Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 8

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I THE ftKA PR DAY PEC a J I of all of immiuy to ALBERT JOHN MOORE GRAIN MERCHANT market price kfnde ROWLAND GRADUATE OF THE Ontario Veterinary College KO0NT Next door North of Store For Sale- acre part of lot con Halt fiaf or part of l lie boM DAVIDSON Mi Albert Apply to FURNITURE fa You can money by buying your Furniture at the jut pert Furniture A STOCK THAN OK Bedroom Suites EsUneion am Parlor Couch a and Chain We are for IltJo Sham Udder ad the Carpet find Ildare a Specially- delivered free of charge when in quantity ALLAN THE AKER Geo Sons Collar Checks Sheetings Cloths etc Tweed Serges Milton Heave Grey Cheviots Always on baud In from Albert I Warm Goods for Cold Weather MANAGER 4i Chas who has annual of the fog her mother Mr Henry Methodist School be lipid Smart left for hex homo in Toronto on Christinas nigbtln toe town on Monday Mr Kmart left- on in The pcoirjam will consist of solos choruses recitations- and dialogues with friend and a la drill the girls of the Toronto school has from Illinois will make his home here A erand concert in aid of this build- mv fund of the town hail will be held on night Firstclass city has been secured for the occa sion They will no doubt have a Lines written on the death of Violet Smart by her randmuther Mrs of Chicago A lovely soon snatched away To realms above Thousands will wish at Judgment day Their lives as short as mine know you feci it hard iv port With the darling of your heart Hot only trust in Jesus And and I meet a The following were elected on for the ensuing year Mount Albert Thomas Watts Walker Foreman Amos Lapp Overseer Allan Recorder Steeper Lloyd Financier John Moore Inside Outside Rep to rand Watts Alternative Arnold Dunn Trustees A W- A DOG STORY Two farmers living not more than a thousand miles from Mount Albert each own a dog One night recently one of them oil returning home laic at discovered his own his neighbors dog worrying his sheep some of the later being killed He hung his own dog with a line and was about lo the same kind office for his neighbors canine but the animal escaped lie notified his friend who promised to attend lo the A Merry Christmas to all our readers Why not send your absent- for a year as a Christmas box Think it over The two graves on Hie north drive in were hist week Rev Mr of occu pied the pulpit of the church on Sunday having exchanged pulpits with Rev Mr Rev Mr Thompson of Toronto oc cupied the pulpit of the church on Sunday Jewells skating rink is in full swing Master Asa Jewell is Mana ger has occupied more extensive premises order to his increased trade Mr John Moore is again in the ficFd as a candidate for municipal honors The Proclamation the Financial Statement of East have been posted Rate payers do well to study the latter carefully the grain market prices remain unchanged from last weeks quota tions BALDWIN Cards are out for tliree or more in this section the holidays Rumor says hat two of our most lovable and attrac tive girls Cameron and Vales the Ugh of Squire John are to wed Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and Is author- to receive subscriptions accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly to OUR CHRISTMAS MARKET The prize on Tuesday more than realized the expectations of the committee in charge and was a grand success The farmers wives of this section ably sustained their reputation as firstclass butter makers We the opinion that no better butter than that shown on Tuesday can be produced either in any other part of Ontario or in any other country The poultry were a sight well worth see ing the fowls being dressed per fection and of a very high quality The prize winners were as follows Best lit lbs Butter in Mb prints- Albert Brooks 2nd Mrs Thomas Brooks Best Basket of Butter Mrs Louis Powell Largest Quantity of Butter Stokes Bros Riddel and Jimintc also residents of Egypt In great luck There has been a great deal of crow picking in our burg this last few days consequent upon the pie social racket in future it would be advisable for the old crab to have nothing to do with public entertainments At a meeting of the town hall syn dicate it was divided by a lo J vote to allow public dances to be held in the hall The finances show the hall is clear of encumbrance Uncle John Taylor was much disap pointed at not