Newmarket Era, 15 Mar 1901, p. 3

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I V v- Weeks WHAT IS tfOLKG OH IN A ABOUT A Thimble Tea The have a party at the residence Hughes next Tuesday afternoon All ladies interested in temperance work are cordially invited THE- DAY ARCH tfV w A Hookey The last match the season was announced to take place at the Rink here last night between and Newmarket- A real lively game was anticipated- Our boys expected to end the season with a victory I was Mr of Quccnsvillc brother of Mrs George Rose who sold his farm to Mr Terry Slight misunderstanding on our part There was a good market last Sat urday and a big crowd of people in Town- There was no change in the price butter but eggs dropped Turkeys went up to a lb and veal made its first appearance by the quarter selling at Other prices as usual The 20 Corset front with the watch- Long waist and short medium and long waist are to be sure leaders tins season CM Hughes a Finger Last Monday afternoon a boy nam ed James Wilson in the employ of Mr MeClure of King nearly lost the second finger of his right hand in a cutting box an other lad were cutting feed put his hand in the box to remove some straw that was binding and the other boy turned the wheel with the above result The flesh was badly- lacerated and Wilson was brought to a surgery here to have the finger pro perly dressed Gospel The attendance last Sunday was a surprise Extra seats had to be placed in the aisles The Endeavor of the Christian Church provided a good program Mr Low occu pied the chair and Miss pre sided at the organ Mrs and Mr Willis sang a duett Steadings were given by Miss Pearl Millard Mr Walter Eves and Mr Cooper and an address by Principal Coombs of the High School The Royal Templars provide the program next Sunday methodise Church Anniversary service preach ed next Sunday ripening and even ing by Wvrflt Hunter the year Conference The Dr is an elo quent preacher and large congrega tions are anticipated- His lecture on fie Ideal Mai will be given In the Church on Fri day evening of next miss it you will- be delighted and feel that it is worth double the price of the admission charge- ArmeeUng of the next Monday afternoon to close flnothei of Sleighing V f rA An enthusiastic meeting was held last week when the Newmarket Base- ball Club was reorganized for the coming season with the following- Off fleers Hon John A J Secretary Fred Treasurer John Managing ChasBeid and he Sec retary i Official Umpires John Weir and Prospects are favorable for splen did and a lively season of the Coarse people will have of hearing A of in the Presby terian church on Monday evening The subject of his lecture will be A Night wi Scotland and the Bible Class is confident that this though last will be the best of the series which is saying a good deal Mr is a graduate of Edin burgh University man of striking personality and a charming enter tainer The church should be crowd- to the doors- Blake of To ronto who was expected to be pres ent writes that she cannot come but the musical part will be arranged by the committee so that it too will be a treat Ross residing with her son- on streetii a- painful accident a very- simple manner She was turning the position of her The snowstorm on Wednesday IS worn places er thigh hands earned that Canes Factory sent but and gang of men on Tuesday to shovel snow on the road so as not to interfere with the procession of pail timber is Coming into Town daily Woat The finWrGurlink Silver Cup took place at Newmarket Rink- on Thursday last week and was between tie teams of Father Morris and A Brunton The latter won by- a score of to Id Tne successful players were Messrs A Bruntoh O A Coombs The cup to bi won two more seasons by the same skip before It becomes personal property Last Monday evening was a special meeting at the League and there was a good attendance The President Richardson was in the to the home of Mr Albert where she could be comfortably cared for and she is doing as well as can be expected I- Top and trolley is having its troubles this Week On Monday morning the ice on the track delayed the mail car till it was after qclocc before it got here The sriOwatdrm Wednes day afternoon the road com pletely and alt the cars after four oclock were cancelled This is the first complete in the service this winter First- car here arrived at The has had no gddimt5i JflL- No wonder there was a snowstorm last Wednesday afternoon as a large delegation from Aurora proposed to return a visit to the Womens Missionary Society of the Methodist Church in Newmarket They ex pected to arrive by trolley at three chair and Mr Jackson organ- an hour ist- Splendid readings were given by S Embroidery for- 16c Embroidery for Embroidery for J 12c Mrs- and Miss Duett by Miss Gray arid Miss and a solo by Miss Jessie Low Ad dress on Leisure and How to them by Mr A Coombs was excellent The missionary col lection amounted to over While driving last Friday morning in St Georges Ward Dr Webb had quite a lively ride He was turning the corner of Prospect Ave and Queen street when part of the bridle broke The horse perceived that something was wrong and ran as hard as it could go The Dr guided it as best he could and kept in the cutter till nearing his office when he jumped out In turning into the yard the cutter slew against the gate post and broke the shafts otherwise mi damage was done Found As the repairs