Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1901, p. 2

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i- THE NEWMARKiT ERA FRIDAY J AN i She tBTd BUT AND The Printed FRIDAY JAN managing director of the Crows Nest Pass Co Mr Rogers on Monday last stated that there is ab solutely in report that Mr Hill has purchased control the company Some of the City scribes seed to take delight in reports tag rumors one day for the privilege denying their falsity the next Tbe first Dominion election protest- entered since tire last general elections be tried at Owen Sound on tire At present Mr Alex Mc Neil Conservative holds the seat of North Bruce by a majority of one Mr Campbell the defeated Grit can didate says that if the ballots mark ed above his name had been counted for him as some Judges In recounts allowed he would now be the member by a respectable majority This is the chief point to be tried A new book by Charles Sheldon the famous Author of In His Steps never fails to excite the of thousands of readers Born to Serve is the title of the latest book by Mr Sheldon and the advanced sheets indicate a very strong book in deed one of thrilling interest to the thoughtful reader The Canadian rights have been secured by the Poole Publishing Company Toronto but as the story will not appear in book form for some time the publishers will run it as a serial in Presbyterian Review beginning with the issue of the 3rd thus enabling the read ers of that paper to have this most interesting work in advance Vote in Shanon Division election for County Councillors resulted in the return of Messrs and Woodcock by handsome majorities The total vote was as follows Wood cock KtfceloyfSS The vote in the several municipalities was NEWMARKET Oaf Column POINTS 3 a 33 11 St- Georges St Andrews St Patricks Ward Ward Ward 111 EAST GWILLIMBURY js 53 111 f 540 f 336 HOLLAND LANDING 36 S3 Looking at the figures in Mr dys vote a singular fact appears His total vote in East was which added together gives Holland Landing vote which added gives 7 Newmarket vote which added together gives 9 and the is his total vote in Sharon Division Elections J r County Council The election for bounty Councillors which were held on Monday resulted in the return of four new members The Council as now composed is as follows No J Chester and Lee No York J Gibson and Turner No 3 J D Evans and John Guardhouse No Richmond Hi H ley and George High No Markham A Quanta and No 6 KingJ Stokes and Norman No Whitchurch and George Powell No Sharon E and T J Woodcock No North Gwillimbury John A and H Johnston The first meeting will be held on on January 22nd The likely candi dates for Warden will be James Ches ter Lundy and Robert Norman it may be to announce who the Warden will bo hut the chances are the honor will fall to some one North of the Ridges This much may be ventured however that no will be voted for extra ser vicesthats played out NEWMARKET Words A 111 103 The highest six elected Reeve Richard Boyd Councillors Smith Moore Hughes Lloyd Richardson Roadhouse Robertson Smith Lehman w a 4 C5 i- a 69 W 70 78 78 63 5 384 As the opposition to Mr East GwiUimhury was largely on the Toronto Mr George Smith is away on two weeks holidays of is visiting at Mr Maurice Fosters Rev preached at last Sunday J gave a thknbto party yesterday afternoon Mr Ernest Dickson of Toronto was in Town over Sunday Mr Fred Jack and wife visited during the holidays Mr Will Smith was his aunt at on Monday Mr H Anderson is moving his family to north of Carrie Miss was visiting her sister in the city during the holidays Misa M Scott of Vivian is Visiting her cousin Miss Clara Brown Millard Ave Miss Morrow of Toronto sister of Mrs Cane is here on a months visit Pie Leon Jackson of Brussels was in Town this week on a visit with his sisters The Misses Millard daughters of Mr John Millard here Sunday air and Mrs John were At Home on Tuesday evening to num erous guests Mrs Wilson and Mrs of Vandorf are Mrs Man ning this week Wilson of Sharon is visiting her sister Mrs at Syracuse Y J Mrs went to the city yesterday to attend the funeral of her sisterinlaw Mr H Thome of Toronto ex- Reeve of Holland Landing was in Town on Monday Mr Walter Stephens left- on Mon day to take a course at the Central Business College Toronto Miss Millard of The