Newmarket Era, 28 Dec 1900, p. 4

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ft 1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIP DEC Give Him an Inch Take an Ell the microbe gain lodgment body And system be diseased The microbe is microscopic Boi the germs become inches And then ells of Hood SitsApjLtU destroys the microbe prevents he purifies the And effects a permAneni cure Run Down And my About Sat- Med And After toys bottles was entirely cured iiss ever Disappoints LEGAL J Barrister Public Ac Main Street Newmarket to Loan on Farm security Solicitor Notary Public- etc Money to Court Building- Newmar ket 3 doors South Poet Of fice Newmarket T Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturday and Court Days for J Rosa Co Bankers Ontario Bank Aurora Funds p Barrister Mouertoloao The Bible in the Public Schools During the past week Premier Ross was waited upon by a deputation of prominent men representing various who made a request for leg islation to effect that half an hour be set apart two days a week in Pub lic Schools for the purpose of giving Obedience the Ixaxju At recently a little girl ap parently at the suggestion of her par ents used insulting to a Pub lic School teacher during school and was brought up for punishment- The child refused to take punishment and under the School Act was sent home to there remain until prepared to yield obedience to the teacher The father returned with the child and told the principal that if he punished her that he the father would thresh the teacher and wipe the flour with him The teacher simply told the irate father to leave informed him that a prosecution would follow The j reply the Premier stated that their teacher at once laid information and request opened tip a serious question A from Ottawa states that Conservative members of the House of and sympa thizers in the Senate will meet on Feb 5th the day before the opening of Par liament to choose a temporary leader Several names are for the distinction Toronto Star makes this ob servation and we are inclined to the belief that there is right in the sug gestion Great Britain has been practical religious instruction using trying to finish the war in South Bible for this purpose by methods so gentle as to please the IJoexs and Boer sympathizers every where This policy has already that trie Ten Commandments an Lords Prayer be posted in the schools Principal Bishop Principal Sheraton Rev and Bishop Baldwin were the chief speakers during the interview In Barrister Block Money to Loan on ihe hearing of the case the Magis trate imposed upon the irate father a fine of and costs but it ought to have been twice as much The Public School Act cap sec reads as follows and we give it for the benefit of selfopinionated and dicta torial parents everywhere Any person who wilfully disturbs interrupts or disquiets the proceed ings of any school meeting authorized to be held by this act or anyone who wilfully interrupts or disquiets any public school established and conduct ed under its authority or other school by rude or indecent behavior or fay making noise either within the place or where such school is kept or held or so near thereto as to disturb the order of exercises of the school shall for such offence on conviction thereof before a Justice of Use Peace on the oath of one credible witness forfeit and pa for public school purposes to the school section town or village which the offence was commit ted a sum not exceeding and costs of as said justice think fit A I Post Office Mock opposite the Methodist Church Satisfaction Guarantee DR DENTIST Successor to Dr ttindy Drug Store INSURANCE R Agent for Fire I Iff Money to ntercat at Current At the Newmarket A A Ramsay lOJuranee Agent Low on Farm and Town Property tfhop Unfair The danger of the proposition to troduoe religious teaching was that teachers give a denominational tinge to the and in that way create discontent the school districts in which they were engaged fa The might also lead to a de mand for denominational schools for if the scriptures were to be expounded in the schools each sect might want expounded in their own way In closing Mr Ross expressed his sym pathy for the fullest measure in religi ous matters compatible with in the schools POTES Some of our seem to think that Chancellor Boyds refusal to permit the use of photographs of led ger pages instead of written copies as court exhibits is open to question But in reply to this view it is point ed out that photographs can be fak ed a lot of British lives and it is Boer lives paid the cost of tinued hostilities time con- Very few indeed are the subjects which do not leave room for different opinions but we- can give one instance in which there is no room for and that is the surpassing ex cellence of the Herald and Weekly Star of and the two premium pictures Christ in the Tem ple and Home from the War pictures are perfect gens to paper it leaves noth ing to be desired t is simply incom parable AUCTIONEERS Duncan Auctioneer for the Co of York Good sold