Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1901, p. 4

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iia PA J Deride Not Any Mans Infirmities from US forts a one AM Mr ftwwi Jim frnP Hoofs Svstpv Sirtt1ai St Or- LEGAL- Salary Public Ac Street to Loan on food Farm security T Solicitor Rotary Public Honey Court Building Ontario Barristers Cbopplo doors of Post Of fice Newmarket Hertert Aurora will alaobeat Newmarket on Saturday and Court J Boss Co and Ontario Bank Aurora Funds p Barrister Barrister Reformer Block to Loan Another Big Another big scheme is on foot The Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto gr ft has been learned here on excellent author ity that tie railway magna tee Mackenzie and Main do not Intend to rely the Canada Atlantic of any other existing road to give lines with the seaboard Their is a line from Quebec city the route to lie to the north of that now traversed by the Canadian Pacific Hailroad Preliminary surveys of ijbe route have been made and the will probably an for a for the new the coming ft is that the Government has also been approved with a view to securing aid for the project The correepondent adds The new road will run east froth the city of Winnipeg paralleling the until ttia Lake of the Woods is and then pursuing an easterly thru the heart of New Ontario H will continue in the- same The will that river valley to the a turn lothe rfouth will enable it to pass thru the district Prom that the most and direct route to Quebec will be followed From the picture presented of the magnitude of this railway scheme it if the century will be marked by great railway enterprises and should this l and Mann scheme be pressed upon the attention of and the Provincial Leg islature our Government should seri ously consider whether they are being asked to aid an enterprise fore it is really needed as a necessity A Story from life 0 SHOWING HOW CAN BE OVERCOME I is Cheep axiDg- piper Star follcrwmft item respecting the keep of county prisoners in the City Jail and Wit is given without any reference to the arrangement by which the City was allowed to build the jail I r J I it is ahnounceri IfcaV will convene fer the oer ofrbusipesaon cdiday the of next- The Good Old i It to so when the mind is P- the tfiCjit teinecs5aryte the Liberals of Center wilf drftiBi inpttlato feicfe banquet Hon ogs Ontario DENTAL I Office Block oppoflltc the Crowded out last week The Nineteenth Century DR DENTIST to Dr Op pooiteliroufbtGoe Drugstore J fl far Fire and Lira Aanrane Money to inter eat at Current Bate OrriCT Ramsay Fire Agent Low Bate on Farm and Town Newmarket ppank for on Newmarket PAINTING ft Hi PAlntina Gmlnlnar Done promptly and la I with Painter and Writer at Store at the residence of MrJ Green head Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter and Comer Church Lane and MARRIAGE LI0EN8KB of MARRIAGE- LICENSES At the Kb Office Newmarket at brirate if J of MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON OLD MR SALE AT THE ERA OFFICE Well mar it be said that the century just- closed is the most wonderful of all the centuries of the past It would fill many ordinary sized book to merely make the barest refer ence to the changes wrought in the mighty achievements of hand and brain during the hundred years just closed A Montreal has clothed our thought upon this subject in the following brief but suggestive reference to some of the many inventions which science and dis covery has century epoch to which may be added the social moral and religious develop ment all of which have combined to exercise a wholesome influence on the body politic of the nationsenlarging the civil and religious liberties of the race Says our We become so soon accustomed to new conveni ences in daily life that even the trol ley car and the telephone are now ac cepted as matters of course plies also to the match pen typewriter bi cycle electric light telegraph rail way water in houses our sewerage system gas for lighting and heating rivet and ocean our penny post and newspaper and many other means of enlightenment health comfort and intercourse which a cen tury prolific of material knowledge has brought to the service of man The uses of anaesthetics antiseptics and antitoxins have revolutionized the practice of medicine and surgery and are among the most beneficent the centurys discoveries- physics and chemistry have joined hands in ad vancing the science and practice of mining of weaving and dyeing of building ships and houses of tilling the land and making it more product live and in a hundred and one ways providing for the wants and anticipat ing wishes of our complex civilization The Roentgen rays and wireless are amonjjtne latest gifis of science to the century So- much for but what of Che future What the Century in store for Canada One hundred years ago our- population numbered