in j A V THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 1 it When By ftmefy most friend Hood of ihev And they rise en to Stiff Us Out in Ac to the Soret J A tort on one of My ftiher ihoaghi I better try Hoofs Satsa- so the sorts Arc mm better Whenever I do not fed Nettie at Quebec the OartSfe Id- J Robertson Public Newmarket to Loan on Farm security T flwrlflter Solicitor Notary Court Building A Barrister doors South nee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora new Newmarket on Saturday Court tfColIdtonfor J Rom Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora p S Barrister Money to loan Of Block MaIo8tNowmarae- Barrister Block Mooer to Loan DENTAL R I Post Office Block opposite the Church a faction DR DENTIST Succeasor to Dr Broughtooa Drug Store INSURANCE J fl Agent for and Lire Companies Honor to at Current At thePoetOnlce Ne R Ramsay Fire Insurance Low on Farm and Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket From the report of the Ontario Game Commission for the past fear which has just been public we hare the intimation that in their opinion the system of deputy game wardens has outlived its usefulness and the suggestion is made that they be replaced by a system licensed guides Better protection to game would thereby be secured The mission further report that the terri tory to the north is teeming with moose and in some districts with cariboo Considering this fact they recommend allowing moose to be killed for a short period every alter nate year say from Oct to Nov 1st The Commission also ask for the absolute protection of woodcock and for a number of years and that duck be placed on the non- sale list With respect to deer the report says they are not increasing and it is not wise to make the season longer than at present There were deer licenses issued and for moose The Dominion Express Co carried pounds of venison and moose while the Canadian Express Co carried 161312 pounds of venison Of course this does not account for the deer killed by the settlers Indians and during the whole year nor does it account for the deer kill ed by those hunters who do not have to express their deer to their homes nor for the deer killed by wolves nor the wounded ones which get away and die nor for those killed and eat en by the hunters and dogs dur ing the two weeks they are in the woods Taking all this into consid eration there could hot have been less ihan 8000 or deer kilted during yet there are those who wish to see the deer open season doubled in length If hounding were disallowed then a season a month long might be considered but to enlarge the season with all the facilities for slaughter made easy by improved guns modes of travel increasing number of hunt ers would be simply a matter of- a very few years when our deer would have gone the way of the buffalo passenger pigeon woodcock etc Game Warden Tansley remarks that many halfbreeds trappers and others locate in the back woods not for the purpose of settling on land but to enable them to supply lumber camps I with moose meat and tanneries with hides The word settler should be struck out of the settlers deer hunt ing permits and the word farmer in serted this would present profession al men tradesmen and other residents of towns and villages in the exempted districts taking advantage the elas tic word settler the assumption of which enables these men to evade the intent of the game laws Many sum mer tourists who claim to be gentle men violate the game laws or con nive with others in doing so The practice of tourists illegally supply ing their camps with fawns and part ridge during close season required drastic measures to stop it made for along the western side of the lake shore by means of steamers between Windsor and Little Britain via and Kincardine GETS LAND BUT NO MONEY The Government mjkes a grant of acres of and to the road It costs not one dollar in cash t lands are to be set apart in al ternate blocks six miles square and will extend only five miles on each side of the railway grants of land In the known district are made The lands will be taken from the acres which have proved unproductive hitherto The pine on all lands is reserved by the Government None of the spruce is to be exported in an unmanufactured condition- minerals must be smelted In Canada The Government has control of the rates for passengers and freight It also reserves the right to pur chase the line at the end of years at a price to be based on the actual cost and interest at per cent In case of purchase the company must sell the land back to the Gov ernment at cents an acre The Opposition concurred in the desirability of the passing of this bill and it was giving the 2nd and 3rd readings without a demur Indeed Mr Whitney made a speech in its favor and the Premier was commend ed for introducing it THE SPRIG FEELING Judging from the present state of business before Parliament leaders of both sides of the House at Ottawa anticipator prorogation will be reached about It is expect ed that the supplementary estimates will be brought down today or Mon day next Down in Edward Island the Provincial legislature is getting after the Insurance