Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1901, p. 2

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THE ERA FRIDAY Never Lets Up fc Brighter and Better Each Issue- All Type Sen in Newmarket AH Printing Done at Home FRIDAY FEB OurSbGity WIKT8 putisiirfi i The Kings speech at the opening of the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain reiterates intima tion of her late Majesty Queen Vic that the of Cornwall and York Hilt Australia and Canada during the ensuing summer Toronto has already made a movie towards Thompson home getting ready for a grand royal cepUon on occasion of the y Millard returned to the there by asking the Legislature Salur for authority an jj Silver has returned ton towards c the The Spanish River Company Miss is visiting friend J Aurora and vicinity industry has completed its formation and it Everybody is wakjri up at last expected vtl conduct spent with the importance of manufacturing operations a sea 1 at Pine Orchard instead of letting other nations Smith was sorb all the profits of this stupendous and the erection of pulp a few days this industry There is no doubt but that mi is on the Spanish River which is Miss k a is Government be given to a navigable to the Georgian Bar is to here a visit with her the communities who show the roUls est activity in this matter during the paper ought to recede to the figure next few months will received the current before the organization of the greatest benefit Up to the present Newmarket is in the lead and it behooves citizens of North York to be on the alert to do everything that will push the enterprise to a successful issue- The immense advantage to any com munity where a Sugar Refinery is cated were clearly demonstrated by Mr Hamilton of New York in his address in the Town Hall here last week Indeed the farmers should be more interested than any other class There are three fac tories in Bay City Michigan which paid for beets alone last season near ly Over acres were last year in Hay County for the cultivation of beets Last year the combine last year An amendment will be submitted to the Game Protection Act of Ontario during the present session to prohib it the killing of deer in the water Our views n this question have al ready been expressed thru these col umns An editorial in the Mail of the true Ross Mr and Mrs Ross gave a party at Rossmore last Friday night Iter Mr Colt man of Toronto was visiting his mother here Sunday rMr M is just getting around after five weeks of serious ill ness Miss Haines Queen St EG gave a large party last Friday night Mrs Beat tie of Toronto spent a few days with her friend Mrs Mrs K- Jackson entertained- a number of ladies on Wednesday after noon Dr and Mrs Scott were At Home tin Wednesday evening to numerous and Mrs J Wilson were At Home to a few guests on Tuesday evening Mrs J and her daugh ter Miss Jennie of Bradford were tie Mrs Jacob Sunday and Mrs Alfred McCarty of Keswick were visiting with Mrs J Wilson a couple of days this week Miss Klva returned home with them for a weeks visit Referring to the opening of the now Methodist Church at Davenport a correspondent to a city paper makes the following complimentary remarks towards a former pastor here which his numerous friends will he pleased to hear VTo the untiring energy and splendid executive ability of the pastor of the church the Rev Matthews great credit must be given He has worked wonders during his pastorate The church has been re modelled at a cost of and near ly all of that amount has already been provided for by a congregation composed chiefly of large hearts clear heads and strong in God Newmarkets Leading Store Last and Best Week of Our SI sportsman has no sympathy for a hunter who descends to such a meth od of killing and it will a mailer of satisfaction to all who have any interest in the preservation of the deer in Ontario if the prohibition that is now applicable only to the Indian Peninsula of Bruce County is made to coyer the whole of the province Another death in the ranks of the Dominion Senators occurred at mid night of the in the person SALE I faith sugar factories the State of Michij of Hon William J of paid SI to farmers Halifax Deceased was years old sugar beets and yet the reports was that the farmers grew just as much wheat had just as many cattle and mane as much butter as they ever did before The average yield for the Michigan Sugar Co was tons while the vield among the was called to the Senate in but from to occupied a seat in the House of Commons In politics the Hon Senator was a Conservative in religion was a member of the An glican church His death creates an other vacancy in the Senate for Sir Wilfrid Government to fill- making three since beginning of this vear Mr Los Kennedy is here from the city on account of his mothers ill ness Miss Ross is home from College on account of serious illness Miss Nor i lie Wilson entertained a company of young people on Tuesday evening and Mrs Jackson were At Homo on Friday evening to a number of guests Mr Hinder of was the guest of Mr John over Sunday Mrs Geo of Hamilton and daughter Miss Iris are visiting Mrs Miss Clara Gould and Miss Kennedy spent over Sunday at Van- with friends Rev Geo preached an anniversary sermon at Sharon si afternoon Sale Feb Mrs Case of Pine Orchard will have an extensive sale of farm stock implements and household furniture on lot con own- ship of Whitchurch Terms mouths credit on sums oyer Sale at oclock