Newmarket Era , February 8, 1901, p. 4

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To We or to We the past week Rev A axiom General Superintendent the whether it to be Methodist in Canada otto be strong ted a to Earl The Utter condHion to be forwarded to yours if yen tike Hoods Sirup- Majesty King Edward VII on behalf Greatest Blood ifurt to nothing to ft After a Cold- ran down by i cold My son perstuded me to foods Sror end the use of two bottles I found getting in Appetite When three Bottles I wis cured I P Street RHW ERA FR1BAY FES tt Printing OF ALL DEATHS DUE TO Sever Disappoints LEGAL Thos tf Robertson Barrister Public Ac Street Newmarket to Loan good Farm agriculture of the denomination extending loyal congratulations iipon his accession the Throne also a profound sympathy with His Majesty and the Royal Fam ily on death of their beloved moth er Queen Victoria A despatch from dated January announced the death of Mr Gibson for Fast Huron aged Mr Gibson was a Liberal in politics arid was first- elected to the Legislature on March and continued to hold a seat in that house for years He was quite an authority on Municipal Law and possessing a large share of practical common sense was a useful member of the Assembly especially in regard to the dealing with Provincial finances and subjects connected with Its Ravages Spares No Class Rich and Poor Alike Fall its Victims- How This Dread rouble may be I the Express office got the To the Editor of the Era DEAR SIR I notice in your editorials of the the J Inst the statement that the Council of North politically that your office did not get- the printing for the year Now this thought could only have originat ed in a mind of strong political bias for the same items that told the pub- Now what we claim is this both offices in toe year 1901 to do the work for certain consideration and it docs not matter whether the difference was of prin ciple should govern but if other con siderations are to be allowed to deter mine the result we have claims over the reeves political beneficiary on the ground of being a freeholder and rate payer for some years in the rounici- annually towards its local county school and statute labor rates things bring equal under such circumstances from politics we apprehend most Solicitor Notary Public etc Hone to Loan Lowest a It is announced that K of Toronto has been appointed to the Bench and will be a Judge of the Court of Pleas to fill the SO bono Cfcurt BulldiDc occasioned by the recent death Ontario of Mr Justice Rose The appomtment appears to give great satisfaction to I Toronto Mr Lount is an Barrister Conner Nor York having been born cboppto door Pest or- Holland Landing March 3rd flee Newmarket He is a son of the late George T Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court CgistJar lor the Home District ana for the County of and who the next year or so after tjie Northern Railway reached New market built the Eagle Hotel near the Depot in this town The new Judge studied law in the office of the late Loan us p S Barriater Blocs Main St Newmans C Barrister Reformer Block Loan DENTAL Wilson and subsequehtly in the office of the present LieutGovernor of Ontario Sir Oliver he legal education Mr Lounts moved to when he was six years old and it was in that town he first continence the practice of his profession In Ire was a candidate to Ontario Legislature and was elected to the first Assembly after Confederation but was defeated at the next general election in a three cornered contest with Mr- Cook and the late Mr Mr Lount then retired from public life and has since devoted to his pro fession in which he has taken high rank at the Ontario bax The late Dr Samuel who was- connected with Oppose Drug Store evenUs an new A I Deatlat Post Office Block opposite toe Church action 0 DR DENTIST INSURANCE J A Ageat for Fir and Life Assurance to panic Money to at Current OmctAt the Post Office Newmarket A Book A A Ramsay Low Bate on Farm Risks and Town Property Newmarket AUCTIONEERS prank AUCTIONEER Bents Collected Street Newmarket PAINTING A fltme ninJn Ac Done promptly neatly and in oide rit I rx am also aasociated with a Car- and Sign Writer Hardware Store jr at residence of Mr J Green bead of Street Newmarket Bolton PaperHanger and House Decorator Corner Lane and f LIOBES a- of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Era Office Newmarket Private at private If J RAH MARRIAGE LICENSES J BUTTON WEST From the Herald Jan The death of our illustrious Sover eign will naturally be followed by the publication of many Lives of the Queen A well written and artis tically produced book on Her Majesty 9 life and reign will unquestionably command an immense sale An- old book with a few pages added a re hash of newspaper articles thrown to gether in a day or American by American authors will not fill the bill The Herald is glad to announce that the World Publishing Company of who have been foremost in the past in the production of high class literature have had for some time in preparation The Life and Reign of Queen Victoria whicn will be a stand ard work of great excellence is being prepared with great care It is written by John Coulter the celebrat ed Historian and Journalist from Lon don assidtcd by John A Cooper Editor the Canadian Maga zine Toronto Mr Cooper will give attention to Canada