Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1901, p. 3

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A r THE DAY FEB Weeks Hear IS GOING ON IK The Friends Quarterly meeting was the Friends on street last Sat urday and Sunday I Moore of Toronto was the only preacher present from a djstance Only a lew delegates were in attendance Mr the North End butcher put in a telephone last week and is now in ready communication with all his customers which will certainly be a great convenience and will ho doubt increase his trade Fancy Dress Carnival The first and only Fancy Gar- nival in the Newmarket this season is to take place this even ing are offered There win also be new and original music and splendid drill by trained corpse promises to lie something unique Dont miss it There was a bis crowd it Town last Saturday and a very Rood market was the ruling price or fresh eggs and from to for butter Dressed turkeys sold from 9 to per lb dressed chickens from to per pair live chickens from to per pair Pork went as as beef and per by the quarter mutton to per lb Apples from SI to per f flnotheVReeofd Stimulated by the paragraph in last weeks Era with reference to cut ting ice Chas and John pulled oh their coats last Friday morning and determined to make a record In hours they cut blocks of ice pulled them out of the water loaded them Next 3 r f Called It becomes bur painful duty chronicle the death of another of our landmarks in the person of Mrs Allan sr had been ailing for about a week with and on Wednesday morning came down stairs It was not long however when she became worse and expired about pm Mrs Allan was born in Glasgow Scotland was very quiet and reserved and has lived in New market about- years and per bag per basket potatoes the On Friday while was working a machine sawing up lumber at the Specialty Works a sliver ran into bis hand so far that it was ne cessary to get a doctor to extricate it lie went to work on Saturday morning but the hand became so pain ful that he had to quit after a short time He tried it again on Monday morning but only worked for an hour and a hall when his arm began to swell and became quite painful that he has been laid work for several On Saturday Harris another employee at the Specialty Works bad the ends two finger taken off by the machine he was operating Good move The Director and friends of Newmarket Horticultural Society be glad to learn that lecture work in connection with the shape Improtfmentst- The changes at the Station are progressing favorably The steam connections between the boilers and engines are completed and the everything went- together in firstclass The draftsman who Was sent Horticultural Societies of Ontario here to take the measurements was will be undertaken by the of Farmers Institutes Formerly it has been done under the auspices the itGrowers Association Mr superintendent of the insti tutes ia preparing a schedule of meet ings by whieh it is hoped the interest of every progressive town and village in the Province in fruit and flowers will be stimulated The work of beautifying public and private grounds is also dealt with by the lecturers really an expert The electrician ar rived on Tuesday and expects to have his connections all days Engineer expects to put a St Johns Church Special services were held on Ash Wednesday and will be continued at each Wednesday and Friday even ings during Sale of Ponies There was a regular circus down in the yard of the Jackson hotel last Saturday morning during the sale of the Indian ponies brought down from the Northwest They sold all the way from up to apiece The buyers had quite a time getting them out of Town in some The animals seemed be very stubborn- j A On Friday night last a youth uncertain character named Jack Bean assaulted a young girl on Main St in a rough and vulgar manner and was summoned before County- Coun cillor Woodcock nest day After due enquiry was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of in case of default to spend two months in goal He was sent down Scope The premises formerly occupied by Robertsons bakery have been leaded by Mr Henry and he is now busy renovating the premises and put ting in a new stock of groceries and provisions He expects to open the store tomorrow and be ready for business Mr has been in the grocery trade in Newmarket between eleven and twelve years and is well acquainted with the wants of this community only that he has been a popular salesman and with his usual and instinct for purchasing in the right market at right time we have no doubt that he wiM make a great success of his venture See his announcement else where in the Era was assisted last Christian The pastor was assisted ladt Sup- day morning Rev Mr Colt man and at the close of the service three candidates joined the church Rev Mr appears to be grow ing in much favor with the Post Box A new postal box was received in Newmarket this week and the fice Inspector was here to arrange for its being placed at the depot for the accommodation of people at the North End It will be a great convenience THIS MONTH In many lines stock is too large They must be reduced least onehalf during month and we think these prices will do it Houses Wonted Now is the time to bring in vour- surplus stock Mr Roch Marten me TwwU of the Montreal- buyers will he at lie Heavy weeds pure all wool Dominion hotel and Mr A allwool White Blankets fir another man from Montreal Large Size Flannelette Blankets Mens Shirts Black Saxony Wool per ounce Heavy Roller Crash Towelling will be at the Eagle tomorrow to purchase all kinds of sound horses Good prices will be paid In the Davis Cup Competition A Rink defeated Stew arts on Wednesday night by the fol lowing score J Sutherland Doyle Stewart Skip A Brunton -iG- A A Skip Quality Blinds complete Whir Toiler Covers embossed Many other lines of White Goods too numerous to are in this