being able to get to Jakes wedding However I con soled him by informing him that Jaked got a nice little woman have no market but prices arc K Five buyers make lively tinted If friend Aaron does not keep his eye whle open hell have to shut up shop here A of ladies complain he is discourteous and as the other buyers are gentlemen they get the preference said Some bad boys The wise man tells us in the Good Book to bring up the kids in ihe fear and admonition of the Lord nut forgetting Ihe fear of daddys si rap Spare the rod and spoil tire child- We have several lads here of tender years who have been al lowed to wild until they have got beyond all control Lying thieving and such evils come natural to limn Its time they were choked oft A despatch to some of the daily pa pers announces that- the Black Diamond Express on the Lehigh Valley recently ran at the rate of ninety miles per hour Thats goiug gewhiz aint it Steam beats the bicycle yet Way back in the dim and hazy past of ages one Peter the Her mit organized a religious crusade lo the Holy Laud One of our ladies emu lately has Peter agitating a crusade Mr left Friday morning for Aint those to see his brother who is ill in the hospital there Mrs Johnston is the city with friends- Stewart McDonald intends a few days visit in Hie city this week Wedding bells iu Egypt Settlement Two up on the sea of matrimony viz Itiddel to Miss Rose fas to Miss Emily Yates We extend our best wishes lit the parlies concerned and hope their lives may be long happy prosperous Mr Thomas Barnard paid Sutton a visit this week Some shingling was being done here hist Thursday Those engage must had cold Angers as the day was cold and stormy We learn that Mr Wellington lake shore intends to shingle a portion of his new house before The ladies of the church held their annual sale of work last Tues- Thomson not guilty of the charge of arson in con nection with the recent incendiary fires in The St Jaiiies ptu pose hold ing their annual tree entertain ment on the evening of the insl Mr John had a re moved from his neck a short- time ago by a city surgeon and is doing well A social entertainment will take place on the in Egypt Set tlement- the proceeds of which will be applied towards paying for a bell for the new Miss Ida whom we report ed last week as dangerously ill died and was buried last Sunday forenoon Mr James Rao of Michigan who has been a resident there in neighborhood of thirty years is with against dancing whit will probably emuorary visit to productive of the same brothers and haying been Mens Fur Coats Ladies FurLined Capes and Storm Collars Felt Boots and Slippers Currants and Raisins at old prices D RAMSDEN ALBERT wMfmH yam Seasonable Goods Sioves Roasting Pans Carving Setts Vegetable Scoops Scoop Shovels Potato Forks all at SUMMHRFELDTS ALBERT Our skating rink was opened for Ihe first his season on Friday of last week The ice was splendid Very Home Work We want the of a number of to do all the young iwiple arc advantage of it The proprietor Mr Vui over sixty is mailer but neglected doing so On passing the house one night some Heaviest 3 dozen Iggs Mrs afterwards he coaled the 2nd Albert Brooks into his neighbors stable and again dozen Fresh Mrs A performed the hanging act Now the Case Township Council pays twothirds the value of all sheep killed by dogs and Mr Robert gives a bounty of Ave dollars to any Best Alex person who destroys a dog caught in j Mrs Armstrong the act of worrying sheep The Four Best Mrs Louis Powell lion now is should this farmer get 2nd Mr John Johnston- the bounty for killing Ids own dog and Heaviest Turkey Mrs Ed Peterson can he claim damages Tor the sheep 2nd Albert that the same animal helped to kill product suits as Peters crusade viz kicking up a desperate disturbance Looking through Owl eyes I myself do not see particular hanu in private dances Its naughty hut its nice I believe I will have the Ayes of all my bache lor friends when I assert that the chief poorly for a considerable time Mr Duncan of died last Thursday week was in terred last Saturday in tins cemetery Mr family have moved from the village to Lindsay Out DRUG STORE Vor Balm of Cough Syrup For ft for Mr Charles has pleasure dancing is getting your Michigan for a months visit with friends Mr Edwin Phillips on the town line is having a large addition put to of Northern Spy Apples ftlr Geo Crittenden has returned a very pleasant