Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1901, p. 4

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Tf HE ERA DAY FEB V trice vis the Best Teacher of fas demon ihM Haiti is ifu fi irouUes of if ftwifli it impjuis m is A to yog fus of so poor ifui in I ftUcSi im Mm ftit wu iSfrj Jama SI Sectarianism Cone DOCTORS -m- Thos J Barrister Notary Public Ac Main Street Newmarket SWOOO to Loan on go Farm Solicitor Notary Public etc Honey omi Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario St Ac Cbopplu South of Of fice Herbert Lennox Aurora also beat Newmarket on and Court Day Solicitor for J I Bow A Co Banker and Bank Aurora S Barrister Money to loan Or Main St Barrister Block Money to Loan DENTAL A I Post Office Block opposite the Methodist Church Qwrantccd DR DENTIST 10 Dr Opposite Drug Store INSURANCE rfT J A Agent for id Lire at Current Rate Off id At the A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Isolated Low en Farm Town Property Hodges Tin Newmarket Readers or the Hair have had cause for amazement at the gross and unwarrantable insult heaped upon the clergy of the Metho dist and other socalled dissenting churches of Dominion by one of its own professional contributors known as Flaneur who appears to have taken umbrage at the Observance Alliance The language employed and the insinuation convey is a direct insult to every church adherent not identified with the or Roman Catholic denomina tions in this Dominion and we very much mistake the of Con servatives who belong to other than Anglican or Roman Catholic Churches they do not resent this unprovoked odium being cist upon their respective denominations and clergy The man- of the above journal must have lost his usual selfrespect and tolera tion to have admitted such an un warrantable reflection upon Metho distsone of the largest christian nominations in Canada the reflection cast upon socalled dissenting clergy men however is not confined to Methodists as the following extract will demonstrate Anglican or the Roman Catholic Churches who attempt this dictation but a lot of the sporadic products of professional dissent whose general nonsuccess is the measure of their general unfitness and whose impotent endeavors to own the earth are as ridiculous as their imagined capacity to fun it It will be a surprise to many to read such a diatribe poured upon the workers and especially to have their labors attributed to the dictation of a lot of sporadic pro ducts of professional dissent mean ing of course the clergy of other than Anglican or Toman Catholic and deserves unriualtfied re- probation- But Flaneur was not sat isfied with flouting his undisguised sectarianism and bigotry in the face of the intelligent readers of the Mail he goes further and not only be trays unpardonable ignorance hut openly prevaricates with truth and I thereby demonstrates a lack of moral principle usually observable in the life and conversation of those who entertain lax views respecting the command of Gods word to keep the Sabbath day holy He says In Canada the Church leads with a powerful membership closely followed by the Church of Rom other arc Very weak Such a statement in the face if Dominion census is amazing and such a display of ignorance on the part of- a public contributor to a leading daily journal is equally de plorable and discreditable A CASE OF SCIATICA WHICH TO TO THEIR TREATMENT The Patient Spent Nearly 3 Months in a Hospital Without Getting Re lief Dr Williams Pink Pills Re stored to Health and Strength ROTES On Friday last In reply to Mr Hon stated on the floor of the Legislature that a binder plant was In operation at the Central Prison arid hindertwine therefrom was being placed on the market at a figure as nearly as poss ible to cost price African The Nervous Jt is announced that Mr Provincial Secretary will address a Liberal Convention at on Thursday of next week when a party candidate will be chos en to contest North Ontario at the next Provincial general elections AUCTIONEER AU1DKKCK 3d market A Pal nit Da A Done promptly la lam also with a Sign Writer mean Hardware 8torv bead or at the iueeti Street West Newmarket Practical Painter and House Corner Church Street Lane tf The wording of the Oath of Corona tion taken by sovereigns Great Britain has been the subject of some adverse criticism recently by Roman Catholic Church dignitaries On Sun day last Rev J rector of Grace Church Ottawa Anglican discussed the agitation which has been instituted for the amendment of the Coronation Oath in England on tfce ground that it reflects on the tenets of the Roman Catholic In substance Mr Gorman took the ground that before seeking any such change as indicated the authorities the Roman Catholic Church should exclude from Papal decrees and from the oath taken by their bishops MI references to Protestants as and schismatics If they unreel to do so he as a clergyman would be willing to meet them way is estimated that steamers are 20 per cent safer than sailing ves sels James A rmstrong pleaded guilty of counterfeiting at Winnipeg He is years old upwards of a quarter of a cen tury Mr McLean has been a resident of the town He is foreman in the lumber yards of McLean and is known not only to the citizens of the town but by most oi the inhabitants of the adjoining region as well Many of Mr McLeans friends know that he was with a severe type sciatica and know also that he has been released pangs of that