Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 7

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V v rfi 1 jw VK Weeks Itoeal IS GOIXG ON IK ABOUT metropolitan the Toronto Star of Saturday states that Mr Warren- President of Metropolitan Co denies the Toronto Railway Co has control of the Metropolitan road report is without founda tion- Pretty Between thirty and forty guests at tended the wedding of Miss Clara Manning to Sir Jacob Taylor on Thursday afternoon of last week at the residence of the brides parents oh Street Miss Harris of Toron to bridesmaid and Mr of groomsman A very so cial time was spent The bride was the recipient of numerous gifts The happy couple left by evening train to visit relatives down east R Bad Last Saturday morning is Mr Jes sie Thompson was driving into Town by way of Street with a full toad of milk to supply his customers he met with a bad mishap In front of Mr Fishers residence a butchers wagon was standing waiting upon Mrs Fisher and hi to pass thejig Mr Thompsons horse shied at something and being very close to the edge of a fivefoot embankment it caused tie whole business horse milk wagon milk driver all to upset- in the ditch Mr Thompson not only lost the whole but had to go among the farmers collect another supply before could serve his customers There was quite a big crowd of peo ple In Town last Saturday but rather small market for this time of the year Butter was inclined to be cheaper and sold from to and an upward tendency pood fresh eggs going as high as per Season Tho open season foe shooting ducks partridge rabbijs and ended on Saturday last The Provincial Game Warden is re ported as that the all was a- good for game and sportsmen did piMonie Tuscan elected the following officers at its last regular meeting frit next year M A Williams Br J N- Sec J Chap J J IT That Vote We have been asked give the divi sion in the County Council over the motion to pay the Warden an extra hundred dollars services the past year It is as follows Yea Messrs Chester Fisher Baker Norman Hall and Johnston Kay Messrs Bong Stokes and Woodcock 1 no fa Cantata The Cantata to be given in the church ioughl evening is entitled and we are safe that it will be the best Christmas of the season The children are getting parts up well is appropriate the occasion and sever al entirely features will iulrft- duced including four very pretty sym bolic exercises The music is new and bright and everybody will be delighted The admission is only cents cov er expenses Doors open at IS to commence at sharp See pro gram in todays issue- Clubbing Hates Owing to increase in the price Of newspaper and also the government tax of newspaper postage the city pa pers are raising their prices for clubs We have made arrangements to supply papers for as follows Dressed turkeys were in do- Era and Weekly Globe including from to geese ducks to and chickens all the way from 10 to per pair live chickens per pair live ducks from to Hucksters did not get much poultry carrying most of it atAy food apples and per basket potatoes scarce A load of dressed hogs sold at per in the quarter from to beef by quarter to Be lamb by the quarter and First class hardwood per cord 1 6inch dry hardwood Si per cord dry poplar per cord dry hemlock ft per cord green hemlock S3 per cord the beautiful picture of The Canadians at the Battle of Era and Weekly Mail Empire SO and Toronto Daily Star Era and Farming World and Montreal Witness Kraand Montreal Star I 95 of free to new subs of North Moved a at furniture into the- Christian parsonage last day The model students and teachers of the Model school were grouied at Smiths Gallery making a very pretty picture Do your Christinas shopping today and avoid the crowd County Council nomination in next Monday Only more day in the A large number of our subscribers have already renewed for Municipal nominations oil Monday the last day of the year Elections Monday Oil is the Use Buying HorseBlankets at prices when you can get fair to good blankets from fur cents already and lined good value for cents