to her uncles Mr Mil lard in Toronto on Tuesday Mr S editor of the Aurora Banner gave the Era a call when in Town last Friday Mr James Cowan struck Town again on Tuesday after spending four months in the mines in Michigan Mr J Smith of was in Town last week He Attended the funeral of Miss Walton at Acton Free Press Mr Will Bar ry of and Miss Ida Harry of spent Christinas at home Mr and Mrs Shore of the latter a daughter of Mr Redmond Simpson spent the holtlays in New market Mr Will son of Mr left on Monday to take a in course at Central Business College Mr Ottawa spent Sunday with bis uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Andrew Finlay Ir Edgar P Webster brother of Mrs Kelson May Pine Orchard has received an unexpected promotion We clip the following from the Herald published at Helena North Dakota Edgar Webster for several years manager for Pun Co in this city has been chosen to that great in South Af rica will leave within ten days for Capo Town Mr Websters promotion unex pectedly to htm The now position is one of responsibility and one that of fers particular a young man G Dun Co have never been represented by agencies in South Africa and recently determined to ox- tend their to that country Mr Websters headquarters will be at Cape which is the flnancial and distributing centre of South Af rica Within the next few months he will Visit all the more important cen tres South Africa and where he deems the business conditions will war rant it will establish offices which will be under the central office at Cape Town His new position will carry with it a large salary and if the con ditions are agreeable he will probably remain in that country permanently Mr Webster is well pleased at the proposed change While myself and family have many good friends in Helena whom we will not core to leave he today I regard the opportunity as a particular ly advantageous one South Africa now offers a good field for most busi ness enterprises It is undergoing what might be termed a reconstruction period at least so far as the Trans vaal and the Free State are concerned and conditions are such as to tempt many energetic men and new enter prises to that part of the world The successor to Mr Webster at Hel ena has not been announced yet but he is expected to arrive in a few days Mr Webster charge the Helena office three years ago fast Ap ril His services were of an excep tionally high character as is indicated by his promotion at litis time He lias been with the company eight years Mr Webster and his family will go from Helena to New York from where they will sail to- Southampton From that port they will take a boat of the Castle Line for Capetown grm J WHITE GOODS AND REMNANT SALE First of the Century We have made extensive preparations for this our First White Goods Sale and you can depend upon it we can and will sell White Goods as Cheap and many lines Cheaper than any store in Canada COTTONS 150c yards Heavy Unbleached Cotton mill price Sale price 5c 000 yards Extra Heavy Unbleached Cot ton mill price Sale price yards yardwide Bleached Cotton value Sale price Extra Large Size White Counterpanes Sale price 89c Pure Bleached Table Linen regular price Sale price 60inch Heavy Unbleached Table Linen Sale price Large Size White Cotton Blankets price Sale price White Cotton- Sheets sizes yards price wto Sale price Flannelette Sheeting 5 feet- wide Sale price yard Big line of Embroideries arrive arid be ready for this sale and the price will be very special REMNANTS About two hundred short ends ingends of Dress Goods Prints Linings Flannels Cottons Shirtings Towellings etc You can sav many a shilling by buying these remnants MUST GO 1 Fur Coats Caperenes Caps Ruffs etc AH at Cut Prices A- OVIRCOATS Good question the vote shows electors are in favor of leading to a reform on this line fctive Stock market Hogs have gone up week tiic very finest of being quoted at Those not quite so good are selling at Heavy and lights are going at to The price today is from lo above that of this time last year One of the effects of his shortage of hogs is seen In- the keenness of the demand for young hogs for feeding purpose it is altogether probable by the time some of these young bogs which are now being bought at famine prices are ready for market the price of hog products