Newmarket Era, 15 Mar 1901, p. 7

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it THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH CHINA HALL s Hems WHAT GOING OX IK A ABOUT Christian Good congregation greeted Rev Al fred Terry Mast Sunday and respond ed liberally to the Home Mission in of the Ontario Conference GLEANING Of all Winter Rubbers Felt Boots Moccasins and odd lines generally at Away Down Prices o- CHINA GOODS DINNER SETTS TOILET SETS HANGING tad FANCY at CLOSE PRICES TO REDUCE STOCK Sold Out After carting for eight years for Mr I Mr Stark has sold out to Mr Abb who is at tending to the customary routine Mr Stark was obliged to give up a business owing to ill health Exhibition An agent for the sale Of a hand Fire was in Town last Sat urday and way or introducing his ware built a big bonfire on the flats which was started in the afternoon- grenade was a complete success A lively and enthusiastic curling match took place here on Wednesday alternoon between Newmarket and which resulted in favor of the visitors by points There were three rinks playing at the same time The one in Mr was skip had a score of to in favor of Mr rink TheVstorm on Sunday did damage shade trees It also retarded telephone busi ness the wires being broken in sever al places The first of a series of Socials un der the auspices of the Tennis Club will be held at the residence of Mr A on Thursday evening The main feature of the evenings en- On Prospect Ave Apply to Souse to ft All modern conveniences Newmarket will be progressive gave identically the same score and it Who are Mr Stewarts rink had to in favor of Newmarket- to get the prizes UNION STREET Mr of street had an upset the other day and smashetL his cutter beyond repair Delay in shipment of electrical sup plies is partly responsible for the darkness on Main street these dreary nights Mr Jacob Taylor shipped a car of cattle sheep and hogs to the city yesterday Rang for Sole In additionto the articles lor sale there will be a Range good as n offerej j Valley and Pine Orchard Among the merrymakers were Mr Depot wife Mr Swain The following summary of freight wife and family Mrs and shows considerable activity during daughter Mr and Mrs Penrose Mr the past week Misses Case Brown Eves Inwards Pail timber 33 cars way Johnston and There were Thou Bred Jersey Bull be kept for service On Newmarket Terms JOS Fop Sale of to Rent in Sutton Recommended for Quality Are the choice Breakfast Cereals Davison Co are selling If you have not yet tried our freight coal cinders ties brick total cars OutwardWheat way freight household goods 1 peas hay 1 Specialty goods maple flooring live stock 3 empty oil barrets pickles barley 1 to tal cars -o- GROCERIES 20 Ik lbs Granulated Sugar for Brown Sugar for Improvements The material for Mr Kennedys new house on street is on the ground ready for work as soon as spring opens Mr A Smith intends to build the extension to his new arcade as soon as the season will permit- Mr Cane talks of building a lew residence this summer The editor intends putting a new foundation under the residence of Mr if he can get stone convenient Mr Hy Warner talks of putting a stone foundation under bis residence this spring and otherwise improving its appearance thinks of put ting another storey on her kitchen this summer and thus provide for bath room and may also put in the electric light e around the Hob reliable TO RECORD As a result of the five weeks speci al services on the appoint ment of the Methodist Church seven united with the church at the recep tionservice last Sunday evening and others are expected to shortly Rev I Bowles was in his labors also Mrs Wood and daughter Mrs J Mr jr Mr McKay and Mr Sander son Tea which refected much cred it on the ladies was served at oclock Mr Sanderson violin and vocal music added much to the plea sure of the evening All will remem ber it as a delightful evening the 81 Ate I repair cellar water No In and sou Apply to CUTTLE BUY YOUR 51 Jo advise you to do so for when eating the correct thing to do is to eat the best Our PAN DRIED ROLLED OATS are the best RICH NUTTY FLAVOR ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR Seed Store Opposite Forsyth Hotel Beat always Just as cheap oilier ami no dEaappolntmeut about com ing up Spring Toilet Things BEbUAVEN Miss May is visiting in Junction this week Mrs Howard is still very low was some worse on Tues day The baby is with his mother and is getting along nicely John conducted the service in the Methodist church at last Sunday morning Mrs Manitoba is ex- peeled to arrive in the village this week The anniversary services the passed very pleasantly There were no disappointments Al though Mr McKee was suffering from a severe cold he preached two very excellent sermons on Sunday The morning address on the training children was one of the best and most the plea- No underhand work One price to all lbs Choice Cooking Pigs for Extract Lemon or Vanilla bottle finest Selected Valencia Raisins I for Mr of Newmarket paid a few friendly calls in town last week Mr was the guest practical we have ever had of Mr Ellis last Sunday jsure of listening to On Monday Mr lite North J evening despite the very