Newmarket Era , February 8, 1901, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY PER CHINA Boots and We want to say a few words about our Empress Fine Shoes for Ladies They per fect Satisfaction for the fol lowing reasons They are uptodate in style The fit perfectly They are guaranteed to give Every satisfaction to the Wearer Weeds teal ON lie Next Monday evening is to be Mis sionary Evening League The literary prograyn is to be given by the ladies of the and musical part by the young people Large at- expected J This will take he place of February meeting of the Auiiliarv All interested in Missions are cordially invited to be present At the meeting of the Directors of the above Association on Tuesday last contracts were Jet for hauling milk the several routes as follows St North Belfry St South Strusler Starr Second street and Union street routes are not yet let A Close Call An accident occurred at the Specialty Works last Friday ajid a man named Michael Pain was very neatly killed It- appears that a boy unaccustomed to operating one of trie elevators tried to start it in motion but did some thing which snapped a cable and the result was that platform fell down about thirty feet Mr Cain was wheeling a truck through the elevator building on the ground floor at the time and had he been a few feet fur ther With the the probabilities are would have been very badly in- fjreil but the truck saved the plat form from crushing him per cent on all JVinter Mitts Hums Hardware at tor KESWICK Have we Sold You a Pair Misses and Childrens fine or strong Shoes Mens and Boys coarse and fine Shoes Memorial A very appropriate memorial service was held in the Public last Fri day afternoon The Principal Mr occupied the chair- Readings were given by Douglas Scott pvelyn McKay and Ada The school sang the Psalm Addresses were given by Trustees and McKay and the school was dismissed in the usual form The Primary and Miss Kellys room also had an appropriate program among themselves Co me The Acton Free Press of last week pays us the following compli ment The first number of the fiftieth volume of the Newmarket Era was issued last week This important pro vincial weekly was established and has been continuously published for century by air Jackson and his son Mr Jackson the present proprietor It has always been an influential wellconducted journal and has given unusual attention to the ga thering of local news and representing the best interest of Newmarket and vicinity To the Era and its efforts the present important position of New market is largely due GRAM RUBBERS Our Snag Proof Rub bers are the best on the market China and Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets At Very Close Prices to reduce our large Stock Over Sets to Select from See our Stock in Store opposite Quarterly Teo The Ladies Aid Tea at the palatial residence of Mr J on Wed nesday eveniug was a great social suc cess About were present and the ladies excelled tKemselves in the spread During the evening Mr Smith- contributed a solo ac companied on the pi by Miss York Piano selections were given by Miss Anna Velm Miss Miss Millard and Mr Edgar Par lor games were provided The com pany separated about oclock hav ing greatly enjoyed the cordial hospi tality of Mr and Mrs J- Cane Proceeds serving supper the kitchen stovepipe on fire and considerable anxiety among the ladies for a few minutes but it burnt out without causing any damage Fine New Figs 5c lb Fine New Selected Raisins lb New Citron Orange and Peels This Seasons Currants are scarce and price high -o- A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Presbyterian Rev Mr Cameron of Allandale preached here last Next Sabbath evening Rev A Mc- will speak on the subject How to spend our evenings profit ably This subject is one that will interest especially the young and His because it has been requested by sever al that the pastor undertakes to speak on it at this time The popular amusements of the day wilt be touch ed on The male quartette that has sung so acceptably on several occa sions will sing at this service Bo not forget that third lecture of the course under the auspices of the Bible Class is to be a week from Mon day evening next Feb Or Grant the lecturer is known from coast to coast as a most entertaining lecturer being able to combine the in tellectual and the humorous as few can Let all famous lecture on The Average Man Sehool The first meeting of Board this year took place at the Secretarys office on Wednesday afternoon when Mr was chairman He was pleased to that the past year had been one of the most successful in the history of the school since he had been upon the Hoard but he regretted to re port that the school had been burglar ized recently On Monday the Science teacher when going to use a valuable microscope