Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 9

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1 NEWMARKET ERA- FRIDAY DEC CHINA HALL Nov 1900 I Boots and Shoes We want to say a few words about our Fine Shoes for Ladies They give per fect Satisfaction for the fol lowing reasons They are in style fit perfectly They are guaranteed to give Ever to the Wearer Have we Sold You a Pair Misses and Childrens- fine or strong Shoes Mens and Boys coarse and fine Shpes Weeks is ok aasocx w St Johns usual midnight mass on Eve at oclock The church will be decorated Last week lbs of creamery but ter was made at Newmarket Factory and sold at and per lb in To ronto- The last shipment of cheese was also made last wees consisting of Toe cheese season lias been a great siiccess An adjourned of the Hoard took place on Monday evening when a number of accounts were- and matters discussed concerning the annu al reports which axe to be given at the meeting on the second in January according to statute Presbyterian Next Sunday choir will give special Christmas music both morning and evening and in the morning the pastor will preach a Christmas ser mon In the evening Rev Mr will the fourth sermon subject The con gregation in the evening is increasing i RUBBERS Our Snag Proof Rub are the best the market on J Officers for elected at regular review of Tent on Dec were Conunander A Thompson K Lieut Commander K Keeper Richardson K Finance Keeper A II Chaplain K Hoover K Dr J H Wesley K Stickwood K MasieraUArms J A Cook s K First Master of the Guards Cook K Second Master of the John K Sentinel MeTague K Picket Eli Arm it age Trustees Atkinson I David Lloyd Cane Auditors Atkinson F AND RELIABLE TO Mr John preached in the Christian church last Sunday morning Rev spending a week or- two in States The Christian Endeavor on Sunday evening last was largely attended Mr Gilpin led the meeting Cooks Hay is frozen over again about three inches thick in some places There was a large turn out the special school meeting on Monday evening Mr Davidson Inspector of schools in North York was present and addressed the meeting Mr Davidson made a very satisfactory explanation in regard to the complication of school matters here and his address on school in general was very instructive and in teresting At close of the meet ing a hearty vote of thanks was tend ered to him The Keeper of the Keswick Tent received a draft for being the amount of certificate held by the late A deputation from the Tent waited upon Mrs on Tuesday and presented her the draft Deputy Supreme Command er Sir making a few ap propriate remarks Mrs in her reply specially thanked the breth ren of Keswick Tent for their kind ness consideration and sympathy shown during her husbands illness and since his Mr is io Toronto week Master grosser is visiting Little Britain with his aunt China and Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets and At Very Close Prices to reduce our large Stock Over Sets to Select from See our Stock in Store opposite Grocery Fine New Figs 5c lb Fine New Selected Raisins lb Fine New Citron Orange and Lemon PetIs This Seasons Currants are scarce and price higfi Brief lets Several slates were blown oil the Model School building by the wind a short time ago and on Wed nesdaytwo or three workman made the repairs which was a ticklish job in having quite a run with Christmas cakes Up to Wed nesday they orders One day last week as Mrs stepped on the sidewalk in front of her residence she slipped and sprained her wrist rather badly On Wednesday Mr horse started from his residence Mr Lehman got Into toe rig It was caught before going far hut not until after some parts of the buggy were broken Mr expects to move his family here shortly from and occupy- the north half of Mr new residence the first week in January The Primary School have a closing entertainment this afternoon The Tempjars arc booming again Four initiations last week and two more on Wednesday night with more propositions A dog case from the Landing at the Court here tomorrow No 12 King has a school con cert this afternoon The Literals of Polling Subdivi sions and 10 King Tf met at Trents hotel pec and elected officers for the coming local elections About forty of the electors were present- and after an address by the Hon J Davis and the election of officers the party jritirncd to the dining hall and partook of the most enjoyable repast of oys ters- and other luxuries which could be desired After songs and music the meeting adjourned with three cheers for the Queen and candidate L So Mi held their regular meeting on Dec fttli when the general business of the Association was After adjourning for lunch the following were