unpleasant has been spending a fev weeks at weather the church was well Jilled Ellis A very interesting program was Quite a number of took rendered The quartette from Church- in Methodist entertainment at hill sustained their reputation The DAVISON CO iaSSB P you cannot get to our Store WRITE Mail Orders receive Prompt Attention Before a bench of Magistrates com posed Jackson J J Pearson and J Woodcock Esquires on Monday last Mr J Huntley was recitation by Mrs de serves special mention The occupied by Hon J Davis The Leading Reliable A SMITH Keswick on Monday and were well satisfied with the entertainment Miss Maud is visiting her sister Mrs Gilpin who performed the duties of chairman Miss Agnes Shaw i spending a few very acceptably North York should citect on a charge of perjury pre days with her brother Henry Shaw be proud of having not only so able Mrs E Soules of East representative but one who stands The rough weather of March ha a bad effect on the complexion You need toilet to enable you to look Jour We offer DELICATE PERFUMES hat clean and soft hands HAIR TONIC that stimulates i and benefit POWDERS that are beneficial and attractive Specials This Week fc yards Ginghams 5c yard Black Figured Poplins Vrv r 2 Pr 500 Mens Ties worth for Spools for 5c TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE by PINE ORCHARD so high in regard to morality and Christianity Proceeds of the enter- Mr 1 Sinclair has returned totainment about THE NEW GROCERY bury Both complainant and accus ed are residents of East The charge arose out of an affidavit made by Huntley concerning costs in his home in Saskatchewan after j The have not been able to a certain suit between the parties in spending the winter in Ontario hold their monthly Gospel the High Court almost a year and a I A sleighload of young people from ance meeting this winter In Dec half ago Complainant according to surprised Mr Comely Pen- and Jan they were withdrawn technical wording of the affidavit roses on Thursday evening last cause the Methodists were holding in question had the best of the case The twoyearold son of Mr A special services and in Feb the after examining witnesses the Reynolds has been very ill with brain tain Church had announced for Justices were led to the conclusion trouble services This month the meeting that the statement of defendant was Mr Reynolds of has been will be held as usual on the third not made in that wilful and corrupt visiting at Mr Penroses Monday evening In the Temperance sense as would constitute actual per- Mr and Mrs Walter of Hall The program will consist of jury- Huntley in his defence ad- Street spent Sunday at Mr recitations music a tableau and an mitted that possibly he might have been mistaken in some details but The death occurred on Sunday last as the affidavit was made next day I of one of the oldest if not the oldest after the interviews reported he residents in this section of the rather trust to its correctness try in the person of Jacob Yake of in substance as he then the and believed than to his own memory LEHMANS DRUG STORE SPECIAL THIS FOR SALE Public Auction C flow is the Time to Buy by the Barrel lbs Granulated Sugar for lbs Sugar for Cakes Toilot Soap for Catsup in lb cans for New Prunes per lb Lard per lb Apples I be for have the nicest brand of Corn Peas and Tomatoes and only per can When wanting a good Cap of Tea try our Our Boston Luxury Coffee is a dandy We pride ourselves on keeping ft good Chew Try a lb and see if we aint right Good Brands of Pastry and Bread Flour kept constantly on hand Marmalade Oranges dozen for Best Oranges dozen When wanting a lb of Good Butter ask for Mm We keep it Tor Saturday 200 lbs Manitoba White Pish at 8c lb Lettuce and Onions Every Saturday yAi Candy made oh premises Give us a call for BEST BREAD AMI CAKES NOLLER or that of witnesses now or months after The Magistrates view of all the circumstances while seemingly admitting that possibly the affidavit in question contained details not strictly correct yet sufficient had been adduced to render It doubtful as to whether the inaccuracies were wilfully and corruptly made and dis missed the case without costs and Make no engagement for Tuesday April and spend that evening at th3 Town Hall Newmarket under the auspices of the Public Library Board when a Dramatic Musical Recital will be given by Miss Marguerite Sax- ton Washington assisted by Miss Lovelace Miss Mar guerite Hays and Miss Lilian Whitney three her Toronto pupils in tragic scenes such as Macbeth Henry V King John appropriate ly costumed and with vocal and in strumental music Also Comedy Toms Star Miss Maloncy on the Chinese Question and Miss Tail- Primrose on Womans Rights up- todate Admission and 35c Seats reserved at Lehmans Drug Store Miss a actress having followed it for some in 6th concession Deceased cele brated his one hundredth birthday a short time ago and had lived here nearly all his life Mrs Caroline Jones has returned to after a few days visit with sister Mrs The many friends of Mrs Lucy Case will to sorry to learn that she was much prostrated after her journey to her sisters in New York State Mrs of Toronto spent Sunday at her fathers Mr Fred Toole address by the