commission Terras Verm Sale attended to J A Street Newmarket FAINTING A TAYIlOR flinis Ac prompter and la and Sign Writer Orders can bo at at residence of Mr bead of Street West Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator Comer Mtltarda and Jackson laauer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Bra Newmarket Office 1 9 at private if a rod J MARRIAGE LICENSES fire occurred- at Roland Man early morning burn ing out stores In Ontario haw favor abol ishing labor and a number of titer will vote upon ciuccrttoa at the coming municipal elec tions in January One of our eastern exchanges en deavors to nuke a point against tlie Ontario Government by first affirming that there is a vast area of splendid agricultural land in ready for the axe and the plough of the settler- lands second to none in richness and fertility and then charges that the Ontario Government has never made a move to open these up to the settler Now nothing could be farther from actual facts and the records of the Provincial Assembly fully sustains this assertion Ever since Sir Oliver while Premier of Ontario suc ceeded in getting possession of New Ontario from the Government of Sir John A who declared he should never- get an inch thereof Provincial Government has been ing efforts to promote its settlement In addition to having land agents at many points it has established an experimental farm at Dryden which has proved to be a ral lying centre around which has gather ed a very considerable population It has given effect to the Syndi cate incorporation which has done more to develop the region and promote the manufacturing and agricultural industries of that than oven the most sanguine supporter of the Syndicate anticipated when the scheme was seeking the sanction of the authorities True Mr and his following in the Assembly denounc ed the enterprise as something promising to become a terrible upon the Province- and charged the Government as deliberately sacrificing the patrimony of Ontario Hub will any person now having a knowledge of the vast development of Syndicate at the Soo pretend to fault the Administration for not giving effect to the format ton of that Syndicate Indeed so far as fc known at the Government have- been securing these capitalists who ingeni ously convert the raw material that new country into Hero- selvesaffording labor for other in creasing by duca and royalties put lie revenues and helping the evening up and settlement of that portion of this fair Province at their ex pense to thousands of industrious set tlers annually who will occupy and till the agricultural lands of that district AH this and more has been the out- come of the Governments policy of progrets and and yet this Province has carping representa tives In the Assembly and writer for tho public press who belittle their ef forts or misrepresent results FOOD CHANGED TO POISON The Hon Commissioner of Crown Lands for Ontario states that the re ports from Umber agents are nearly ail in- They indicate that the cut this season will be about 600000000 feet an increase of nearly over that of last year The wages of are nearly double that of last year The Kingston Whig says it is statf Ottawa by parliamentary authorities that Sir Charles will probably act as leader of the Opposition in the next session of parliament until a permanent leader is named This is in of his being the senior Privy Councillor left on that side of the House Hut how about the strained relations be tween Sir and Sir Mackenzie arising out of the nest of traitors episode The fact is known that these two gentlemen do not ex change familiar greeting when they meet how could they act as leaders of the two Chambers of Parliament on the- same side of polities Besides this attempt to boost Sir Charles over the head of the Toronto Stars nominee in the person of the P for East York is not according to the political gospel of the World No no The Whigs information can not be reliable The Liberals of West York at a convention held last week nom inated Mr J Hill their present representative as the candidate at the next Provincial elections Mr Hill accepted the nomination will have for his opponent the same gentle man he defeated election vist Mr- J St John Though the date has not yet been officially announced it understood in wellinformed circles that the Ontario Legislature will be called for the fust week in February In this connection it is also stated that Mr Gross tho newly elected member for Wetland may probably be asked to move the address in reply to the speech frorii the throne The hunting season appears to have been more successful than at first re ported Statistics have now been re ceived from the Kxpress Companies of the deer taken in the Highlands of On tario which show that deer weighing pounds were taken out by hunters from a distance Ex perts estimate that the actual number killed by residents and men employed In the camps is about four for every one taken out by hunters so that the total killed can be estimated with rea sonable