excruciating trouble Believing that bis story would be of public interest a reporter called upon him and ash ing him to what agency he attributed his fortunate release from pain Mr McLeans unhesitating reply was Dr- Williams Pink Pills and I never hesitate to say so either Mr McLean continued I was afflicted With sciatica for a number of rears The most severe attack occurred sev eral ago when I was confined to my bed for several months I- suf fered horribly with trouble the only Relief I could get was- morphine either in tablets or dermically I could not put left foot on the ground without undergoing intense- agony I was treated by physicians and at the hospital in St Catharines- to which institution had to ho taken on a stretcher I was in the hospital nearly three months but without- be ing cured Then I returned home very much discouraged I next tried electricity hut it bad no perceptible- effect also tried a number of ad vertised medicines but with no bet- results Finally I was urged to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and as I was willing to try anything that seemed to offer hope o a cure several boxes I had been using the pills nearly a month before I found much relief but from that on my re covery was rapid and in the course a few months I was as well as ever I had been 1 am now a strong healthy man and although I have since endured much exposure have had no return of the trouble and feel that my cure is permanent Dr Williams Pink Pills certainly proved a in in case and I shall praise them when opportunity of fers Rheumatism sciatica neuralgia partial paralysis locomotor ataxia nerves headache nervous prostra tion and diseases depending upon humors in the blood such as scrofu la chronic erysipelas etc all disap pear before a fair treatment with Dr Williams Pink Pills They give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions Sold all dealers and post paid at a box or boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co ville Do not be persuaded to take some substitute The member Tor the Western Divis ion presented a petition to the legislature last Friday of the Mens Social Department of the Sal vation Army asking for a grant of in connection with the the Department Just why the State should be asked to help the organize referred to any more than It should aid the social department of a temperance or other simitar associa tion is not clear to the average think er i The Legislature of the State of Illinois has not only declar ed it improper for its members to railway passes but it also im poses the penally of Penitentiary im prisonment on any of its members who receive a ride on railroad passes The Wilson Star calls it the latest legislative novelty Here in Ontario members of the Local House their- hands in the Provin cial treasury for sessional mileage and some they travel ail the year on the same pass hut as to are not in Pretoria Feb Wet having crossed the Orange with a large convoy ammunition By special correspondent of the bra Piumers column gave to Ottawa Feb and inflicted a severe defeat upon his The House of Common has commud at The Boers ably established a record this week retired to at night by disposing of the dehat on the ad- rain and mud They narrowly escaped dress less than two hours Two capture years ago it toot nearly five weeks Col with a force- of Guards but no one Is heard to complain that was sent with an armoured train to matters have been unduly hurried this cut off Weis retreat at year The fact of the matter is that Kraal He captured prisoners and the realise that is to twenty wagons containing practically gained by wasting time in purpose- all of Wets supplies talk this session is no rounds of ammunitionfiOO shells and tion pending no constituencies to be a Maxlra gun The Boers dispersed impressed their representatives over the veldt in the direction Brit- zealapd ability and no object to be with the exception of the served filling with col- Carolina commando which managed or rambling remarks that no to break thru the- British lines and one will read retreated westward Moreover the situation has mater- It Is reported that Col ixlly changed in another respect In has captured a great part Wets the last Parliament the Opposition ammunition train included half a dozen men who were During a four days tight he- garrulous as old women bound to a Maxim gun the slightest provocation A despatch says Plum- of these have been left at home column engaged Wet he- parliament parts with them with and I regret For example Mr and gradually pushed back the Boers The British had a Dyspepsia To as of Aerveua diseases when on all aides- ar falling vlcilmi to nervous paralysis loca ataxia and other dreadful mala dies It la a to know that you comfort turn to Chase Nerve Food With Absolut ranee thai if had and- brain fag I was reiess could not My was poor and J suffered from nervous dyspepsia Utile cares worried and irritated me After Dr Chases Nerve Food about months- J cair frankly say thai I feel like a new mart My Is xood I rest and sleep weir- treatment has strength me wonderfully Chases Food is certlnly treatment I ever and I Because I want to give full credit where it Is due Dr Chases Nerve Food makes rich the nervea strong and re stores vigor to the whole system cents at all dealers or Company Toronto a a- I Nerve Food fleld artillery and the one flfteenpounder The shrapnel burst splendidly Ten of titer British were wounded do