under the Queens reign including the visit of Prince of Wales to Canada and the Regal and ViceRegal of Her Majesty with the country From advanced sheets and prospec tuses that have been examined Tho Herald takes pleasure in stating that the workmanship will be more than excellent There will be a great bcr6fportraite engravings all of are genuine works of art and equal to the best to be found in any magazine of the day- paper and manufacture wJUbe in keepm with the high character of the publication and the whole is in very great contrast to an opposition work which has been submitted to us for inspection The Herald predicts a sale of this Life of the Queen greater than has ever been reached by any other book in Canada as seams us every loyal subject will desire a The work is to be sold at a low price to bring it within reach of all advertisement of the World Pub lishing Company calling for agents will be found In another column of our issue of today all deaths occurring in Canada an nually are due to the ravages of this terrible disease Its victims are found among alt classes rich and poor alike succumb to its insidious advance Only a few years ago the victim of consumption was regarded as incur able and horror stricken friends watched tbe loved one day by day fade away until death came as a merciful release Now however it is known that taken in its earlier stages consumption is curable- and that by a proper care of the blood keeping it rich red and puro those who are prodisposed to disease escape its ravages Consumption is now classed among the preventible diseases and those are pale easily tired ema ciated or show any of the numerous of general debility should at once fortify the system by enriching and purifying the blood thus rength- not only the lungs but all parts of the body Among those who have escaped a threatened death from consumption is Mrs Robert of ville gives her experience that it may be of to some other sufferer She says A few years ago I began to exper ience a general weakness My appe tite was poor I was very pale was troubled with shortness of breath and a smothering feeling in my chest Besides these symptoms became verv nervous at times and faint and my and feet get as cold as ice As the trouble progressed I began to lose 1esh rapid ly and in a short time was only a shadow of my former self had good medical treatment but did not get relief and as a harsh tough yet in I began 10 fear that consumption hod fastened itself upon me This was strengthened by a ledge that several of my ancestors had died of this terrible disease In rauiei deplorable condition was advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills I at once procured a supply and had taken them long when I noted a change for the better By time I had six or eight boxes I was able to move around tike house again and felt better and stronger in every way I the use of pills until I had taken a dozen boxes when all my old time strength and vigor had returned and I was as well as ever During time I was using the pills my weight increased twenty- six pounds Several years have since passed and in that tame not a symp tom of my former trouble has made itself apparent so that I think I am safe in saying that my cure is per manent I believe Dr Williams Pink Pills saved my life and I strongly advise ailing women to give them a trial Dr- Williams Pink Pills are a tonic and not a purgative medicine They enrich the Wood tie first tiose to the last and thus by health and strength to every organ in the body The genuine pills sold only in boxes with the full name Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People printed on the wrapper If your deal er cannot supply you send direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co ville and the pills willbc mail ed postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for printing told them also that this tizan Conservative Council had appoint- ted J Davidson a leading Reform- attit that our claim named ex to the office of Treasurer this regard is well founded public now have the observations of Consumption has well the great white plague Onesixth of Liner Conservatives that With every detail fully carried Mover in English history has a Englands Greatest Queen was honored lereign been borne to the grave attend- by the grandest and most impressive J by so many distinguished mourners gathering of crowned heads far surpassed those who rode in the have liked the job But the appointment was made because the Council thought Mr Davidson most competent for the position and not in accordance with following the groove which the Editor of the Era so well to follow and then sup poses other people do likewise Again in your issue of the your Sutton correspondent says some- property owners in North would like to know why the lowest tender was not accepted Now will try give this Information After the Township had paid from to a year for printing for a num ber of years J of Newmar ket in asked to tender for the work In competition with- the other local offices he was awarded the con tract at less than his tender being the lowest since that date he or his successors have done the work and although the Council have asked ten ders for tho work time and again since thev have never received a tender for less money and have always taken the lowest tender Now