mixups which offer as aa Dr Syrup of unseed and Turpentine contains many of the moat valuable and most effective remedial for throat and troubles that ftclence dlaoovered It acts so directly arid promptly an to he of in all of bronchitis and cough so In effecta as to to yen t and cure the cold of Ion a bottle family three times at all dealers or on Males Co Toronto Dr Chases Syrup of arid SAYS WAS TORTUUIOO I such pain iron corns I could hardly walk writes Robin son Ills- hut Salve completely cured Acta like on praind scalds burns boils Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles guaranteed by Lehman druggist Newmar ket v- to nave a Knox church Perth is new pipe organ Belleville store in took lire at about Oclock this morning and was cum destroyed with all Its con tents which consisted goods and groceries The tots is estimated at 52600 or upwards It is reported that there is no insurance lilt CI CI CI CI a 8 CI I CI CI The London Free Press flfiD will work wonders for you Sold by ff Lehman A Free Press is year It is essentially a newspaper for the home circle While distinguished for enterprise ewe has been taken from tbe beginning of Its career to- admit Its Columns that oftend the moral sense of people MARKET full all the latest Canadian American and English live stock and grain market m- VETERINARY COLUMN A neyr feature by J V V every Saturday deallnk with all of Veterttttty Science also questions and answers daily of animals Ac Contains valuable home Instruction for the and stock owner j FOREIGN history of ttafdoitfaH over the known world in the COMPLETE CANADIAN telegraph nrf6iail parts of Canada particular being paid to Ontario if hi SPORTING full SportsBase PootBall Hockey Skating Racing Trotting and Run ning etc IN Politics but Its TOnviUton has never prevented it from doing justice torir of both parties who do right It is the organ of- the of party and makes the public weUbeing its fitt in fact the Free Press Is the most complete and uptodate west of Toronto from through week and i pages on Saturday is bright and readable news for old and young Second Edition at your post for 5300 per year Now is time to nt The Co a a w I a a a a J a a a a a a a a

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