Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1901, p. 1

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The Era home news every week than any two other paper In North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper T 1 i YORK INTELLIGENCER AND 8 PAGES Give me liberty to know to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside N Yo unless paid in advance No Single Copies Cents Each Friday Feb 1901 TERMS per annum if paid In advance We do not want to carry ft the following winter goods over You can have them at the following prices 9 ft Axes reg price SO Hickory Handle Light Horse Blankets leg 5 Lined Horse Blankets SI LanceTooth Saws reg Champion Saw only Window A for only Body Siring JMI res for only Heater Square for 10 00 Coal Heater with oieiireg832 for 10 Upright Wood Heater for 5 00 pairs- Hockey Sticks and 10 only Buck Saws Clock Spring 45 AH Winter Mitts at tost price I A BINNS Try our Coal Oils AN IDEAL BAKERY what we aim at and while we do not as yet attain to our expectation we shall always keep the ideal Flour Direct from Field to Consumer Guarantees a choice flour guarantees a steady high grade supply guarantees that Stares HomeMade Bread will always be in demand EQUIPPED THRISl EVER V For larger and more satisfactory business I fl Satisfied Customer Is really after all the best advertisement a man can have This is our special aim If we can please you TELL OTHERS if not tell us You may send the children and know they get the same courteous service as yourself GROCERIES PROVISIONS Fresh Clean and Good Despatch here are a few of the many articles for this week COMB HONEY STRAINED HONEY COOKING FIGS lbs for 25a BEST CURRANTS BEST LAYER RAISINS GOOD COOKING RAISINS SUG ARS all grades TEAS COFFEES and SPICES all fresh CEYLON TEA Is a leader CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES FLORIDA and VALENCIA ORANGES Good LEMONS per dozen OYSTERS SELECTS- ALWAYS FRESH Balogna Sausage Fresh Pork Sausages Smelts Manitoba White Fish Dried Herring Quail on Toast SLEIGHS at prices that should sell our entire stock that you will not to buy them as low in price again Boards at usually Only a few left and these will not be repeated Fancy Work Baskets for usually and 8 only at this price Last chance HOCKEY STICKS AT HALF PRICE CENTRAL TELEPHONE STARR- lc gaga Beet Factory Splendid Meeting Week v prize Growers in North York Id every county to ultrv per day absolutely sure and all bonaDde definite no comoilefiloo paid and ey MCh week STANDARD HOUSE PATENTS GUARANTEED Vetch and of will odr opinion free concerning of aama Hovp to a Patmff aentvpon request In The aad widely journal Manufacturer and 8504 for MnjpU copy ME I Addttaa J VMa A IllMlalHli Or CORN CORN Feed Corn Chopped and Crackied Flour and Feed J the Era with any weekly for home It was- most the only to really block the roads this winter should come immed iately preceding the day set Cor the gathering of- the farmers of North York in the interests of starting a Beet Sugar Factory in the vicinity of Newmarket but notwithstanding this untoward circumstance there were nearly farmers in attendance At the request of Mayor Cane County Councillor the and in his opening marks he stated that after visiting factories in the State of Michigan and personalty interviewing many farmers in their several vicinities he was of the opinion that nothing could be more beneficial to the farm ers of Old Ontario than the establish ing of several Beet Sugar Factories Our farmers are well skilled culti vating roots and could handle the crop successfully He believed in de veloping all the resources of the coun try and deprecated the idea that poli tics should in any way influence the farmers from going heartily into the matter Mr J Hamilton VicePresident of the American Beet Root Sugar As sociation was then introduced and spoke for over an hour He certain- appeared to be well informed upon every detail of the Beet Sugar indus try was enthusiastic on the success ful manufacture of beet sugar under the right conditions but cautioned the people not to go too fast A re finery is absolutely worthless he said unless it has a full supply of the right quality of beets There must be prac tical copartnership between the manu facturers and the growers The high er the purity of the beet easier to get the sugar out He said that he was perfectly amazed at the purity of the beets grown last season in the vicinity Newmarket In order to start a factory capital must first know that the raw material is forth coming and farmers must he willing to contract lor three or five years for all that the factory can use He saw no reason why fanners should not grow a crop that was unattended by speculation In the case of corn or wheat his crop is sold three or four times over by the speculators be fore it is harvested and he is obliged to take whatever is offered but in the case of sugar beets he contracts for the price before be buys his seed and the more intelligently he grows his crop the greater his profits Farm ers take very little risk as a failure in is distributed among so many people but it a factory is start ed and not continued the capitalist drops a quarter of a million dollars To induce capital to conic here the people must be broadminded Canada sixteen millions pi dollars a year to foreign countries for