to Manufacturer of all kinds of Also Urge stock or on fcjnd promptly JOHN MOORE GRAIN MERCHANT market price In rasa Pot w and always on v T ROWLAND Ontario Veterinary College OUT Next door North of Lloyd Drag Store to lioaa Ob Real And at rates DAVIDSON Conveyancer Notary You can save money by buying your Furniture At lite pit flirt Sic A STOCK OF Bedroom Suites and parlor Tables Loon Couches and Fancy Chairs We are also agents for Pillow Sham celebrated Carpet sad Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when in quantity ALLAN THEAKER Geo Haigh ft Sons MANUFACTUUBKSOF Collar Checks Hon Blanketing Bed Blanketing Sheeting Cloths Flannels Yarns etc T FINB SELECTION OF- Worsteds Tweedy Frieze Milton tie vets Grey Cheviots Always hand to from J I TlNSDALft MANAGER Albert v- DRUG STORE For Balm of Cough Syrup For General Powder for IMPROVED Powder We also carry a fall line Patent among them and attention day or night LLOYD AND Redaction Sale QUEEN STREET SOUTH We an all no doubt well suit- get a spell mild af ter the intense cold stormy weather have spent a few Jicst week her brother TOO NARROW Rosa sfejenson has is claimed thai he road between from the as to Abe to go out driving PRODUCE MARKET The attendance was about as on Prices as fellows to chickens to gees to turkeys to ducks CO to ana Sharon is not of the proper width according law and that this accounts tor its be ing So badly drifted This is the view taken by one our citizens claims to he speaks Mr Barker is laid with the A dance held at of Mr Haines one evening last week thirty people there are who can ex- joyed themselves past the small hours plainly the road is contracted the next morning this portion of Tfe all very sorry of I the serious illness of Mrs but glad to Of an Mr and Mrs Bear Pickering j Mr intends moving his rt family back to Queensvitjte about the BREEZES Billy it well known here us a conscientious good living man and has an idle I was affidavit to the above stated- informed Mr was not fact His medical attendant claims again shut in by This credit tor ihte mar cure week he expects to his duties the this at the school and none too soon as week after being Ofl duty three the school had become alarmingly dis months on the all A young roan brakes free Til hot tell lhef College Corners district is a naughtiness twould do no good visitor to this neighborhood parents wisely kept their child- Any one one eye and that GOODS i 1st of March THE RIDGE were in town and paid a dying visit to their friends Mr and Miss of Sutton was the guest of the Misses Satur day and Sunday I see by the Era that Mr and Mrs Smith of Cherry- no reporter Tor this place Things wood arc visiting at Mr Frank- 1 are booming lively up here hetls Weather has turned quite mild and Mr Rowland was visitinc sickness is abating friends at Cedar Grove last week Mr Huntley is able to get around again- his severe are all glad to see him A VALUABLE Mr John is the possessor of again from s visit to the city Mrs Crawford of Oxbridge is a coin the size the English shilling air- Robert Jtuntley is hack On one side is the Queens head stir- week rounded by the inscription Her Ma jesty Queen Victoria I and on the spending few days with father reverse side the Royal Crown and Mr Marshal Crittenden the Sword and Sceptre crossed Ve have Sunday School every Sun- around which are the words Crown- day at 11 oclock The attendance ed June 1838 The coin was has been very good evidently struck on the occasion of the Queens coronatiun It is a valuable souvenir and is highly prized by Us PERSONAL Miss Etta Kirby who has been practising the profession of a nurse at Traverse City Mich for past few Months has returned to the home of her parents near Zephyr Air Charles Harkness travelling tailor is back again after a years absence and has secured employment twill catch ye Mr- M Metier Rev Mr of Beaver ton the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday Mr ffm Collingwood of Pine Or chard in town on Monday Mr is ill with la- grippe but we hope he will soon re cover Mr John Warner is preparing to ren home A young teacher here has no picnic Richard Young Onion St was out op Saturday and his father him for a visit iThe bill is improved has Pyph- and scarlet fever as well Our the Sutton scribe seems to have inveterate enmity to