sharp K Smith Ladies and Misses Handsome Jackets were priced at from 4 to 7 each your pick while they last at 2 only Handsome Goat Robes price 850 to clear at 1 Mens Handsome Coon Skin Coat reg price 25 first man comes gets it for 00 Boots and Shoes Sacrificed Germany has a law which insists on different bottles for drugs sold for internal and external use A concentrated-dinner- has been started in Paris each course consists of single tablet not loXger than an ordinary conversation These rapid inroads in the j Wallace of is experiments tried last season in North York was near tons the political complexion of tliat body lo per acre The percentage purity Miss son attended the was greater than any test in the concert last Saturday night at suggested that niM season a steam launch j becomes populated te Acton dropped the factories 1 Monday to see old friends State of Michigan and indeed greater In the Assembly last week than the other two places where Mr in o m beets were tested in Ontario last sea- outlined a new plan a better en- rono rf v of flsherv regulations in- a son The farmers of this province will interest the have lost the old barley and living all around the lake market which used to be a boom to said that at present there were four ir and James were them hut in the sugar industry there instead of one overseer ana numerous i that Kittroavtail i is something that wont play out The mure the better for the sugar factories that as it was reported that the 1- T There is the least doubt but pie were realizing the benefit of the J that other towns wilt be moving in regulations and that fish are increas- J this matter as the Planting ot such an industry in any place will be off securing information regarding great value to the Town and the best waters from which to obtain rounding country inasmuch would entail an outlay of about replenish the lake The factory employs about men the year round and in the busy season about men Direct- it means more cash in the com Regular meeting last Monday even- TH LEADING Furniture and House Has made a special cut in prices on Furniture for a few days taking stock For Cash up with Bevel Mirror up Tables up Bd Unites up up up All oilier in proportion w m Mens Boys Clothing Womens and Shoes lace and button sizes It and regular Sale price Ladies Rubbers reduced to Kings Finest 3 Button Kid Boots reduced to Kings Finest Lace Kid Boots reduced to Kings Fine 250 Lace- or Button Boots reduced to Kings Fine Low Shoes at reduced to Mens Fine Butt- Lace Boots reduced to Mens Fine Kid Boots reduced to 135 Mens Fine Kid Gaiter Hoots at reduced to Mens Heavy TwoBuckle Rubbers at reduced to Ask for anything advertised the quantities are large in cases Mens Double Breasted Suits that were and 1000 all to go at Mens Single Breasted Tweed Suits that were go at 450 Mens very fine Serge Suits tailormade at 15 go at We will Save you ifrom to on a Boys Suit little boys Ulsters that were go at pairs Mens Overalls in Grey Kentucky Jean Blue and to Your Pick at i and indirectly an improved system for rotation crops a ready means for stamping out noxious weeds and increased fertility of the soil- An effort be made by the local committee in to ob tain seed for experiments by about farmers this coming season and it is also expected that prizes will be awarded similar to last year farmer should be anxious to give this industry a shove now they have a chance on the watch for further particulars NOTES If one may judge from the views privately expressed by leading mem- on both sides the House tlere is every probability that the present session of the Dominion Parliament will not be a lengthy one Probably prorogation will take place arly in April Members all present except Mr Smith Following bills were passed Insurance premium on Town Hall Insurance premium on Fire Hall Express on Street Lights Office Specialty Go cement stationery- 30 Has Morrison Co supplies v 7 charity Electric Co sup- plies Customs on above 32 Howard Coal Co car coal freight on coal Customs on coal carting coal OHeara snow cleaning John Blencoe snow cleaning 70 Ward cutting wood for Fire John peeling poles OHallaran work at 15 freight capital account Can Foundry Co Fire Light repairs Ontario Co cement ice GarlandPacking Co Can Gen Co supplies Royal Hotel re Beet Sugar IIW J O J Pay Sheet work at powerhouse The appointment of Dr to the Senate to fill the vacancy caus ed by the demise of Senator McKind- is said to be a popular one as he has hosts of friends on both sides of politics Dr Landerkin was born I Pay Sheet to Mc- West County 34 in 1839 and is the son of the late Pay Sheet work at powerhouse Mr James formerly of The Chairman of the Finance formerly of Scotia who settled in attend her Sirs J Campbell of Lindsay formerly of has been vis iting with Mrs and other friends for a few days Mr Herbert J Hill formerly but now of Minneapolis Minn has been here on a couple of weeks visit with his mother Mrs and her broth er J Walker left Monday evening for York to attend the funeral of their late brother Caldwell Mr Jackson is in Hamilton this week attending Grand Lodge A as representative from New market Mr who expect ed to go was taken suddenly ill on Sunday Miss Maud Adams sister of Mrs McClellan who has been staying with her for several months left this week for Toronto and her sister Miss Adams who has been here on a visit left at the same time for her home Mr Geo Kester banker of Idaho who has been