costing found it had also disappeared Mr thanked the Board for tire honor con ferred upon him in his reelection ami hoped that the year just entered on would also lie marked by progress and advancement Mr T J Robertson was reelected The report eft the Auditors was pre sented a balance on hand of over in the Ontario A motion was passed to pay off the note of the Board for and interest which had been standing since the new school was built and had been re duced from time to time thus wiping out this liability was decided to offer a reward of for tile apprehension and con viction of he party burglarizing School recently The Board is deter mined to press this matter and if pos sible punish the offenders A detective has been employed to ferret out the the case and some clues have Been which it- is hoped will bring the- guilty to justice This is the second time the school has suffered in this The following committees were elect ed for year Supply Messrs 1 arson Jackson and Management Messrs Wesley Webb and Morris Finance Messrs Morris and Jackson The question of enlarging school curriculum and adding a business course was discussed at some length with Principal Coombs The Board is in favor of adding shorthand to the subjects at the school and typewriting The Principal was in structed to look into the matter and enquire from the Education Depart ment how it school grant and also whether it is necessary for one who teaches to hold a High School teachers certificate will be re ported at the May meeting when ac tion will probably be taken It being reported by the Principal that one of the roonfc in the school is very difficult to heat and several days has been top cold to occupy the committees on Supply and Management were requested to examine the school and if possible make such changes as would produce more heat in the rtfom- The then adjourned A very destructive fire occurred here There arc a great many in this neigh- one Wednesday of last week down with The general store carried on by Mr We are sorry to nave to report that Mitchell and the which was Miss Terry has been confined to part of the same building were the house for a few weeks fighting a The fire broke out about very stubborn cold Miss Edith is pm in the west wing The one of the organist in the Metliodist was a frame structure A Sunday School and is greatly missed strong west wind fed the flames to there as welt as In other circles such an extent that the fire was past There was a Memorial Service control notwithstanding the heroic Queen Victoria in Chris- forts of the people The eastern wing Han Church last morning was occupied by Mr Mitchell and am- church draped for the as a residence A few pieces of sion furniture were removed before the fire- Bros arc having a new reached that part The entire stock of gas light placed in thefr store of merchandise to the amount of week agent holds that it besides a large portion of the will- be cheaper than coal oil furniture was consumed the stock of past two was only partly covered by insurance weeks has been building was by Mr Brown ta of inhabitants of our vll- postmaster and was also insured age in way of getting in their The fire is believed to have been caused supply of wood lor another year ger CEYLON AND INDIA TEA GREEN OR BLACK To get clean tea the tea of and India It contains no adulter no sticks no leaves its all tea The same is trru of Black by a spark dropping from tlie STRAKCSE La is very prevalent in this vicinity fully tinehalf of the is more or less indisposed Dr gave a short address at St Andrews Church ou Sunday in reference to our beloved Queen Vic torias death The service closed by singing God Save the King Mr- Charles Archibald is suffering with a severe attack of pneumonia la grippe Recent Visitors Miss of To ronto at the Manse Mr- John Pre cious ana King City at Mr Alex Mr Don ald ftlcCVillnm and Irish of British at Mr A Miss rev of at Mr Ross Miss Walker of Bradford at Mr Walk ers Mr of Toronto and Mr J at Mr A number of the young folks en joyed themselves at a party at Mr Mark on Monday evening until the wee small hours There was a large turnout at the memorial service in the Methodist church of this place Sunday even ing Rev Bowles preached Quite a number from this place at tended Ike Quarterly service of the M church at- Misfc Grose of who has been visiting with her aunt Mrs William Paisley returned home on Saturday Rev Sargent is driving in a hand- new cutter Miss Patterson of Spent a few days last week with friends in this place A few people attended the memorial service here on Sunday even- A memorial service was held at our on afternoon Resident Ice cutting is to he the order of Jho day now It is about inches Mr Ernest Morton and his sister Mary spent Sunday at with their Air Isaac Morton Mr Oliver of Virginia was calling