up to or as much cheaper as you want A real good lined blanket already si raped and shaped only cents Curry combs all steel cents brushes so cheap that we would nearly give you one Whips than willow gads The only place in Town to buy the old- fashioned big round Bells that you can hear on a still night from Sharon to the Waterworks Halters to it of heads for cents The largest stock of Mitts in Newmarket made especially for lender lingers pli able ami warm at factory prices Al ways the reliable place for flatness of all Kinds light and heavy Repair ing done while you wait and get warm Trunks and Valises all sizes and quality at Factory Prices must be sold to make room for new stock the first of the year Council met on Saturday pursuant to Statute Present Mayor Cane and Councillors Robert son Smith and Trivclt Following bills passed J Caldwell reglping at Town Fairbanks Co pipe for on Timothy St Collins drawing coal 5 rent of pound J rent of pound Birch drawing sand repairs at residence v Co labor for tlco service on Timothy street Thdsl Turan labor for domestic service on Timothy street carting rillilf Frank Birch drawing coal Hunter Rawing coal J Collins drawing coal- Hunter drawing coal work at Power House L A Yule on coal 19 Coal Co cars coal less freight Yule customs on coal i Howard Coal Co cars coal nibble stone Light fiTR freight Com The Fire Light Committee was instructed to draft an agreement Newmarket and the Township of Kirig re electric light poles to Mr residence The bill of Printing Co was referred to the Printing Com Finance Committee reported that several offers were received for the Light Debentures and the tender of the Canada Life Assurance Co for 9925 and accrued interest was accepted A deputation was heard from the Public Board asking for the usual grant of And a loan of Laid over for further bylaw was passed providing for holding the next Municipal Election Nomination in Town Hall at on Monday Dee Voting on Mon day Jan pep Ret- as follows St Georges St Andrews Ward John St Patricks Ward A J McCracken The Treasurers Statement of Ac counts were presented and referred to the Finance Committee the Clerk also to have same printed according to law Council adjournal till Wednesday Bee at oclock The Cheap Store 21 Departments 09 It Presents be found useful to all these Goods in Stock in We trust the fpllowing list of Holiday Goods will find it hard to decide just what to buy We have Variety and lots of other Suitable Present Goods that want of space prevents us from listing We recommend you to keep the list for reference For tittle Folks DOLLS kinds little and big dress ed and undressed kid and Nankeen Rubber ami Rag China Bisque and Patent Heads c c rang ing in price from to STORY BOOKS Over kinds to choose from from to each Bobs Clippers and High Sleighs ranging in price from to BRADFORD Hon Postmaster lias subscribed the Brad Christinas market The West Council the cultural Society and the Town Council have also subscribed Sift each for thej same object At the meeting of Presbytery held at on Tuesday the call from Bradford and Second West to Rev Dr J Smith j was sustained The Moderator J flail laid the call before in a few appropriate words and was further supported by Messrs I and T the delegates On notified by telegram of the action of This is the time of year your girl takes your measure without your knowing she is sizing you up Preparations for the various holiday entertainments of the Sunday Schools are in full shopper iTivds Winters late in beginning are seldom long It rarely happens that the com ing of spring is delayed like the de parture of fall A group of girls left their shadow Grahams Art Gallery last Friday Owing to sickness ti Miss Ironsides Miss Annie McDonald taught the Pri mary School two or three days last to below zero last Friday morning according to several reports King Mission Sunday School intend holding their annual on Thursday evening hist This is the shortest day of the All schools close for holidays By law schools on the Md of January we I hat Model mil Monday iKe School