same here Well Jiving in Sutton as he docs he has had ample opportunity to see its in ward blackness Encore Lay it on The two great Keys the key to all that is bad in nature the to the very gates of The Bible the key to alt that is good and noble aye key to Paradise arid eternal March weds Hiss Allen was married David near a week ago is becoming so pre valent in especially iji the crowded departmental stores that it is scarcely safe for us country to- venture inside the city walls- Women poor trusting wo men seem to victims Theyll to resort to tjrte old fa shioned receptacle for their purses My modesty restrains from an ex plicit explanation Thetliieves seem the are looking for Plain and Fancy Jtist received ALBERT a blind one could see his motive Shall I ring the- bells I have news tttai is very bard to keep tnough it is confidential- Hurry up fc Ill have to tell Sinclair and family are at last released from tine They were fljt- the market with a load of tat turkeys oh Monday The McMillans Cohners While McKay was threshing at James rniths his horse got loose is the order week as rfil the crossroads of are blocked Mr P Draper is improving from a severe attack of Mr Win sold a fine grey colt for a good price and purchased an other iii its from Ralph Draper for 100 Winter and Snow And the goods we are celling now are It Cut Sauis Shovels Stoves of All Kinds Spates Hockey Sticks in the SUMMERFELDTS ALBERT put a foundation under his barn which will add greatly to its useful- swag else they would not pursue their nefarious Mr Sedore is getting ready to have the sawmill to cut up his logs He has cut bis bush all down to it into lumber Boys at Mike the Writer BRIEFLKTS A social in connection with the Presbyterian church here was held at the residence of Mr Watts on Wednesday night last The Ladies Aid in connection with the Franklin Christian church very siTccessfuI At Home at resi dence of Mr Jeah on Friday The proposed Concert in aid oj the Public Library had to be indenniteiy postponed Another ice carnival is being talked and will probably he in about two weeks We beg to call the attention of number of our subscribers in this lo cality who are in arrears thai we shall to have them call at this at any time are al ways open evenings for accom modation who wish to drop in at mail time Some effort should be made It im prove the condition of the road be tween this place and Sharon Mr Hugh has done his share and a great deal more Now- let ottefs do likewise Dr Smith dentist will be here on Tuesday next A fancy dress and racing carnival will be held in the skating rink here on Tuesday evening next Sec bills lor list of prizes Mr Win Horner of pnyr has pnrchMeflhetehnfili the 2nd Con cession of Scott owned by Mr Johri A Mime of Toronto Mr John disposed goods by auction on Tuesday and ex pects to move to Michigan in a short time The prices on the grain market practically unchanged SUTTON OWL The Baldwin Breezes man has kept his rather fulfilled his sending- us a list of the ladies of his Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive col- accounts etc Orders for kinds of printing promptly to In last weeks items we referred Mr Johnston as having been ap pointed Magistrate c We should have said he was resworn under the new sovereignty he having acted in the capacity of magistrate tor inahy yaxs in Mrs Percy is quite ill suffering from The week at the house of Mrs Fisk Miss Lena Vrooman after a length ened stay in Detroit and Miss titta in Toronto are home Mr K talks of selling his Hour mill at and will go to the North West near Brandon to re side Anson of Ontj is home for a short visit with his parents Miss Richards formerly of Sutton but for the last year has been resid ing in Toronto is at home for a vis it Wth parents- We see cpni land utterly in their sink bo low as to smoke a pipe or cigAV and yet these very men expect at a future day to inflict themselves with thehr bad habit and fetid breath on some chaste and refined young woman to re all the days of life are pleased to see the Sugar Industry Is being vigorously promoted is a worthy and beneficial enterprise and stands in strong contrast with the falsely so called tobacco raising industry The former is useful the latter injurious The one is a food the other a poison The one a necessity the other only