our first meeting and without any tenders be ing asked for Era Editor know ing what the Express Office wis paid for the work last year put in an application for the work at- cents less money Now does any of the think it right or just to throw overboard the office done the work for the past six years and cut the price in two with out asking tenders as before The Council of North asks the fullest investigation of their actions and promise- the Era that any time in fair competition they put in the low est tender they will get the work Thanking you for this space to make this explanation I remain yours JOHN HAMILTON North the Reave for his course air4 our criti cism for believing politics favored the award matfo we leave our discern readers to Judge between us The Era office has been awarded the contract for County Printing for being considerably the lowest tenderer and has facilities to do work cheaper than any other office in the County HOW ARE YOUR NERVES If they are weak and you feci ner vous and easily cant sleep and rise in the morning freshed your blood is poor Strong nerves depend upon rich nourishing blood Hoods makes the nerves strong by enriching and vitalizing blood It gives sweet refreshing sleep and completely cures nervous troubles Begin taking it to day Nausea indigestion are cured Hoods Pills REPLY Let us examine briefly the foregoing York County Council The Standing Committee on Educa tion reported in favor of granting each to the continuation classes at Sutton and They also recommended that following grants to High Schools and Model Schools be made Weston Richmond Hill Newmarket Aurora Toronto Junction Model School Newmarket Aurora is desirous of securing the Underbill boot and shoe factory now situated at and wanted the county to guarantee their debentures to the extent of but it declin ed It has been customary for the Coun cil to make a grant of to the County Model School at Toronto Junc tion but this year objection was made to making the grant on ground that the school is not in tlie Comity and that Toronto Junction should J School Reports A report was current In Opposition political circles at the close of last week that the Ontario elections would I bo sprung on tlie electorate next KJWBPASE8 but it reached AT OFFICE liberal circles those in close touch with the Government gave It a in positive terms proprietor of tho American Hotel was fined20 and costs OVERTIME last week for selling to three Eight hour laws are ignored by boys of years little Kings New Life Pills Millions arc always curim Constipation Sick Headache and all Stomach Liver and ilifDaturo Is on every box of Bowel Easy pleasant safe Laxative Tablet at drug the cure a cold in one dor Store NO SHARON Class Hat tie Morrison 3rd Class Walker Jr 3rd ClassArUuir Eugene Kiteley Roy Vernon Nellie Wesley Lillian Black Bella Charles 2nd Haines Laura Simpson Frank Ausman Sarah d6h Vera Morrison Bert Jr Pt 2nd Emerson Black Sydney Simpson Ezra Morrison Jr Willie Black Teacher NO WHITCHURCH Class Reynolds Walter Reynolds ClassIda Taylor George Maggie 3rd Kennedy Gordon Pitt Jr 3rd Annie Miles Ellsworth Stephens 2nd Lulla Mary Walk er- Jr- 2nd Garfield Pitt Ikils 2nd Walter Bert Atkinson Jr 2nd Johnnie Bowser Hazel Trent epistle from the executive head of the for its maintenance The blank was Township of North In left unfilled until the Solicitors first place he wants the electors of j has been receivedstating whether that Municipality to brieve that the the County is bound to pay majority were not inOuenced by parti- or not motives in making the printing inspector Davidson of North York award because at the same Council made complaint that the a Reformer in the person of Board of favored the Model Mr J Davidson was appointed to School at Toronto Junction and was the office Treasurer when were that lots of Conservatives that would have liked the job We have no of fellows in political sympathy with the Reeve would have liked job in this he says truly but was Mr Davidson good for the place he is selected simply because lie was a Reformer Dare Reeve of North stand before the people of the Township and say that tlie new Treasurer was chosen of his politics He knows he dare not and no doubt Mr Davidsons per sonal qualifications known integrity and for aught we have knowledge lo cation of the Treasurers office to the needs of the people of the Township may all have had something to do in determining appointment For aught we know too the removal of a possible future rival to the ambition Of certain Conservative gentlemen in of municipal p6litics may have entered into the calculation Of this however we know not but of one thing we are certain even admit ting the motive for the Treasurers selection to be all is fair and it affords no real tangible jus tification for- perpetration of a wrong to benefit a political friend in another sphere This brings us to consider the second reason assigned for course taken in order to send grist to the mill of a friend He refers to the saving to the the print ing by but let us recall results man cut the price In two cotitinueln business to do the cutting- and trie man who followed him soon realized that his predecessor had made a fatal at Newmarket did not receive the num ber students it was entitled to of students it was entitled to Mr Davidson also said that the Educa tion