the epoch closed end the thousands havegioivrf millions and a half a territory washed by the oceans of the east and west rich in agricultural fruitfulness and mineral wealth re sources In land and water we can confidently look for on which we are entering with an of and development of which the past has no comparison Weltmay It the future is beautiful and bright- for Canada Mill Operator who fa m Kidney spenV many dollars in Useless to restore his health Dr Williams Pills Acted Promptly Good health is the chief requisite to low spirits and can most cases be traced to health and in not a inatahces are direct syrnpnqms of Kid ney texjuble These dced to the pains in the back which accom pany the disease mate of the sutrerer one of abject misery One soch was Mr- Darius of Jordan Mr Dean in an inter view with a reporter recently his experience as follows am a- saw and grist mill operator and a strong man but the life of a is a hard one with long hours of labor and frequent exposure Some years ago as the of this exposure I was afflicted with kidney trouble and although I spent much money in various remedies I did not firSTa cure until was persuaded to Cry Williams Pink Pills In the autumn of 1898 the trouble began to assume an aggravated form I suf fered from most severe pains in the back and affecting of drowsiness and yet so severe was the pain that many- a night I scarcely closed ray eyes My appetite was poor I suf- feMdfrom headaches lost flesh was miserable and wholly unfit for work It was while in this condition that I was advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and procured three ore had finished the third box I felt much better and I then procured a half dozer more I used all these but before they were all gone I felt that my health was fully re stored In the interval since then I have had just one slight of the and Dr Williams Pink Pills soon drove this out and my hearth since has been the very best- I have- gained l in weight eat and sleep well and consider myself as healthy a person as there is in the county and the credit for this I feel id entirely due to Williams Pink Pills Williams Pink Pills increase the supply and the richness of the and in this way cure physical and functional weaknesses Most medicines simply act upon the of the disease hence when the medicine is discontinued the pa tient is soon as wretched as ever Dr Williams Pink Pills go directly to the root of the trouble and cure to stay cured Hence it is unwise to waste money in with other These pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent post paid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing- the Dr Wil liams Medicine Co The Vitality of Scd Most people are sensitive about a The past season has in certain local ities been unfavorable for the perfect maturing of grain In some districts it has been injured by rain during har vest or from being stacked before ful ly dry thus causing it to sprout or heat while in other localities it has suffered more or less from early twnh frost When exposed to either or these conditions cereals to lose a portion of their vitality or to have it- so weakened as to produce when sown an unsatisfactory- growth The character of the crop is greatly by the quality of the seed should have its so that when placed m the soil the young plants may make a prompt and vigorous start- Hence it is important that farmers should the they are holding for seed posseses the vitality necessary to produce a good crop Instruction of the Minister of provision has been made whereby the vitality of seed cwboBsceftainea without cost to the individual and any farmer In the Dominion who may have any varieties which he desires to have tested can get the Information he seeks by forwarding to the Director of Experimental Farms Ottawa samples of such grain and seeds Samples may be sent free thru the mall and an ounce or two h sufficient for the purpose About weeks are required to complete a lest It Is hoped that all who desire to avail regard to the situation item reads The County Of York has a good thing in its anangernent the city of Toronto for of pri soners brought various parts of the county jail boarded and guarded there cents per bead pet day There were prisoners the jail during representing 379 days and mak ing up a of which City Treasurer rendered to the county authorities today The amount is less than it would probably cost the county for the Salary of a Jailer if it maintained a prison of Without- going into detail as to dates etc we may say that previous to the erection of the present city Jailj all city prisoners were kept in the county jail down by the Don and were boardedclotbed and guarded for tie munificent sum of riinercoceor per day The city fathers of those considered and as they wan mote accdmmiida- for prisoners the police negotiations were opened with the County Council