Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1901, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKKT ERA FRIDAY FEB Tonight If is out of order Biliousness Sick Headache bora or Constipation take a PMS3 On retiring tomorrow your organs will be regulated and you will be bright active and for any kind of work Thi6 baa been the of others it will be HOODS PILLS are by all medicine Med U 1 Standard ASSURANCE GO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th yean The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four- teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 now and secure a share of the profits GEO MHUNT District inspector J A Agent SOLID GOLD a or tort the IlrtcrillolT- I ft tanilhetiimcTnt6itbeaTi Write to nvKivnfoTirll dim i iXAiioxi- HOME STUDY applied to our Special Courses given BY MAIL in Bookkeeping and Business Forms Arithmetic Penman- atrip Shorthand Typewriting and Correspondence will pro duce good results for any am bitious young map or woman who wishes to qualify for a better position in life coat is trifle and will give you full partic ulars Write for them Cor respondence Department Central Business College SHAW Principal A teach er splendid and well rnnfttd by from every prov ince of Ibe Dominion WATCH Of till tfaU toe I aWlllb Vukit Idle the Hub AND COR- TO RECORD The Tribunehas put in a typography Mrs Ashbnrn has gone to reside in Newmarket with her daughter Mrs Mack Cook has sold out his planing factory to J A who will take possession on March 1st next The bachelors of gave a ball on Wednesday evening In hall which was attended by a number of prominent persons from neighboring villages BRADFORD One day last week Roy had his right band badly burnt while performing an experiment at school with phosphorous The wound was such a nature that it necessitated dressing a physician Mr formerly of West and late of Newmarket has purchased the house and lot at present occupied by Mr A McLean and owned Dr Porter and intends becoming a resident of our town On Thursday evening last the annual congregational meeting of the Brad ford Presbyterian church was held and notwithstanding the fact that the congregation was without a settled pastor for the entire year the reports showed substantial and satisfactory progress in all departments of church work Rev Dr Frazer Smith pas tor of the congregation presided and opened and closed the meeting with appropriate exercises Bradford church enters the new year and the new century under most favorable conditions for a season of great spirit ual and financial prosperity AURORA Mr T A- has purchased Mr D Hamils residence at the corner of Wells and Wellington streets In anticipation of the location of the Underbill hoot and Shoe factory both the price property has Mr Hulsehas been very unfortunate with his horses having lost no less than four since he came here The fourth was a valuable stallion jr whichdied on Sunday Mr had refuse four hundred dollars for the animal a short time ago To the Editor of the Bra the in the liecjislatutA A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a bot tle of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold guarantee a 25eent bottle to satisfactory or money refunded J The Agriculture has been applied to to have the East Rid ing of York Agricultural Societys accounts covering the last 30 years audited has been in darkness ail week thru the burning out of coils in the dynamo The woolen mills would have been burned on Thursday night but for the discovery of fire by the the of the fire brigade From our own Correspondent Toronto February 1901 The estimates for the year were brought down yesterday and will be discussed in connection with the Budget Speech which will be deliver ed by the Premier on Thursday after noon The vote asked for civil gov ernment is against last year an increase of ne cessitated largely by reason of in creased clerical help in several of the growing and expanding departments The acetylene gas company have Government The amount asked completed the installation of their large plant and the gas was turned on for the first time direct from the large generator on Friday last The plant is of the latest design arid has a ca pacity of about lights We un derstand the company have already secured contracts for over lights in town and Mrs Cook of Maple had a narrow escape on from serious injury They were driving up St in their cutter and at the corner of and Wel lington a team going westward ran into Mr Cooks cutter Mr- and Mrs Cook were thrown put but for tunately escaped with but in jury The cutter was pretty badly smashed The driver of the team Mid not see the cutter in time to stop The members and friends of the Aurora Methodist Sunday School held their annual sleighride last Friday afternoon to Newmarket There was a very large turnout and everything passed off alright excepting two ac cidents which fortunately were not serious While driving up the street one of the became unmanage able and ran against a sleigh in front a boy by the name of had his head cut severely but not serious ly- The other accident was caused by two young fellows racing with their horses and cutters one of the cutters being ujset and pretty badly smashed but the occupants were not- injured tin the return of the sleigh ing party the scholars were treated to a tea lecture room of the church Banner to grant In reply Premier Ross re ferred to the Manitoba law as one which in many respects Ontario might copy but its had ydt to be tested by the courts In view of that he asked if the deputation would advise the Government of On tario to now pass as stringent a law or would it not be better to go on improving the present license law which was very and await the decision in the Manitoba and Prince Edward Island cases For his part he felt it would be taking a leap i the dark lb pass a measure of at this time Mr asked