Department of the Legislature had in view the reduction of number of Model Schools in the province and that the will very shortly be face to face with question of whether the county is to have one or two Model Schools and if only one which school is to be retained Another objection which the Legisla tive Committee raised was that county pays tiro entire cost of the County Board of Examiners amount ing to about far Woodcock claimed that the County was paying for examination of city children and paid the expenses of the two city Inspectors as representatives of the Board Mr Evans thought that- great deal of the wrangling was un necessary and that if the Legislature was petitioned they would speedily grant relief Mr Norman with this idea Several marked cheques sent to dieref the county fighting in South Africa have gone astray They are probably in- the hands of the Boers The Warden and will tako steps to find out the soldiers who have been paid and those who have not funeral that ever took place The public ceremony commenced at 1 30 last Friday afternoon when the sailors Issued from Osborne House bearing coffin covered by the royal and regalia It was by pipers and accompanied on either side by equerries The King took his place immediately behind and on his right the Emperor of Germany Then followed the other royal Princess A few seconds later emerged Queen Alexandra and eight royal Princesses all dressed in the simplest black their faces entirely veiled with crape In striking contrast with the black- robed women followed the heads of the royal in gorgeous uniforms coffin was placed upon the gun carriage The pipers commenced their dirge The procession marched slowly down the winding cedarhedged path until the gate was reached where the glit tering military escort was met Then the massed bands broke out with a march and the cortege pursued its slow way in the midst of intense sil ence save the solemn music of the bands As Khakicolored gun carriage followed by the King with the Emper or of Germany and Duke of Con- naught on his right and left passed down the hill all hats were doffed The surrounding quays were black with expectant Eight bronzed and bearded tars were drawn up waiting to receive their bur den Then came the Grenadiers re spondent in their busbies and scarlet and quickly formed a circle around the court artillery horses were rest less from the long walk and pranced under gateway drawing the gun carriage with the With perfect precision- the coffin was lifted off the gun carriage and carried on board the yacht The King then hoarded a steam launch and went oil to the royal Victoria Albert the other royal ties hoarded royal yachts and the Alberta her solemn burden mov ed away from the pier and passed the which lay waiting in the sunlit Solent A few minutes afterward guns began to be fixed and before the had been passed the Sol ent echoed and reechoed with reports The white clouds of smoke curled slow ly from the sides of the warships for there was scarcely a pun of wind Fishing smacks tugs steamers and rawboats emerged from the of Medina River to get a view of Alberta After she had the headland and turned towards Ports- kind when mouth the yacht proceeded at a higher speed threading her way swiftly pre- of the- meal ceded by the torpedo boats procession and all the great officers of State participated The display of the naval and military forces reached the great total of 35- men Some idea of the crowded streets is formed from tho statement that persons injured in the crushes were at tended by St Johns Ambulance As sociation The association had doctors and nurses busy at twentysix stations Only sixty people however were seriously injured including sever al policemen and soldiers and a num ber of wvmcn suffering from broken limbs The final rites over the dead Queen were concluded at pm on Mon day the body was laid torest in mausoleum amid impres sive and never to be forgotten cere monies At pm Sir Walter Parratt and his choir walked down the thru the crowds to the mausoleum Then minute guns commenced firing the Windsor Church belts tolled solemnly and the strains of the band gradually growing stronger and stronger echoed from castle quadrangle While waiting for the procession at Windsor one welldressed woman fell down on the street and was picked up dead tho excitement having killed her Lord was the official re presentative of Canada at the Queens funeral at Windsor on Saturday Canada sent a magnificent wreath feet in diameter and consisting of a centre panel of white lilacs encircled with lilies of the valley anil violets Around outer circle arc eight semicircular wreaths of white azaleas representing the eight Canadi an Provinces The inscription reads A tribute of affectionate regard and esteem from lier Canadian people British Columbia sent a cushion star of violets with the letters VRI and a crown picked out in lilies of valley At the foot is a white silk ribbon with a spray of pink orchids The inscription reads M Tribute of af fection from the Government and peo ple of British Columbia You Haunted Day and Night Mind nd body evil forebodings gloomy and dull robbed of sleep appetite gone nerves shattered generally debilitated This is none too dark a picture for great South American Nervine to obliterate and set up in Us stead ihe glow- of the sua of perfect