ring the many hours fighting An occasional dead Boer was found The engagement is being continued today AM the males at have heen arrested There is plenty of evidence that they were assisting the Boers of the bridge formed this winter over the Niagara River Channel the Gazette of last week says the ice scenery is now very beautiful hut owing to the mildness of the weather up- to the 1st this month the ice bridge did not form till about that date and since then people have been continuously cross ing during the day It adds The bridge is not so massive asit has been other winters when crossed in larg numbers It has not the body ice nor is it rough or mountainous as Niagara people like to see for then is more beauti ful The icy mountain at the Ameri can falls is quite large and daily in creasing in size Over on Lima Is land the scene is one resembling fairy land There the trees the rocks and the shrubs in fact everything have their pure white coating of frozen spray and it looks as if the purest marble has been chiseled by the most expert artists ice formation is not yet so heavy tliAtii is breaking down the trees but the tops of many of- them are heavily weighted and it will not require much more tee ta break some of might monarchs down to earth NsrvosMr a resident of Durham Out for a score to atmach and Schooled to against patent medicines he slatted usiug South American Nervine as tie says a last resort but six bottles of this great remedy proved to be salvation It can be yours Sold by Lehman Newmarket Since the fox bounty bylaw was placed on the statute books in liauarki County 57626 have been paid out bounties in WORKING OVERTIME Eight hour are by those Kings New Life rills Millions are at work and day curing Biliousness Constipation Sick Headache and Liver and Bowel troubles Easy pleasant safe sure store addressed the House the almost incredible number of times of an average of neatly sixtlmes on each of the days the House sat Mr who held his seat by grace of returning officers casting vote spoke about half that number of times but then be was laid up some weeks an accident or goodness only know when the session would have ended The session thus auspiciously com menced is evidently to be a business no very startling develop- for on either government has given abundant evidence of its desire to prosecute an aggressive policy of prog ress the up of the country and the development of its vast natur al resources all along the line and not only the desire but of the ability also that this will continue the polJ icy of the immediate future may be gathered the- Premiers words in closing the debate on Monday I have only to say to Hon gentlemen opposite in conclusion that our pol icy will be the same as for the last years a policy which received such ample by the people of Canada on the November nit is if session dno very be- looked side A despatch from Madrid says martial law has been proclaimed and the military are In possession of the city Ont Feb The most disastrous fire here in years oc curred today when at oclock it was discovered that the clan church was on fire Despite the beat efforts firemen the church was completely gutted and the root destroyed The loss will be pretty welt covered by the insurance which is on the church and 51500 the contents The Dominion Senate has adjourned till March but ihe indemnity continues and some newspaper men are trying to pave the way to justify a salary grab and thereby deplete public chest about extra LOSS OF APPETITE A person that has lost appetite has something besides vitality vigor The way to recover appetite and all Toronto Junction Feb little it is to ke Hoods horseplay the bigger students strenglBhitf the the High School rTearly resulted in the stomach digestion ana makes death of Frank Hill son of J Hill pleasure Law St yesterday afternoon The Thousands take loss of his boys caught hold the younger everybody mm here Is fellow and tossed him in the air in el so as Hood ion that he would turn of Mariposa somersault and alight on Ins feet The dropped dead at the Lindsay railway boy however lit on the concrete station of the basement head nrsf and Peterborough Feb severe injuries He was re- liam who was charged moved to his home medical attend- burglary and time was summoned and today is setting Are to the buildings recovered doctor was found by Police Magis- had his head hit a projec- Bumble today and sentenced to he would have been killed fourteen years in the Kingston Peni- Sense and Modern Medical Science reversed tbs almost universal belief that Rheumatism cannot bo cured The great South Ameri can Rheumatic Cure baa turned the tables and has given to sufferers a tried safe simple and permanent cure Thousands have that it has cured them in three days Ha Sold Lehman Newmarket GRAND TRIM For LONDON PORT HURON CHICAGO and all Western Points Call and Pacific Coast Trains Leave Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Bra Papers Issued at private resldtnce J OP MARRIAGE LICENSES HapplnesjaOT Health ration Is the and laughter of pure blood as courses through South American Cure drives out all and Insures the richness and purity that to perfect health successful be- causa It merits It popular because It fulfils every promts a Kidney medicine solely and purely It never Sold by Lehman Newmarket Indianapolis Feb Albert years old a keeper of lion cubs at the Xoo in this city met a rible death today in the cage of a Bengal