men by- way of tor increased rates A bill is now before the Local House providing for the imposition of a tax of on every travelling insurance agent en tering the Province Governor of New York State is making a name tot himself by the exercise of his veto power Out of bills passed by the Legislature since January 3rd last he has bills an average of a bill every two days No previous Tivernor can show such a record and this too while professing government by the people for the people Word comes from that Dr and Mr J Downey the form er Liberal and the latter Conserva tivewill measure political strength at the nest Provincial elections for South Wellington As these two gentlemen have been mixed up in libel suits for the past couple of years the conclusion naturally reached is that the contest will be anything but an agreeable teaparty a introduced In Par liament by Sir Wilfrid certain provision necessity M by the demise oilier Victoria relating to writs sitts prosecutions and all legal pro ceedings commenced in her name When It becomes law all the afore said acts and legal proceedings will be made valid though Edward VII is King The postal authorities of Detroit solved the question of shirt for men the ensuing summer by decreeing that the letter carriers of that city shall be so clad They will be of the negligee pattern with apertures in the rear and front for suspenders so that these will not show over the shirt A neck tie will be worn with them and gold buttons The bands on the straw hats will be made to match the color of the shirt worth relieves the which torture him while scald h ulcer aid chafing cratches cuts arid every form skin eruption For women ut the pimples blackheads and eruptions which mar the beauty of the In stant and lasting relief to the Itching from which they suffer and positively eczema rheum and plies For Chases Ointment Is most frequently used for piles Which caused by exposure to coid and damp bodily derangements- It Is the only Overcoats NOT EXACTLY SICKBUT NEITH ER ARK YOU WELL Close Confinement during the Winter Months has left you weak easily depressed and out of sorts A cablegram during the past week dated from London states that it is understood that a suggestion that the Duke Cornwall and York should be created Prince of Australia has been considered by King Edwards cabinet but rejected on the ground that Canada and the other colonies had an equal right to be honored in this fashion An alternative sugges tion to create the oldest two sons of the Duke of Cornwall York the Prince of Canada and the Prince of Australia respectively is now under consideration AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER Bents Collected L Street Newmarket PAINTING fl Painting Graining Kalsotalnlnsr Done promptly neatly sad In am also associated with a PintClass Car tage Fainter Sign Writer Orders can bo left at Hardware Store at residence or Mr J head or ueeo Street West Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter Homo Corner Church Street Millards Lane and MARRIAGE G Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Office Newmarket Private Papers Issued at private If dtttrrt J IH RAH op MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON WEST Last week an uncommon occur rence took place on Jos Davidsons farm when two gave birth to three lambs each and one ewe to four lambs Herald Ji on every ho genu no Laxative a cold la rfuy CQanitoulin and Shofe The following is ther brief synopsis of the above railway bill introduced by the Premier of Ontario to open up a direct to the iron and mining sections of the Province and bring the capital of On tario eightyone miles nearer Ste Marie The and North Shxe Railway will commence at Mcafrrd and end miles west of Sudbury running thru Owen Sound and the Bruce peninsula The 15mile gap between the penin sula and Manitoulin Island be equipped with a car ferry A spur line will connect with Sud bury The road will be 300 miles long Toronto will be miles nearer Marie The road will connect with the at Owen Sound and with at Meaford It gives Old Ontario a direct route to the iron and mines It gives old Ontario merchants a cheap route to the large market springing up The road may lay the foundation for another transcontinental railway THRU LINE TO WNNIPE A project for a car ferry on Lake Superior which the Premier has had laid before him would connect the road with the Rainy River road This would line between Toronto and Winnipeg Then all Eastern Ontario would bo connected with the prairies the West The company convenants to build a public smelter at Meaford with tons capacity Small miners will thus be given a chance The company covenants to locate settlers a year for ten years on its lands The road will cost to build The steel car ferry service between County and Island will coat It must maintain regular dally com munication the year round boats will run in winter The words weak depressed expresses the condition thousands of people in the spring time It is one of natures signs that humanity cannot undergo months of indoor life in badly ventilated buildings with impunity Sometimes you have a headache slight exercise fatigues you your