health Sold by Newmarket by Irene hours no Sold by Lehman Nature Revolts AgalnBt Warn Living and it has set its seal loitbvidd- InK mans ailments scourge of diabetes Eminent medical men until recently pro claimed It a no cure- disease but South American Kidney Cure has linoclted down their pet fallacy and has proved Itself master of kidney disease in all its forms Relief For twentyfour years VapoOrtwlene has mistake to ensure- succeed and raised price- Lejus further observe that since went out business long strides has been mode in the facilities for ex ecuting printing and with these facil ities the Era Office stands ahead of a vast majority of offices in coun try Uiereby enabling us to undertake contracts without bankruptcy staring us hi the face at prices below thepos- figures of half a decade ago Perhaps Reeve did not If now this add hence considered were not hi a position to run up against cut prices Hut he seems to imply that our figures were based on previous knowledge we take liberty to state that- compared with last year our work was considerably cheaper as printing material in most lines has ad vanced from to per cent over beginning of ycar in our tender wo simply to meet rival parties without the of longest word in English language is smites Theres a mile the first arid last letters She fl used fur nil form of lit oil and All Pale and Languid Mrs at recti Toronto My was languid and Very her was poor ami ah could scarcely about the house her were completely unstrung she could not for more than halt an hour at time without up and crying out In excitement she was growing weaker weaker I became alarmed box of Dr Nerve used this trenttnent for Home from the we noticed a dcdtlel Improvement Her appetite- btoame better she gained In weight color returned to her face and she gradu ally became strong well I say too much In favor of this won derful treatment It prove such a blessing to my daughter Dr Chasea Nerve Food Is the effective treatment for the aliments am weakness of women that is obtainable cents a box at nil dealers or Ed- Bates Co Toronto Dr Chases Nerve Food The digestive agents themselves being fluids it is reasonable to suppose that weather food will have a tendency to dilute and thereby weaken the digestive juices Ladies Home Journal 7A large quantity of United States apples shipped to France come back again doctored into for which the Americans pay high prices A BEAUTY OP FORM AND FIGURE ffealth and beauty always go link ed together A wrinkled tired and wornlooking face tells immediately of nervousness worry and the many ac companying ills and irregularities Dr Chases Nerve Food the shrivelled arteries with blood strength ens and rekindles the vitality of the nerves and gives a well arm and clear healthy completion to all who it cents a box all deal ers v water could have been a spectacle fleet stretched from Portsmouth to Abreast were the and guard ing the avenue miles long thru which was to pass to the mainland of the kingdom There were British battleships- cruisers and gunboats Eight Naval sadors of friendly powers were ranged along the Portsmouth end while gun boats and steamers with spec tators formed the remainder of the southern line The British ships were an Imposing sight with their uniform decorations coal black hulls with a line of rod just above the water- and yellow smokestacks All displayed the Jack at the and white ensign at half- mast at their sterns The foreign ships attracted most Of the attention to the English specta tors giant of the whole fleet was the Japanese battleship the largest war machine afloat a fort ress of claycolored with the scarlet on a white field hanging at stern the fighting emblem of youngest wxrld power When the Alberta entered Ports- Harbor with the minute guns in the forts sounding the bells of all churches of the city tolling ancient frigate Voctbry moored there fired a salute from muzzle-loaders- the marines- at arms The admirals band played a dirge The crowd In is estimated at The remains Cinnamon guarded oh board over night Liver Pills are coated like a With of splendid drop very small and delightful to take pomp befitting obsequies of pill In a vial for Tlje census of the Dominion which are to be taken in April next will cost the country three quarters of a million dollars A fabric much lighter than silk and nearly as strong is made in Ausr from the web of the tarantula Each of these poisonous spiders yield forty yards oi filament and of theso twisted together form a single- thread fabric is used for Queen Victoria supplied nine hun dred people with dinner fruit etc on New dears Day the Sovereigns of England Perhaps the stately grandeur of the sorrowful pageant thru the swarming streets of London with hundreds of thousands of mourners forming a black border to the route will never be surpassed There was in Victorias funeral procession an absence of that black ceremonial generally connected with the final progress to grave The was drawn by cream col ored horses The pall was white and the uniforms of the troops and the gold trappings of foreign Sover eigns princes and representatives forming a glittering medley gave a brilliant coloring to the scene The chief mourner himself with fleld j v marshals uniform was on horseback OFFICE IK GOOD i For Sale Cheap

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