sugar You have the laud to row the beets he and I do not know ot anything bo far reaching Meets a sug ar factory The seed grown in this country is far richer than and there would be a fortune in it for some of the growers fac tory gives labor on the farm business to the patronage to the railroads pulp lor feeding stock- and paper can be made out It He cautldhed the people to beware of the bobmer The factory is uni verse concerirof stone The Company with which he is con nected in freight alone on the machinery and material to erect one factory An ordinary fac tory will require while wording six teen carloads of limestone day 6 Cars of coal and gallons of water Beet sugar is a scientific process and when the factory is- start ed it never wants to stop night or day till the season is thru and l will employ about 260 men Thro is nothing better to go into tt you do It right Mr Hamilton expiated as sugar was a cent a pound higher In the States than it is in Canada we need not- look for capital to come from there We would have therefore to look tecarJitalTront Toronto or Montreal and this could only be at tracted by bounty of a cent a lb to be paid to- a factory for or years Prof of the Ontario Agricultural College was then 1 duced He said that the Province of Ontario bad Become very much inter ested and enthusiastic on the subject- of raising sugar and he had been looked upon as professional ad visor regarding suitable soil and climate He felt sure that there was no industry more profitable to the country if conducted rightly nor none more disastrous if it should prove failure The number Of sections of the province desirous of starting sug ar factories were astonishing and the communications received at the de partment wefej in some instances most amusing He was desirous of seeing- factories established but he did not wish to see failures The promised Government aid would lead to a seige of boomers site for a factory should be decided upon un til it was positively assured that it had all the qualifications necessary to insure success To provide sugar for the country would take factories with daily capacity of tons and each factory would have to contract for from to thousand tons of beets To supply this amount it would need acres of suitable land in the vicinity of the factory Newmarket he thought without def initely committing might be able to the necessary conditions The professor then entered into the statement of the contest for which seed had been distributed last year arid Hon J Davis handed out the six cheques to the successful totalling in all which was given the Provincial Government The prizewinners and particulars were 1st p Ashley Newmarket Yield tons lbs Sugar per cent Purity per cent Cost per acre Net profit 2nd McDonald tons lbs Sugar per cent Purity per cent Cost per acre Net profit Holland Landing Yield tons lbs Sugar per cent Purity per cent Cost per acre Net profit A K Newmarket Yield tons 1003 lbs Sugar 159 per cent Purity per cent per acre profit M Pine Yield A3 lbs Sugar per cent Purity per cent Cost per acre Net profit Wright Newmarket 10 Yield 10 tons lbs Sugar per cent Purity per cent Cost per acre Net profit Newmarket Yield tons lbs Sugar per cent Purity cent Cost per acre Net profit Prof continued When the seed was distributed It was intend ed that only farmers should grow the beets The tests were by numbers and consequently in making the analysis he knew nobody He complimented Mr Ashley who Is a market gardener on giving a practical demonstration as he scored highest on cultivation but asked him to give 10 to Mr who with Mr Wright to which proposition Mr Ashley consented When questioned as to the soil Mr Ashley said itwas black sandy loam flat and he would as leave cultivate sugar beets as carrots He said he hoed them every week and they got no water except in the natural way Prof then continued The first thin fe for any community to do for a factory is to demonstrate If the right kind of beets can be pro duced This Is a location that will produce the beet away- above the standard in quality and quantity people got seed but only The lightest yield was tons to the acre heaviest 25 tons The highest Ontario last year was tons- advantages growing beets great The leaves contain a large of potash which- you get bactt into the ground and the cultivation enhanced No crop costs more pays better He said it would be impossible to com plete arrangements in lime- to have a factory in operation nest fall hut lie advised every farmer to cultivate a small patch this year He was sure that the Department of Agriculture would permit an analysis again with out charge and the make the very best food for fattening hogs Hon J Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands was then introduced He explained how that last year hearing that places were taking up the growing of beets and that it was the intention of the Min ister of Agriculture to offer prizes he urged the farmers York to go into the contest at a special meet ing of farmers called to consider the matter and it is very to find that starting late and with inferior seed North York has come out ahead on purity of beets The Government had been asked to give the beet sugar industry assistance and had carefully considered the mat ter A commission had been appoint ed to report upon the