Sale you will pay onethird more for these same goods after March First CORNER STORE Majority for shot A meeting of officials of North York Agricultural Society was convened in the Council Chamber on Saturday afternoon when the report of the com mittee on terms of union with the Newmarket Horticultural Society for Game Much interest is being taken in the last game between the Bachelors ami which is billed lo take place at the Rink on Tuesday night as the of this game will he Champions for We understand that an admission of five cents be charged to defray med ical and hospital expenses etc Same will start at Go t the Rink Tuesday night and see Hockey play ed scientifically Jack Kelly will likely referee The Cheap Store -J- V a Departments I vivipviivi Hoe key A hot match was played on the Rink last Saturday between the Juni ors of the North and South Ends of the town North End won by the score of to The return game will be played on the Rink next Saturday The teams were as follows North EndGoal H Burke Point Cover Point Forwards Hill Stone Dun can South EndGoal Willis Point P Cover Point Brammer Forwards Williams J Referee Ross Umpires and Fletcher fire under the new boiler today and exhibition purposes was received and by the end of next week it is hoped rat that the duplicate electric lighting plant will be in runningorder How ever other changes are still to be made by putting in duplicate pumps for the fire protection systemund it will take two or three weeks yet to get things straightened at the Wa terWorks The lights oh Main street will be running In about weeks The We desire to draw attention to the annual report in another column of this issue of the York Mutual Fire Insurance Company The marked progress made by this young company since its organization in when the total amount written was only 122995 and a cash surplus of 51- 200 showing that a home company that is progressive- will be sustained by our own people as in December the amount had increased to with net assets for security of policy holders of 990411 is really a pheno menal showing and speaks volumes for the management We must con gratulate J Hill Esq the energetic President on the mag nificent record predict or this company a prosperous career We that local agent Is about to be appointed for Newmarket and the rates quoted will be sure to gain a good deal of business is a safe town for the insur ance companies and is entitled to low er rates than many companies give methodise Good Sunday seHlions by the pastor and by Next is to be special mis sionary Sunday in connection with the MS Rev Andrews and wife returned missionaries from In dia are to assist at both services and will appear in native costume A short time ago they gave addresses in the Methodist church at Aurora and the place was packed to the doors at the evening service Every body was delighted with what they and saw Large congrega tions expected Mr Thomas the new caretaker commenced his duties this week The Secretary was instructed to give Mr Harland the retiring caretaker a let ter of recommendation for his faith- attention to duties and universal to all concerned- The Board regretted that his regular oc cupation would not permit him to continue longer in Boards then united for Business It was agreed that the President by virtue of his office should be a mem ber of all committees Management Com Wasley D Fortune A Martin and H Lloyd solicitor one of the Hon Di rectors This committee is charged with the following duties To super intend alterations and improvements in buildings and grounds To- allot and lay out space tor- Main Building Exhibits Booths Outside and Attractions To lay out general plan and arrangement for Fall Pair To consider devise and arrange for schools special attractions Excur sions Concert c To attend to and do what is thought best re Ad vertising Donation and Contribution Scheme Advertising Fence c To attend to Printing and to as near as possible divide same between the two Newmarket Printing excepting Prize List printing which is to be let by tender to lowest bidder The com mittee to get sanction of full Board on all important matters before exe cuting same Property Com Geo J Successful Social The social under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Christian church held at the residence of St last Wednes day evening proved a decided success The ladies served a delightful tea af ter which those present enjoyed themselves in social intercourse and numerous games During the evening a musical pro gram Was rendered to the enjoyment of those present the following taking part Songs by Messrs Jos Ste phens Scott and Willis piano solo Miss Jessie Mint- em cornet solo Mr Geo McDonald instrumental duett Messrs McDonald end mule by some members of the church choir Rev Mr presided and also assisted with an excellent recita tion All taking part themselves creditably and was added to the treasury of the Auxili ary Our StockTaking will be completed the last day this month just eight days from now We have too much stock in the following lines and rather than write it in at the end of month we would sooner loose a little money on it In fact we guarantee to dp so Here is our offer f 1 Pail timber and other wood is com ing in to Canes Factory this week at rate of cords per day It is surprising the amount of lum ber that is coming into the Works and it is nearly all hardwood large icehouse a conspicuous position and is now Ending 28th We Guarantee to Loose Money Hughes John Currey This commits than have filled with ice Society At a meeting of the directors this Society held in the Council Chamber on Monday last the date of the next MidSummer Show was fixed for July and 24 to be held in the Kink the same as last year The prize list has been enlarged and revis ed and the Directors look forward to the coming Exhibition with fi assurance that it will prove a greater