will be down again Fair in cattle in Toronto yes terday Not many exporters offered but there was good demand for those that came and all were cleared UP at to per cwt Export bulb are somewhat easier at to With cholce perhaps are slow There arc not many In and buyers want to pur chase about or per Butch ers stock is selling fairly well at to with dry cows at to Calves are In good demand a 3 to Milkers are selling well At to 50 each Very few sheep are coming In and these are going at about 3 to 3c bucks at 2J to 2c and Iambs- at 3J to horse market in Toronto con tinues dull tod no particular move ment Is expected for two or three weeks yet NORTH Reeve John Hamilton Councillors Barker Ira Morton Isaac Jones The vote was Hamilton 238 Silver Barker Morton ST Stiles AURORA Mayor A J Davis Lennox A Taylor Winter J Knowles Trustee0 A Rogers J ac clamation I Baker Councillors IV Clark P Mc Donald Her bert years old died on Mon day evening He was crossing the Michigan Central tracks and fell striking his head on one of the steel rails A doctor put several stitches in the wound The boy did not seem to be dangerously injured In a cou ple of hours he was taken much worse inside of five hours from I he accident he was dead- LADIES JACKETS Now is your chance to buy an Overcoat and get the good of it also save a dollar or two oh the price Frieze Ulsters that were 6 go at Fine Beaver were 6 at 5 90 For Reeve- Jackson 28 For Councillor Evans Kay Moon Snooks Elected I I 61 58 1CS 41 35 33 34162 65 Odessa Jan 8 Dozens of trains are snowed up on the southern rail ways and some are completely buried Ten thousand laborers have been de spatched to clear the Several Russian steamers are missing is full of vessels have tak en shelter in the from the gales The snow fall In the last three days has been so heavy that no mails have arrived Rochester Jan todies He at the morgue and la others more or less seriously Injured lie at the different in the city as a result of toe terrible early this at the Rochester Orplian The fire which was discovered at am vaa caused an explosion of natural gas in the room Toronto Jan 10 wheat per bushel butho on I Si I I Wool per lb pair par pair OH 13OT 11 Mr Will of the Octttvius Piano- Co Ottawa has been visiting friends in Town for a days postmaster of and two daughters spent Sunday with his son Mr J Park Mr Isaac Silver was elected of on Monday and the Era extends its congratulations He was in Town yesterday A load of Newmarket people went down to Vandorf last Friday evening and report a splendid time at the tea meeting The place crowded Acton Free Press Messrs Fletcher and Will of Newmarket spent Christmas day nt the home of Mr James Barry Messrs David and sous of Mr Lewis Armituge who are employed the Toronto Street were home on Wednesday on a visit Mr A Dodos of the Winnipeg Tribune suafl an old- employee of the Era is down on a six weeks visit and renewing friendship Mr J Stephens has arranged for the purchase of a hundred acres of the farm on the 2nd of Whit church and moved thereon last week Mr Frank Baker of Winnipeg in renewing bis subscription writes that the weather is very cold degrees below zero Have not bad much snow The planning mill running yet seems to be getting in its again Alderman A Smith Is laid up this week Bandmaster Mc Donald was laid of work for a week and at the present time Mrs is confined to her bed by it Mr Hartry writes from Mass while his subscription to the Era as fol lows We are having very fine weather Very mild and very little snow I have not seen a sleigh out this winter Mr and MrsG Knowles left on Wednesday for California tfpend a year with their daughter Mrs W W and also Mr Knowles went to the city to see them Prospect Ave Kavanagh the popular 31 at the for the past or leaves this week and will spend winter at home She J to go down to New Brunswick in the spring Miss of Landing is to her place in here K Esq who was for Sharon Division by a handsome J majority over all opponents Is a for the this year fltJk been a member of the County for a number of years is well qualified for the position and we hope ill he will be elected The A I tan MASTERMAN THOMPSON At Au- on Wednesday Dec by Rev W- Amos Miss Ma- Masterman daughter of the late Geo to Mr Thompson of the 2nd con of the of King PAISLEY At the resi dence