at Canes Factory were not completed on Friday morn ing two of the employees Messrs Herb and Fred decid ed to go shooting rabbits in the af ternoon When going along the track near the pond their attention was directed to something shining just a short distance over the fence They proceeded to investigate and the result was that they discovered the compound Miscroscope that was stolen from the High School a few weeks ago at once communi cated the find to Principal Coombs and on examination he was pleased to find that the instrument was in good condition This further con firms the- suspicion that the burglary was committed by local thieves Poultry There was a good attendance of poultry fanciers at the meeting in the Council Chamber oh- Thursday night of last week and it resulted in the formation of a Poultry Association for Newmarket with the following of ficers Hon Father Morris President A Coombs 1st Vice Pres Wm Dean 2nd Vice J Hi Davey the more manifest- There were ladies in the party chaperoned by Rev A Pearson After a short interval Mrs Graham took the chair and Mrs FYotKe presided the organ when a musical and lite program was rendered occupymg about an hour on behalf of ladies extended the of the Society tor their inspiring entertainment and invited visitors to tea ladies went to a good deal of trouble to show the Aurora ladies that they appreciated their visit and are certainly to be congratulate on the attractive spread The sociality of the occasion was thoroly mutual and enjoyable Those Aurora people ate all right when you get acquainted with them Too bad that the trolley disappointed them and- they had to A Committee was appointed after nine draft a Constitution which is to be presented to an adjourned general meeting on March The Public School Regular meeting last Tuesday even ing Present Messrs Pret ty Manning Mr was Chairman Principals report showed on the roll for Jan with average attend ance of Nonresident fees lor Feb and March each Following bills were paid Miss Annie McDonald days leaching for Miss ironside days for Cody and days for Miss Ross W J Wilson coal Starr supplies repairing flag J 20 shade trees Cane Sons Co repairs Mrs Jutting wood Book for Principal coal from Corporation Mr was appointed delc gate to the Educational Convention in Toronto next month Assaulted an Another object lesson was taught in Wednesdays Police Court whereby people will possibly learn that inter fering with a Government Officer in the discharge of his duty is a serious While Inspector Terry was on duty last Monday Lake he asked to look into the fishing house of one King near Belle King locked the door and defied the Officer who attempted to force the door King called to a man named Hunter and they attack ed the Inspector preventing him from gaining access to the fishing house Mr Terry communicated with the authorities here and Constable Sav age went up and arrested the two men hear Lefroy They appeared be fore J and guilty paying fine and costs of near ly They are wiser men even it it is expensive and it is to be hoped others will take warning Ter ry intends to enforce the law Daiis Cup The beautiful Silver Cup so kindly offered by the Hon J Davis for canes competition between the St Georges Everything is on the hustle ibis I Hockey Club of Toronto and the week as the stoppage of four days home team and which is to be known last week owing to the break in the as the Davis Challenge Cup will shaft caused a big delay in the no be competed for between these of orders This is particularly no- two teams until next season but in ticeable in the several pail depart- the meantime it has been lor and will be better understood competition between two local teams by the general public when we state representine The Cane that every day the factory turns out Sons and Office Specialty Mfg Syrup Pails the other representing the Town Syrup Pails Butter Tubs Two games will be played unless each Tubs Lard Pack- should win a game in which ages and small Jam Pails a third must be played to decide staves are all ready it takes the winners The first game will be men every day to build the above played on Tuesday evening the goods put one hoop on them and the second on the Thursday them inside and out besides lowing The games should be very two or three men who do nothing but J close as each team has four of the rivet iron hoops for them Then it present Senior town team takes men to get out the bottoms The teams will line op as follows and coyers Ten more men are con Town Factories employed trimming bottoms Kelly K Doyle putting them in the shells and putting other hoops on They are taken toj Gamble the Paint by automatic carriers RiSimpson A Dr Clark This Embroidery Sale only lasts during the Month of March CORNER STORE Departments s r -i- T I You about New Spring Goods perhaps next week In the meantime we to impress on you that is J- Kennedy Fdx Kelly where men kept- on the jump A Brunton Clifton at hailing the pails and tubs paint- Dr Clark R ing nrl packing Traviss A Flanagan span of horses are busy all the The town colors will be and taking the- goods out of the road of Black and the Factories Green and Red Game called at oclock Small admission Cup on exhibition at Atkinsons window Off Appointment The many friends of Mr J Pol lock will regret to learn that after coming home from Toronto flospital he had a relapse Both cuts in his leg gathered and broke open again confining