accuracy for the season Com plete have not yet been receiv ed from the Province of Quebec and points in the NorthWest but it is es timated by wellinformed Hunters that oyer deer were killed this sea son in Canada It is that Mr of ha received a lu crative Christmas box in the of an appointment to Governorship of Toronto Jail as of the late Green recommendation came from City Sheriff dowal and has been confirm by the Government The position carries with it n salary of free house fuel light and other make no will prove a good man for the position He has been prominent in municipal circles for years haying for- a time represented Village of Warkham in the County as Reeve Gerry we con- on preferment County Councillors will now know where they can find a warm meal when- visiting the city A press despatch from Belleville dat ed Dec states Mr Harry for Hastings sent a nice Christmas box to Mr Walter Si Miller President of Conservative Association of that Rising and thru him to the electors announcing that at the opening of Parliament he pur posed tendering his resignation as their representative the assigned cause for this decision Mr Corby first went and has been the member for tho Hiding ever since At banquet tendered Sir Charles at Winnipeg last week the flickering spark of a discomfit ted poli tician was preeminently displayed in hiss after dinner splurge He said in part It now remains for the Con servative party to hew out for this nation new avenues of advancement and not to rest on their past laurels By a progressive policy they could show the world that while the Lib erals were fit for nothing but to steal other peoples the iiiferva- party was the one Which teach them volumes in the art of statesmanship Let them therefore develop a new policy and go on Canada that while the Government could do nothing but devise peanut politics the Opposition as of old were really the nations builder One would have thought that a reject aspirant for place and distinction is as Tina box of Laxative ciii cold Mr Porter of Putrefying food in the intestines likely to be the party nominee produces effects like those or arsenic Mr Corbys successor In reply to a but Dr Kings New Life Pills epe press interviewer Mr Corby said the poisons from clogged bowels Hastings would not take to gently easily but curing Foster and we may sure that Sick Mackenzie Howells influence down Fevers all Liver Kidney Bowel there is in line with Mr Corbys Only at The On saga if not now the remains of a vessel miit- be seen in the river not far from mouth This river or creek flows into Georgian Bay some twelve or miles east of and in was trio scene of a spirited between the Yankees and British of which the old hulk above referred to was a memento The closing campaign of the three years war that had commenced witnessed a great deal of activity on the lakes and engagements took place between the hostile fleets Sinclair who had taken command of the naval force of the United States on Lake Erie and Huron had five ships in his squadron the Niagara Caledonia Ariel Scorpion and Tigress While there he attacked and burned the fort and barracks of St Joseph on July and then pro ceeded to where he was repulsed by the British garrison Piqued by this reverse he sailed against the small and insignificant post on the river where Lieut Worsely had command of a blockhouse mounting three light guns and also of a schooner the Nancy On the approach of the enemy the British commandant burned the Nan cy where she lay and as the block house was set fire to by a shell from one of the cruisers he and his party retired up the river The whole of NorthWest Companys valuable furs funning cargo of the Nancy had previously been sent to the French river So the in vaders were successful in driving luck the defenders of the their was an empty victory and brought them no spoils from either fort or vessel no benefit was reaped by Americans from this adventure it was productive of ultimate good to the British Sinclair departed from the Georgian Bay for Lake Erie leaving behind only the Tigress and Scorivon to prevent reach ing British garrison at In obedience probably to or ders the schooners make a trip to St Josephs Island where they were seen by some Indians who came down the lake with tidings of the fact which they conveyed to Lieut The two Yankee cruisers it seems had separated and were believed to be five leagues apart made his way to by boat and informed the Colonel of what had occurred During the night of 1st four boats started out one manned by twenty seamen under Lieut the three others by seventytwo soldiers under Bul ger Armstrong and of the army in all ninetytwo men and two guns a and a pounder A number of Indians accompanied the expedition but- took no part in the fighting- On the night of the 3rd the Tigress was boarded and captured after a desperate struggle in which six men were lillcd THE LEADING HARDWARE Get Ready For Winter Cook and Heaters FOR- Coal and Woodv Are wanted now and we wish to draw your attention to our stock All leading