tiger It was duty to feed the cubs at oclock of opening the door of the cub cage he absentmindedly opened the door of the tigers cage The bloodthirsty animal crouched in a corner until was well inside the door Then It sprang upon him with a roar and although he made a struggle the tiger bore him to the floor lie was terribly lacerated and the tiger was about to begin eating him alive when help arrived Keeper hurried to the scene with redhot irons and while these were applied mercilessly to the tigers flanks Ave revolver shots were fired into the maddened beasts head managed to crawl toward the door and was quickly dragged from the cage He died in a few moments The tiger Jas not seriously wounded Pill- Ago Liver Pills cents a vial planned after the most modern in medical They are great an Improvement over the years old strong dose pill formulas bicycle Is over ah ox cart In travel They never gripe and they never fall to cents Sold by Newmarket annually Theyre not worth the price Fourfifths of the members in both houses couldnt apiece outside of politics in twelve months to save their necks let alone earning it in onethird of that time Before Confederation members of considered themselves well paid with the patriotism thrown in always supposed to be attached to the position with a day and mile- age but now the country pays a and they are egging on a section of the press to justify another additional For a people of six millions and a half the amount it costs the country con sidering the moderate price of lining Is enormous and instead of opening ttie flood gates to increased indemnity the great bulk of the people who pay the taxes consider it about time to put on the brakes tentiary ray Toronto Daily am via pm via Hamilton U15 pm via Hamilton reserved by A Agent Newmarket DICKSON District Passenger Agent No sensible girl dreads a life Old as a phrase dropped from to common vocabulary The planter her honored in the and is useful as and as comfortably her saarried idstcr Ladles Journal sTffnatare Is boa of Laxative It is easier to start right than to Kingston Opt Feb About right after having been wrong oclock on Friday evening a terrible inning the average accident occurred in Pittsburg town- Atlantic liner is about eighty thous- ship three miles from this city dollars trip aged and two farm la- borers were engaged in sawing fire TOR MOTHERS wood a circular saw operated by cornea to a homo horsepower The trio had just about with babys advent is too concluded their days labor when a shadowed by the illhealth or weak- piece of the Iron framework of ricss of the mother To restore the saw stand gave- way jamming the saw mothers strength to back vigor and causing It to burst A and energy and to sustain her during piece of the saw seven by eight the nursing period Dr Chases Nerve piece of the saw seven by eight Is undoubtedly the most or nine inches struck the unfortunate preparation obtainable It makes the nig mail on the breast pass- rich revitalizes the nerves and young Any of the children ever have it you will never forget it will you Dont a a Then let it some time past the Opposition press have regaled their readers with prophecies respecting the date of the next Provincial elections Their po litical friends have been urged to be prepared the coming conflict and a warning note was sounded to the effect that immediately after the present session of the Legislature closed a general election would be sprung upon the country TrW tact that Hon Mr Davis three or four weeks ago took occasion to hold a few meetings in this Hiding in order to an opportunity to consult with his supporters before the House met was construed as proof positive of a speedy dissolution of the As sembly Last week Premier pricked a hole in the bubble however by announcing that next session be fore this Parliament expires the Government purpose introducing leg islation in the Assembly giving repre sentations to districts Bast West Algonuand or of them Whereupon the jun ior Conservative organ at Toronto lopped right round and in a black letter heading to the above announce ment cried out in agony Prem ier Ross announces the Intention of the Provincial Government to cling to power till the last This is politics in the Opposition camp go until midnight again but begin treatment during the evening when that dry hollow barking cough first begins Get out your for you- surely keep this in the house put some Cresolene in the vaporizer light the lamp be neath and let the child breathein the quieting soothing healing vapor There will be no croup that night If its midnight and the croup is on inhaling the vapor will break the and bring prompt relief For asthma bronchitis sore throat coughs and colds it is a prompt and pleasant cure while for whoopingcough it is a perfect specific Your doctor knows ask him about it CURES WHILE YOU SLEEP li Sivi restorative influence out below the eft ft Death was instantaneous too young to may cured of croup whooping and colds by VopoCrolcniUo i Is slmptf snd 1- unequalled iba of The not healthy prions It a beneficial In allaying the Irritation and o cough In I earnestly JOHN ol Brooklyn la the Medical VajKvCrooleuo It by Vapor Iscc and Lamp a and a bottle of complete extra supplies of Va Cresolene cents and cents IIiusLraird booklet containing VarCaxsoiaHC Co New York iVw ra Recommended and sold by Lehman druggist Newmarket

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