on friends here and in Drytown on Sun day last We understand that Rev Dr Living stone has decided to return to South Africa in the interest of the Mission ary work where he spent Ave years before the war started Rev Mr is to finish his year out in the circuit Mr and Mrs Oldham spent Sunday with his brother in Whltcjiurch There is great interest taken in the Endeavor meetings church every Sunday evening The topic at next meeting s to intro duced by Miss Mr Vrn JIahojiey has sold residence and ami on the- lake shore to Mr Thomas Yates of Bald- win POINT Hello How would you like to be the Mr Young has gone for a weeks visit to Toronto According to one of the local papers one would think there was only one family on the Mr Miller and Mr Sherman spent Sunday in Mr Henry still continues quite poorly Sir Mahoney has sold his farm Tlie now intends running a board next summer we hear Miss Nina Sherman was visiting in Sutton on Sunday Another Consignment of PISH WE SAY FRESH and are sure of it Quality Proves it IF YOU DOUBT One trial convinces J POUNDS FRESH TROUT POUND POUNDS FRESH WHITE FISH POUND POUNDS CHOICE POUND BOOTHS OYSTER QUART BLOATERS SOMETHING VERY FINE AND TASTY SPECIAL PRICES ON Salmon Trout and Salt Herrings Id fclAVISON CO This Space belongs Sugar Pay From the Michigan Sugar IJect That the farmer can make some good clean cash from sugar beet crop is proven by the following figures taken at random from the YOU CAN HAVE ministers and other prominent men of the Hay City Sugar Company ORCHARD Mr John Case of Lyndon is visiting his sister Mrs J Mr John Toole of Albert has purchased the belonging to Mr Allan Toole on sixth concession Messrs Stanley and Clarence May spent Sunday in Mr ft Sinclair was in Lindsay last week on businesfi Mr is getting in a large stock of logs and has secured a portable sawmill to convert them in to lumber Horner and daughter spent the of Jan with Mrs Pinder anjl family the sec Von made suitable speeches Rev Sargent is visiting at his home in at present Rev Percy will take his work on the 10th The Church of this place held the usual monthly fellowship on Saturday last Sons of the farmers in this vicinity took advantage of lire- good roads to get in their supply of ice Quite a number are teaming pail timber to Newmarket Mr V- of Vivian was visiting friends in Italian rac on Sun day Mr and Mrs George- Elliott Miss Laura El Vol of Toronto also Mr Clifford and his brother spent Sunday at the home of Mr Jackson Elliott Lehmans Drug Store ex- REMOVED SEED STORE Opposite House CORN COM Feed Corn Chopped and Cracked Flour and Feed WJ Next Thursday is St Valentines Day Council meets at on Monday During past three weeks there has a great deal of sickness at the Industrial Home One inmate is having a serious time with bloodpoi soning in his arm United States subscribers are re minded that Post Office and Express orders are payable at par in Newmar ketshut cheques and draft are subject to collection fees of not less than each The entire front of Roches store was draped with purple and black last week Several falls are reported on slippery sidewalks last week Mr Robert Meads was laid up several days Another cold dip on Saturday night below zero on Sunday Some more water pipes were frozen In private residences A lot of young people went to the carnival at on Tuesday night Art had the ends his fingers torn with a a the Works one day last while for another Job The grippe seems to have made al most alarming progress in this section About every third person you have either had a touch or report members of their families sometimes Or In number very ill requiring the of a physician Master Willie is down with- pneumonia We hope the trouble may removed Mr J of Winnipeg was the of the Misses Spink week Mr Lloyd of Newmarket spent a day or two last week with Mr J M Walton wlio is recovering from a vere attack of pneiurronfa Mrs North Toron to spent a few days with her sons here last week Mrs Latter of Schomberg and Miss Fletcher of Alliston were the guests of the Misses Spink on Thursday of last week I V spending a few days here before resuming his work In the city farm stock and implements of the late White were sold by auction on Tuesday crowd present Mr John Godwin is engaged sinking a well at No Kettleby school Mr Jarvis bur ice cutter very busy supplying the farmers and others with a good quality of recent snowfalls have made sleighing Mr J Rogers visited Toronto for a days last week Everything was very quiet here on Saturday It was certainly a mourn ful day As an we have lost our best friend and one who was looked upon as being a very exemplary personage iaS King Albert on being pro claimed King of Great Britain Ire land and Emperor of India stated that it was his desire to walk in ihe of his beloved pother Mr Stephen Winch was In