appetite is variable you are easily irritated or depressed per haps there are pimples or slight erup tions tbat indicate the blood needs attention Whatever the symptom may be it should be attended to at once else you will fall an easy prey to graver disease Do not use a pur gative in hope that it will put you right Any doctor will tell you that purgatives weaken that they im pair the action of the liver and cre ate chronic constipation A tonic is what is needed to help nature fight your battle for health and there is only one always reliable neverfail ing tonic and that is Dr Williams Pink Pills These pills have no pur gative action They make rich red blood strengthen the tired and jaded nerves and make weak depressed easily tired people whether old or young bright active and strong Among those who have proved the healthbringing qualities of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills is Miss Emma of Lake Talon who says I cannot thank you enough for the good I have deriyed through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills I believe that but for them I would now be In my grave My health was completely broken down My face as white chalk and if I made the least effort to do any of my housework I would almost faint from the exertion and my heart would beat violently so that I feared that I would drop where I stood I was a great sufferer from headaches and dizziness as well and my appetite was so poor I scarcely ate at all I tried several medicines but they did The last number of the Muni World speaking of assessment legisla tion has this to say People who have followed the evidence given be fore the Assessment Commission at Toronto need not- wonder lit the Leg islature finding it difficult to make an ideal assessment law or rather a law that will please everybody The dif ficult work of legislation is to recon cile the divergent views of taxation held different interests in the country Everybody ants es cape taxation and impose the burden of it- on someone else it Argument in the Lords Day stated case was heard in the Ap peal last week The AttorneyGener al asks if the Provincial Legislature had power to enact what is known as the Lords Day Act which prohib its the doing or exercising of any worldly labor within the Province on the Lords Day There are necessar ily a number of ramifications to the main constitutional question involved such as the meaning of the terms works of necessity and convey travellers and of work within the Province on the Lords Day up on and in connection with the opera tion of lines of steam or other ships I railways canals telegraphs and oth er words and undertakings to which the exclusive legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada extends un der the British North America Act Argument in the case last two days Judgment reserved In the circle of those favoring the views of the Al liance a decision relegating the power of legislation lo the Provincial Asr will be with joyous sat isfaction The court however seem inclined to think it belongs to the Dominion Parliament a fa A CATARRH SPECIALIST Mr James says I have been a sufferer from catarrh for years which became chronic I have spent lot of money and consulted several doctors among others a svecialisfc in London I have tried everything I could hear of or see advertised without doing me- any good but thanks to Dr Chases Ca tarrh Cure I am completely cured after using three boxes of it I re commend it to anyone suffering from catarrh cure for enU box at Chases Ointment 9 Everyone should possess one Its a good investment for theres years of service in them the price paid neednt be beyond anybodys reach Spring weight light in color heavier in weightsdarker in color from any Overcoating material that you wish perfect fit- moderate in price correct in everything over patterns to choose from fa Co A bridge oyer the Oswego Canal James street Syracuse collapsed un der a trolley car and the car and passengers dropped feet into the bed of the Canal Several persons were injured JOB COULDNT HAVE STOOD IT If hed had Itching Piles Theyre terribly annoying but Bucklens Arn ica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth It has cured thous ands For injuries Pains or Bodily eruptions its the best salve in the world Price 25c a box Cure guaranteed Sold by W Lehman Kerr Kampe outlined a plan be fore the Vienna Geographical Society to reach the north pole in a submar ine boat now being built The Toronto Star referring to the Forestry exhibit of Ontario at the Pan proceeds to observe One of the features of Ontarios special for estry exhibit at the PanAmerican ex hibition will be a canoe made and decorated with designs in or com monly called poker work The de signs which will consist of Indian and hunting scenes are being executed by Mrs Herbert P Hemming of Hamil ton and the craft when completed will over making prob ably the finest piece art of its kind on the continent The exhibit will also contain a cedar and birchbark canoe of the type used by the abori gines As soon as Parliament prorogues says an Ottawa despatch to the Con servative press of Toronto it is the intention of Mr Borden Op