elected for I he ensuing Win Sec A Sec Newton Jo a I lard f Geo I Wellar Lea Johnstone Stewart 2nd Com Jos 3rd Com I lawman Itb Com J Com Boss Sick Com Bros James A Johnstone and Geo earth goodwill to is a hard one indeed But why- should goodwill find expression hi the pass ing of the wine glass or that con taining the more fiery the drinking of which brings not peace but aching hearts- and misery to so many families arid- homes at a timc all be joy and How many- a poor fellow- who has struggled harU and for a time suo- against habit is tempted and overcome at this season When bo every hand he is met by this mistaken and the appetite once aroused by the taste he goes on and bo until in stead of a loving father hastening home to bring and cheer we see his family watching with sickening dread creeping over- them as they- re member past times and on his arrival the fear is fully realised and joy fled it may be forever dread of a like fall will always remain l Nor is it on the street alone that the temptation must- be met and fought In the homes of socalled friends safe from this temptation at all other the social glass is presented in a way hard to decline unless Ik is strengthened from on high and by the temperance pledge and alas presented by the one hard est to resist and who should be the last to offer the temptation In the home tire tempter is rarely a man but tire one of al others who should strengthen others against temptation the home mother plum pudding or mince pie must to be extra good at that time be flavored with brandy or wine if not a snare to one al ready a victim to the appetite how does she know that she is not giving it start in her innocent child tffiat mother does is right is or should be the opinion of every boy and girl and yet how many can trace back their first taste of and relish for intoxicants to mothers pies or pud ding I heard with sorrow of a young girl who had signed the pledge and shortly afterward she asked What makes the pudding taste so much bet ter than usual mother Oh I put wine in the sauce That mother Would not I am sure willingly put a stumbling block in her childrens way and yet did she not do so by her thoughtless act Our brave soldier hoys returned from he war have been every where by this mistaken form of wel come and it may yet be that some mothrrs may wish hat their sous had fallen on the veldt where least they would have died sober and in dis charge of duty rather than return to most spectacle a drunkard Well may they our Save me from my friends if this is how show their friendship And is there not cause to fear that this most miserable form of Welcome I home will be even more in at the approaching holiday season Tho so near its close has many evidences of improvement On old ways and customs on this sub ject of treating It is no longer the universal way of showing good com radeship Oh that it might close with this resolve on the part of all will neither take myself nor oner to others that which can only lead to wrong and sorrow ft Press grew A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Coal and Wood Lime Hair Cements Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free Cor Main Huron REMOVED SEED STORE Howie Real of ChPistmas Giving Our hearts are usually very larger at Christmas than our purses writes in the December Ladies Home Journal The fa remember that we know But our means do not ly allow us to do it So we often pass entirely by Christmas people to a simple Merry ChrisUnas and more would mean a world of and llghtheUriednesa J be cause ve cannot what ve would like we think we should not at all truth Is we choose to acknowledge it in so many words or not we have grown commercially and so artificially In this country that of us are prone measure on by yardstick of intrinsic value or what of Item- We wm to have en tirely loot the hal we alway i And if we give that something we wotilu come duster it the teal it W litrMi filled strong will that la like perfume have a meaning that only a few There is In this world feeling one remembered and this a few written words will often convoy more than a Invar- put the gift first Our remem brance take jm form we think oilier a verbal written cxpresoion And that the not the natural m to to it we do that have the It is Amplest The choir in the Christian church rendered excellent music last Sunday The platform in the church is to enlarged The choir will then occupy a position immediately behind the ministers stand The Sunday School Is in a prosperous condition under the efficient of Mr Rogers with his able stall of teach ers KM is to preach a Christmas sermon 011 Sunday when the choir will furnish appropri ate music Miss Fox has just returned