success last year The prize list will be printed at once so that those who purpose planting seeds and cultivating roots and flow ers lor exhibition may be in a posi tion to direct their energies along the lines indicated by articles specified for which prizes will be awarded Mr Webb President occupied the and had the business to come before the meeting nicely arranged Director has tickets of member ship for sale and persons who buy not only have the advantage of the Horticultural but also of the North York Agricultural Society so far as exhibiting and attending the shows are concerned as the two Societies are again united for exhibition Fire I At on Monday afternoon an alarm of fire was rung in to the Wa terworks from Prospect Ave which w immediately responded by the firemen in alt parts of volume of smoke was issuing from the double residence occupied by Mr Lambert Pearson and John Mont gomery The firemen had great trouble in ascertaining what part of j the building was on fire smoke seemed to be issuing all around and yet no blaze was seen After consid erable delay the fire was extinguished but the building was badly damaged water All the contents were re moved on building which was owned by Mr P Pearrfon Is covered by insurance and will probab ly amount to between arid Mr Lambert Pearson furniture was insured but there was on Mr Montgomerys The origin of the fire seems to be a mys tery For a day or two Miss Pear son had remarked about the strong smell smoke but Mr Pearson was very poorly and unable to make any examination However the smoke becoming worse on Monday they de termined to send for the tinsmiths to clean the stovepipes The men were at this job when the smoke became so great that an alarm of fire was sent in The house seemed to fill with it all at once and was evidently on fire between the plastering and the outside wall the building being roughcast The whistle blew fire out at about 615 The public should recognize the of ficers of the Brigade and allow them to do the ordering instead of every body calling lo the firemen and tell ing them what to do This only worries the firemen as they cannot tee is to look alter and have in their charge all chattels belonging to the Society To take ah inventory same in a book to be got for thin pur pose giving full particulars and where stored c Finance Com J Woodcock J and it was made their duty to check and certify to the correctness accounts Superintendents of trie various de partments at the Tall Fair i Light Wesley Woodcock Fortune HEAVY HOKSKSProclor Webb CATTLKStallard Stokes Lundy Cowicson 5 Poultry Coombs Powell Agricultural Grain Seed Field Crops Webb Lundy Proctor Norman Horticultural Flowers and Plants Hughes Dairy Domestic Products Mar- tain Woodcock Mercantile Cane ton Brunton Fogg Natural History Fink Arts Hughes Coombs McKay Martaiti Lemon Robertson Cane Fortune Hutchinson McKay ton Coombs Robert son Gibbons A large committee was also ap pointed to revise prize list for next Show and it was understood work was to be done at once so that the prize list could be printed and cir culated before seeding thereby enabl ing members jo arrange for planting and cultivating products along the line of exhibits to which prizes are attached The officials appear to be actuated by the same enthusiasm which characterized the Hoard last year and which resulted in grand a success An Old North York Boys Gathering during the Fair Is one Hi pond Mr Will Andersons team from ran away on Monday from mill and caused considerable excitement Newmarket corpse the Salvation Army visited Aurora on Monday evening and assisted at the meeting there The drifting snow last week made lots of work on the road divisions The men had to turn out several times to keep the passage through and some the sidelines were block ed altogether A curling match with a Toronto Rink was played at the rink here last night Court Signet holds Its regular monthly meeting on Wednes day night the on any and all of the following Goods sold by us Mens Overcoats Boys Overcoats Mens Fur Imitation Fur Gauntlets Mens Fur Goats Mens Boys Pea Jackets Mens Boys Ulsters Fur Caps Fur Robes Mens and Boys Heavy Ribbed Wool Underwear ft fc Mens and Boys Lined Kid Gloves Mitts Fur Coats Capes Muffs ways the voices the novelties suggested as an dcntly a more systematic training and we have no doubt it would the would be beneficial I prove a drawing card The lecture in tlte Presbyterian church on Monday evening was large ly attended not only by the Presby terians of the Town by many from the other congregations The lecturer was Dr Grant of Orillia and his subject was a popular one The Average Man By a happy com bination of the practical the hu morous interest Was sustained thru- out- Dr is a keen observer of mankind and has the faculty of tell ing what he sees In a plain way Ail felt more than ever that it is to the Average Man we owe most and felt that they could render some service in the world The pleasure of the evening was greatly Increased by the solos render ed by Mrs Geo ol Hamil ton Many excellent singers sung in the church but It is safe to say that few it any made a more Impression She excels as a singer of the Scottish songs so old yet ever new Should she ever sing in Newmarket again she will be sure of a- crowded church The lecture this popular course Win be given on Mar The lecturer Rev A is consid ered the most popular minister Toronto today the date I come and spend A Night Scotland Ruffs Storm Collars Ladies Cloth Jackets Cloth Capes Velvet Capes Ladies Tweed Dress Skirts Fur Gauntlets Ladies Fur Lined Golf Capes Girls Jackets Fancy Trimmed Serge Dress Skirts Girls Ulsters Ladies Fancy Velvet and Silk Blouses Ladies Blouses Ladies Wool Shawls and Childrens Lambs Wool Hoods Ruffs Gauntlets Muffs e Grey and White Wool Blankets Newmarket Out -iv- j

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