banisters to a perverted and iii Joyce fireman on our has been of work on account pursue cation so vigorously One of- our young ladies is making amazing progress with her music When pracjtisfnghe can play with the fluency and abandon of a professor heir teacher down tofiearlier recital she gets and things- get up Mrs P can a lesson from this sketch liliss Sary Taylor Wijl shortly her milliner work at Hughes- Newmarket Maty is an yqung prise MrsWm Ego returned last week attending the wedding her sister at Will looks very happy sincehi sweet little woman returned though fair Charlotte is still with his she likes us folks A week ago our respected neighbor bade us good bye oh the eve of departure on a months visit amongst friends On Friday news came that he was seri ously ill He is amongst- kind people vyho will care well for him Being eighty years age he may hot re cover In saying that I am down on Fra ternal Societies I am perfectly aware that I treading on many a mans corns I fail to see where they are of the least possible benefit to even if they are not a direct menace to it fail to see how any man that credit for pos sessing common sense can go through the of initiation or as it is usually riJing the goat The same goat often results in severe physical injury occasional ly death If onehalf the energy wasted on those so sty benevolent I Miss Newmarket is visiting at Mr Fred Mr and Mrs J of- were in town a couple of days last week They intend moving to in a short time Mr Hill of is visiting his brother Mr mot Hill of this place Miss Crone of Mount Albert is visiting with Mrs Bam Miss Marjory Wight is visiting in Mr J is in Hamil ton this Week attending Lodge of the as representative of Lodge Mr Geo- Wight was in Toronto a few days this week on business We are sorry to report that Mr Fred has been under the weather for a couple of weeks but we hope to see him around again shortly v The remains of Mr D J Stephens were brought here from the North- Vest- last week for interment Queensville cemetery Miss Viola Hill daughter of Mr Hill has very sick heart trouble hut we are pleased to report that she is improving Quite a number from around here intend going to Newmarket tonight to attend the carnival The drill skaters are going down to give their performance for the benefit of the Newmarket people The orchestra are to furnish the music Judge r g The above Council met at Udpra on Feb J Lift Councillor Snooks absent Communications received as follows from Clerk of Brock re abolition Statute Labor on townline W re survey of Sideline be tween lots and Con Clerk of Tp of Blenheim re petition to Leg islative Assembly J WANTED Cedar Posts feet inches at end Cemetery bo up to the flth of President EAST ACCOUNTS hand from 99 GO Sal mis SO Bog Tax ace Clergy Res Int ace Res Land License ace 41GO0 Legislative Grant ace 418 00 Indigent ace 1135S42 Taxes ace Road and Bridge ace Balance on hand Skates Axes Saws Meatchoppers Butter Scales a and Leader Churns CHEAP AT I m WE WILL OFFER Audited Jan found correct ABB W1LLKOK R LONG J Auditors Finally audited alio we J A J RICHARD BOYD Clerk Reeve At REDUCED PRICES FOR SALE A Choice inEast fiwilliinbupy 50 acres improved possessing frame barns stables etc frame dwelling- house in good repair two acres or chard all well fenced one mile from Holt and two and a half from Mount Albert the garden of Central Ontario J Boyle 33 Toronto Arcade Call see our Stock and s Albepfs Fashionable Tailor A Great Book ttBi9S the Religious and civil re the improvement of we would have a literal heaven on societies are doing fippd work for the commun ity K very body should belong to A was on the tapis here some time ago now on the shelf The man met with a Misfortune instead a fortune Through the courtesy of some good we received an invitation a grand hall Coming from source take it is hi good But 1 wish to informal teres ted parties that when attains my age it IB time laid aside the frivolous and g heed to the Illness Mr Hill had to more serious and weighty things of bis place on the train Sat urday town and vicinity WlIrtlgjtfW yj chanKcd we esun tantlagcaUe n- Newmarket We have a levy Mens Heavy Overcoats and Ladies Mantles left alter the trade which we intend clearing- out LESS THAN COST I Come early and get first choice and ladies of