position leader in the Commons to make a tour thru the West with a view to getting in touch with the members of the Conservative party in ail parts of the Dominion After returning from the West Mr Borden will probably address a number of meetings in Ontario If his stump ing tour should not prove more suc cessful for him than followed the la bors of Sir Charles Hon Hugh John and Hon Geo Foster It wouldnt help Mr The twoyearold son of Dr War ren K White of Hamilton was fatally burned by a celluloid comb setting fire to his nightdress To Starve Is a Fallacy The dictum to slop because you have Indi gestion has long since been exploded Von Stans Pineapple Tabids Introduced a new era In treatment of troubles it has proved thai one may eat his fill of anything and everything he relishes and one labltl taken after ihe meal will aid the In doing work in a box ceois Sold by J Y Town TO cur a a night It has used than twentyfour years Druggists Murray Bay April news reached here this morning that the wife and five children of Alex ander of were drowned yesterday in the River The whole family were com ing down in a boat from above the where had passed the winter The father of the family had a narrow escape A RAGING ROARING FLOOD Washed down a telegraph line which Ellis of Lisbon la had to repair Standing waist deep in icy water he writes gave me a terrible cough and cold It grew worse daily Finally the best doc tors in Oakland Neb Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live Then I began using Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles Posi tively guaranteed for Coughs Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by Lehman Price not- ieip flS tolM send for some of Dr Williams Pills I got six boxes and before I used them all I was as well as I had ever been with a good healthy color a good appetite and an entire free dom from the ailments that had made me so miserable You may be sure that I will always have a warm re gard for your invaluable medicine Do not experiment with other so- called are apt to find a waste of money and your health worse than before You will not be experimenting when you use Dr Wil liams Pink Pills They have proved their value the world over and you can rely upon it that what they have done or others they wiJI do for you If you cannot get the genuine pills from your dealer send direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co and they will be mailed post paid at cents a box or six boxes for Though comparatively little has been printed of In regard to tho bubonic plague in India ft is a fact that the disease has continued to rage there with virulence week in Bengal alone Includ ing Calcutta thousand per sons died of the plague To Cure a Cold in One Take Laxative Quinine AH4niggists refund the money if it fails to cure 10 Groves between and signature Is on each box should peregrinate from the Atlantic to the Pacific Donald Todd was sentenced to years imprisonment tor manslaughter at the Winnipeg Assizes Italy will launch two new ships during and begin two others in the yards at Ottawa Tuesday April The Russell theatre was completely de stroyed by fire this morning Quests in the Russell house were awakened at by a terrific noise in the rear of the hotel and immediately acloud of flame and smoke shot high In the air A general alarm was quickly sent in and the firemen quickly responded the flames had possession of the building and quickly consum ed It During the evening the Belle of New York was performed before an audience of people A HOME CURE It is announced that Dr for has been called to the Senate in succession to the late Sen ator of This means another byceclectlon to the Commons and as Mr Corby MP for West Hastings has tendered his resignation to the Speaker the chances are that writs will be Issued Immediately for Consumptives not Leave Their Owrt Homes t be Cur The System Of Offered yon Ab solutely Free A consideration not to be overlooked elections In J fig Hastings Now that the Opposition men are advising their have named a party leader and Mr indents to go long distances In the hope Borden has got well into the saddle that change of air will do them good A the political scrap among the aspiring nonsense is being said and Conservatives for the position has change of and taken on a decidedly milder form the World could allude to the possibility of Hon Geo Foster be- to decide among coming the party nominee In West different authorities The fact is Hastings without giving him a dab people die of consumption in all climates while the tcte a tete of Sir Mac- recover from too In all climates kenzlcUowcll with one nest of 7tfii traitors recently at the Queens To- fffi would seem to a ftijhed the system of distinctive change of attitude in the disease political relations within the circle Hz to feed on That la the principle of the happy family Of course the You can the Star had a lot fun In back- J booming MP lor Host j J POSITIVELY FREE for the distinguished place honor to which Mr Borden baa chosen but while the question was open one the defeated fiJfSfl1 Minister had no particular dwelling- tor rot place in the thought and consideration ln of the