to be allowed to a city jail in which they stipu lated to maintain all county prisoners at actual cost the ainount to be de termined by mutual agreement or by arbitration This proposition was finally accented and legislation sought to ratify the agreement It is not therefore a question as to what it would coat the County to maintain a separate institution but rather does the amount now paid by county cents per day meet the actual cost According to the report of the Provin cial Prison Inspector this sum not only pays the actual but ex ceeds by a very considerable percent age the stipulated agreement For years the county maintained city pris oners at per now a made against the county the city is receiving than double the sum its municipal authorities were willing to pay the county for similar i J It is just so the new Court House For years Totonto had the use of the Adelaide Street Court House by simply paying its per cent ages of annual maintenance nothing for rent on capital account hut now that it owns the Court House a demand is made upon the county not only for furnishings and maintenance but also a rental on capital account based on a cost of If this state of things is to continue the County had better make a complete separation erect County buildings- out of the City altogether and transact its ju dicial business within the county We venture the assertion without fear of successful contradiction that the rate payers of York are paying a larger per for its judicial business than any other county in the Province owing to its connection with Tor onto This has been apparent to County Councillors for years and had it not been for local rivalry respecting another County seat the connection at least so far as York Is con cernedwould have been severed more than a decade ago If Toronto is wise it will let sleeping dogs quiet in regard to keep of Coun ty prisoners hundred- A despatch has been received New Zealand announcing tht penny postage that colony on the 1st of Janua on letters sent Canada to New Zealand is cents per half ounce Word comes from Ottawa that Sir Charles who is now at the Capitol will not remain until the ses sion opens but will go to England as soon as he gets household goods stored away- He sailing in a few days and will not be interview ed with to the choice of a Con servative leader in the Commons The annual meeting of the Canadian Press be held on and in The the Province of Quebec Press As sociation and of the Tovvn- iiips Association wilt iltend ihC meet ing ark take part Die discussion If be a national gathering and the greatest in the history of Canadian An is gazetted an nouncing that the supervision of the game of trw Province has been froth the Attorney Generals Department to that- of slotier of Public Works Persons hav ing transactions with the and Fisheries Departments of Ontario will hereafter have to deal with Hon Mr instead of Mrpibson So far as the Fisheries axe concerhed Mr has had control of that Department for the past yeaK A journal called Citizen and Coun try remarks Toronto should have charter and it should be to itself without any inter ference of the rural members of the Oh yes Toronto wants to do just as it has a mind to no matter who else sutlers The rights of other municipalities are not to be considered where Toronto is con cerned this is wat Citizen and Country means but were it not for the restraining powers of the turea reckless Mayor or an ward to for the betWeen friends only a of hundred miles apart to hand a week ten days after they were is if the mall get blocked by hs In titat case on some much trawled roads too they might lie over until the spring break up Fortunate dwellers in New York Philadelphia and Boston read news anywhere a week to three old in a newspaper printed on a hand machine much letter copy ing press of today Other folks were glad to have a weekly or semiweekiy delivered thru the mails a week or so after it was printed The average man who set his upon turnjng- a new leaf for the nineteenth century began by cord- with the aid of his oldest sons to drive wedge at every twist of the cord He opened his New Years records in a book mane of paper birch bark using a quill pen anoV ink pressed front wild berries In regions where Dutch customs pre- vailed industrious Marthas received their callers while they plied the spuv wheel or knit or sewed by hand and the Marys who cultivated the ideal side of life played on the with very rarely a piano- At night the long broad sitting room embracing half the front of the colon ial mansion was lighted with tallow candles and after the crane had been swung back supper being over logs were piled high in the fireplace to both heat and tight- did have fiddlers and they did haw the minuet in 1801 two institutions to enliven the monotony of a sparscjy peopled land and encourage sociable ways I The wat with