the city last week Mr Draper has engaged Mr L Wilder for coming year Mr Win has had a severe at tack of tlie past week hut is at present much better Mr Warren is attending Business College in Toronto and Is progressing very favorably with the Commercial Course Mr Howard Morton has secured a position in Inland Revenue De partment in Toronto Jos Connolly visited friends here a few days He returned to his home in Toronto Dr R Connolly has commenced in We wish him every success In his practise He has Won many friends around here who are glad to see him so- prosper ous Mr J A seems to be giving entire satisfaction as principal of our Public School Dame Rumor- has another- wedding booked for in the near future In the collection or no was made to select the best showings made but from among the or more it was desired to an aver age what farmers had received for the crop in different localities These figures represent the acreage contract ed for and the amounts received for the crop from the factory From a number of farmers from whom we have solicited informa tion have averaged the cost of pro ducing and delivering the crop to the factory at between 25 and per acre We have heard as low as given as the cost- an acre and as high as but the average will not be far from for those who will go into the business for the first time We give here an example of the cost of producing the crop by a grower who is a city resident and rents his land and hires all the work done by day It will be seen that the cost is but little over per acre while the are fully as much To rent of acres at no Preparing ground for seeding All Your Drug Wants Supplied I John It Sebewamg Gustavo Scbewaing tvo acres George Grant Bay Port three aores Bay Port one acre Servant Apply to Mrs Lome Avenue Markets per bushel Buckwheat I CZ a 060 Barley per ovvv fc I I II Oats per bushel- Peas per Butter Woo pel- lb Hay ton Duoka per pair Turkeys per Bran per to i Shorts per too 9 it I a a a a a a a a a a WANTED Experienced Cook also HouseMaid required Apply to Mra C Road Toronto- 048 028 0 Oil 000 000 Wanted For stating salary will be reoeWed ilfi on Wednesday by JACKSON Seorelary Sheep for Sale ti lbs seed at cents Seeding Thinning Hoeing Cultivating Pulling topping and loading on car Rent of tools 4 GO nun Toronto A choice lot of purebred Shropshire Ewes PO Wheat per bushel White Wheat Wheat por 0 Barley per bushel L S fc Queen of Holland and Henry were married yesterday Tho grist mill at owned by Mr John Irwin was totally de stroyed by fire Wednesday Total expense The crop brought him per ton or nearly I We have been unable to get figures from all of Michigan factories as yet but from those that have rnade reports to us the average ton nage figures about tons to the acre while the factories yet to hear from will likely reduce this to or The average price paid for beets will be close to the sdgarper cent being above per ceut so far as heard from We give below names- and amounts some growers this sec tion who think well of the industry lnkville two acres j one and one- half I Meehener Pigeon three acres I Hay Port two and one- half acres David VaUr two acres Fred one and onehalf acres 16030 Thomas three acres 19290 Thomas Bedell one acre KaWouski Bedell acres Earnest Kallmann three 22070 tl I I 1 si I Oats Peas per per bushel per dot per lb Potatoes Apples per Sheepskins Wool per lb Nay per ton Pork per Beef fore Beef hind Chickens per pair per pair as ltl4l 1 16 a a a a a a a a a a I OSS 1 IT CO Oil At St Anne Que a fire on Monday morning which destroyed seven residences rendered per sons homeless It is hard to realize when watch ing the great steel steamers on the lakes that a century ago the only floating vehicle on those waters was the Indian canoe Love your children and they will love you in spite of all your shortcom ings keep faith with and they will keep faith with you treat them courteously and they will be courteous maintain high they will fol low make them the centre of life and they will make you the centre of their lives Ladies Home Journal 25 Reward The above will lie paid ap- Mid conviction party or who buislarlznl the market fllH School on the of the of January last By order GRAND TR RAILWAY SYSTEM THE THRU TRAIN TORONTO TO CHICAGO and principal intermediate point The International Limited Leaves Toronto daily at FOR CONNECTION- Leave Newmarket at pm Arrive In Toronto pm r For tickets parlor car eats Pullman berths apply to Passenger Avept Union Station Toronto I WANTED for OF VICTOHTA memorial tributes from the moat em- and now Bo your own In own jg Edward Sue better Illustrated Ihao aoy about pages rival work Written by from celebrated and John A editor Canadian Toronto or now book from cover cover credit to World Publishing I

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