him to bed for over three weeks was thought at one time that he would have to return to the Hospital however he is improving and expects to oe all right in a few days Mr Pollock is a schol ar and a fairly good penman hut his crippled condition has militated his success it is with the utmost plea sure we learn that lion has made provision to include Mr Pollock on the staff in the Branch of the Dead Letter Office in Toronto and he expects to leave Newmarket on the 1st of May to accept the posi tion Mr Pollock he will be sorry to leave the many friends who have been so kind during bis recent troubles and also the pupils who were waiting with such patience for his recovery We are confident that he will make an efficient public Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday evening Only 3 weeks from Good Friday The supply of hen fruit is getting more plentiful and the price is on the decline Prospects are favorable for a pretty good maple syrup season The sup ply was very limited last year It ydu have anything to sell or a house to rent let the people know it through the Era A good many semisuperstitious peo ple were rather glad to see March come in somewhat lionlike They will confidently look for a lamblike exit There have been eight weeks of interrupted good sleighing The rain on Sunday and Monday played havoc with the snow Anybody with the least spark of admiration for the beautiful their makeup must have admired the scenery last Saturday everything was covered with a fresh fall of snow Lots of snapshots tak en around Town There has been a drop n sugar this week and it offers a very favorable time for people to buy in barrel lots Its not likely to go lower About time the first put in an appearance Next Sunday St A school flying ban ners and youngsters with good lungs passed thru Town last Friday after noon Fred one of the employees at the Specialty Works got a bad gash in his left thumb by a saw last Friday morning He will be laid off work a cdupte of weeks and shipping or storing This is but one of the many kinds of work turned out at the Factory The repairs were completed last Friday and- everything is in splendid running order again Several orders for housefurnishings from the city were received this week WEDNESDAY March Homer will have a sate farm Sale Register Three Involved I Three estates are involved in a law- j shit entered Saturday at Osgoodc Hall by Charlotte Evans whose re- pardon on account of failing health cut on three years of her ten years sentence in Kingston peniten- stock and implements on the rear lot in the 3rd Con of King Fat cattle and all sums under cash over that amount mos credit or per cent off for cash Sale at one oclock sharp Stoke auctioneers On the following Goods For us profit is out of the question in factwe are quite willing to loose a little money not because we want to but stern necessity compels us Mens Fur Coats Mens and Boys Overcoats Mens Fur Caps and Gauntlets Ladies Furs of all Kinds Ladies Cloth Jackets Ladies Winter Dress Skirts Ladies Winter Blouses Ladies Cloth Velvet and Golf Capes Misses and Ulsters c0 r Match Thos lor the attempted extensive her husband Walter flh mother Betsy Evans died a few weeks ago he died a year ago and j his father John died about The executors of these es tates are now made defendants in an action the object of which is to re cover acres of valuable property near Sharon which Charlotte claims her husband Walter was en titled to under the will of his fa ther He was not however It is claimed entitled to it until his mothers death and he having her he of course asserted no claim to it The father John Kvans left an es tate of nearly acres in Sharon district There were several and all it is contended were entitled to equal shares Waiter Evans was the hotel keeper at Sharon at the time of the attempted poisoning ThiB property is brought into the lit- The defendants are David Evans and Kvaus Thomas Hugh Frank and Margaret Evans Mary C Ag nes Wilson- and the executors of three states All live in Newmarket and Sharon dlsUlctB except Agnes WilBon who resides in Toronto J McCullough Issued the writ on be- of Charlotte Evans i ments furniture etc on the South half of Lot St one mile Iron Newmarket credit for all sums over except for fat cattle and roots or per cent off for cash Sale at oclock Smith TUESDAY March Mr will have an unreserved sale of stock Implements Ac on Lot 22 in the Con of East months credit on sums over except for household furniture Sale at oclock sharp Kavanagh auctioneer March Mr Kirby will have an sale of farm stock implements tore on Lot Con of Scott on the usual terms Sale at oclock sharp- W J Hes ter auct MONDAY March Frank Pratt will of stock and implements on Lot in 2nd Con Survey of King miles from Newmarket Cred it till next Deo on all sums over or per cent of for cash except for hay grain roots and poultty Sale at one oclock Smith Some Grocery Prices Worth Kno wing Prunes 5c Dried Apples lb Dates lb Apricots Peaches lb Cooking Pigs lb Table Figs lb Table Raisins Clusters the best Cooking best Currants cleaned Lerapp Peel lb Meat choice inc Cranberries 10c Lemons and 20c doz Navel Oranges choice Mexican Oranges Canned Green Gage Plums Pears It Peaches pumpkins Green Beans Asparagus Peas Corn Tomatoes CI French Peas French Asparagus it French Mushrooms l in Tomato Sauce Pork and Beans Ont l Li J

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