France on the sea was a staple topic of and Commodore was the naval hero whose exploits were cele brated in fireside tales The stanch- of tiie wooden ships the closeness of the actions the daring of the boarders and the effectiveness of the American hull shots were features of the fighting to glory over The land battles talked about were border typewriting the machine the air and printing press three and turning out or more folded newspapers per hour The projector of cars for citv streets on the surface would have been looked upon as a dangerous Much more would idea elevated tracks or swift motors for busy f ares have looked upon as a inyentlon doomed to ridiculous failure In center of population at the be ginning of the century was in Mary land near Baltimore and it took years of progress westward to trans fer it as far as about Val The people spread from the At lantic coast Boston and Phi north and but emigra tion beyond the Ohio very slow An3 after all the most startling fact of the nineteenth century one in the history of civiliza tion is the development the United States of America from a narrow belt of politically disorganized weak ana jealous colonies into a realm stretch ing across a continent and holding rank among the nations of the earth jnjwealth first in enterprise first in intelligence if I A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the on a tieof Greenes Warranted of Tar if it fails to cure your or cold We guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J Y The War Office in England has authorized the Department of Agricul ture at Ottawa to send another con signment of tons of Canadian hay to South Africa on the which will also cany jam and poinds or corned beef for the British soldiers Minneapolis Jan Eight men lost their lives in a fire at Wash ington avenue south at oclock this morning The fire had its origin in the rear of the Standard Furniture Company The men were overtaken by an immense volume of smoke in the Harvard Hotel which occupies the third and fourth floors of the building and death in every instance was due to- suffocation y v- THOUSANDS SENT INTO ft ft ti Every year a large number poor skirmishes between men in buckskin sufferers whose lungs are sore and bearing flintlocks and painted savages I racked with coughs are urged to go armed with tomahawks and bows was on the border in Council would give the rate- l80l the Mississippi valley as payers frequent reason to regret ihe the absolute charter power Rockies was peopled with Indians Spaniards and French The New has been given out at the Par lander called it going he buildings the Provincial up a home beyond the Hudson- in revenues from Fishery licenses etc New- York or woods for show a considerable increase had no existence being a over the previous year The license part of Massachusetts and Mexl- fees to about or near- can west coast was scarcely known to more than more than the Provincial Treasurer es timated last year The Globe the people of the states Hence the the phrase From Maine to Califor nia had yet invented to express to this makes the wide extent of the land of The difference is partially accounted for by the energy of the overseers employed by who tetjj stone unturned to secure proper observance of the law- An other factor was the amendment made tp the act last tension fixing the minimum fine for of the act at 10 instead of alio the Justice of Peace which was sometimes abused Tie larger fine has induced irvny to pay their license avoid trouble IT ROLES THE GLOBE The fame of Arnica Salve as the best In the world extends round the earth Its the one perfect healer of Corns Burns Bruises Sores Scalds Boils Ulcers Felons Aches Pains and all Skin Eruptions Only infallible Pile Cure tents a box at Drug Brandon severely by fire early Sunday morning two avenue blocks having been destroyed and one damaged Infanta too to may cured of whooping dough and by It In the game of life lots of girls would rathec win a diamond than a heart r YOU CAM MAKE THIS TEST You can findouflf the WSS are W to clogged deranged and diseased Have yonckache oVa weak lame back 4J ttrtpteetoly to good many more thing than they have pain or difficulty In urin- Sunder about too frequent desire to arm 0tta may he In good season To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure 10 Groves signature Is on each box WA or a too frequent ate Are there like brick dust In the brine a Iter It has stood for hours If you have any of symptoms not a momenb should Jan- Fire early morning gutted the two- storey block on Main street owned by and occupied by S racloUghnd the Grundy Music Com pany Tlwrrrran and other tenants The blaze had made great head be fore being discovered DISEASES OF CHILDREN Measles Scarlet Fever and the many exhausting diseases of fre quently the little sufferers a of health from which it is difficult to res cue