weeks visit wilhfj Miss Mason of Fur ther particulars by bye Our woodmen are hunting round for dry wood Leslie Crittenden and Andy Miller Jr are cutting wood for Joel Thompson A Miss Dunning of King is the her with a Set The leacjier was surprised as affair Ac We give a copy of the ad dress as read by Miss Catharine San der To Miss Lol tie Allow us to say thai IMPROVED Condition Powder We also a full of Patent fttoooij them tod Family receive persona or night T LLOYD fi Means a change of Fall to Winter Clothes Mr suae met with an Wednesday lie was l the stall by a colt had his affords us great pleasure to present lo you thanks of Ihe Sabbath School of this place for assist an as Bible Class Teacher and for the last three years as our Public School Teacher have every reason to believe that you performed your duty in helping the little folks in what they deem DR Call and See i Winter Suitings and Overcoatings RIGHT pit to the Keller Alberts Leading Tailor Six Best Walker 2nd Hayes No of Jos to wield the sceptre i Huntley Gum Swamp Academy On Sunday Dec an unusually rwPair DucksStoker Bros Sutton has a scandal which for mag large Sabbath School pothered ou can surpass Baldwins worst of the last Sunday the Bible lk afraid for Cto and Public School teacher Miss riohs trouble III to together h j notice in reports of several shoot- After the Sunday School was over tournaments at Gait Miss was asked to take the if Mrs of and Mr Robert on Ikh A fe West Goose shots in and II lovely ArmChair as Fanning of New York Parker of Greatest No of Entries Mrs llaU and lui brook of etc Hit carefully planned and well carried creditable indeed John not J I Davidson W Hi Johnston arc our Notion in County Council ami will next term What 1 dislike to see Children that are disobedient and slinging lip at their parents These family rackets should be ie and lose their the House of Correction Ik lied to In future the residents along HIack Crick will please call it by the more poetic title A Hon river Theres where my Mary resides hope all my bachelor friends read When Walking home with Mary and took comforting encouragement from Such a scene was an actual occurrence here recently A yousjs chap was walking home Willi through Tommys Jill I a party I should dearly love to if he spunked tip and It what was Marys reply ltd he kiss from those ruby swevt lips I should have done so Thanks to the good folks of New market for their thoughtful kindness towards my fricuid and J E P Hes worthy of It is rumored that Miss a SUCCESS their difficult tasks since you are Numbers of People in going to leave us we resret Canada are Being Cured of Consumption going lo leave us we greatly regret your departure and hope you will ac cept tbts Chair and Toilet Set as a slight token of the estimation wc feel for you We hope and trust a blessing from God may rest upon you In future your lot may lie cast behalf of the Section and Sunday School we all wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year his dwelling house Mr Morton his neighbor lias improved his property much by new wire fences Mr John Til of British Columbia son of Mrs Till of is here for a short visit with his mother The latest reports from air George Kay are to the effect that although very sick the indications of a favor able turn arc encouraging Dr Noble and Mrs Noble have been ill with severe colds The Dr however is now nearly con valescent Mrs Broadway left for last Monday to attend the funeral of a near relative who died very sudden ly She expects to remain in Mark- ham till after inquest last Thursday was ad journed for a week The Methodists here are doing their best to make their New Years An niversary and dinner the best ever held u Is Positive Evidence Of the of the System for ml Dec David Sander Secretary ti PERSONAL Mr Rowland of Toronto is in town and will spend the Christmas holidays at the home of his Mr and Mrs Robert Rowland Mrs Albert was the guest of her friend Miss over Sunday Mr Wm sister Miss Maggie came home on Monday veil ing to be present at the marriage of their brother Robert on Wednesday afternoon Mrs Row has returned a weeks visit In Goodwood with stater Mrs J Mr William Wilson of Toronto is spending a few lays with his mother HO MORE DOCTORS NO MORE SUFFERING Itfl who bid 1 m Kt fiout nam a very commendable notion If wffwftora My form lour a letter one triiofiusimiyrtniorirtoi Monday An unusually