acquaintance and in- all he angels exangels and swamp angels that locality scribe also sends us his likeness in pen and ink with a pressing invitation to visit his town The likeness will be carefully- preserved and the list is at the disposal of bachelor friends When we visit our friend it will be at night and in dis guise To met by a deputation composed the ladles in his list would be too much for our nerves who has been robbing it as a branch establisbrnent bos sold to Mr of Toronto McDonald of Windsor was here to see bis brother who is ill- during the last few days has considerably Improved Mr Geo Kay who has recovered his recent illness left Wed nesday to spend eight or ten days in the city t Anyone desirous of having a shak ing Up can secure it by taking a drive over the roads between here and Vir ginia The roads are so badly drift- One Tablet after Eating and what a world of would be saved Dr Sun Pineapple Tablets cure soar stomach distress after eating weight In wind on stomach loss of aprietite nausea and a dozen other troubles traceable to bad digestion One Tablet gives instant relief A positive and pleasant cure that nature has provided cents by W Lehman Newmarket lite We are taught in the that there is a time to dance and a time to mourn- The time to dance 1 take it is when the body is filled withtbe vigorous buoyancy and spirit of youth In my youthful days I could dance as lively a jig as any one unjder the magic influence of dad dys strap The time to mourn is in Our old days when we look back re gretfully on follies of youth and the many wasted opportunities for doing good to our In tak ing a calm retrospective view of dancing I sec of good and a prodigious amount of evil aulUng to the sex My reminiscences brings be fore me many an otherwise noblewo man who has figuratively danced tion of the boundary line Township and Sutton Village Jus Miller made a similar request re- 3rd Con line opposite lot The Auditors report was received and adopted and the Clerk ordered to get copies printed The Cleric tqsigpa petition to the Assembly graying that no change be in section of the Municipal Act Councillors Snooks anil were Instructed to sell the timber on the between lots and Con 3 purchaser to be allowed yiree years to same A few accounts were ordered paid and a Bylaw appointing Pound- Keepers Fence Viewers any Overseers Highways was passed after which Council adjourned to meef at on Monday May 4 Queen Victoria her Brand and Jgn the the new Kl WwarJ a brief history of eluding beloved last published work from a Journal a Life In the with our Ma- the Queen Coulter Jao A tor of illustrated more add Ttf be the World Publishing Co of Wilt call on you soon Dont order TRY OUR OWN Emulsion of Oil WITH WILD CHERRY BARK an excellent remedy tor Coughs Colds AND mm We keep the leading makea of Truss properly at and guarantee them Cooper of ltd page J only than 100 portraits at lubllihed any other book you see this one flfrTiesn that frequent are in order Mr Ceo Mtyaxd and two sisters self into Purgatory No dancing is drove to Zephyr last Saturday and no longer necessary for my physical spent Sunday in that Or moral Now singAfter A conservative meeting is to be the ball held this afternoon Wednesday at The case of Billy McKay Sutton for the pur pose of claims lobave been cured of tion against the day of for the loping consumption by the use Local House A i I Ozone Is y Lord Stanley the Financial Secre tary to the War Office Imparted the information that the Government had purchased for the troops Month Africa horses in Brit ain and81784 elfiCwhere The English and the Irish horses proved the best and the Americans were next Of the latter purchased while Canada Amsterdam Feb President Kruger has written a letter to the Antwerp Transvaal and Orange Free State Ambulance Committee thank ing enthusiastically for assistance rendered in- what for the first time Mr calls the of the Boers for their independence Ju fl- and their rights Agent Albert Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT ALBERT GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship i and price Now is the time to order your New Fall Suit LADIES I Our stock ol Staple Dry Goods is to anything you can buy elsewhere and just cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always H KENYON f a