what be done if a able decision was given as to the powers of the Govern- ARNICA SALVE Has fame for marvellous re- When Baby wu was a Child for Miss ho to Cantoris When the bad Children she gave It surpasses any other salve ointment or balm for Cuts Bums Boils Sores Felons Tetter Salt Rheum Fever Chapped Hands Skin for Piles Cure Only at cures lotion Corns Ulcers Sores as the definition of constitutional limitations will allow The Government has under consid eration the advisability of increasing the representation of East and West Algoma and Mr Ross stated that the districts named a great deal more than the Province of Ontario and had been settled to a large extent since the last bill was before the House He thought that the repre sentation of the to be increased in reply to a deputation of lawyers interested in the proposed measure of law reform Gibson stated that the measure would be such as the country generally will approve of and the profession will not be shocked by H A Estate oilers for the construction of a con vocation hall and library at the On tario Agricultural College This is perhaps the first instance of a bequest to a Government institu tion and needless to say the offer has been accepted rThe German army has the healths est troops in the world The Austrian army active and The doll is probably the most antique of toys It has been found inside the graves of children of an cient Rome Miss Barling a clerk in Confectionery Montreal lost an eye by the explosion of a ginger ale bot tle A terrible wind storm which last ed is hours blocked completely the railroads in Northern New York with snow drifts last week While starting a blast at Cyrus Holder received a portion of the charge in the face He may lose an arm and his sight The soil goes into winter rest well soaked any way and that is be lieved to be a promise of good crops next season In iLroughoul op cko aloof roads b4 J or cd per da jr icady boonl roea Vo Vrii lor CO Oat PLEASANT VALLEY Snow Snow Snow it to be very prevalent these days ear ly everyone has tlu pleasure of shov elling snow banks Miss has her cousin from visiting her for a couple weeks There are quite a number of our residents added to the sick list- Mrs Homer and daughter Mr Willson Mr and Mrs family arc among the principal ones Near ly everyone can sport a hoarse and a hack MrsMF Starr who was taken sick while shopping in the city re turned home on Monday last feeling- some better ExReeve Haines and wife of Aurora spent Monday evening with Mr Tooles at Yard by Wood It looks quite old fashioned to see Mrs and Miss McMillan back in our midst Hope they have come to stay We notice our enterprising black smith sports another driver It is quite lonesome without the little black pony General French has recapture a taken from the British at ifeiford Oat Feb This morn- about oclock flre broke out in James Sparlings sash and door fac tory The main building was total ly destroyed Lose insured for CHASES OR CATARRH CURE b Met direct to tbo blower lit the nicety clean ibe tic The premises of Mrs Lead ley was visited last Friday night by parties who arc supposed to be familiar with surroundings who carried a number of fowl together with harness and other articles What might have been a serious runaway occurred here last Monday morning when Mr Henry horse became frightened near the and ran away passing up Main street at a gait unknown to Gilpin Tiring of the cutter near Todds Carriage Works it left it with part of the harness encircling a telegraph pole and from this point to tke end of the town used the side walk to develop its Near Stocks grocery two young children were barely rescued in The horse escaped injury but harness and cutter will require some repairs reserve includes over Jews The female brain commences to decline In weight alter age of thirty the male not till ten years later The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby all dimples and joy The most pitiful thing is that same baby thin and in pain And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the differ- Dimples and joy have gone and left hollows and fear the fat that was comfort and color and curveall but pity and loveis gone The little one gets no fat from her food There is some thing either her food or food-mill- She has had ho fat for weeks is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of Hers and gone She is starving for fat it is death be quick I Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take it will save hen It M no it for iU lUtc will Toronto and all Hi for is a slight decrease and the required doubt go as far for administration of Justice is prac tically the same as last year a constantly expanding charge will require this year as against last The Public Institutions of the Province demand for their efficient administra tion an increase about This Vote however includes set apart for of the new asylum at which will probably be in operation next fall The vote for Agriculture is a slight decrease hospitals and charities a slight in crease The and re pairs of Government and department buildings will cost this year or about less than last The amount asked for public buildings is Of this is a new expenditure on capital account and 21000 tor re pairs During the past week the public ac counts were also brought down the statement showing a surplus 189- receipts over expenditures and a balance of in the banks to the credit of the Province The revenue for the past year was over one quarter of which was contributed by one department of Govt that of Crown Lands under HonK J Da vis This is by far the largest re venue producing department under the Government The sum of was derived from Dominion Subsidy and Special Grant and from interest on capital held and due by the Dominion to Ontario Other departments contri buted in the following proportions Licenses 35404530 law stamps taxes Education