industry as it existed in Michigan and this report would have some bearing on what the Government might do lie had used his influence and secured the appoint ment a North York tanner Mr on that commission a man well qualified for the position and who is with us to give the commun ity the benefit of his observations The Government felt that they might take steps to aid in some way the es tablishment of two or three factories Willi the idea that they would be the forerunners of others This was a departure on the part of the Govern ment aiyl they had to be careful not to make a mistake Hon- Mr Davis considered that the people of this sec tion should try if possible to secure one of these factories The first draft of the bill- had been prepared and while lie was not at liberty to state what the propositions and the methods as to aid were the Govern ment had in mind to Vrotect the in terests of the fanners and provision was made that they are to be paid not less than a certain rate tor their beets The deputation that waited on the Government a few days ago stated that nearly 300000000 lbs of sugar is consumed in this province every year A few years ago only a small per centage was beet root sugar but now nearly twothirds of all the sugar used- in the world is manufac tured from sugar beet This shows the trend of the times The meeting gave an expression to Mr Davis favor Government aid to the sugar beet industry and he hoped that every assistance be given to the com mittee appointed by the Town Coun cil of Newmarket to promote a fac tory in North York The Chairman hoped that in the Hill proposed by the Government they would reserve the right to appoint In spectors to stand between the grow lers and the manufacturers as this would Inspire confidence among the producers the tare and purity as well as tonnage would be properly attended to when delivering beets One of the factories he visited in Michigan ran from Oct to Jan on the product of acres and con tons of coal tons of coke and l0 tons Mayor Cane was called upon for a few remarks He considered that Newmarket was very favorably situ ated for a factory being able to pro duce the beets having abundance water in tile vicinity of and very central fir the Province for the shipment of the finished product He wan not authorized state defin itely but felt that the railway would give Toronto rates Mr of Toronto that ho had been very favorably im pressed with the meeting He repre sented capital to the amount of that was seeking investment arid felt that he could report favorably A general discussion ensued and a number of farmers signified their will ingness to grow from three to five acres provided a factory were started in the vicinity of Newmarket Votes of thanks were given to Mr Prof Shuttleworth and Hon J Davis lor the information imparted and interest taken In the matter and the meeting adjourned At the close the meeting the speakers and newspaper reporters were Invited to dine with the Town ell at the Royal where mine host Evans provided a very sumptuous re past A very pleasant tabletalk and all parties looked very hope fully upon the establishing of a Sugar Factory in Newmarket Steps will be taken at once to further the project and have the factory in ation the fall of Oar Toronto tetter On Friday of this week a is to take place at the of J County Clerk to ar range for publication to ihe present session the Legislature for power for all in Ihu county lo con trol their arrears The Townships of York have already secured this privilege much to heir advantage and other municipalities will no doubt sanction the movement made by the county A city paper stated on that capitalists seem to be a little nervous about Aid Lambs radial railway scheme The voted by the Council to boom the business has been expended but the scheme is still very much in the air Rev J for eleven years Superintendent of Baptist Home Mis sion died suddenly at his home on Saturday Geo the patient who jump from an upper window at the Hospital last Thursday while delirious died the next day from his injuries Van Home of was in the city last week and to a reporter expressed the opinion the Manitoba Governments recent railroad deal will bankrupt that Prov ince A deputation of lawyers waited up on the Premier last week and sought to impress with idea that the lees of the legal profession were low enough and that the changes in law reform given out to the press would so reduce their fees as to make it hard work for a lot them to earn a respectable living The Prem ier thought it would not hurt the fel lows who have costs to pay if the fees were lessened An effort is being made to establish a fruit market in the southern portion of the new St Lawrence market be low Front St It is announced that there will be opposition to the Richelieu Ontario Navigation Co next season The new Company will be known as the Buffalo Toronto abd Montreal Navi gation Co and their boats will ply between ports on the Niagara River Toronto and Montreal Another gambling den been raided and several arrests made The stock of the Queen St Cooper ative Store Co Limited of which Mr manager was of fered for sale last week but was withdrawn as the prices offered did not meet the expectations of the Co Mr J Ross Robertson and Mr J Sinclair Robinson have gone to Egypt to spend two or three