Rev Oar Toronto better AT AT THE North American Hotel 00 Lehmans tog Store YORKSHIRE REMEDY FOR Horses and Several of the members and friends of the Baptist congregation made up a large sleighing party on Thursday evening They bade farewell to Mr and Mrs Hutchinson who leave for Manitoba In the near future Mr and Mrs Art Lloyd entertain ed a sleighing party who took them by surprise last Thursday evening The party did not break up till the small hours The Ancient Order or Foresters held a very enjoyable At Home in the Hall on Tuesday evening last It was In deed a success was there There was no band but lots of We hope it will be an annu al affair A wonderful lot of business is done at the station Our buyers are The dental surgeons are now after a pull at the purse of ratepayers They are circulating a petition ask ing the Government to so amend the school law as to require school child ren to have their teeth examined twice a year This means a pull on the ictiool rates The chiropod ists will then follow for an amend ment to have the corns on the child rens feet attended to Ice on the bay has broken up from the east as far west as the Northern elevator Last year the bay was clear of ice on the 1st of April The counter lunch room of opposite the Woodbine race track was broken into on Sunday and worth of cigars and tobacco stolen therefrom The special fast railway service to and Georgian Bay summer resorts for will commence June and be continued till Sept inclusive beginning earlier and end ing later than last year On Monday night fast the old litis hotel at Thornhill with its sheds and barns was totally destroy ed by fire The census officer for the Midland district which Includes the Counties of York and Ontario Is Mr J Gillespie of Oshawa Monday April the 1st 1901 at oclook the property the of lato Dean VIZ- w Easter will soon be Here i NOW IS THE TIME TO OKDKK New Suit OR -AT- g PARCEL NO THAT DESIRABLE Brick Flouring MiU m Steam power and known as the Beaver Mills which is furnished with all modern machinery Capacity Two Hundred Barrels Frame Warehouse attached with siding to mill PARCEL NO Beautiful Homestead Solid brick residence finely situated containing Fourteen Rooms with all tho convenience of a Model Home Fine stables and coach house The grounds contain about Fortythree acres of which seven acres are ot fine woodland and beautiful lawn with choice shrubbery PARCEL NO The South Half of Lot Number 12 In the Second Concession of the New Survey of the Township of King con taining by admeasurement One Hun dred and One Acres Now is the time to order a Suit for Spring you call on us you will get just what you want as we carry a large assortment of the Highest Grade Woolens at Prices VrrHi we mean is that you will in dealing with us besides get ting the Latest Tweeds out giving the Best Satisfac tion in fit and workmanship or refund your money Look at our Goods and you will see that we mean exactly what we say CORN CORN Feed Corn Chopped and Cracked Flour and Feed t J Explosive bullets were first used as nrofcssioD iiicinow v the people of and vicinity Read what the Enterprise Leon- Maryland says Miss was giv en a generous welcome City be thtf marketing centre for the Township anyway taking advan- low Our merchants- are tit stock of goods of the times They have audience in our Town Hall Thursday large stock wllat evening Her refined personality the prices We hope- soon to e their of her in the Newmarket Era our A hightoned racket was kicked up- naturalness and thoroughness To llil Vut w or Hot ton art and pretty costumes won hearts The scenes from Macbeth last Thursday evening when thcslclgh were given with force and emotion left the tor and earned the numerous recalls Likewise on its retnjn was order Several have hcen put and we ore impelled to say that ward or the young Minister and the rhythm of the poet the tor Albert seems to l beauty her voice the favorite ope Anything and Everything in Photographic line can had at SJVIltHBRpS jit that stock of which ho dont examined too In and beat of t In County of York a In thopoMeaalonoMlo ho flcldiniPft anxious for to come and buy and mew out of powlSon Fop Sale Close an Estate for bcfrlnir Percent interest Apply to T J RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TR Special Trains to Canadian Northwest Stone Wanted 1 PARCEL NO Five Acres Land more or less ly ing west of the Grand Trunk Railway and facing Newmarket Cemetery Terms of Sale Ten per cent down forty per cent in Thirty Days bal ance can remain on mortgage with in terest at Five per cent For further particulars apply to Messrs Charles and V of Newmarket or A Will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April at p Colonist Sleepers will be attached to these trains in which berths will bo free and can be secured pas sengers on arrival at Toronto t Passengers travelling without live stock should take the Pacific press leaving Toronto at Full Information and tickets from agents of Grand Trunk System A Cutter for Sale Will four persona comfortably McCLELLAN Agent Agent- Route to Buffalo OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR AT THE ERA OFFICE

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