visit- Ing with relatives and friends in this section was accompanied to the depot on Wednesday morning by Mrs Geo Mainprise- of Holt when he left on a mile journey homeward His many friends were delighted to his smiling countenance On Tuesday evening last Mr Chairman of the High School Board entertained the other members together with the Secretary Stan of the School Mayor and Town Clerk to dinner at his residence Mr J Dickson exprincipal of the School was also invited to attend but was unable to do so However he sent a very letter which was pieces heavy Union Carpet and reduced to Canadian Brussels Carpet reg at Heavy Pure Wool Carpets reg reduced to Extra Heavy Ingrain Carpets reg reduced to Large Carpet Squares reg reduced bo S3 Handsome Tapestry Carpets reduced to On the Carpet floor we have Special lines Lace A SPECIALTY Calls attended to at residence 125 street John H Millard Black Goods Sacrificed Handsome Blister Dress Goods at reduced to Black Blister Goods at reduced to Black at reduced to Fine Black Lustres at 35c reduced to Black Storm Serge at 506 reduced to Worsted Suitings at reduced to Flannels Blankets Sacrificed The JOHNSTONIn town on Feb to Mr and Mrs Johnston a The Tomb- Kln Tp Feb 13 David Blackburn in his 17th Nova County in verbally reported on certain the occasion accounts Col Lloyd as a member of the The many friends of Rev Hilt in Newmarket will be pleased to read the following paragraph from the Toronto News The pastor ate of Rev Li Hill has been the congrega- is considerable speculation re- Committee objected to the report as the License Bill to be Intro- other members of the Com were not this session in the Ontario As- consulted Although the scope the the report was withdrawn and acceptable to proposed amendments have not been meeting of the Ml committee appoint- Parliament Street public It is understood the Gov- church that the official board has decided not to mbodyj The Property Com reported on the last night extended him an invitation the proposition asked by the Licensed alterations in the Council Chamber to remain next year unusually Victuallers Association to allow ho- recommending that the tender of Wm warm terms Replying be expressed Wbe accepted The re- his pleasure at the way the interests Sabbath The present Act be port was adopted and the Com the church had progressed and his consolidate and certain clauses to proceed with the work appreciation of the good feeling that lo The Treasurer was instructed to pay exists toward himself Spiritually year MEYERS In Town on the of Feb Francis daughter of Mr Frank Meyers aged and 20 days THOMPSON At Holland Landing on the of Feb wife of Mr Silas Thompson aged years At on Feb daughter of Mr John Tansley aged yrs CALDWELL At his residence at York Feb ward Caldwell third son of the late James Caldwell in his year He leaves to mourn his demise a widow three sons and one daughter ALLAN In Town on Wednesday the of Feb Isabella Allen wife of James Allan in her year WEBBER On Wednesday Feb at his fathers residence Toronto Frederick William youngest son the Rev George Webber in his year ARBUTHNOTT In Scott Feb Betsy Arbutbnott widow the late John Evans aged mos The funeral Feb- from Newmarket at oclock pm Inter red in Newmarket Cemetery difficult for licenced dealers to loopholes when prosecuted to each the of- numerically and financially the fleers at the recent election J gregation is exceptionally prosperous pairs heavy wool shaped Horse Blankets each reduced to Fine White Wool at pair reduced to Heavy White Wool Blankets at reduced to pair Grey Flannels at reduced bo Fine Navy Blue Twilled Flannel at reduced to Sacrificed v Unbleached Cotton Sheets full size price each reduced to or for Cotton full yard wide at to 42 inch reduced to Pillow Cotton at reduced to Large White Counterpanes at reduced to pieces extra wide Shaker Flannel at reduced to Mens Goods Sacrificed Mens Rubber Coats price to go at Mens very stylish Waterproof Coats to go at Mens lined Kid Gloves to go at Mens Heavy Wool Socks pair go for- Mens Fine Black Sateen Shirts go for Mens- Stylish Neck Ties go at for Attend this Sale as often as you have Money to Save H E F Thirteen new cases smallpox were reported in New York on Tues day Eight bodies have been recovered from the Union mine at Cumberland BC A band men and women with hatchets smashed a joint at Newman Kansas on Tuesday Catarrhal dull wretched In over eyes It one of surest lf as that of been and your to ad minister the quickest and sur est treatment to prevent seat In Of this dreaded msJady Dr Catsirhal Powder will stop all la ten minutes and cure jo cents Sold by Newmarket a HDERT4KJN0 Main tft ssr- All Orders re ireful and Dominion Government been asked to grant a bounty in aid of the manufacture of beet root sug ar one cent a pound for the first a cent a cent fourth year and onequarter of a cent for the fifth year alter which it would be discontinued one cent a pound for will take place Friday two year threequarters rom the Hotel two years threequarters wot SPOOLS 2 FO R 5 J oo- Gross Ladders Best Cord Spool Cotton during February TORONTO HOUSE Bad Could not Ma Down for was unabtfl In my bed for months owing to smothering spelts caused by Heart Disease of I One bottle Dr for the Heart removed the trouble and today I am well as ever I Law Toronto Junction Sold by Lehman Newmarket T AIR RIFLE MKKvkUcUlMiblftdUwJiQM0mtfrl- 7 d ii

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