them except by the of Dr Chases Nerve Food This prepar ation Ih admirably to the re combinations and appear to be the order of the day Another new syndicate controlling the furni ture Industry of the country is the latest along this line The Globe tells story An amalga mation of furniture manufacturing firms in Ontario controlling probably per cent of ttic entire trade of Canada has just been consummated under the title of the Canada Furni ture Manufacturers Limited with a capital of of which two dollars are in per cent cu mulative preference stok and one million common stocks limited to per cent The leading up wnalgattori have been going on for the past two years and ho less rhanUfacturera are in the The year was the longest year on record of Julius of children and has such be Kid- Caesar it contained days The an invigorating and restorative were put in to make on the system as to make Weak puny children healthy plump and ac tives Pills the worlds greatest additional days were put in to make Laxative cure One pill a dose 2fi eta conform as nearly as mm in on bay fv v with the solar year I Ohio in was a new territory knocking for admission as a state while Indiana- Michigan and Illinois ab Minnesota were in the North west Territory Chicago was un dreamed of then for Fort Dearborn hadnt been built Communication between towns was by means of common dirt roads for the principles of Macadam had not yet been adopted Water was supplied in towns and villages by pri vate and public and the town pump was a rival tor the tavern as a gathering place for gossips There were no artificial means for lifting above its level for distribution Water was the only power outside of for driving machinery Lum ber was cut by upright saws and plan ing was all done by hand Mowing and reaping were done by hand and the of the haymakers and hart esters as they swung In irregular line across the fields filled with music which now tremble under the clamor of the modern machine Far easier is it for the dreamer of to conjure up the picture of the dawn of the nineteenth century lhan for the dreamer of the past to look forward a years For that day illuminating gar a startling Invention when it pushed aside the oil lamp for public Illumination The candle however held lis place for years until peroleum cast it into the shade Electricity was a power to be feared not to be utilised ami required two Ions of experience with the motor i power and the Exposure cold locked up in the currents that fi today lhe thrown above and the earth and waters locomotive and the long to about the same period as the telegraph and If not invented togeth er their Introduction into general was and it Is hut a few years the oldest inhabitants of some secluded vales having passed fourscore or fourscore and ten ventured out to take the first view of the locomotive or perhaps a first ride on the steam cats As for bicycles horseless carriages and the transmis sion of human voice by wire for hundreds of miles the Inventor who predicted them in might have es caped burning for witchcraft but ho would have been in danger of tho ducking pond Other marvels that would have shocked the most credulous in are to another climate But this is cost- not always sure Dont be an exile when Dr Kings New cry Tot Consumption will cure you a home It is the most infallible med icine for Coughs and all and Lung on earth The first dose brings relief Astounding reant from persistent use Trial hot- ties free at Drug Store Price cents and Every bottle guaranteed Cape Town Jan Two hundred Boers have recrossed the Orange river from the Cape Colony The inhabitants of are generally joining the Boers Burghers are advancing on town which is held by the British Commandant Viljoen is conducting a of mine in north During the past week he has destroyed British property valued at Melbourne Jan d In response to the suggestion from Colonial Sccre tary Chamberlain that more troops from the colonies would for service in South Africa 1000 men have volunteered at Victoria in South Australia and in New through the akin back on the he effect Upon Ihcao burdened organs la what known as on the which develops regular or The fcarlUat aymptbrha of ailing arc backache painful and vhen water and urine Immediately on the appearance of any of resort fthoulil he KidneyLiver which will In a abort- lime the and in and In sure the return or health V Dr Chaaea KidneyLiver oan be absolutely relied upon a cure for every form of kidney and liver derange meat One pin a dose centB a box DrChases j What well hold Pa sis What we afUf and aw It bum Salftii tfr The WWCE i it ir Sealed Tenders will be received uhdertflffiicd up to January cist for the of lot of Knt y 200 flcpes or less Person making tender will are Payment to wihii l Li- nntlAcVtmi of eoltoUsub p4 WHIT of Crown to 1

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