mar- quantity of produce ditto Liancxi girls ditto the day bg and tons of hem J Our hucksters were satisfied turkey Us Courting kid la liU aril- few drops of claret through a small aper ture rind Hooliganism is still in London A policeman was stab bed to death in A wo man while looking out of window on to a scene of youthful in the street below was shot in the head Bradford Dec The wreck of the steamer Alpha at Vancouver brings sorrow to a home here Mr Sain Barber banker and of the boat together bis brother Joan Barber the purser were both drowned were sons of Barber who lives about three miles out of this own Owen Sound Dec Roth aged about 38 car repairer on the was instantly killed while attaching the airbrake coupling lo the engine daylight this morning Roth had no light and the not knowing he was under neath the train gave the signal to go ahead Deceased leaves a wife and three small children hits already sold season tickets Frank Pearson of Toronto home for his Christmas holidays The fowl given by the young people of the Methodist church was one of the most successful ever given The fowl were excellent and served up good and hot The chairman Mayor Cane of Newmarket gave a very pleasing opening address Rev Brown of Bradford and Mr of Newmarket brief speeches which were very much en joyed Miss Yorkc and Miss were both repeatedly encored which told plainly how very much they were appreciated The proceeds after all expenses were paid amounted to We hope the Young People will under take something similar on another we can hear the bell for which nil ore anxious Miss Jones school on Union Street is giving a concert on Friday after noon of this week in the schoolltouse Miss Alma Aylward Sun day with her Mrs Harrison Miss Marjory Pearson expects to leave for New York soon after New Years to spend the winter with her Mrs The Christmas Globes have been dis tributed round tow and every body is well pleased with them The stories this year arc suitable for Christmas nice and cheerful The School of the Presby terian church hero intend having a Tea Meeting and Cantata on New Years night The cantata is a form al trial by a Judge and Jury of St who will be with bis pack host Monday night was a big night with the Workmen here They had their annual election of officers be sides initiating two new members The following officers were elected Kavanagh Foreman J Overseer J Recorder A Financier A Treasurer Geo Fogg Guide Andrew Rose Duidiam Outside Geo Wright Rep to J Alternative John Tate P Irwin If the weather Is favorable a Fancy Dress Carnival will be held in the Queonsvillc Skating Rink on Christ mas night Wednesday evening will be Christian night instead of Tuesday night Mr I takes the topic Quito a number from here attended the Christmas Market on Tuesday lost in Newmarket Mr Geo Fogg was in Toronto on Tuesday last Judge at Wo Auto- to fihflruholil- aft mi easily earn cthkc- 5 once The Peopled Knitting Limited Toronto OF Presents AT ROWLANDS Stock now complete In Fancy Dry Goods Fancy Glassware and and Fancy Groceries and Confectionery including Oranges Lemons Grapes Etc Etc FREE TREATMENT oranges tixa ftjw7MAUn produced by Injecting a I win Spy of Catarrh be cured lair Catarrh CO re We ifae ftavo J for and hellers film all on tad to carry out by ibelr Oral Cure net Insdlrvotiy per bottle Wold by all free Song but tell of Saddest Thoughts Dear Ladies What to you has been for many months the saddest yet sweetest hour day Surely that when in silence or in sweet communion with relatives or friends you have let your thoughts dwell on the dear ab sent ones in Africa Your hopes and foam your prayers and tears gone forth to And was not that the hour of afternoon teat Your soldiers comrades the British planters make the delicious GREEN Teas of Ceylon aha India This alone should incline to try those teas Japans no such claims on you and ate besides of Inferior qualities Monsoon and Blue Ribbon brands are all good Colonist Teacher Wanted Female for ftohool Nik for Apply to Mount Albert PO Calves Lost from tot con on or about the of October 1 SPRING HEIFER CALVES light In color and dark red tion leading to their recovery will rewarded TRY OUR OWN Emulsion of WITH WILD CHERRY an excellent remedy Coughs AND LONG TROUBLE We keep make of properly fit anapiamoieetoo w- Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT ALBERT

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