department Secretarys department Fisheries branch 3544385 Reven ues from companies succession duty 22C67651 casual revenue public institu tions There has been an increase of 30855 in the total expenditures of the year accounted for partly by the steady development and expansion in all the departments of the govern ment and partly by a number of unusual grants in cases of national distress The total expenditure was and there were de creases in the expenditures on legisla tion agriculture hospitals and char ities and public works The expen diture on public institutions has grown for instance being ex pended on the new asylum at as against 5000 the previous year There were also the following special grants Canadian Patriotic Fund exploration of North ern Ontario Ottawa Hull fire fund Statistics regarding the Insane give the asylum population of the Province as Although the amount of lunacy has steadily increased the per capita cost of maintainance has steadily decreased from in to for the past four years During the year patients recovered and were discharged oh probation An increase of 7 in the first instance while the average an nual probational discharge during the past years was 255 The number of deaths was 269 a decrease of compared with trip previous year per cent of patients an increase of one per cent while the revenue from paying patients was nearly above the average Iii reply to a question Hon Mr stated that stops had been taken to Insure better enforcement of the fishery regulations in tho waters of Lake by prosecuting every offender as soon as the case was brought to the notice of the depart ment or the fisheries officers The settlement along the lake was pretty thick and afforded many facilities for of the law He was glad to be able to however that the sense of the people along the lake was in favor of the stringent enforce ment of the law The reports show ed that bass In the lake were much more numerous than formerly Four officers were on guard during the close season and they also had the assistance of the fishery guardians as compared with one officer when the lake was under the control of the Dominion had been suggested that a small launch be placed on lake in charge of one man who would give his whole time to He was- unable to say whether this would be any ad vantage oyer the present system The department had under consideration the replenishing of the northern lakes with bass There have been a number of depu tations before the Government during the week One very representative gathering urged the adoption of as strong a prohibitory measure as it was In the power of the Government TALL CORN doesnt come by accident A fertile soil and careful are necessary to produce the towering stems and heavy ears Yet farmer who stand- thru he cant have a healthy com crop without feeding ami weeding seems to think thai be can a healthy body without either care or culture But the body is built up jut as the corn is by the wMmihilifm f the several elements on which virility And what weeds are in the corn of the and nutritive are to the body they diveit the neces sary food supply from- the proper channels and the body becomes lean sickly and The proper digestion and of food is a essential of health By diseases of the stom ach ami organ of digestion nutrition Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery increases the digestive and assimilative powers stimulates the action of the blood making glands and semis to every organ of the body the rich blood on which physical vigor and vitality depend 1 took two bottles of Doctor Pierces Golden Medical for stomach trouble writes What id Came He of It did roe so much good Dial I take anymore can t mot I am so well with it I hardly How thank yon for your kind tried a whole lot of before I wrote to you There a tenia told me your how It cured Ms wife thought I would try a lrtlir of it Am no glad I for I dont whit have done If hud not been for Dr Tierce teat Dr Pierce Pleasant regulate the bowels and constipation Three Years of Success During the above period I have beside several araton have had at disputes of any kind and far as know my are well I yet have Good SecondHand Portable Engines for sale including Cornell Abel White and I can supply a full refitted ri at giving yen time cheap rig where it will interfere with my regular customeisr Trial given and customers satisfied asking for settlement i i i fin ImaoUindy W Inform the public that Mr and that iiMthatCeiohratodowa Co Loom- all dale and that do Beet Work In Carpet Call and tee Bond yourfrefi to Is for and Children is a for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It Pleasant guarantee thirty- years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and Feverish- cures and Wind Colic Castoria relieves Teething Troubles Constipation Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the and Bowels of Infants and Children giving and natural sleep Castorhi is Childrens Panacea The Mothers medicine for children Mother hive repeatedly rue of lit good effect children Is so well ail tip ltd to children that I recommend it superior to any to me THE FACS1MILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER IMC CtNTAUH WANTED White Pine and Basswood m m 4 Cut inches long with a and not less than 5 inches at small end All Timber must be Green and Sound No Rot or allowed When inches it can bo split in the centre 14 inches it can be quartered WE WILL PAY 450 PER CORD For the above delivered at Newmarket The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co newmarket A If you have any timber write us for further particulars SCHOOL DESKS CO CO CO CD ifcl a O tf a o I- rt The Office Specialty Mfg CO BAY STREET TORONTO I Wi vbd l4feW0ffjdtuUfritI- Anlfbeil Wrmt4irU4IltnUor Co Ha In r oMaflacUl per U- ORX8TCHIOAOO GOOD ORDER For Sale Cheap t t ERA 1

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