makes on hand f f Everything in the Hardware Line always in Stock Paints Oils and Glass- J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET IrinrS at Mill liJ J feif t li he fiUa bctoit burros car of Every as Prime Minister would have sense nia Early on the enough see that in denouncing the I Scorpion was Government which successfully tri- over him at the polls as the devisera of a peanut policy he is setting up his dictum in opposition to families in Newmarket who buy bread buy ours because it is made of the best material that can be secured Our homemade Bread is pronounced by all who use it to be the best to be had We would like to have YOU try it South End Bakery FRED JACK a vast of the electorate of cokntry who are as capable of judging of tlie policy of Liberal party as he is Preachers are running a little too much along line of the sensational these days A Toronto clergyman has taken it upon himself to denounce from the pulpit certain specific charges of municipal corruption against civic but most rightminded people will conclude that he is an unfair advantage If he known of specific charges the law is open to him to prosecute It never was intended the sacred desk of a church should be the forum for discussion of politico This gush after the has taken a lifteieut form over in Austin Texas where clerman of a certain inserted a want advertisement in a city pa per asking for girls tie services on a specified occasion If I were a Girl was the of tho The turned out all right and tht boys too for that matter During his sermon the clergyman took to point out certain objectionable features In and intimated what they should do He added If I were a girl I would seek for the foundation principles that would to mo a pretty face form and dress without the use of paint or powder or arts of the tailor I would seek to have a sound body and in securing I woula tem perate in the use of caramels and fudges use more Indian clubhand rackets and less of tio dance racket Thus the northern lakes were swept of the enemy and the pos session of Mackinac rendered secure to the British for another winter The little fight at creek- was the only encounter between ized forces ever took place on the- Georgian Bay That locality has witnessed many a struggle between whites and Indians or between war ring bands of red men But only once did the Longknives find the conic into conflict on shore The immediate result of that encounter was not such as to boast of but it gratifying to know that the men who retreated from lived to another day and struck hack at enemy with telling effect Toronto Saturday Night OUR VAST STOCK TO BE On January the will give Great- Britain entire control of the railway from to wan The threeyearold daughter of Mr J Mills of Jar vis set lire to her clothes while playing with matches and was burned to death a German years of age was killed by falling clay while working in brickyard Ottawa fcjasb Manufacturers in Kings and other in South Essex have been notified Wiat in of a short age In supply- their natural gas will be shut oft The Government WHI bo ap pealed to to stop exportation of the gas That We Ira U OUR i ukty lfV WAS Mil a rich ia1 for will cot our we in lie a ve ill Hint Absolutely ibeie coo- ro jli offer ilU THE CO Wholesale Jewelers OEM TORONTO Pare the noted bank robber I his leg amputated In Kingston ternary The Government of Now Zealand has decided to despatch another con tingent to South Africa Oft the Ladies of Canada Side by side stood Canadas sons with best brawn of Ceylon and India in the recent unpleasantness The was help one another and no one forgot watchword You ladles of Canada have the power to wage a relentless warfare on the Impure teas that come info your homes from China arid Japan ami at the same time assist your colonist who produce the pure Ceylon and you it in your teas you drink Japan l tea bouse Its cough and try Monsoon or Blue Ribbon cough and cough and then packets Ceylon and India Green terrible I teas Colonist upset stomach by nil If You Cannot A was mortgages Bay County of VfeCrwolene while playing on ice of Mr J a Chevalier shoe Three children of Mr Raymond Just let Child near Windsor were drowned thi directly to the is in Quebec was industry who owed very complete in elevator of hi as crushed to death s his factory their place took money You cant say same of any other denied in the from For asthma catarrh Voar Old November dotivory of and and colds its equally good ll Fifty Year Dr off Oh their farms Vpacjtoleoo by Powder cures Want any stronger which a of M lhc put to tore Want h George Lewis Co Ho says I look upon Si- iw i0 sold by Newmarket by Lehman Newmarket possibly arrange to Winter Term in our College from January the next nt thing and take a After several mouth prep wo are now able to firJjclnaa ship by mail a school with eleven teachers a for ho not work may good results Write for particulars Central Business College TORONTO Yon bottle cant whats by reading in Free

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