men representing the jngftn cad West Hidings of great County J St Thomas April Rev Geo Mason pastor of the and Baptist Church drop ped dead last night while conducting the marriage service of Leon a farmer and Miss Phoebe Travis of Ouysboro at the brides home in He went with the bride and groom into the to instruct them before the cer emony and alter complimenting the bride tell forward in the grooms arms dying before his wife could reach from the next room NEIGHBORS People will talk and when neighbors get together there Is very likely to be about Dr Chases Oint ment and the surprising cures- it is Directing among sufferers with piles and itching skin diseases It is by word of from friend to friend the fame of this great has the globe It stands today as the only actual and guaranteed cure for every form of bleeding and protruding piles A womans Idea of being nice to another woman Is to kiss her and say Oh how lovely that new hat Is I when she she has bad it a year When things do not go to suit you in your own home the wisest thing for you to do to ask yourself whether it is not your fault TIS EASY TO GOOD Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr Kings New Lite Pills which positively cure Constipation Sick Headache Dizzi ness Jaundice Fever and Ague and all liver and Stomach troubles Purely vegetable never gripe or weaken Only at Leh mans drug WILL EW1E IN GOOD For Sale Cheap tpBA OFFICE For tie Era Winisteit BY A BANKER Hollowed Qut of a small island a few miles from the West Coast of Scotland Is an extensive cavern which in some respects is the most remark able natural cave in Europe the wavebeat island it is seen that it is mainly formed of ag gregations of symmetrically shaped columns moulded by nature in per fect pentagonal figure and standing erect side by- side as if carved and placed by human agency Rach column is doyetafled and locked fa with its fellow with marvellous ac curacy though In most places the vertical columnar shafts are of vary ing height many of them appearing to have been broken in twain In some bygone volcanic disturbance Landing from the boat which has brought the explorer from his yacht Or steamer he has to make his way over the slip pery surface of these basaltic columns passing perhaps on his way a number of garrulous lesser auks and solemn parrotbilled puffins which sit erect in a row on a projecting edge contemplating the often futile efforts of the Intruders upon their solitude to retain their perpen dicular Soon the celebrated cave in Gaelic called by the euphonious name of or the Cave of Music but known as Fin- galls cave bursts full upon the The arched entrance is about feet high and is guarded by buttressed clusters of regularly disposed pillars upon the capitals which rests an enormous body solid rock which forms the spandril or roof this wondrous cathedral of Nature Form erly a segment of a peristyle appar ently existed formed by rows of col umns placed before the imposing en trance of the cave of these however only the basis remains Entering the cavern which from the outside has a gloomy and weird aspect the traveller cautiously treads his way along a narrow footway or gallery leading almost to the ex treme end If the sea be rough the spectacle is one of extreme grandeur and sublimity combined almost with a sense of dread The great ocean waves rolling in with turbulent fren zied impetuosity crash with resound ing thunder against rocky wall and furiously rebounding meet the succeeding advancing billow with de tonating roar and both being shatr tered by the force the impact the angry foam is thrown high to the cav erns- roof while sometimes the two waves appear by some strange means to go thru each other each contin uing its mad course almost unchecked by the passage thru it of the oppos ing breaker The cavern Is now a very temple ot aqueous fury the blasts of the hurricane gusts sweep ing into the semidarkness adding to the fierce turmoil ot the raging con tending waters beneath which curl and boll in a of agitated com motion But if the sea be- calm a very dif ferent scene Is presented Standing on the gallerled edge and looking down Into the waters below the clear emerald green rippling sea appears al most transparent and seemed to have absorbed the suns rays fronv out side lighting up the tracery the slender barred and clustered col umns while beyond the arched and pillared entrance gleams the glorious sunlight reflected like liquid gems from the sparkling wavelets of the everchanging ocean and instead of the roar the elements the rippling waters throbbing In gentle cadence against the naturehewed angular shafts waft along tfte air the sweet est changeful harmony so melodious and so tuneful that the old could well call the place the Cave Music V But when a choir of trained voices peals forth an anthem in this natural waterlocked catedral where Nature herself did raise A minster to her Makers praise truly the and enrapturing and almost remind the entranced listener those glorious songs of praise in which if the record his misdeeds has obliterated In the atoning blood of the Saviour tho world he will in due time have the glad privilege of joining