take place Witlncsday the l reporis and of Trustees Hiefe is no the that lias purchactl a resi on Ave Malls are very heavy week Christmas matter the past season Messrs Cane Sons have shipped from earn of to at nearly all of it has ken worked tip Into pails and f firm are pails and tubs per day Lnele Cabin appeared in the Town Hall last Saturday night the Hand boys enjoyed the visit of Mr Joy of Perth at their last Friday night Mr was leader of the Perth band for wpve years Mr his Ml Earth Good ill On Saturday last the Rev A of the church here was made of a furlined Overcoat- Willi of otter from the memUTs of his congregation as a showing to some evtoil the will of his towards lorn During the illness of the laic now nearly and during the vacancy by lament death if then a student at Knox College were secured for several Sab These proved so acceptable that from the the congregation wished to secure him as- their pastor Accordingly a very hearty and call was issued and in due time In June he was in ducted the charge here The strong feeling of appreciation of his services has never waned on the contrary it has very much Increased with progress of time Since coining our midst he has a power for good freely giving of his for the advancement of the com munity It was fell desirable by his people hi In some way mark the in which he is held They therefore look advantage of thei Or Smith during the course of the afternoon wired his formal accept ance The induction services will lie Held tit- Bradford on Thursday flee at pm Rev J Hall acting Moderator is to preside Rev Mr Campbell will Rev Mr Ross of Churchill Is to congregation and Thus PaUm of the Minister In view of an early settlement and on such an auspicious- occasion a new century in Ihis are to also upon their choke of a past or in the person of Or Smith of whom those who him best speak in Ihe highest terms Peters pence during the recent of he Pojie amounted to no less than The Corporation of Woodstock has formally taken over the electric light from the company the considera tion being TOYS Balls Banks Beds Dolls Bureau Dolls Bellows Toys Blackboards Blocks Boats Cup and Saucer Cannon Carriages Doll Carts Chimes Comets Clapping Figures Chairs Dogs Drawing Slates Dishes Drums False Faces Furniture Sets Doll Games Guns Go Carts House Toy Horses Rocking Horses Galloping Horses on Wheels Humming Tops Iron Toys- Jumping Jacks Jumping Rabbit Kitchen Sets Knife and Fork Sets Magic Lanterns Mugs Mouth Toys Musical Toys Arks I 1 With Eczema Mr County out i with- or Bin for- over during thai Mine wliti four lemporayx relic ad custom gift will j result stated It is felt together Mr has a career of much usefulness before him lip may lie spared for the development of his for the good of hose Willi whom fie tomes in touch the earnest desire of all his people Home It is far belter offend pie than to oblige them girls and an aged janitor were burned to death at early Friday morning at a and students lost all their wearing apparel of property hut found Hint ihey coulil only lief I had tiscd treat relief iud change have Ihree Mil now completely I Commended It lo my can ay in belt I er I In my worth Its In told misery Which rtihyn1uro of Is moat apl much Dr the one remedy for rheum eraetia head and elery form cents a at all ti ers or Bates Co Tor Dr Chases Ofintmenl Pianos Paint Boxes Pencil Boxes Pastry Sets Pistols Rattles Soldiers metal Stable Toys Soldier Sets Surprise Boxes Stores Toy Swords Tables- Tea Sets Tin Toys in great Variety Tops Trumpets Violins Sets Watches Whistles Wheelbarrows I Ac Ac For Bigger Folks looks for Boys cloth bound cents Books Gift with Fancy Cloth Covers for Boys and flirts Autograph Albums Stamp Albums Photo Albums Scrap Albums Photo Frames Brash and Comb Cases Fort Triangles Alley Monte Carlo Unlink Louisa Lotto Obstacle Steeple Chase Upper Ten Cuckoo Fish Pond Authors Boy to Banker Bobolink Canadian Logomachy Nations Old Maid Snap Lost Heir Pillow Winks Brownies Picture Puzzles Pi net to Battledoor and Shuttlecock Checkers Dice Dominoes Playing Cards