attending the funeral of her wife In Detroit accompanied by Mrs Fox of Detroit On Monday afternoon quite a num ber of sharp shooters gathered at Mr J T and for fowl Air Jan In carrying some 4 or nice birds away the shooting was very close by all A raccoon secreted himself a few days under the waste gates at the mill which called out quite a number of villagers and their dogs There was Murray with bin and spaniel Campbell with his little yel low dog and Toole with his shep herd dog and yet coon was master of his situation Couldnt catch a coon eh Mr J has Just completed a sample wire fence at J Campbells which will bear inspection forget the Christmas Tree here next Monday night Come one cornc all and put your present on the tree A grand Cantata with recitations dialogues and music Adults children On Sunday next at pm Miss Palmer of Newmarket will addresn parentu and children Collection in aid of lic School Those two big apples on Saturday evening told that the young ladies were out to a certain farm houso for tea V Host Regular meeting of Council on of Dec All present A bylaw was introduced to provide Municipal Nomination to held in Meeting House Sharon at pm Monday Dec election to he held En the Polling Booths on Jan under the following I It No Angus at Mur rays Shop lliv No J I fall Sharon No Kava- shop No house No Town Mali Albert No J Cowieson Nelson Manors house Bylaw re removing and snow from In Mt Albert was providing for the clean ing of all sidewalks on Centre Road from the south side of lot tl to the north side of lot in said vil lage Communications were received and payments ordered as follows viz sheep claim Council out The festive of the year is fast approaching when the heart that docs not respond to the motto given two thousand yean ago Peace on limey cedar claim It sheep claim 1 John for de stroying Wagg refund dog tax I Bedford refund dog tax Irihn Crone services ao valuator I Gordon refund dog tax J Kileley services as valuat or J Cook repairs repairs A re culvert Thou extra labor hardware Johnston gravel Morris repairs A Hardware 1 Cane Hum lumber Alb Mori refund re St Lab A Travlss reps to culvert Best Wish of Who are provided with abundance of Christmas Nuts Figs Raisins Dates Oranges of all kinds Everything is fresh thats worth knowing We have the Stock and we are ready for Business i EADER CHOICE DAVISON MAIN ST CO NEWMARKET 51 Gold Watches Bo Ink If on And rrmnird To now ulrlli In If The ror ranpninconl or In I ji A 1 A Im R N A O S3 should in THU will 1 TJ 111 I IIINN t Liter limn Iim for t fall jrar4bafKrv3QlInufollioUOHixniTIItV S AH fcureiwrrvflinlrnfJH Ausivr mill la order I he or Write for of a HOME CO foronio FREE FREE FREE FREE 51 John gravel John Steeper re snow r Clerk and jiiinV adjourned sine die 0 no o King Council 99 fid GO Met at on Hoc The following hills were passed Win drain Ml etc Watson culvert con Dr fSO I bill SI OBrien hill hill J repair gravel 52rt J snivel Poller J repair repair Nell Mc Donald repair con Ilaradell repair mm SOei den drawing J Walton etc Norman re pair Kin City J Prinze pick handle Kitchen hard ware hardware postal etc J lor plank J plank repair fttli ton J J repair Town- line J wards culvert Per rys pit J Corliss repair Cold bridge special S Lemon ser vice a wt vice as councillor Hums as councillor Seneca Wellar bonus- for killing two worrying sheep Art bonus for killing two worrying sheep 8 reeve was instructed to issue an order in favor of for in payment of road around hill on 3rd eon when a til Is furnished for he same clerk was instructed secure if possible the service of Road Instructor Campbell to deliver a series of ad- of roads in this municipality previous to Ian The Council then adjourned sine die per too HOD 15 a a WOO To Rent on Hi Apply to WIUDIKIRhn NiWDiarktl WANTED Patterson Clerk will bo received Reeve fleni to th to supply in Toronto Deo 1000 a While a a per bushel per buahol fll 0 per baft I Woo per lb Hay per ton per Beef bind pair per pair lb 1 a 13 IM a a a a a a a a a a a If a a Oil CO cm to sou cords of At must be sound body wood sawed iisroneiiif thereat to be delivered I of March Inspector New Deo W a an councillor J Rogers as council lor sheep claim Snider filicep claim t JW2 Geo claim J D dure sheep claim 512 I claim A Snider per bushel claim 12tCj J sheep claim Oat per bushel claih Pauper bushel Kerr sheep Joel wards on- account of salary W lb J account of salary Hay ton- tax refund per pair Armstrong legal expenses on account Smith Bros OPEN ALL DAY New Years if 0 CI ceo Off ft TO a CO a a a it a a purchased Water lee aid now rates for Delivery of Ice during Telephone ABWldniFififD r

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