months Woman Shoe in WichitaKan Feb saloon- wrecking game led to a tragedy couple of nights ago A young man a member the Southern Kansas Methodist College was hit over the head with a billiard cue by a barten der He got his chums together and they were reinforced by women They attacked a number of saloons In the midst of one attack some one commenced firing- from the wrecked saloon Miss Emma Denney a young woman prominent In church circles was hit in the mouth with a bullet and she fell over seemingly dead Other shots followed in succession and Mrs Wilson another of the saloon wreckers fell with a deep gash cut in her cheek This gash was made by glass and it is supposed that some one in the wreck ed place threw It The have notified Gov ernor Stanley that all saloons in the county must be closed It is believed that Mrs Nation will arrive here to day to enforce this demand Bolton village will have an acety lene gas plant for lighting purposes 61 Wen Entombed in a Burning Victoria BC Feb The town of Cumberland which lies across from Union Bay where the Alaskan liners call to fill their coal bunkers was shaken by a most terrific explo sion at this morning The source was located at No which is situated right in the mining town In a very few minutes crowds gathered at the pithead and willing workers hurried here and there the majority laboring under great excitement do ing whatever could be done which sad to say was little Alter the there came fire and entomb ed in this hell of fallen coal broken and crushed mining timbers de bris are sixtyfive men forty whom are whites and the remainder Asiatic The of workers known to be in the mine are computed at that number aud since the explosion none have reached the surface From the force of the explosion which cov ered the ground in the vicinity of the pithead with a layer of crushed an broken mine timber men of experience fear the worst Little hope is ex pressed that auy of the unfortunates imprisoned below will be brought out alive Number shaft is nearly feet deep and the workings are connected with the shaft of number which is a mile and a half away A mounted man dashed across at once to the place and a searchparty was sent down in to the workings from number After getting near the doccs between the two shafts this party was forced back having encountered firedamp and they had to race with all speed backward in order to avoid being over come by the quicktravelling gases Between the two pits fire was found to be raging but whether this is be cause coal has been fired or the en mining timber is burning is not certain Rescue parlies ineffectually tried al so from the pit of number to get down to the buried men but they were unable to the bottom the cage not being lowered with safety more than twothirds of the way downi Victoria BC Feb A second explosion of firedamp has occurred at the Cumberland mine of the Union Colliery Company where sixty miners have been entombed since Friday morning The official report states that there were men in the mine at he time of the explosion of whom were whites nine Japanese Mid China men The Kingston Locomotive Works arebuilding a large number ot en gines for the Intercolonial Over peoplp in Chicago who supposed themselves divorced have found that owing to neglect of their lawyers to have the decrees entered according to law they are still mar ried AN HONORABLE That appeals the Judgment of the best people Is Dr Chases Kfdoey- PUIS prescription Dr A Chase Book author By acting directly on the ltv kidneys and bowels this popular family medicine thoroughly cures liver complaint kidney disease constipation and accompanying and aches Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills act pleasantly and naturally One pill a dose oento a IMF Honored Ste Marie Feb The International Hotel here tonight of a remarkable demon stration in honor of Mr Francis Hec tor the young father East ern Algonia Mr recent return from a prolonged absence in Europe was made the occasion of the demonstration which took the form of a gigantic banquet The men of New Ontario to the num ber of assembled to pay homage to this remarkable man who is fast transforming a wilderness into a pojp district dotted with mining and lumbering hamlets all sending their raw products in the shape of mineral ores and pulp wood to this centre for manufacture into commercial commo dities After Our Guests had been pro posed Charles Smith presented him with a handsomely Illuminated address from the citizens of theSoo and this was accompanied by a sold watch Mr in reply devoted an address extending over an hour in length It chronicled the progress of bis large enterprises in New Ontario contained prophecies of great things yet to be accomplished and was Al together full of almost romantic in terest He summed up as result his companies here as lows They had expended in the neighborhood of nine million scattered over all the large manufac- turing Cities of Canada Bach of these had received its share Mr believes industries as much as He estimated that over two millions of dollars would be spent 1301 He closed his address thanking- them lor their exhibition of confidence and hoped ft would always be so To Cure a Cold Laxative lets All druggists refund the money falls to cure is each box

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