Boards Checker Boards Ac c in great Variety from 10c SI bottle Handkerchiefs Bibles Prayer Books Hymn Books Skates Pocket Knives Rings Fancy Ink Stand Hockey Sticks Skating Boots for Girls Skating Boots for Boys Fancy Cup and Saucer Porridge Set Sets Girls Grey Lamb Caps Girls Grey Lamb Huffs Girls Grey Lamb Gauntlets Girls Grey Lamb Small Brass Lanterns Air Rifles Ac c FRUITS AND NUTS Jamaica Oranges Mexican Oranges Florida Oranges California Navel Oranges Valencia Oranges Messina lxuions Malaga Grapes Golden Dates Layer Figs Cluster Table Raisins Muscat Raisins Shelled Almonds Shelled Walnuts Walnuts Almonds Peanuts Mixed Nuts Iiadies Fancy Belts Fancy Collars Fancy Garters Fancy Combs Card Chain Purses Leather Photo Albums Photo Frames in Gold Plato Fancy Metal Celluloid Bamboo Automizers Hand Mirrors Glove Handkerchief Sets Jewel Cases Trinket Baskets and Comb sets Toilet Cases Photo Manicure Sets Military Hair Brushes Pomade Jars Ink Stands Powder Boxen Napkin Rings Scissors Pocket Knives Pins Fancy Belt Buckles Fancy Brooches Chatelaines Blouse Sets Plush Bags Fancy Thimble Holders Fancy Kid Slippers Fancy Felt Slippers Fancy Handkerchiefs Fancy Hosiery Kid Gloves Evening Gloves Silk Ties Lace Ties Silk Blouses Velvet Blouses Silk Underskirts Umbrellas Waterproofs Dress lengths Blouse Silks Dressing Dressing Gowns Fur Fur Gauntlets Fur Ruffs Fur Capes Coats Fur Muffs Velvet Capes Golf Fancy Cups and Saucers Fancy Plates Fancy Porridge Sets Fancy Sets Gift Books Prayer Books Hymn Books- Bibles Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes Cards Booklets Perfumery Cologne Florida Water French Toilet Soap Honey and Almond Cream Rose Cream Cucumber Jelly Face Powder Tooth Powder Sachet Powder Marking Ink Ac Ac Ac For Men Boxes Shaving Mugs Shaving Brushes Razors Safety Razor Razor Straps Pocket Knives Match Safes Pipes China Match China Ash Trays Metal Ash Trays Skates Necktie Boxes- Ink Stands Fountain Pens Trick Cigar Cuff Buttons Cuff Links Scarf Pins Collar Buttons Card Cases Pocket Umbrellas Smokers Set Walking Slicks Cases Card and Set Books Calendars Stereoscopes Views c Ac For the Home Fancy Table Lamps Fancy Hanging Lamps Fancy Night Lamps Dinner Sets Tea Sets i Toilet Sets Lemonade Sets Glass Sets Glass Jugs Fancy Tups and Saucers Fancy Plates Fancy Cheese Dishes Fancy Salad Bowls Fancy Berry Sets Fancy and Salts Fancy Jugs Fancy Vases Fancy Jardiniers Fancy Vinegar Table Lineu Table Napkins Table Tray Cloths Sideboard Covers Stand Covers Towels Smyrna Rugs Rugs l Door Mats Chenille Table Covers Tapestry Covers Carpets Curtains Blankets Bamboo Tables Bamboo Racks Bamboo Paper Racks Bamboo Nickel Tray NickelNut Sets Nickel Tex Pots Coffee Pots Nickel Kettle Nickel Table Bells Nickel Sleigh Bells and Gongs Nickel Sad Irons Knives Silver Plae Forks Silver Plate Tea Spoons Silver Plate Table Spoons Silver Plate Desert Spoons Silver Plate Chocolate Spoons Silver Plate Sugar Spoons Silver Plate Fruit Spoons Silver Plate Childrens Sets Silver Plate Butter Knives Silver Plate Pepper and Salts Silver Plate Napkin Rings Steel Table and Desert Knives and Forks all grades Carving Sets Tray and Brush Granite Ware Carpet Sweepers Churns Clothes Wringers Candies Biscuits FANCY TIES in Knots Puffs Flowing Ends Mufflers Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs Black Hemstitched White Silk Hemstitched Plain Linen Handkerchiefs Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves lined and Fur Gauntlets f Fur Caps Fur Coats Slippers Carpet SlipjWrs Brushes Moustache Cup and Saucer Roche lb Brown Mixed per lb Cut Rock Mixed per Royal Mixed per Peppermints per lb Conversation Iozengers per per lb Choice Creams per Chocolate Drops per High Class Canides In Creams Bon Hon Chocolates about kinds to choose from in price thus and Water Ice Windsor Cocoa Wafers high class goals our price per lb kinds Fancy Biscuits ill Jo Biscuits Oxford Biscuits City Mixed Biscuits Molasses Snaps per Fresh Broken Sweet and Soda Biscuits per lb pound Newmarket Out

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