of the brides mother Jan 1st by Rev Percy of Mr Bradford Pais ley son of Paisley and Miss second daughter of George deceased all of Whitchurch the Church of England rectory in Aurora on Dec Mr Luther Pottage to Miss Jennie Mills both or King Tuesday Jan 1st at the residence of the brother Mr Oldham of the Centre Road East bury by the Rev K linger Mr Allen Smith of to Miss Ann Jane Oldham daugh ter of- the late OWham Esq At the resi dence of the brides parents on Jan by Rev K Mr Brandon of Toronto to Miss Anna daughter of Mr F of Holt at One Swell Tailormade Overcoat that i is always 10 to go this week at Boys Overcoats at Reduced Prices BOOt SHOE CUTS We have less that 50 Goats left but we Kings Fine Kjd Button or dont want them and you can get a nice Lace Shoes at 250 reduced to 2 lection to choose at hall regular prices Very Swell Kid Boots at 50 Ladies Wool Lined Rubbers that were pair reduced to Mens 2buckle Felt Boots at Mens Stubproof Rubbers are the best in the world We are sole agents for them Our stock of Childrens Shoes and Rubbers is very complete Every Coat is this years style Good Warm Coats Well Lined Coats at Girls Lined Coats at Very Heavy Coats at 12 Coats reduced to 200 This Sale affords Big Chances for Saving Money Be sure you profit by it H N M a a fi THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a out in prices on Furniture for a few before tak ing For High Dinnre per sett up Sideward with Bevel Mirror up Extension up Bedroom Suites up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up All other Roods in proportion A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at Residence 126 John Millard Telephone The annual meeting of the King City Cemetery Company is take place at the office of Mr 1 ley on Monday January Winnipeg Man Jan The body of Frank Wright aged taken east to Smiths Falls for burial last night was shot by a young named Harry Dare while the latter a revolver in a drug at j Wright wis school each The vyhitchurch on the of to Mr and Mrs- Richard Lee a daughter MORNING In Town on Jan to Mr and Mrs Fred Morning a daughter The Tomb Thursijay Dec at the home of Mr Robert Stewart line King Samuel in his year Thursday Dec at pm at late residence Ruth fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs Stephen Leonard aged years months and days WIGHT In North on the George Wight aged years and months IIORSLKY At White Rose on Sat- urday Jan 5th after lingering illness Richard j aged years days Interred at Newmarket Cemetery last Tuesday afternoon I ONBlbIn Toronto on the Annie wife of Mr ONeill formerly of Newmarket aged 20 years morning Jan at her late residence Toronto Margaretta widow of the late Dletcrle formerly of in her 69th year St Main North Newmarket- i tor All will reoeio Prompt THE GREAT RUSH IS OVER 5 every respect wo have exceeded all- previous and we more than pleased with results Sot the Clearing up Our year clones on Jan 1st and as money is much easier to handle than foods we purpose offering a few inducements in order to clear out certain linos this week Have been lor a overplus such Leisure Hours Band of Hope Cottager and British Workman Chatter Box and some of CALENDARS AND DIARIES DINNER SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS FANCY CHINA AND GLASS LAMPS AND TRIMMINGS Grocery We find our Grocery Stock is too large We have pot the room to show io good advantage and in order to reduce our stock we will for two sell at reduced prices Just received a nice line of Sweet Biscuits to sell at lb Another car of Roger Bros Hungarian Flour unloaded this week Who says we dont do the Largest Bread Trade in Newmarket Bars Witch Hazel Soap for 10 Bars Happy Thought Soap for Toilet Soap bars in box for Glycerine and Castile Soap per cake la Richards Pure Soap Surprise Eclipse and Comfort Soap I tin Stove Blacking tin Shoe Blacking for tin Harness Blacking for box Eddys Telegraph Matches box Idea Matches 9 Can Peas Corn and Tomatoes bottle Sauce 10 it squares Blue for per lb Mixed Tea per lb Black Tea perlb Japan Tea per lb j Cocoa per lb tin Peaches 3 Extract lbs Cooking Pigs Eating Figs per lb Pure Ginger per lb Blue Ribbon Tea per lb Blue Ribbon Tea per lb Orange Peel per lb packet Mince Meat 21 35 10 CENTRAL TELEPHONE W STARR-

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